Commit 3ec513f9d9fec0cf52aa7e2f2050112499cac581

Silvio Traversaro 2021-02-03T18:33:32

Merge pull request #94 from pali/dladdr dladdr() - Retrieve symbol name and address from export table

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 944358f..899334a 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -65,10 +65,10 @@ test-static.exe: tests/test.c $(TARGETS)
 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $< libdl.a
 test-dladdr.exe: tests/test-dladdr.c $(TARGETS)
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DDLFCN_WIN32_SHARED -o $@ $< libdl.dll.a
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -Wl,--export-all-symbols -DDLFCN_WIN32_SHARED -o $@ $< libdl.dll.a
 test-dladdr-static.exe: tests/test-dladdr.c $(TARGETS)
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $< libdl.a
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -Wl,--export-all-symbols -o $@ $< libdl.a
 testdll.dll: tests/testdll.c
 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -shared -o $@ $^
diff --git a/src/dlfcn.c b/src/dlfcn.c
index 5dd1ccf..abbd58d 100644
--- a/src/dlfcn.c
+++ b/src/dlfcn.c
@@ -512,37 +512,38 @@ static BOOL get_image_section( HMODULE module, int index, void **ptr, DWORD *siz
     return TRUE;
-/* Return symbol name for a given address */
-static const char *get_symbol_name( HMODULE module, IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR *iid, void *addr, void **func_address )
+/* Return symbol name for a given address from export table */
+static const char *get_export_symbol_name( HMODULE module, IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY *ied, void *addr, void **func_address )
-    int i;
+    DWORD i;
     void *candidateAddr = NULL;
-    const char *candidateName = NULL;
-    BYTE *base = (BYTE *) module; /* Required to have correct calculations */
+    int candidateIndex = -1;
+    BYTE *base = (BYTE *) module;
+    DWORD *functionAddressesOffsets = (DWORD *) (base + ied->AddressOfFunctions);
+    DWORD *functionNamesOffsets = (DWORD *) (base + ied->AddressOfNames);
+    USHORT *functionNameOrdinalsIndexes = (USHORT *) (base + ied->AddressOfNameOrdinals);
-    for( i = 0; iid[i].Characteristics != 0 && iid[i].FirstThunk != 0; i++ )
+    for( i = 0; i < ied->NumberOfFunctions; i++ )
-        IMAGE_THUNK_DATA *thunkILT = (IMAGE_THUNK_DATA *)( base + iid[i].Characteristics );
-        IMAGE_THUNK_DATA *thunkIAT = (IMAGE_THUNK_DATA *)( base + iid[i].FirstThunk );
+        if( (void *) ( base + functionAddressesOffsets[i] ) > addr || candidateAddr >= (void *) ( base + functionAddressesOffsets[i] ) )
+            continue;
-        for( ; thunkILT->u1.AddressOfData != 0; thunkILT++, thunkIAT++ )
-        {
-            IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME *nameData;
+        candidateAddr = (void *) ( base + functionAddressesOffsets[i] );
+        candidateIndex = i;
+    }
-            if( IMAGE_SNAP_BY_ORDINAL( thunkILT->u1.Ordinal ) )
-                continue;
+    if( candidateIndex == -1 )
+        return NULL;
-            if( (void *) thunkIAT->u1.Function > addr || candidateAddr >= (void *) thunkIAT->u1.Function )
-                continue;
+    *func_address = candidateAddr;
-            candidateAddr = (void *) thunkIAT->u1.Function;
-            nameData = (IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME *)( base + (ULONG_PTR) thunkILT->u1.AddressOfData );
-            candidateName = (const char *) nameData->Name;
-        }
+    for( i = 0; i < ied->NumberOfNames; i++ )
+    {
+        if( functionNameOrdinalsIndexes[i] == candidateIndex )
+            return (const char *) ( base + functionNamesOffsets[i] );
-    *func_address = candidateAddr;
-    return candidateName;
+    return NULL;
 static BOOL is_valid_address( void *addr )
@@ -608,11 +609,14 @@ static void *get_address_from_import_address_table( void *iat, DWORD iat_size, v
 /* Holds module filename */
 static char module_filename[2*MAX_PATH];
-static BOOL fill_module_info( void *addr, Dl_info *info )
+static BOOL fill_info( void *addr, Dl_info *info )
     HMODULE hModule;
     DWORD dwSize;
+    void *funcAddress = NULL;
+    /* Get module of the specified address */
         return FALSE;
@@ -621,8 +625,16 @@ static BOOL fill_module_info( void *addr, Dl_info *info )
     if( dwSize == 0 || dwSize == sizeof( module_filename ) )
         return FALSE;
-    info->dli_fbase = (void *) hModule;
     info->dli_fname = module_filename;
+    info->dli_fbase = (void *) hModule;
+    /* Find function name and function address in module's export table */
+    if( get_image_section( hModule, IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT, (void **) &ied, NULL ) )
+        info->dli_sname = get_export_symbol_name( hModule, ied, addr, &funcAddress );
+    else
+        info->dli_sname = NULL;
+    info->dli_saddr = info->dli_sname == NULL ? NULL : funcAddress != NULL ? funcAddress : addr;
     return TRUE;
@@ -630,36 +642,32 @@ static BOOL fill_module_info( void *addr, Dl_info *info )
