Commit a4dfc6b0b65f340cef91d36a788eed94f94ff8dd

Thomas de Grivel 2018-07-02T16:03:42

Split matcher code into matcher-stream.

diff --git a/package.lisp b/package.lisp
index ba0c5c8..3fbe941 100644
--- a/package.lisp
+++ b/package.lisp
@@ -20,29 +20,17 @@
 (defpackage :token-stream
   (:use :cl-stream
-        :common-lisp)
+        :common-lisp
+        :matcher-stream)
-   #:lexer-character
-   #:lexer-input
-   #:lexer-input-ended
-   #:lexer-input-n
-   #:lexer-line
-   #:lexer-match-char
-   #:lexer-match-start
-   #:match
-   #:match-not
-   #:match-option
-   #:match-sequence
-   #:match-times
-   #:match-until
diff --git a/token-stream.asd b/token-stream.asd
index 202c07d..19d6582 100644
--- a/token-stream.asd
+++ b/token-stream.asd
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
   :author "Thomas de Grivel <>"
   :version "0.1"
   :description "Lexer classes for cl-stream"
-  :depends-on ("cl-stream")
+  :depends-on ("cl-stream" "matcher-stream")
   ((:file "package")
    (:file "token-stream" :depends-on ("package"))))
diff --git a/token-stream.lisp b/token-stream.lisp
index 0a903fb..bcb2503 100644
--- a/token-stream.lisp
+++ b/token-stream.lisp
@@ -34,31 +34,8 @@
   ((start :initarg :start
           :accessor token-start)))
-(defvar *buffer-size* 64)
-(declaim (type fixnum *buffer-size*))
-(defun make-buffer ()
-  (make-array `(,*buffer-size*)
-              :element-type 'character
-              :adjustable t
-              :fill-pointer 0))
-(defclass lexer (super-stream input-stream)
-  ((line :initarg :line
-         :initform 0
-         :accessor lexer-line
-         :type fixnum)
-   (character :initarg :character
-              :initform -1
-              :accessor lexer-character
-              :type fixnum)
-   (input-ended :initform nil
-                :accessor lexer-input-ended
-                :type boolean)
-   (buffer :initform (make-buffer)
-           :accessor lexer-buffer
-           :type string)
-   (match :initform (make-instance 'lexer-token
+(defclass lexer (matcher-stream)
+  ((match :initform (make-instance 'lexer-token
                                    :line 0
                                    :character 0
                                    :start 0)
@@ -74,27 +51,6 @@
 (defgeneric discard-token (lexer)
   (:documentation "Discard token from lexer stack top."))
-(defgeneric lexer-input (lexer)
-  (:documentation "Read a character from lexer in and put it into lexer
-(defgeneric lexer-input-n (lexer n)
-  (:documentation "Ensure at least N characters are in lexer buffer."))
-(defgeneric lexer-match-char (lexer index)
-  (:documentation "Ensure input and return the character from lexer
-buffer for matching at index."))
-(defgeneric lexer-match-start (lexer)
-  (:documentation "Return token start for lexer match."))
-(defgeneric (setf lexer-match-start) (value lexer)
-  (:documentation "Set token start for lexer match."))
-(defgeneric lexer-push-extend (lexer character)
-  (:documentation "Put a character into lexer buffer, extending it by
-*BUFFER-SIZE* if necessary."))
 (defgeneric lexer-token (lexer)
   (:documentation "Consumes and returns a token."))
@@ -102,20 +58,6 @@ buffer for matching at index."))
   (:documentation "Create a token of given class from lexer stack
-(defgeneric match (lexer thing)
-  (:documentation "Advance lexer match start if THING is matched in
-lexer buffer."))
-(defgeneric match-not (lexer thing))
-(defgeneric match-option (lexer thing))
-(defgeneric match-times (lexer thing min max))
-(defgeneric match-until (lexer thing)
-  (:documentation "Advance lexer match start until THING is matched in
-lexer buffer."))
 (defgeneric pop-token (lexer)
   (:documentation "Return the last token on lexer stack."))
@@ -128,71 +70,6 @@ stack."))
 (defmethod stream-element-type ((lx lexer))
-;;  Input
-(defmethod lexer-push-extend ((lx lexer) item)
-  (let* ((buffer (lexer-buffer lx))
-         (fp (the fixnum (fill-pointer buffer)))
-         (new-fp (1+ fp)))
-    (if (= fp (array-dimension buffer 0))
-        (let ((new-buffer (adjust-array buffer
-                                        (the fixnum (+ fp *buffer-size*))
-                                        :fill-pointer new-fp)))
-          (setf (lexer-buffer lx) new-buffer))
-        (setf (fill-pointer buffer) new-fp))
-    (locally (declare (optimize (safety 0)))
-      (setf (aref buffer fp) item))
-    fp))
-(defmethod lexer-input ((lx lexer))
-  (let ((in (stream-underlying-stream lx)))
-    (multiple-value-bind (item state) (stream-read in)
-      (ecase state
-        ((nil) (let* ((pos (the fixnum (lexer-push-extend lx item)))
-                      (buf (lexer-buffer lx)))
-                 (declare (type vector buf))
-                 (cond ((or (and (char= #\Newline item)
-                                 (or (not (< 0 pos))
-                                     (char/= #\Return
-                                             (char buf (1- pos)))))
-                            (char= #\Return item))
-                        (setf (lexer-character lx) 0)
-                        (incf (the fixnum (lexer-line lx))))
-                       (t
-                        (incf (the fixnum (lexer-character lx)))))
