

Author Commit Date CI Message
Ozkan Sezer 9753b9cc 2018-09-02T23:57:06 CMakeLists.txt: fix typo SDL_SENSORS_DISABLED -> SDL_SENSOR_DISABLED
Ryan C. Gordon df5d565f 2018-08-23T14:32:30 cmake: add sensor subsystem to the build.
Sam Lantinga 7c3040e0 2018-08-21T12:11:34 First pass on the new SDL sensor API
Ethan Lee b4fe7412 2018-08-04T11:52:46 SDL_exp
Ryan C. Gordon 4d4bb2b0 2018-08-02T16:21:43 cmake: use WINDOWS instead of WIN32.
Ozkan Sezer 88577916 2018-07-01T17:01:04 make WASAPI configurable in autofoo and cmake (default is on.) closes bug #3798.
Vitaly Novichkov 3a11bba2 2018-06-29T18:29:17 Remove "lib" prefix from DLL file on MinGW builds closes bug #4209.
Sam Lantinga 5e8c8167 2018-04-15T09:37:51 Fixed bug 4135 - Broken symlink since rev11940 Tiago O. Symlink points to the wrong folder, and target will always have debug postfix, so it'll be broken for other build types.
Bastien Bouclet 9856d967 2018-04-11T06:16:23 Fix the include path in the installed CMake target import file Previously the include path was {INSTALL_PREFIX}/include, it is now {INSTALL_PREFIX}/include/SDL2 to be consistent with the other build and package configuration systems. Fixes #4128.
Saad Khattak 6b5ed0fd 2018-04-10T08:03:54 Added debug postfix to install command and fixed library path
Micha? Janiszewski 0a5c1065 2018-03-10T21:16:14 Fix ARM builds with MSVC
Olli Kallioinen 5cbb90da 2018-02-25T19:22:47 cmake: Set debug library name suffix per target instead of setting it globally. Don't add a suffix on android
Sam Lantinga 6cf4d0e4 2018-02-24T08:59:58 Fixed bug 4092 - CMake support for building everything in the "test" directory Eric Wasylishen Patch to support building the tests with cmake. Disabled by default, use: "cmake .. -DSDL_TEST=YES" to enable the tests. Tested on macOS 10.13 with the ninja, makefile, and Xcode generators, and Windows 10 with the Visual Studio 2017 generator.
Sam Lantinga c329381f 2018-02-07T14:03:24 Description: fix installation of shared library for Android Author: Boris Pek <> Last-Update: 2018-01-10
Ethan Lee 11c348b4 2018-01-17T11:53:09 SDL_log10
Sam Lantinga f1ec8a5f 2017-12-11T12:00:12 Check for immintrin.h before using it in SDL_cpuinfo.h
Ryan C. Gordon 351d6d47 2017-12-06T12:24:32 audio: Port WASAPI to WinRT, remove XAudio2 backend. XAudio2 doesn't have capture support, so WASAPI was to replace it; the holdout was WinRT, which still needed it as its primary audio target until the WASAPI code code be made to work. The support matrix now looks like: WinXP: directsound by default, winmm as a fallback for buggy drivers. Vista+: WASAPI (directsound and winmm as fallbacks for debugging). WinRT: WASAPI
Sam Lantinga 57ebc727 2017-12-04T20:35:01 Fixed bug 3975 - Add GLES2 support for macOS via ANGLE library Andrey Seems latest google angle library successfully built & tested under macOS'es. We need to use GLES2 to implement true cross-platform code.
Sam Lantinga a4b33d74 2017-11-20T00:03:23 Fixed bug 3959 - cmake build broken by commit 11702 (7fdbffd47c0e) due to typo Mate Nagy There is a typo in CMakeLists.txt that makes CMake exit with failure. Change that causes the problem: (Notice the double ending brackets) ${SDL2_SOURCE_DIR}/src/video/*.c) + ${SDL2_SOURCE_DIR}/src/video/yuv2rgb/*.c) Fix: Just remove the first ending bracket resulting in: ${SDL2_SOURCE_DIR}/src/video/*.c ${SDL2_SOURCE_DIR}/src/video/yuv2rgb/*.c)
Sam Lantinga a6a4e27a 2017-11-12T22:51:12 Updated SDL's YUV support, many thanks to Adrien Descamps New functions get and set the YUV colorspace conversion mode: SDL_SetYUVConversionMode() SDL_GetYUVConversionMode() SDL_GetYUVConversionModeForResolution() SDL_ConvertPixels() converts between all supported RGB and YUV formats, with SSE acceleration for converting from planar YUV formats (YV12, NV12, etc) to common RGB/RGBA formats. Added a new test program, testyuv, to verify correctness and speed of YUV conversion functionality.
