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  • Hash : 98c03f39
    Author : Ryan C. Gordon
    Date : 2014-05-28T01:22:47

    Changed drag area API to a hit-testing API. There were several good arguments for this: it's how Windows works with WM_NCHITTEST, SDL doesn't need to manage a list of rects, it allows more control over the regions (how do you use rects to cleanly surround a circular button?), the callback can be more optimized than a iterating a list of rects, and you don't have to send an updated list of rects whenever the window resizes or layout changes.

  • Properties

  • Git HTTP https://git.kmx.io/kc3-lang/SDL.git
    Git SSH git@git.kmx.io:kc3-lang/SDL.git
    Public access ? public

    Fork of https://github.com/libsdl-org/SDL

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