Commit f29a15ed50f6b3d535b52975865ea0043da64b52

Thomas de Grivel 2014-01-06T03:05:11

Allow URI templates to work with extended unreserved characters.

diff --git a/uri-template.lisp b/uri-template.lisp
index 4c230f7..5421c5f 100644
--- a/uri-template.lisp
+++ b/uri-template.lisp
@@ -237,36 +237,52 @@ URI-TEMPLATE."
 	(subseq s 0 n))))
-(defgeneric expand-value (x)
-  (:documentation "Prints the expansion of X to *STANDARD-OUTPUT*"))
-(defmethod expand-value ((x t))
-  (with-output-to-string (out)
-    (princ x out)))
+(defgeneric expand-value (thing)
+  (:documentation "Returns the expansion of THING as a string."))
 (defmethod expand-value ((x null))
 (defmethod expand-value ((x string))
-  x)
+  (%-encode x nil (if *op* #'uri-char-p #'unreserved-char-p)))
 (defun expand-alist (alist separator assoc stream)
-  (unless (endp alist)
-    (princ (caar alist) stream)
-    (princ assoc stream)
-    (princ (cdar alist) stream)
-    (dolist (a (cdr alist))
-      (princ separator stream)
-      (princ (car a) stream)
-      (princ assoc stream)
-      (princ (cdr a) stream))))
+  (labels ((eat (l)
+	     (unless (endp l)
+	       (destructuring-bind (key . value) (first l)
+		 (let ((expanded (expand-value value)))
+		   (unless (emptyp expanded)
+		     (write-char separator stream)
+		     (write-string key stream)
+		     (write-char assoc stream)
+		     (write-string expanded stream))))
+	       (eat (rest l))))
+	   (eat-first (l)
+	     (unless (endp l)
+	       (destructuring-bind (key . value) (first l)
+		 (let ((expanded (expand-value value)))
+		   (cond ((emptyp expanded) (eat-first (rest l)))
+			 (:otherwise (write-string key stream)
+				     (write-char assoc stream)
+				     (write-string expanded stream)
+				     (eat (rest l)))))))))
+    (eat-first alist)))
 (defun expand-list (list separator stream)
-  (unless (endp list)
-    (princ (car list) stream)
-    (dolist (a (cdr list))
-      (princ separator stream)
-      (princ a stream))))
+  (labels ((eat (l)
+	     (unless (endp l)
+	       (let ((expanded (expand-value (first l))))
+		 (unless (emptyp expanded)
+		   (write-char separator stream)
+		   (write-string expanded stream)))
+	       (eat (rest l))))
+	   (eat-first (l)
+	     (unless (endp l)
+	       (let ((expanded (expand-value (first l))))
+		 (cond ((emptyp expanded) (eat-first (rest l)))
+		       (:otherwise (write-string expanded stream)
+				   (eat (rest l))))))))
+    (eat-first list)))
 (defmethod expand-value ((x cons))
   (with-output-to-string (o)
@@ -280,10 +296,11 @@ URI-TEMPLATE."
      (do-uri-template template
        :string (lambda (x) `(write-string ,x ,stream-var))
-       :op (lambda (op &rest v) `(let ((*separator* ,*separator*))
+       :op (lambda (op &rest v) `(let ((*op* ,op)
+				       (*separator* ,*separator*))
 				   ,@(when-let ((pre (op-prefix op)))
-					       `((write-char ,pre ,stream-var)))
-				   (expand-list (remove-if #'null (list ,@v))
+				       `((write-char ,pre ,stream-var)))
+				   (expand-list (list ,@v)
 						,*separator* stream)))
        :explode (lambda (v) `(let ((*separator* ,*separator*)) ,v))
        :prefix (lambda (n v) `(prefix ,n ,v))
@@ -291,7 +308,7 @@ URI-TEMPLATE."
-(uri-template-expander-code "/assets{/plop*}")
+(uri-template-expand-code "/assets{/plop*}")
 (defun compile-uri-template-expand-function (template)
