Commit 059bcea7ed45aafde3857cf62d47e5bad2a23853

Tom Kacvinsky 2001-01-03T00:26:56

This file was merged with cfftypes.h and is no longer necessary.

diff --git a/include/freetype/internal/t2types.h b/include/freetype/internal/t2types.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a450652..0000000
--- a/include/freetype/internal/t2types.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
-/*                                                                         */
-/*  t2types.h                                                              */
-/*                                                                         */
-/*    Basic OpenType/CFF type definitions and interface (specification     */
-/*    only).                                                               */
-/*                                                                         */
-/*  Copyright 1996-2000 by                                                 */
-/*  David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg.                      */
-/*                                                                         */
-/*  This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used,       */
-/*  modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project      */
-/*  license, LICENSE.TXT.  By continuing to use, modify, or distribute     */
-/*  this file you indicate that you have read the license and              */
-/*  understand and accept it fully.                                        */
-/*                                                                         */
-#ifndef __T2TYPES_H__
-#define __T2TYPES_H__
-#include <ft2build.h>
-#include FT_FREETYPE_H
-  /*************************************************************************/
-  /*                                                                       */
-  /* <Struct>                                                              */
-  /*    CFF_Index                                                          */
-  /*                                                                       */
-  /* <Description>                                                         */
-  /*    A structure used to model a CFF Index table.                       */
-  /*                                                                       */
-  /* <Fields>                                                              */
-  /*    stream      :: The source input stream.                            */
-  /*                                                                       */
-  /*    count       :: The number of elements in the index.                */
-  /*                                                                       */
-  /*    off_size    :: The size in bytes of object offsets in index.       */
-  /*                                                                       */
-  /*    data_offset :: The position of first data byte in the index's      */
-  /*                   bytes.                                              */
-  /*                                                                       */
-  /*    offsets     :: A table of element offsets in the index.            */
-  /*                                                                       */
-  /*    bytes       :: If the index is loaded in memory, its bytes.        */
-  /*                                                                       */
-  typedef struct  CFF_Index_
-  {
-    FT_Stream  stream;
-    FT_UInt    count;
-    FT_Byte    off_size;
-    FT_ULong   data_offset;
-    FT_ULong*  offsets;
-    FT_Byte*   bytes;
-  } CFF_Index;
-  typedef struct  CFF_Encoding_
-  {
-    FT_UInt     format;
-    FT_ULong    offset;
-    FT_UShort*  sids;
-    FT_UShort*  codes;
-  } CFF_Encoding;
-  typedef struct  CFF_Charset_
-  {
-    FT_UInt     format;
-    FT_ULong    offset;
-    FT_UShort*  sids;
-  } CFF_Charset;
-  typedef struct  CFF_Font_Dict_
-  {
-    FT_UInt    version;
-    FT_UInt    notice;
-    FT_UInt    copyright;
-    FT_UInt    full_name;
-    FT_UInt    family_name;
-    FT_UInt    weight;
-    FT_Bool    is_fixed_pitch;
-    FT_Fixed   italic_angle;
-    FT_Pos     underline_position;
-    FT_Pos     underline_thickness;
-    FT_Int     paint_type;
-    FT_Int     charstring_type;
-    FT_Matrix  font_matrix;
-    FT_Vector  font_offset;
-    FT_ULong   unique_id;
-    FT_BBox    font_bbox;
-    FT_Pos     stroke_width;
-    FT_ULong   charset_offset;
-    FT_ULong   encoding_offset;
-    FT_ULong   charstrings_offset;
-    FT_ULong   private_offset;
-    FT_ULong   private_size;
-    FT_Long    synthetic_base;
-    FT_UInt    embedded_postscript;
-    FT_UInt    base_font_name;
-    FT_UInt    postscript;
-    /* these should only be used for the top-level font dictionary */
-    FT_UInt    cid_registry;
-    FT_UInt    cid_ordering;
-    FT_ULong   cid_supplement;
-    FT_Long    cid_font_version;
-    FT_Long    cid_font_revision;
-    FT_Long    cid_font_type;
-    FT_Long    cid_count;
-    FT_ULong   cid_uid_base;
-    FT_ULong   cid_fd_array_offset;
-    FT_ULong   cid_fd_select_offset;
-    FT_UInt    cid_font_name;
-  } CFF_Font_Dict;
-  typedef struct  CFF_Private_
-  {
-    FT_Byte   num_blue_values;
-    FT_Byte   num_other_blues;
-    FT_Byte   num_family_blues;
-    FT_Byte   num_family_other_blues;
-    FT_Pos    blue_values[14];
-    FT_Pos    other_blues[10];
-    FT_Pos    family_blues[14];
-    FT_Pos    family_other_blues[10];
-    FT_Fixed  blue_scale;
-    FT_Pos    blue_shift;
-    FT_Pos    blue_fuzz;
-    FT_Pos    standard_width;
-    FT_Pos    standard_height;
-    FT_Byte   num_snap_widths;
-    FT_Byte   num_snap_heights;
-    FT_Pos    snap_widths[13];
-    FT_Pos    snap_heights[13];
-    FT_Bool   force_bold;
-    FT_Fixed  force_bold_threshold;
-    FT_Int    lenIV;
-    FT_Int    language_group;
-    FT_Fixed  expansion_factor;
-    FT_Long   initial_random_seed;
-    FT_ULong  local_subrs_offset;
-    FT_Pos    default_width;
-    FT_Pos    nominal_width;
-  } CFF_Private;
-  typedef struct  CFF_FD_Select_
-  {
-    FT_Byte   format;
-    FT_UInt   range_count;
-    /* that's the table, taken from the file `as is' */
-    FT_Byte*  data;
-    FT_UInt   data_size;
-    /* small cache for format 3 only */
-    FT_UInt   cache_first;
-    FT_UInt   cache_count;
-    FT_Byte   cache_fd;
-  } CFF_FD_Select;
-  /* A SubFont packs a font dict and a private dict together. They are */
-  /* needed to support CID-keyed CFF fonts.                            */
-  typedef struct  CFF_SubFont_
-  {
-    CFF_Font_Dict  font_dict;
-    CFF_Private    private_dict;
-    CFF_Index      local_subrs_index;
-    FT_UInt        num_local_subrs;
-    FT_Byte**      local_subrs;
-  } CFF_SubFont;
-  /* maximum number of sub-fonts in a CID-keyed file */
-#define CFF_MAX_CID_FONTS  16
-  typedef struct  CFF_Font_
-  {
-    FT_Stream      stream;
-    FT_Memory      memory;
-    FT_UInt        num_faces;
-    FT_UInt        num_glyphs;
-    FT_Byte        version_major;
-    FT_Byte        version_minor;
-    FT_Byte        header_size;
-    FT_Byte        absolute_offsize;
-    CFF_Index      name_index;
-    CFF_Index      top_dict_index;
-    CFF_Index      string_index;
-    CFF_Index      global_subrs_index;
-    CFF_Encoding   encoding;
-    CFF_Charset    charset;
-    CFF_Index      charstrings_index;
-    CFF_Index      font_dict_index;
-    CFF_Index      private_index;
-    CFF_Index      local_subrs_index;
-    FT_String*     font_name;
-    FT_UInt        num_global_subrs;
-    FT_Byte**      global_subrs;
-    CFF_SubFont    top_font;
-    FT_UInt        num_subfonts;
-    CFF_SubFont*   subfonts[CFF_MAX_CID_FONTS];
-    CFF_FD_Select  fd_select;
-  } CFF_Font;
-#endif /* __T2TYPES_H__ */
-/* END */