Sam Lantinga 2c5724ef 2017-11-04T21:58:48 Updated version to 2.0.8 since SDL_image depends on it
Sam Lantinga bcdf8b91 2017-11-04T17:35:03 Added SDL_fmod() and SDL_fmodf()
Sam Lantinga 34502143 2017-11-04T15:34:14 Added float versions of SDL's math functions
Sam Lantinga f658a737 2017-10-15T21:07:01 Fixed bug 3882 - cmake fix for osx Ozkan Sezer In my cross-build environment with cmake-, cmake does not add SDL_coreaudio.m to its makefiles and the result is a failure. The fix is simple: set the language to C for it as it is done at other places in CMakeLists.txt.
Sam Lantinga 9c580e14 2017-10-12T13:44:28 Added functions to query and set the SDL memory allocation functions: SDL_GetMemoryFunctions() SDL_SetMemoryFunctions() SDL_GetNumAllocations()
Sam Lantinga f4cd68a5 2017-10-12T08:47:02 Fixed bug 3866 - CMake error when trying to make the 'uninstall' target when it already exists Steve Robinson In my project, the 'uninstall' target is already created by the glew library. I get this error when SDL2 tries to create it: CMake Error at _build/3rdparty/SDL2/SDL2-2.0.6/CMakeLists.txt:1816 (add_custom_target): add_custom_target cannot create target "uninstall" because another target with the same name already exists. The existing target is a custom target created in source directory "D:/Code/sdl2-tutorial/_build/3rdparty/glew/glew-2.1.0/build/cmake". See documentation for policy CMP0002 for more details. To fix it, go to the bottom of the SDL2 CMakeLists.txt file. Add an if statement to check for the existence of the target before creating it. The end result looks like this: if(NOT TARGET uninstall) configure_file( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/cmake_uninstall.cmake" IMMEDIATE @ONLY) add_custom_target(uninstall COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -P ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/cmake_uninstall.cmake) endif() This is how the glew library deals with this possibility in their CMakeLists.txt file.
Sam Lantinga 0ce23a54 2017-10-12T08:08:04 Updated version to 2.0.7
Sam Lantinga 827e9850 2017-10-06T16:42:43 Fixed bug 3862 - Install is broken when adding SDL2 to an existing CMake project Steve Robinson In my existing CMake project, I use add_subdirectory to add the source for SDL2. This worked fine in 2.0.5, but now in 2.0.6 when I build the INSTALL CMake target, I get this error: file INSTALL cannot find "D:/path/to/SDL2Config.cmake". Call Stack (most recent call first): 3rdparty/SDL2/cmake_install.cmake:32 (include) 3rdparty/cmake_install.cmake:36 (include) cmake_install.cmake:32 (include) To fix this, I changed line 1770 from this: ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/SDL2Config.cmake To this: ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/SDL2Config.cmake
Sam Lantinga 260db92c 2017-09-22T16:33:34 Added stub Steam Controller sources to Android and iOS command line builds
Sam Lantinga 2cdb9674 2017-09-10T10:25:36 Fixed the include path for khronos with Visual Studio
Sam Lantinga f465f24d 2017-09-09T08:36:37 Fixed bug 3760 - RWops doesn't check for integer overflow when stdio_fseek only supports 32 bits Simon Hug When RWops seeks with fseek or fseeko it uses the types long or off_t which can be 32 bits on some platforms. stdio_seek does not check if the 64-bit integer for the offset fits into a 32-bit integer. Offsets equal or larger than 2 GiB will have implementation-defined behavior and failure states would be very confusing to debug. The attached patch adds range checking by using the macros from limits.h for long type and some bit shifting for off_t because POSIX couldn't be bothered to specify min and max macros. It also defines HAVE_FSEEKI64 in SDL_config_windows.h so that the Windows function gets picked up automatically with the default config. And there's an additional error message for when ftell fails.
