

Author Commit Date CI Message
Sam Lantinga f8e1874d 2017-08-13T22:50:23 Fixed bug 2646 - Problems with software renderer when SDL_SetRenderLogicalSize set Fixed setting the software renderer clip rectangle when a viewport is set
Sam Lantinga 6de66e98 2017-08-11T11:54:24 Fixed bug 3324 - SDL_RenderReadPixels: Wrong rect coordinates with software renderer Daniel SDL_RenderReadPixels with SDL_RENDERER_SOFTWARE reads pixels from wrong coordinates. SW_RenderReadPixels adjusts the rect coordinates according to the viewport. But since this is already done by SDL_RenderReadPixels, the final rect has x2 bigger X and Y.
Sam Lantinga 45b774e3 2017-01-01T18:33:28 Updated copyright for 2017
Sam Lantinga ab8bd3d9 2016-11-15T01:12:27 Fixed bug 3359 - Software renderer does incorrect blending with SDL_RenderCopyEx Simon Hug The software renderer produces incorrect results when blending textures at an angle with certain blend modes. It seems that there were some edge cases that weren't considered when the SW_RenderCopyEx function was last changed. Or another bug possibly covered up the problem. (More on that in another bug report.) Most of the issues come from the fact that the rotating function sets a black colorkey. This is problematic because black is most likely appearing in the surface and the final blit will ignore these pixels. Unless a colorkey is already set (the software renderer currently never sets one), it's very hard to find a free color. Of course it could scan over the whole image until one is found, but that seems inefficient. The following blend modes have issues when drawn at an angle. NONE: The black pixels get ignored, making them essentially transparent. This breaks the 'dstRGBA = srcRGBA' definition of the NONE blend mode. MOD: Again, the black pixels get ignored. This also breaks the 'dstRGB = dstRGB * srcRGB' definition of the MOD blend mode, where black pixels would make the destination black as well. A white colorkey will work though, with some preparations. BLEND: There are some issues when blending a texture with a translucent RGBA target texture. I - uh - forgot what the problem here exactly is. This patch fixes the issues mentioned above. It mainly changes the code so it tries to do things without the colorkey and removes the automatic format conversion part from the SDLgfx_rotateSurface function. Getting the format right is something the caller has to do now and the required code has been added to the SW_RenderCopyEx function. There's a small change to the SW_CreateTexture function. RLE encoding a surface with an alpha mask can be a lossy process. Depending on how the user uses the RGBA channels, this may be undesired. The change that surfaces with an alpha mask don't get encoded makes the software renderer consistent with the other renderers. The SW_RenderCopyEx function now does these steps: Lock the source surface if necessary. Create a clone of the source by using the pixel buffer directly. Check the format and set a flag if a conversion is necessary. Check if scaling or cropping is necessary and set the flag for that as well. Check if color and alpha modulation has to be done before the rotate. Check if the source is an opaque surface. If not, it creates a mask surface that is necessary for the NONE blend mode. If any of the flags were set, a new surface is created and the source will be converted, scaled, cropped, and modulated. The rest of the function stays somewhat the same. The mask also needs to be rotated of course and then there is the NONE blend mode... It's surprisingly hard to get the pixel from a rotated surface to the destination buffer without affecting the pixel outside the rotated area. I found a way to do this with three blits which is pretty hard on the performance. Perhaps someone has an idea how to do this faster? As mentioned above, the SDLgfx_rotateSurface now only takes 8-bit paletted or 32-bit with alpha mask surfaces. It additionally sets the new surfaces up for the MOD blend mode. I shortly tested the 8-bit path of SDLgfx_rotateSurface and it seemed to work so far. This path is not used by the software renderer anyway.
Sam Lantinga 9c483655 2016-10-07T18:00:30 Fixed bug 3029 - software renderer cuts off edges when rotate-blitting with a multiple of 90 degrees Adam M. When doing a rotated texture copy with the software renderer, where the angle is a multiple of 90 degrees, one or two edges of the image get cut off. This is because of the following line in sw_rotate.c: if ((unsigned)dx < (unsigned)sw && (unsigned)dy < (unsigned)sh) { which is effectively saying: if (dx >= 0 && dx < src->w-1 && dy >= 0 && dy < src->h-1) { As a result, it doesn't process pixels in the right column or bottom row of the source image (except when they're accessed as part of the bilinear filtering for nearby pixels). This causes it to look like the edges are cut off, and it's especially obvious with an exact multiple of 90 degrees.
Sam Lantinga 42065e78 2016-01-02T10:10:34 Updated copyright to 2016
Philipp Wiesemann 0e45984f 2015-06-21T17:33:46 Fixed crash if initialization of EGL failed but was tried again later. The internal function SDL_EGL_LoadLibrary() did not delete and remove a mostly uninitialized data structure if loading the library first failed. A later try to use EGL then skipped initialization and assumed it was previously successful because the data structure now already existed. This led to at least one crash in the internal function SDL_EGL_ChooseConfig() because a NULL pointer was dereferenced to make a call to eglBindAPI().
Sam Lantinga b7ede6cc 2015-06-19T23:20:43 Fixed bug 1550 - SDL_RenderCopy/CopyEx in software should optionally render 8bit alpha Adam M. There are three problems in the code that I see. 1. SW_RenderCopyEx enables a color key on surface_scaled even if the source surface didn't have a color key. 2. SW_RenderCopyEx doesn't copy blend mode, color mod, or alpha mod from src to surface_scaled. 3. When SDL_BlitScaled(src, srcrect, surface_scaled, &tmp_rect) is called, it blends the src pixels into surface_scaled instead of overwriting them (if src has blending, etc. enabled). I've attached a patch that 1) fixes the three problems that I mentioned, 2) adds the requested performance improvement of using the regular blit function if no rotation or flipping is needed, 3) avoids cloning the source surface if no stretching is required, and simplifies the rotation code slightly.
