Commit 8ff738f234bd0150639a4fd07e5a53d2d9068bd2

Ryan C. Gordon 2022-07-26T12:40:47

audio: Report SDL_AUDIODEVICEREMOVED for unopened devices. Unopened devices, if removed, now send SDL_AUDIODEVICEREMOVED events with a `which` field set to zero. Apps can use this to decide if they need to refresh a list of devices being shown in an options menu, etc. It's safe to call SDL_CloseAudioDevice(0), so even if they try to clean up this bogus id, it should be safe. Fixes #5199.

diff --git a/src/audio/SDL_audio.c b/src/audio/SDL_audio.c
index 949d650..e2f7412 100644
--- a/src/audio/SDL_audio.c
+++ b/src/audio/SDL_audio.c
@@ -527,6 +527,7 @@ SDL_RemoveAudioDevice(const SDL_bool iscapture, void *handle)
     int device_index;
     SDL_AudioDevice *device = NULL;
+    SDL_bool device_was_opened = SDL_FALSE;
     if (iscapture) {
@@ -539,10 +540,29 @@ SDL_RemoveAudioDevice(const SDL_bool iscapture, void *handle)
         device = open_devices[device_index];
         if (device != NULL && device->handle == handle)
+            device_was_opened = SDL_TRUE;
+    /* Devices that aren't opened, as of 2.24.0, will post an
+       SDL_AUDIODEVICEREMOVED event with the `which` field set to zero.
+       Apps can use this to decide if they need to refresh a list of
+       available devices instead of closing an opened one.
+       Note that opened devices will send the non-zero event in
+       SDL_OpenedAudioDeviceDisconnected(). */
+    if (!device_was_opened) {
+            SDL_Event event;
+            SDL_zero(event);
+            event.adevice.type = SDL_AUDIODEVICEREMOVED;
+            event.adevice.which = 0;
+            event.adevice.iscapture = iscapture ? 1 : 0;
+            SDL_PushEvent(&event);
+        }
+    }