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Windows: Always set the system timer resolution to 1ms by default. An existing hint lets apps that don't need the timer resolution changed avoid this, to save battery, etc, but this fixes several problems in timing, audio callbacks not firing fast enough, etc. Fixes Bugzilla #2944.
Future work roadmap:
* http://wiki.libsdl.org/moin.cgi/Roadmap
* Check 1.2 revisions:
3554 - Need to resolve semantics for locking keys on different platforms
4874 - Do we want screen rotation? At what level?
4974 - Windows file code needs to convert UTF-8 to Unicode, but we don't need to tap dance for Windows 95/98
4865 - See if this is still needed (mouse coordinate clamping)
4866 - See if this is still needed (blocking window repositioning)