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  • Hash : e236e843
    Author : Sam Lantinga
    Date : 2018-09-25T20:08:51

    Fixed bug 4268 - Android_JNI_OpenAudioDevice function has error alittle where iscapture == 1 1.param set error (*env)->CallStaticIntMethod(env, mAudioManagerClass, midCaptureOpen, sampleRate, audioBuffer16Bit, audioBufferStereo, desiredBufferFrames) param:audioBuffer16Bit need change to captureBuffer16Bit 2.logic error if (is16Bit) { // ALITTLE Modify the source code if (iscapture) { audioBufferFrames = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, (jshortArray)captureBuffer); } else { audioBufferPinned = (*env)->GetShortArrayElements(env, (jshortArray)audioBuffer, &isCopy); audioBufferFrames = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, (jshortArray)audioBuffer); } // if (!iscapture) { // audioBufferPinned = (*env)->GetShortArrayElements(env, (jshortArray)audioBuffer, &isCopy); // } // audioBufferFrames = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, (jshortArray)audioBuffer); } else { // ALITTLE Modify the source code if (iscapture) { audioBufferFrames = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, (jbyteArray)captureBuffer); } else { audioBufferPinned = (*env)->GetByteArrayElements(env, (jbyteArray)audioBuffer, &isCopy); audioBufferFrames = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, (jbyteArray)audioBuffer); } // if (!iscapture) { // audioBufferPinned = (*env)->GetByteArrayElements(env, (jbyteArray)audioBuffer, &isCopy); // } // audioBufferFrames = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, (jbyteArray)audioBuffer); }

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