

Author Commit Date CI Message
Philipp Wiesemann b33d2b73 2014-08-11T22:53:03 Updated README name in header.
Sam Lantinga f1ca7bd1 2014-07-09T01:34:40 Clarified the documentation for SDL_FlushEvents() so people know it only affects currently queued events.
David Ludwig 3dcb451f 2014-04-09T21:29:19 Added a README file regarding WinRT support To note, this file is currently formatted with CRLF line endings, rather than LF, to allow the file to be viewed with Notepad.
Sam Lantinga 26823b1b 2014-03-23T23:09:22 Added an event SDL_RENDER_DEVICE_RESET, which is triggered on Direct3D 11 when the device has been lost and all textures need to be recreated.
Sam Lantinga af0ab490 2014-02-22T14:57:12 Fixed bug 2346 - Mac: mousewheel events have flipped horizontal scroll values Alex Szpakowski On my Mac OS X system (10.9.1), the SDL_MOUSEWHEEL event reports negative X values when my trackpad scrolls to the right, and positive X values when my trackpad scrolls to the left. This is backwards from what I'd expect, and I don't think it matches the Windows wheel events. The vertical scroll values are what I'd expect though, and are consistent what gets reported on Windows (positive Y for scrolling up, negative Y for scrolling down.) This is with "scroll direction: natural" disabled in the OS X trackpad settings (i.e. my scroll direction in non-SDL OS X programs matches what happens in Windows and Linux.) I also tested with the horizontal scroll on a real mouse (Logitech G500 without custom drivers), and the horizontal scroll values in SDL are still flipped. I "solved" the issue for myself by changing this line in the Cocoa_HandleMouseWheel function: float x = [event deltaX]; to this: float x = -[event deltaX]; I believe it should work fine with that change - I found something similar in another codebase while looking online for my issue - but I haven't tested on anything below Mac OS 10.8.
Sam Lantinga ae05f178 2014-02-10T10:02:51 Recreate render target textures when the D3D device is being reset, and notify the application using the SDL_RENDER_TARGETS_RESET event when this happens.
Sam Lantinga 58edac3e 2014-02-02T00:53:27 Fixed bug 2374 - Update copyright for 2014... Is it that time already??
Sam Lantinga 74692835 2013-12-23T12:17:52 Added support for double-clicks, through a new "clicks" field in the mouse button event.
Gabriel Jacobo f848adff 2013-11-29T10:06:08 Improve Android pause/resume behavior.
Gabriel Jacobo 1e49b1ed 2013-08-21T09:47:10 OCD fixes: Adds a space after /* (glory to regular expressions!)
Gabriel Jacobo 695344d1 2013-08-21T09:43:09 OCD fixes: Adds a space before */
Gabriel Jacobo dad42067 2013-08-12T11:13:50 Fixes #2022, do not resume on Android when surfaceChanged If the app is in landscape mode and the user presses the power button, a pause is followed immediately by a surfaceChanged event because the lock screen is shown in portrait mode. This triggers a "false" resume. So, we just pause and resume following the onWindowFocusChanged events. Also, wait for SDL_APP_WILLENTERBACKGROUND and SDL_APP_DIDENTERBACKGROUND before blocking the event pump.
Sam Lantinga 1ad936eb 2013-08-11T19:56:43 Fixed bug 2027 - Full-screen appears to be broken - hang in SDL_DestroyWindow() Rainer Deyke I'm running Linux Mint 15 with the Cinnamon window manager. SDL_DestroyWindow consistently locks up for me when the window if fullscreen.