Sam Lantinga 347fe704 2017-08-30T14:25:01 Fixed bug 3789 - Android : small clean up Sylvain Since SDL_android_main.c is empty and then produce a warning nativeInit does not exist and dont need to be mark undefined
Sam Lantinga e53c5c5c 2017-08-30T00:40:06 Fix QNX build - prioritize system EGL headers over the Khronos ones
Sam Lantinga 92bf6085 2017-08-29T22:04:43 Fixed bug 3616 - SDL_GL_CreateContext fails with SDL_GL_CONTEXT_DEBUG_FLAG and ANGLE/GLES 2.0 Colin Barrett Using the pre-built x86 devel libs from here: If I have: SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK, SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_ES); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION, 2); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION, 0); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_CONTEXT_FLAGS, SDL_GL_CONTEXT_DEBUG_FLAG); and I'm using ANGLE/(a GL driver that doesn't provide an ES2 context) such that SDL_EGL_CreateContext is called by SDL_GL_CreateContext, I get the error "Could not create EGL context (context attributes are not supported)" and no context is created. Looking at the code in SDL_EGL_CreateContext - if gl_config.flags is non-zero, it looks like the code in the section guarded with "#ifdef EGL_KHR_create_context" should be executed - but it apparently isn't. Is it possible this section hasn't been compiled into the pre-built libraries? If I build SDL2.dll myself using the Visual C++ solution (VS2015 Community Update 3) then the call succeeds as I expect
Sam Lantinga c0530bcd 2017-08-28T22:42:41 We removed QuartzCore link dependency in commit 5be6badaf7e1
Sam Lantinga ce2b1644 2017-08-28T00:11:38 Be clear that disabling Vulkan surface support disables the entire SDL Vulkan integration
Sam Lantinga ea91908e 2017-08-27T23:39:38 Fixed Android ABI check to match vulkan/vk_platform.h
Ryan C. Gordon c722e58d 2017-08-27T23:25:12 vulkan: Include a copy of vulkan.h and vk_platform.h. Now we can provide Vulkan support in the build even if the build box doesn't have a Vulkan SDK, since we dynamically link to the library anyhow.
Ryan C. Gordon 25e3a1ec 2017-08-27T22:15:57 vulkan: Initial Vulkan support! This work was done by Jacob Lifshay and Mark Callow; I'm just merging it into revision control.
Sam Lantinga 5ca01522 2017-08-26T21:17:12 Fixed bug 3774 - Cmake build fails for Android sfalexrog Android haptic code was not added to CMakeLists.txt, leading to build failures when targeting Android platform. Attached patch adds Android haptic driver to source sets and adds configuration parameter to SDL_config.h.cmake.
Sam Lantinga f807655b 2017-08-21T11:25:04 Fixed bug 3761 - Windows non-MinGW cmake build defines HAVE_WCSLCPY and HAVE_WCSLCAT Tom Seddon (git head at the time of writing); Visual Studio 2015, toolset v140, Platform 10.0.14393.0, building for x64 Windows non-MinGW cmake build sets defines implying wcslcpy and wcslcat are available, but Windows doesn't have these functions. Ryan C. Gordon That's weird, these are the exact two functions that Emscripten incorrectly believed it had until we upgraded the buildbot's emsdk install. Not sure what's up with this, but it's possibly not a MingW-specific thing!
Sam Lantinga a78c20ae 2017-08-21T11:17:38 configury: check mmdeviceapi.h and audioclient.h before enabling wasapi.
Sam Lantinga 2dc5d32f 2017-08-18T18:16:37 Updated version to 2.0.6
Ryan C. Gordon 5c4a45f1 2017-08-18T20:25:14 cmake: some iOS fixes (don't link to Cocoa or Carbon frameworks). Fixes Bugzilla #3625.
Ryan C. Gordon f4011bf0 2017-08-18T20:00:29 cmake: added a FIXME for later. Have to figure out what cmake version fixed this and bump the minimum to that.
Ryan C. Gordon f75caa2f 2017-08-18T18:52:25 cmake: Fix building for macOS with Xcode generator (thanks, dungaipara!). Fixes Bugzilla #3625.
Ryan C. Gordon 47beda97 2017-08-17T15:44:47 cmake: add core/unix sources to the build. Fixes Bugzilla #3757.