Sam Lantinga 82ae4f6f 2015-06-19T22:12:47 [mq]: 3027_rleperf.diff
Sam Lantinga 2c4a6ea0 2015-05-26T06:27:46 Updated the copyright year to 2015
Ryan C. Gordon b72938c8 2015-04-20T12:22:44 Windows: Always set the system timer resolution to 1ms by default. An existing hint lets apps that don't need the timer resolution changed avoid this, to save battery, etc, but this fixes several problems in timing, audio callbacks not firing fast enough, etc. Fixes Bugzilla #2944.
Alex Szpakowski fe6c797c 2015-04-10T23:30:31 Fixed an iOS view orientation issue when SDL_GL_CreateContext or SDL_CreateRenderer is called.
Edward Rudd b88ca1b4 2015-02-10T16:28:56 the last parameter of XChangeProperty is the number of elements.. and when the element format is 32.. the element is "long" so we have 5 long elements here. Yes this seems confusing as on mac+linux Long is either 32 or 64bits depending on the architecture, but this is how the X11 protocol is defined. Thus 5 is the correct value for the nelts here. Not 5 or 10 depending on the architecture. More info on the confusion
Philipp Wiesemann b48e54aa 2015-01-26T22:00:29 Fixed bug 2802 - [patch] Fix android build compiling in wrong filesystem implementation Jonas Kulla The configure script didn't differentiate between Linux and Android, unconditionally compiling in the unix implementation of SDL_sysfilesystem.c. I'm probably one of the very few people building SDL for android using classic configure + standalone toolchain, so this has gone undetected all along.
David Ludwig 70438be2 2014-12-03T10:55:23 WinRT: fixed bug whereby SDL would override an app's default orientation WinRT apps can set a default, preferred orientation via a .appxmanifest file. SDL was overriding this on app startup, and making the app use all possible orientations (landscape and portrait). Thanks to Eric Wing for the heads up on this!
Philipp Wiesemann 9c398852 2014-11-22T22:20:40 Corrected header file documentation comment.
Pierre-Loup A. Griffais 24c86b55 2014-09-11T19:24:42 [X11] Reconcile logical keyboard state with physical state on FocusIn since the window system doesn't do it for us like other platforms. This prevents sticky keys and missed keys when going in and out of focus, for example Alt would appear to stick if switching away from an SDL app with Alt-Tab and had to be pressed again. CR: Sam
Sam Lantinga 96b613ea 2014-07-13T09:04:55 Fixed bug 2640 - Unable to SDL_SetRenderTarget to original surface for software renderer without a window Damian Kaczmarek Basically this bug is probably not a common use case. My goal is to allow rendering totally without a window, for example to a screenshot and I need to rely on SDL_SetRenderTarget to properly work for a purely software renderer created by SDL_CreateSoftwareRenderer.
Sam Lantinga 1b3d4e6d 2014-06-22T09:42:43 565 textures have higher priority than 555 textures
Sam Lantinga 5df11f8a 2014-06-21T21:46:42 Made SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888 the default texture format for consistency across renderer implementations.
J?rgen P. Tjern? defd90b6 2014-04-19T13:15:41 Render: Allow empty cliprect. This fixes an issue where an empty cliprect is treated the same as a NULL cliprect, causing the render backends to disable clipping. Also adds a new API, SDL_RenderIsClipEnabled(render) that allows you to differentiate between: - SDL_RenderSetClipRect(render, NULL) - SDL_Rect r = {0,0,0,0}; SDL_RenderSetClipRect(render, &r); Fixes
David Ludwig 3dcb451f 2014-04-09T21:29:19 Added a README file regarding WinRT support To note, this file is currently formatted with CRLF line endings, rather than LF, to allow the file to be viewed with Notepad.
Sam Lantinga 58edac3e 2014-02-02T00:53:27 Fixed bug 2374 - Update copyright for 2014... Is it that time already??
Gabriel Jacobo f848adff 2013-11-29T10:06:08 Improve Android pause/resume behavior.
Ryan C. Gordon 7e1289af 2013-11-24T23:56:17 Make internal SDL sources include SDL_internal.h instead of SDL_config.h The new header will include SDL_config.h, but allows for other global stuff.
Sam Lantinga 4ca34ad4 2013-10-20T21:34:38 Prevent conflicts when linking both SDL2 and SDL2_gfx
Sam Lantinga f79fc33a 2013-08-29T08:29:21 Christoph Mallon: Remove pointless if (x) before SDL_free(x)
Gabriel Jacobo dad42067 2013-08-12T11:13:50 Fixes #2022, do not resume on Android when surfaceChanged If the app is in landscape mode and the user presses the power button, a pause is followed immediately by a surfaceChanged event because the lock screen is shown in portrait mode. This triggers a "false" resume. So, we just pause and resume following the onWindowFocusChanged events. Also, wait for SDL_APP_WILLENTERBACKGROUND and SDL_APP_DIDENTERBACKGROUND before blocking the event pump.
Sam Lantinga 1ad936eb 2013-08-11T19:56:43 Fixed bug 2027 - Full-screen appears to be broken - hang in SDL_DestroyWindow() Rainer Deyke I'm running Linux Mint 15 with the Cinnamon window manager. SDL_DestroyWindow consistently locks up for me when the window if fullscreen.