diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 6ec3e53..dd55195 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,70 +1,28 @@
-# fd-gray
+# fd-stream
-fd-gray streams are binary gray streams operating on
-`(unsigned-byte 8)` data using `unistd:read`, `unistd:write` and
-`unistd:close` to embed Unix file descriptors in standard Common Lisp
+fd-stream streams are `(unsigned-byte 8)` cl-stream streams
+using `unistd:read`, `unistd:write` and `unistd:close` to
+operate on Unix file descriptors.
-### fd-gray:input-stream *fd* --> *stream*
+## Class: fd-stream
-Creates an input stream for file descriptor *fd*.
+### Generic: stream-fd *fd-stream* => *fd*
+Returns the file descriptor of FD-STREAM.
+## Class: fd-input-stream
+A buffered input stream using UNISTD:READ.
-(let ((seq (make-array 128 '(unsigned-byte 8))))
- (read-sequence seq (fd-gray:input-stream 0)))
+### Function: fd-input-stream *fd* => *stream*
+Creates an input stream for file descriptor *fd*.
-### fd-gray:output-stream *fd* --> *stream*
+## Class: fd-output-stream
+A buffered output stream using UNISTD:WRITE.
+### Function: fd-output-stream *fd* => *stream*
Creates an output stream for file descriptor *fd*.
-(let ((seq (make-array 128 '(unsigned-byte 8))))
- (write-sequence seq (fd-gray:output-stream 1)))
-### fd-gray:io-stream *fd* --> *stream*
+## Class: fd-io-stream
+A buffered input/output stream using UNISTD:READ and UNISTD:WRITE.
+### Function: fd-io-stream *fd* => *stream*
Creates an input/output stream for file descriptor *fd*.
-(let ((seq (make-array 128 '(unsigned-byte 8))
- (stream (fd-gray:io-stream (fcntl:open "file.bin" fcntl:+o-rdwr+))))
- (read-sequence seq stream)
- (write-sequence seq stream))
-### fd-gray:with-input-stream (*var* *fd*) &body *body* --> *result*
-Creates an input stream for file descriptor *fd* that will be closed
-returning from *body*.
-(fd-gray:with-input-stream (in (fcntl:open "file.bin" fcntl:+o-rdonly+))
- (let ((seq (make-array 128 '(unsigned-byte 8))))
- (read-sequence seq in)
- seq))
-### fd-gray:with-output-stream (*var* *fd*) &body *body* --> *result*
-Creates an output stream for file descriptor *fd* that will be closed
-returning from *body*.
-(let ((seq (make-array 128 '(unsigned-byte 8))))
- (fd-gray:with-output-stream (out (fcntl:open "file.bin" fcntl:+o-wronly+))
- (write-sequence seq out)))
-### fd-gray:with-io-stream (*var* *fd*) &body *body* --> *result*
-Creates an input/output stream for file descriptor *fd* that will be
-closed returning from *body*.
-(fd-gray:with-io-stream (out (fcntl:open "file.bin" fcntl:+o-rdwr+))
- (let ((seq (make-array 128 '(unsigned-byte 8))))
- (read-sequence seq out)
- (write-sequence seq out)))