Sam Lantinga fb835f9e 2017-08-14T20:22:19 Fixed bug 2330 - Debian bug report: SDL2 X11 driver buffer overflow with large X11 file descriptor manuel.montezelo Original bug report (note that it was against 2.0.0, it might have been fixed in between): -------------------------------------------------------- Package: libsdl2-2.0-0 Version: 2.0.0+dfsg1-3 Severity: normal Tags: patch I have occasional crashes here caused by the X11 backend of SDL2. It seems to be caused by the X11_Pending function trying to add a high number (> 1024) file descriptor to a fd_set before doing a select on it to avoid busy waiting on X11 events. This causes a buffer overflow because the file descriptor is larger (or equal) than the limit FD_SETSIZE. Attached is a possible workaround patch. Please also keep in mind that fd_set are also used in following files which may have similar problems. src/audio/bsd/SDL_bsdaudio.c src/audio/paudio/SDL_paudio.c src/audio/qsa/SDL_qsa_audio.c src/audio/sun/SDL_sunaudio.c src/joystick/linux/SDL_sysjoystick.c -------------------------------------------------------- On Tuesday 24 December 2013 00:43:13 Sven Eckelmann wrote: > I have occasional crashes here caused by the X11 backend of SDL2. It seems > to be caused by the X11_Pending function trying to add a high number (> > 1024) file descriptor to a fd_set before doing a select on it to avoid busy > waiting on X11 events. This causes a buffer overflow because the file > descriptor is larger (or equal) than the limit FD_SETSIZE. I personally experienced this problem while hacking on the python bindings package for SDL2 [1] (while doing make runtest). But it easier to reproduce in a smaller, synthetic testcase.
Sam Lantinga f8de064c 2017-08-13T22:26:44 Added wchar.h to fix build on some platforms with new wcs* functions
Sam Lantinga f1829d95 2017-08-13T20:37:49 Added SDL_wcscmp()
Sam Lantinga 75d5f343 2017-08-11T21:17:10 Forgot to add function check for fopen64 to CMake build
Ryan C. Gordon 73c6cebb 2017-08-09T22:43:16 cmake: Pacify warning about Policy CMP0042 not being set.
Sam Lantinga 496337b3 2017-08-09T19:03:10 Fixed bug 3651 - CMake build does not install CMake package configuration Most ironically, although autoconf/automake-based builds install (pretty half-assed) CMake package configuration files, they're missing in installations resulting from CMake-based builds entirely. A proper configuration file typically also loads target exports (implemented in patch 3572, also fixing this issue - see my comment on that issue for details). I believe it would be best to let the dinosaurs go extinct and redirect all build efforts to the CMake end for two reasons: 1. It potentially provides the best user experience, but you'd have to give it some love and ship with less quirky buildfiles. 2. It would force distros to build SDL via CMake and thus would ensure target exports are actually available everywhere. Various CMake patches I submitted today in summary (directly converted from the HG commits and `am`d onto a fork of a git mirror that happened to be on `tip`). Fixing #2576 #3572, #3613, and this fresh ticket, which is almost entirely advertisement ;). These already do to make SDL much less of a quirky fella to have in your dependency tree...
Sam Lantinga 56363ebf 2017-08-02T10:22:48 Fixed bug 3690 - SDL2 KMS/DRM render context support Manuel The attached patch adds support for KMS/DRM context graphics. It builds with no problem on X86_64 GNU/Linux systems, provided the needed libraries are present, and on ARM GNU/Linux systems that have KMS/DRM support and a GLES2 implementation. Tested on Raspberry Pi: KMS/DRM is what the Raspberry Pi will use as default in the near future, once the propietary DispmanX API by Broadcom is overtaken by open graphics stack, it's possible to boot current Raspbian system in KMS mode by adding "dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d" to config.txt on Raspbian's boot partition. X86 systems use KMS right away in every current GNU/Linux system. Simple build instructions: $./ $./configure --enable-video-kmsdrm $make
Sam Lantinga 3c09265d 2017-07-10T18:31:28 Fixed bug 3609 - Windows build fails due to conflicting types for 'XINPUT_GAMEPAD_EX' Ozkan Sezer (In reply to Ryan C. Gordon from comment #9) > I've put this patch in as ...can > you verify this works on the latest MinGW? > > Thanks, > --ryan. This patch is wrong: the structure in question has nothing to do with any gcc version in use. I suggest reverting this adding a conigury check for it, instead. Something like the following should do it: (configure needs regenerating.)
Sam Lantinga c1cd93e5 2017-06-12T16:35:34 Fixed bug 3670 - CMake IOS haptic error
Ryan C. Gordon e5f4a71f 2017-06-11T16:00:45 cmake: iOS haptic section was referencing power source code (thanks, Martin!). Fixes Bugzilla #3670.
