Commit 493a9f7b6c106a5e73486fc2534fc7456cc64663

Thomas de Grivel 2013-11-27T13:31:01

Make STR use a generic function ATOM-STR to convert atoms to string using WALK-STR. This allows for a really dry implementation of WRITE-STR.

diff --git a/package.lisp b/package.lisp
index 0c9c183..fb24842 100644
--- a/package.lisp
+++ b/package.lisp
@@ -22,7 +22,9 @@
   (:nicknames :L>uri)
   (:use :cl :alexandria)
-   #:str #:rope-merge #:rope-nmerge #:write-rope #:case-char
+   #:str #:atom-str #:walk-str #:write-str
+   #:rope-merge #:rope-nmerge #:write-rope
+   #:case-char
    #:uri-template #:uri-template-expand
diff --git a/str.lisp b/str.lisp
index d20b2e2..b788be8 100644
--- a/str.lisp
+++ b/str.lisp
@@ -79,20 +79,39 @@
     (iter rope))
-(defun str (&rest objects)
-  (cond ((endp objects)
-	 (str ""))
-	((= 1 (length objects))
-	 (let ((obj (first objects)))
-	   (typecase obj
-	     (null "")
-	     (symbol (str (string-downcase (symbol-name obj))))
-	     (string obj)
-	     (pathname (format nil "~A" obj))
-	     (t (string obj)))))
-	(t
-	 (apply #'concatenate 'string
-		(mapcar 'str objects)))))
+;;  STR
+(defgeneric atom-str (x))
+(defmethod atom-str (x)
+  (string x))
+(defmethod atom-str ((x null))
+  "")
+(defmethod atom-str ((x symbol))
+  (string-downcase (symbol-name x)))
+(defmethod atom-str ((x string))
+  x)
+(defmethod atom-str ((x pathname))
+  (namestring x))
+(defmethod atom-str ((x integer))
+  (format nil "~D" x))
+(defun walk-str (fn str)
+  (labels ((walk (x)
+	     (if (typep x 'sequence)
+		 (map nil #'walk x)
+		 (funcall fn (atom-str x)))))
+    (walk str)))
+(defun str (&rest parts)
+  (with-output-to-string (s)
+    (walk-str (lambda (x) (write-string x s))
+	      parts)))
 (define-compiler-macro str (&whole form &rest parts)
   (let ((merged (rope-merge parts)))
@@ -100,6 +119,24 @@
 	`(str ,@merged))))
+(defun write-str (stream &rest parts)
+  (walk-str (lambda (x) (write-string x stream))
+	    parts))
+(defgeneric to-str (x))
+(defmethod to-str (x)
+  (atom-str x))
+(defmethod to-str ((x sequence))
+  (with-output-to-string (out)
+    (labels ((str<< (y)
+	       (if (typep y 'sequence)
+		   (map nil #'str<< y)
+		   (write-string (atom-str y) out))))
+      (str<< x))))
 (defun write-rope (rope &optional (stream *standard-output*))
   (dolist (x rope)
     (write-string x stream)))