Commit 9e57e3e5957d23aa265ccfb1790f12cad274a109

Alex Szpakowski 2019-08-16T22:11:50

metal: Update shader compilation script with fixes for newer xcode versions and for running on older platforms

diff --git a/src/render/metal/ b/src/render/metal/
index 8ebf63e..fb4ddb7 100755
--- a/src/render/metal/
+++ b/src/render/metal/
@@ -6,13 +6,17 @@ cd `dirname "$0"`
-    platform=$1
-    /Applications/ -std=$platform-metal1.1 -Wall -O3 -o ./sdl.air ./SDL_shaders_metal.metal || exit $?
-    /Applications/ rc sdl.metalar sdl.air || exit $?
-    /Applications/ -o sdl.metallib sdl.metalar || exit $?
-    xxd -i sdl.metallib | perl -w -p -e 's/\Aunsigned /const unsigned /;' >./SDL_shaders_metal_$platform.h
+	fileplatform=$1
+    compileplatform=$2
+    sdkplatform=$3
+    minversion=$4
+    xcrun -sdk $sdkplatform metal -c -std=$compileplatform-metal1.1 -m$sdkplatform-version-min=$minversion -Wall -O3 -o ./sdl.air ./SDL_shaders_metal.metal || exit $?
+    xcrun -sdk $sdkplatform metal-ar rc sdl.metalar sdl.air || exit $?
+    xcrun -sdk $sdkplatform metallib -o sdl.metallib sdl.metalar || exit $?
+    xxd -i sdl.metallib | perl -w -p -e 's/\Aunsigned /const unsigned /;' >./SDL_shaders_metal_$fileplatform.h
     rm -f sdl.air sdl.metalar sdl.metallib
-generate_shaders osx
-generate_shaders ios
+generate_shaders osx osx macosx 10.11
+generate_shaders ios ios iphoneos 8.0
+generate_shaders tvos ios appletvos 9.0