"Hello, world !"

Welcome to this instance of kmxgit .

Anyone can register and create public and private Git repositories.

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  • SSH keys fingerprint
  • 1024 SHA256:XCZLwzJtGSk1+H65Z2gBKp7SUezH3fEW8knzkvoBm/4 root@git.kmx.io (DSA)
     256 SHA256:Js4QV6LbverEFDM5Y5iu5nVmw59OpQ6B6Q4l9RLyv8s root@git.kmx.io (ECDSA)
     256 SHA256:g1tAJZa0Z30sPQA+OKK3H75Gox8du2Tu3IhzFGZjkCA root@git.kmx.io (ED25519)
    3072 SHA256:8F/tgWRqIi6ZzFyQVG3366Nqemg4BbA2wNPqBNKZCAw root@git.kmx.io (RSA)


Install git

  • Clone repository user/path/to/repo if repo does not exist :
  • git clone git@git.kmx.io:user/path/to/repo.git
    cd repo

  • Change branch :
  • git branch master

  • Pull changes from remote :
  • git pull

  • Add local changes to next commit :
  • git add README.md static/index.html

  • Commit :
  • git commit -m "a short and descriptive message"

  • Push changes to remote :
  • git push

  • Or if your local repo already exists, add remote to existing repo :
  • git remote add kmx git@git.kmx.io:user/path/to/repo.git

  • Push to new remote :
  • git push -u kmx master

Get the git url at https://git.kmx.io/user/path/to/repo


If you need more help with git, please see :

  • Stats

  • Users 21
    Organisations 21
    Repositories 170