-                 (values item nil)))
-        ((:eof) (setf (lexer-input-ended lx) t)
-         (values nil :eof))
-        ((:non-blocking)
-         (signal (make-condition 'non-blocking :stream lx)))))))
-(defmethod lexer-match-start ((lx lexer))
-  (token-start (lexer-match lx)))
-(defmethod (setf lexer-match-start) ((value integer) (lx lexer))
-  (setf (token-start (lexer-match lx)) (the fixnum value)))
-(defmethod lexer-input-n ((lx lexer) (n integer))
-  (declare (type fixnum n))
-  (loop
-     (let ((length (- (the fixnum (fill-pointer (lexer-buffer lx)))
-                      (the fixnum (lexer-match-start lx)))))
-       (declare (type fixnum length))
-       (when (or (lexer-input-ended lx)
-                 (<= n length))
-         (return))
-       (lexer-input lx))))
-(defmethod lexer-match-char ((lx lexer) (index integer))
-  (declare (type fixnum index))
-  (lexer-input-n lx (the fixnum (1+ index)))
-  (let ((buf (lexer-buffer lx))
-        (match-index (+ (the fixnum (lexer-match-start lx))
-                        index)))
-    (declare (type (vector character) buf)
-             (type fixnum match-index))
-    (char buf match-index)))
 ;;  Tokenizer
 (defmethod push-token ((lx lexer))
@@ -211,15 +88,15 @@ stack."))
 (defmethod pop-token ((lx lexer))
   (assert (lexer-stack lx))
-  (let* ((buffer (lexer-buffer lx))
+  (let* ((buffer (stream-input-buffer lx))
 	 (fp (fill-pointer buffer))
 	 (token (pop (lexer-stack lx)))
-	 (match-start (lexer-match-start lx))
+	 (match-start (matcher-start lx))
          (string (subseq* buffer (token-start token) match-start)))
     (setf (token-string token) string)
     (when (endp (lexer-stack lx))
       (replace buffer buffer :start2 match-start :end2 fp)
-      (setf (lexer-match-start lx) 0
+      (setf (matcher-start lx) 0
 	    (fill-pointer buffer) (- fp match-start)))
@@ -234,104 +111,14 @@ stack."))
 (defmethod discard-token ((lx lexer))
   (pop (lexer-stack lx))
   (when (endp (lexer-stack lx))
-    (let* ((buffer (lexer-buffer lx))
+    (let* ((buffer (stream-input-buffer lx))
            (fp (fill-pointer buffer))
-           (match-start (lexer-match-start lx)))
+           (match-start (matcher-start lx)))
       (replace buffer buffer :start2 match-start :end2 fp)
-      (setf (lexer-match-start lx) 0
+      (setf (matcher-start lx) 0
             (fill-pointer buffer) (- fp match-start))))
-;;  Matcher
-(defmethod match ((lx lexer) (s string))
-  (let* ((length (length s))
-         (match-start (lexer-match-start lx))
-         (match-end (+ match-start length))
-         (buffer (lexer-buffer lx)))
-    (declare (type fixnum length match-start match-end)
-             (type (vector character) buffer))
-    (lexer-input-n lx length)
-    (when (and (<= match-end (length buffer))
-               (string= s buffer :start2 match-start :end2 match-end))
-      (incf (the fixnum (lexer-match-start lx)) length))))
-(defmethod match ((lx lexer) (c character))
-  (when (char= c (lexer-match-char lx 0))
-    (incf (the fixnum (lexer-match-start lx)))))
-(defmethod match-until ((lx lexer) (s string))
-  (lexer-input-n lx (length s))
-  (loop
-     (let ((match (match lx s)))
-       (when match
-         (return match)))
-     (when (lexer-input-ended lx)
-       (return))
-     (lexer-input lx)
-     (incf (the fixnum (lexer-match-start lx)))))
-(defmethod match-until ((lx lexer) (f function))
-  (loop
-     (let ((match (funcall f lx)))
-       (when match
-         (return match)))
-     (when (lexer-input-ended lx)
-       (return))
-     (lexer-input lx)
-     (incf (the fixnum (lexer-match-start lx)))))
-(defmethod match-option ((lx lexer) (f function))
-  (or (funcall f lx)
-      (lexer-match-start lx)))
-(defmethod match-not ((lx lexer) (f function))
-  (let ((match-start (lexer-match-start lx)))
-    (cond ((or (funcall f lx)
-               (lexer-input-ended lx))
-           (setf (lexer-match-start lx) match-start)
-           nil)
-          (t
-           (incf (the fixnum (lexer-match-start lx)))))))
-(defmacro match-sequence (lexer &body body)
-  (let ((lx (gensym "LX-"))
-	(match-start (gensym "MATCH-START-"))
-	(result (gensym "RESULT-")))
-    `(let* ((,lx ,lexer)
-	    (,match-start (lexer-match-start ,lx))
-	    (,result (progn ,@body)))
-       (cond (,result
-	      ,result)
-	     (t
-	      (setf (lexer-match-start ,lx) ,match-start)
-	      nil)))))
-(defmethod match-times ((lx lexer) (f function) (min integer) (max integer))
-  (declare (type fixnum min max))
-  (match-sequence lx
-    (let ((n 0))
-      (loop
-         (unless (< n max)
-           (return (lexer-match-start lx)))
-         (unless (funcall f lx)
-           (if (< n min)
-               (return nil)
-               (return (lexer-match-start lx))))
-         (incf n)))))
-(defmethod match-times ((lx lexer) (f function) (min integer) (max null))
-  (declare (type fixnum min))
-  (match-sequence lx
-    (let ((n 0))
-      (declare (type fixnum n))
-      (loop
-         (unless (funcall f lx)
-           (if (< n min)
-               (return nil)
-               (return (lexer-match-start lx))))
-         (incf n)))))
 (defmethod stream-read ((lx lexer))
   (if (lexer-eof-p lx)
       (values nil :eof)