 int dladdr( void *addr, Dl_info *info )
-    void *realAddr, *funcAddress = NULL;
-    HMODULE hModule;
-    DWORD iidSize = 0;
-    if( addr == NULL || info == NULL )
-        return 0;
-    hModule = GetModuleHandleA( NULL );
-    if( hModule == NULL )
+    if( info == NULL )
         return 0;
     if( !is_valid_address( addr ) )
         return 0;
-    realAddr = addr;
-    if( !get_image_section( hModule, IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT, (void **) &iid, &iidSize ) )
-        return 0;
     if( is_import_thunk( addr ) )
         void *iat;
-        void *iatAddr = NULL;
-        DWORD iatSize = 0;
+        DWORD iatSize;
+        HMODULE hModule;
+        /* Get module of the import thunk address */
+            return 0;
         if( !get_image_section( hModule, IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IAT, &iat, &iatSize ) )
             /* Fallback for cases where the iat is not defined,
              * for example i586-mingw32msvc-gcc */
+            IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR *iid;
+            DWORD iidSize;
+            if( !get_image_section( hModule, IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT, (void **) &iid, &iidSize ) )
+                return 0;
             if( iid == NULL || iid->Characteristics == 0 || iid->FirstThunk == 0 )
                 return 0;
@@ -668,19 +676,15 @@ int dladdr( void *addr, Dl_info *info )
             iatSize = iidSize - (DWORD) ( (BYTE *) iat - (BYTE *) iid );
-        iatAddr = get_address_from_import_address_table( iat, iatSize, addr );
-        if( iatAddr == NULL )
-            return 0;
+        addr = get_address_from_import_address_table( iat, iatSize, addr );
-        realAddr = iatAddr;
+        if( !is_valid_address( addr ) )
+            return 0;
-    if( !fill_module_info( realAddr, info ) )
+    if( !fill_info( addr, info ) )
         return 0;
-    info->dli_sname = get_symbol_name( hModule, iid, realAddr, &funcAddress );
-    info->dli_saddr = !info->dli_sname ? NULL : funcAddress ? funcAddress : realAddr;
     return 1;
diff --git a/tests/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/CMakeLists.txt
index 00b6647..47fef38 100644
--- a/tests/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/tests/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -25,6 +25,13 @@ target_link_libraries(test-dladdr dl)
     set_target_properties(test-dladdr PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-Wl,--export-dynamic -fpie")
+    if(MSVC)
+        set_property(TARGET test-dladdr APPEND_STRING PROPERTY LINK_FLAGS "/EXPORT:dlopen /EXPORT:dladdr")
+    else()
+        set_property(TARGET test-dladdr APPEND_STRING PROPERTY LINK_FLAGS "-Wl,--export-all-symbols")
+    endif()
 install(TARGETS test-dladdr EXPORT dlfcn-win32-targets RUNTIME DESTINATION bin)
diff --git a/tests/test-dladdr.c b/tests/test-dladdr.c
index 57914cb..e2f6c01 100644
--- a/tests/test-dladdr.c
+++ b/tests/test-dladdr.c
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
 /* On Unix like os compile with "-Wl,--export-dynamic -fpie" (default with cmake) */
+/* On Windows gcc compile with "-Wl,--export-all-symbols" (default with cmake) */
+/* On Windows msvc compile with "/EXPORT:dlopen /EXPORT:dladdr" (default with cmake) */
 /* required for non Windows builds, must be set in front of the first system include */
 #define _GNU_SOURCE
@@ -131,20 +133,11 @@ __declspec(dllimport) int __cdecl atoi(const char *_Str);
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#define FailOnWin Fail
-#define FailOnWin Pass
-#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(DLFCN_WIN32_SHARED)
-#define PassOnSharedBuild Fail
-#define PassOnSharedBuild Pass
 #define UNUSED(x) (void)x
+#ifdef _WIN32
 int main(int argc, char **argv)
     /* points to non reachable address */
@@ -161,10 +154,10 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
     result = check_dladdr( "null pointer", (void*)0, NULL , NoInfo);
     result |= check_dladdr( "invalid pointer", (void*)0x125, NULL , NoInfo);
-    result |= check_dladdr( "function from dl library", (void*)dladdr, "dladdr" , PassOnSharedBuild );
-    result |= check_dladdr( "function from dl library", (void*)dlopen, "dlopen", PassOnSharedBuild );
+    result |= check_dladdr( "function from dl library", (void*)dladdr, "dladdr" , Pass );
+    result |= check_dladdr( "function from dl library", (void*)dlopen, "dlopen", Pass );
     result |= check_dladdr( "function from glibc/msvcrt library", (void*)atoi, "atoi", Pass );
-    result |= check_dladdr( "function from executable", (void*)main, "main", FailOnWin );
+    result |= check_dladdr( "function from executable", (void*)main, "main", Pass );
     result |= check_dladdr( "static function from executable", (void*)print_dl_info, "print_dl_info", Fail );
     result |= check_dladdr( "address with positive offset", ((char*)atoi)+1, "atoi", PassWithDifferentAddress );
     result |= check_dladdr( "zero address from import thunk", zero_thunk_address, "", NoInfo );