Olli Kallioinen 2b5a5c51 2017-06-08T22:07:55 Android build fixes -Enabling checking for GCC_ATOMICS also on clang by default. This way all Android ABIs build successfully -Android cmake: Threading was not enabled correctly -Android cmake: Timers and dynamic lib loading were not included in the sources
Ryan C. Gordon d9039f23 2017-06-08T13:27:58 jack: Initial shot at a JACK audio target. Fixes Bugzilla #2163. (with several more commits following to improve this code.)
Ryan C. Gordon dc8a22cd 2017-06-06T13:39:29 cmake: don't use /NODEFAULTLIB if we are using the C runtime (thanks, Rob!). Fixes Bugzilla #3640.
Olli Kallioinen 11289b76 2017-06-04T21:25:57 Android cmake build fixed to work with the official android gradle plugin
Ryan C. Gordon a7fc2822 2017-05-24T19:56:59 audio: rename bsd target to netbsd. Apparently this is no longer a generic BSD audio target, and hasn't been for years, so rename it for NetBSD.
Ryan C. Gordon 0e7530b0 2017-02-23T22:38:04 cmake: add WASAPI audio target to the build (thanks, Martin!). Fixes Bugzilla #3588.
Ryan C. Gordon 5ea0c893 2017-01-24T12:20:41 CMake: fixed logic error in setting -mfpmath=387. Fixes Bugzilla #3565.
Ryan C. Gordon 3594bf8e 2017-01-23T01:05:44 audio: Wired up new SSE code to build system.
Sam Lantinga df25258a 2017-01-06T20:43:53 Added configure and cmake support for libsamplerate
Ryan C. Gordon 35430a73 2016-11-17T01:15:16 cpuinfo: first attempt at SDL_HasNEON() implementation.
Sam Lantinga f3502c3c 2016-10-14T01:04:21 Fixed building with cmake when fcitx isn't installed
Sam Lantinga 34eebfba 2016-10-03T03:42:10 Fixed setting the version info in the shared library when using CMake Ray Molenkamp When building sdl as shared lib, the version info is lacking in the final binary. CMake gathers the right resource files into ${VERSION_SOURCES} but then doesn't do anything with them.
Sam Lantinga c9be93c6 2016-10-01T15:11:18 Fixed bug 3078 - cmake: fix sdl2.m4 install location on cross hosts Timo Gurr On cross hosts running autotools for SDL2_gfx-1.0.1 fails to find sdl2.m4: eautoreconf: running in /var/tmp/paludis/build/media-libs-SDL2_gfx-1.0.1/work/SDL2_gfx-1.0.1 ... aclocal aclocal-1.13: warning: autoconf input should be named '', not '' warning: macro 'AM_PATH_SDL2' not found in library libtoolize --copy --force --automake aclocal aclocal-1.13: warning: autoconf input should be named '', not '' warning: macro 'AM_PATH_SDL2' not found in library autoconf error: possibly undefined macro: AM_PATH_SDL2 If this token and others are legitimate, please use m4_pattern_allow. See the Autoconf documentation. * Failed Running autoconf ! SDL2 installs it to /usr/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/share/aclocal on cross hosts, attached patch makes use of CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_DATAROOTDIR to support correctly installing to the arch independent location /usr/share/aclocal.
Alex Szpakowski 571f4ce8 2016-10-01T17:05:29 Fix CMake setting an incorrect video backend on iOS
Sam Lantinga 671f2a49 2016-10-01T12:54:48 Fixed bug 3268 - CMAKE: ios fixes Martin Gerhardy ios is not properly handled in the cmake file. this patch is a start to do so - it properly builds for me with it.
Sam Lantinga bb24662c 2016-10-01T12:48:08 Fixed bug 3301 - IBus support on Linux with CMake joe.gsoc16 I recently looked into Unicode support in SDL2 and realized that SDL_TEXTEDITING doesn't get triggered at all (Japanese IME). According to others on IRC it works fine on Windows/Mac but not for me on (arch)Linux. When compiling SDL with autotools, IBus support is enabled by default but not so with CMake. I never used CMake before but got it working and also included that pkg-config determines flags for dbus (FIXME in CMakeLists).
Sam Lantinga e45698d2 2016-09-28T22:24:01 Updated version to 2.0.5 in preparation for release
Sam Lantinga e5070d20 2016-09-15T08:57:56 Fixed set of libraries needed to build on Mac OS X
Sam Lantinga 93d42e2d 2016-09-15T08:46:14 Hopefully fixed the cmake build on Mac OS X
Jukka Jyl?nki 264e996e 2016-09-13T00:03:50 Fix CMake CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS handling to preserve existing CMake flags required by Emscripten toolchain.