   (format *debug-io* "~&; compiling ~S~%" template)
@@ -323,6 +340,12 @@ URI-TEMPLATE."
   (apply (uri-template-expand-function uri) output vars))
+(expand-uri nil "/assets/{path}" :path "Mathématiques")
+(expand-uri nil "/assets/{path}" :path "abc%/")
  (let ((template (uri-template "/assets/{+path,pat,path}")))
    (dotimes (i 100000)
@@ -346,11 +369,13 @@ URI-TEMPLATE."
   (declare (ignore var))
   (let ((char-regex
 	 (case-char op
-	   (nil '(:property char-unreserved-p))
+	   (nil '(:alternation
+		  (:property not-reserved-char-p)
+		  (:sequence #\% :digit-class :digit-class)))
 	   ("+#./;?&" `(:alternation
-			(:property char-unreserved-p)
-			(:char-class ,@(coerce +reserved+ 'list))
-			(:sequence #\% :digit-class :digit-class))))))
+			(:property not-reserved-char-p)
+			(:sequence #\% :digit-class :digit-class)
+			(:char-class ,@(coerce +reserved+ 'list)))))))
       #1=(:greedy-repetition 1 nil ,char-regex)
       (:non-greedy-repetition 0 nil (:sequence ,(op-separator op) #1#)))))
diff --git a/uri.lisp b/uri.lisp
index 30cc4a2..fe9125c 100644
--- a/uri.lisp
+++ b/uri.lisp
@@ -33,13 +33,20 @@
 (define-constant +sub-delims+ "!$&'()*+,;=" :test 'string=)
 (define-constant +reserved+ (str +gen-delims+ +sub-delims+)
   :test 'string=)
+(define-constant +unreserved+ (str "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
+				   "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
+				   "0123456789-._~")
+  :test 'string=)
-(defun char-unreserved-p (c)
+(defun unreserved-char-p (c)
   (or (<= (char-code #\A) (char-code c) (char-code #\Z))
       (<= (char-code #\a) (char-code c) (char-code #\z))
       (<= (char-code #\0) (char-code c) (char-code #\9))
       (find c "-._~")))
+(defun not-reserved-char-p (c)
+  (not (find c +reserved+)))
 (defun %-encode-char (c &key stream (reserved +reserved+))
   (if (null stream)
       (with-output-to-string (s)
@@ -51,3 +58,52 @@
 	      (write-char #\% stream)
 	      (write (svref b i) :base 16 :case :upcase :stream stream)))
 	  (write-char c stream))))
+(defun uri-char-p (c)
+  (or (unreserved-char-p c)
+      (find c +reserved+)))
+(defun hex-digit-p (c)
+  (when (or (char<= #\0 c #\9)
+	    (char<= #\A c #\Z)
+	    (char<= #\a c #\z))
+    c))
+(defun %-encode-bytes (bytes &optional stream)
+  (let ((*print-base* 16)
+	(len (length bytes)))
+    (labels ((eat (i)
+	       (when (< i len)
+		 (write-char #\% stream)
+		 (write (the (unsigned-byte 8) (aref bytes i))
+			:base 16 :stream stream)
+		 (eat (1+ i)))))
+      (eat 0))))
+(defun %-encode (string &optional stream (allowed-char-p #'uri-char-p))
+  (let ((len (length string)))
+    (labels ((eat (i)
+	       (cond ((<= len i) nil)
+		     ((and (< (+ 2 i) len)
+			   (char= #\% (char string i))
+			   (hex-digit-p (char string (+ 1 i)))
+			   (hex-digit-p (char string (+ 2 i))))
+		      (write-string string stream :start i :end (+ 3 i))
+		      (eat (+ 3 i)))
+		     ((funcall allowed-char-p (char string i))
+		      (write-char (char string i) stream)
+		      (eat (1+ i)))
+		     (t
+		      (%-encode-bytes
+		       (trivial-utf-8:string-to-utf-8-bytes
+			(subseq string i (1+ i)))
+		       stream)
+		      (eat (1+ i))))))
+      (if (null stream)
+	  (with-output-to-string (out)
+	    (setq stream out)
+	    (eat 0))
+	  (eat 0)))))
+(%-encode "plop/%é%C3")