Commit abcfe804804f7f9ee11f51a211c6e7d1d5039651

Sam Lantinga 2019-05-14T14:20:54

[SDL] iOS fix bug with audio interrupted by a phone call not restoring.

diff --git a/src/audio/coreaudio/SDL_coreaudio.m b/src/audio/coreaudio/SDL_coreaudio.m
index 96d2ca0..e1f56ae 100644
--- a/src/audio/coreaudio/SDL_coreaudio.m
+++ b/src/audio/coreaudio/SDL_coreaudio.m
@@ -376,15 +376,16 @@ static BOOL update_audio_session(_THIS, SDL_bool open)
             /* An interruption end notification is not guaranteed to be sent if
              we were previously interrupted... resuming if needed when the app
              becomes active seems to be the way to go. */
+			// Note: object: below needs to be nil, as otherwise it filters by the object, and session doesn't send foreground / active notifications.  johna
             [center addObserver:listener
-                         object:session];
+                         object:nil];
             [center addObserver:listener
-                         object:session];
+                         object:nil];
             this->hidden->interruption_listener = CFBridgingRetain(listener);
         } else {