Charlie Birks 42feccea 2016-09-13T00:03:40 Include timers when using cmake (#29)
Ryan C. Gordon 6188c334 2016-09-04T01:42:46 mac: Patched to compile with CMake project.
Alex Szpakowski 2c3bf665 2016-03-18T22:15:53 Windows CMake: don't try to link dxguid, it's unavailable when using Visual Studio's XP-compatible toolset.
Sam Lantinga e5d575b9 2016-01-16T21:58:49 Expose the EGL display and window for Vivante SDL windows
Ryan C. Gordon 1615b2e2 2016-01-08T07:32:51 CMake: only set "-O3 -g" defaults if CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE wasn't set at all.
Sam Lantinga 757e994e 2016-01-07T17:21:50 Fixed --enable-new-dtags check with cmake
Sam Lantinga dc5f05bb 2016-01-07T16:42:30 Use --enable-new-dtags to set RUNPATH rather than RPATH so that LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not overridden by the application.
Ryan C. Gordon bb1e2bd0 2016-01-05T05:44:32 CMake: Turned off Mac OS X rpath warning kludge. Apparently CMake errors out if it doesn't know this policy, and we don't otherwise require CMake 3.0 yet. Sigh.
Ryan C. Gordon e6e62bee 2016-01-05T01:26:32 CMake: Let static libraries optionally be built with Position Independent Code.
Ryan C. Gordon 008a6abd 2016-01-05T01:25:54 CMake: use the old MACOSX_RPATH behavior (for now), silence the warning.
Ryan C. Gordon 1373e890 2016-01-04T22:58:38 Try to build with GCC's -Wdeclaration-after-statement. This will help catch things that'll cause issues on C89 compilers before we send them on to fail on Buildbot.
Ryan C. Gordon 1240f8e0 2016-01-03T20:52:44 CMake: Don't make a symlink on Mac OS X (do .dylib instead).
Alex Szpakowski b0d8dfcd 2015-12-31T15:26:40 CMake: Fixed building for Windows with VS2015 (bug #3080). - Don't try to link with the Visual C runtime. - Avoid code generation that would use functions from the VC runtime.
Ryan C. Gordon 61518bce 2015-12-29T00:57:24 CMake: Changes to get CMake project to work with Android (thanks, Martin!). Fixes Bugzilla #3194. (but note that Bugzilla #3200 still needs to be resolved to get this really going on Android, at a minimum.)
Ryan C. Gordon 7e679ed2 2015-12-29T00:36:03 CMake: fixed a failure to reset CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS (thanks, Martin!). This would break Emscripten builds with the CMake project files (etc). Fixes Bugzilla #3197.
Ryan C. Gordon c9927bbb 2015-12-29T00:24:37 CMake: don't try to use the Linux joystick code on Android (thanks, Martin!). Fixes Bugzilla #3201.
Ryan C. Gordon 7ca3b270 2015-12-29T00:02:43 CMake: Fixed to work on Windows 8 SDK (thanks, Martin!). Fixes Bugzilla #3207.
Alex Szpakowski 42f282cc 2015-08-28T19:10:46 Fix bug 3081: CMake configuration auto-disables OpenGL ES support on Windows. Thanks to EntranceJew for the patch.
Alex Szpakowski d154e6c6 2015-08-28T19:05:24 Fixed bug 3098: CMake project never enables xinput support on Windows. Thanks to EntranceJew for debugging the issue.
Philipp Wiesemann 0e45984f 2015-06-21T17:33:46 Fixed crash if initialization of EGL failed but was tried again later. The internal function SDL_EGL_LoadLibrary() did not delete and remove a mostly uninitialized data structure if loading the library first failed. A later try to use EGL then skipped initialization and assumed it was previously successful because the data structure now already existed. This led to at least one crash in the internal function SDL_EGL_ChooseConfig() because a NULL pointer was dereferenced to make a call to eglBindAPI().
Ryan C. Gordon 3a84f7b5 2015-06-18T22:34:39 CMake fixes for MingW (thanks, Ozkan!). - ignore DXSDK_DIR for mingw environment - use dxerr8 instead of dxerr for mingw. Partially fixes Bugzilla #3016.
Sam Lantinga aee05522 2015-06-13T10:47:55 Fixed bug 3009 - Cannot compile SDL2 on Windows CMakeLists.txt was missing handling for running CMake with -DDIRECTX=0
Ryan C. Gordon f5dce3c6 2015-06-07T20:15:09 CMake: default to shared library builds being enabled.