Commit 5789cb4a3bd9256142cd880c486b7e9c4731cf7c

Ryan C. Gordon 2014-12-04T02:09:07

Added a script to handle packing up Windows builds for the buildbot.

diff --git a/build-scripts/windows-buildbot-zipper.bat b/build-scripts/windows-buildbot-zipper.bat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..984ea20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build-scripts/windows-buildbot-zipper.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+@echo off
+rem just a helper batch file for collecting up files and zipping them.
+rem usage: windows-buildbot-zipper.bat <zipfilename>
+rem must be run from root of SDL source tree.
+IF EXIST VisualC\SDL\Win32\Release GOTO okaydir
+echo Please run from root of source tree after doing a Release build.
+GOTO done
+erase /q /f /s zipper
+IF EXIST zipper GOTO zippermade
+mkdir zipper
+cd zipper
+mkdir SDL
+cd SDL
+mkdir include
+mkdir lib
+mkdir lib\win32
+copy ..\..\include\*.h include\
+copy ..\..\VisualC\SDL\Win32\Release\SDL2.dll lib\win32\
+copy ..\..\VisualC\SDL\Win32\Release\SDL2.lib lib\win32\
+copy ..\..\VisualC\SDLmain\Win32\Release\SDL2main.lib lib\win32\
+cd ..
+zip -9r ..\%1 SDL
+cd ..
+erase /q /f /s zipper