Commit b404d06a6b2bfcf4ebd9062b408310b020086ed5

David Turner 2000-12-05T14:49:39

updated DocMaker to generate section-specific pages

diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index b33d80e..07b0cd0 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
 	* src/base/ftsystem.c (FT_Done_Memory): fixed an obvious bug,
 	the ANSI "free" function was called, instead of "memory->free()"
+	* docs/ added section filtering, multi-page generation
+	(index page generation is still missing though)
 2000-12-04  David Turner  <>
 	* builds/unix/, builds/unix/ft2unix.h: the file "ft2unix.h"
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index 85b17f2..d5441ef 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -35,6 +35,15 @@ html_footer = """
+section_title_header = """
+section_title_footer = """
 code_header = """
 <font color=blue><pre>
@@ -55,6 +64,10 @@ source_footer = """</pre></table></center>
+current_section = None
 # The FreeType 2 reference is extracted from the source files. These contain
 # various comment blocks that follow one of the following formats:
@@ -244,6 +257,16 @@ class DocParagraph:
         #print "�" #for debugging only
+    def dump_string( self ):
+        s     = ""
+        space = ""
+        for word in self.words:
+            s     = s + space + word
+            space = " "
+        return s
     def dump_html( self ):
         print para_header
@@ -390,6 +413,16 @@ class DocContent:
+    def get_title( self ):
+        if self.items:
+            item = self.items[0]
+            for element in item[1]:
+                return element.dump_string()
+        # should never happen
+        return "UNKNOWN_CONTENT_TITLE"
     def dump( self ):
         for item in self.items:
             field = item[0]
@@ -459,6 +492,7 @@ class DocBlock:
         marker      = None               # current marker
         content     = []                 # current content lines list
         alphanum    = string.letters + string.digits + "_"
+   = None
         for line in block_line_list:
             line2  = string.lstrip( line )
@@ -494,6 +528,11 @@ class DocBlock:
         if self.items:
             self.source = source_line_list
+        # now retrieve block name when possible
+        if self.items:
+            first     = self.items[0]
+   = first[1].get_identifier()
     # this function is used to add a new element to self.items
     #  'marker' is a marker string, or None
@@ -520,6 +559,13 @@ class DocBlock:
             if not self.identifier:
                 self.identifier = content.get_identifier()
+    def find_content( self, marker ):
+        for item in self.items:
+            if ( item[0] == marker ):
+                return item[1]
+        return None
     def dump( self ):
@@ -576,6 +622,163 @@ class DocBlock:
         print block_footer
+# The DocSection class is used to store a given documentation section
+# Each section is made of an identifier, an abstract and a description
+# For example, look at:
+#   <Section> Basic_Data_Types
+#   <Abstract>
+#      Definitions of basic FreeType data types
+#   <Description>
+#      FreeType defines several basic data types for all its
+#      operations....
+class DocSection:
+    def __init__( self, block ):
+        self.block       = block
+        = string.lower(
+        self.abstract    = block.find_content("abstract")
+        self.description = block.find_content("description")
+        title_content    = block.find_content("title")
+        if title_content:
+            self.title = title_content.get_title()
+        else:
+            self.title = "UNKNOWN SECTION TITLE !!"
+        self.elements    = {}
+        self.list        = []
+        self.filename    = + ".html"
+        #sys.stderr.write( "new section '""'" )
+    def add_element( self, block ):
+        # check that we don't have a duplicate element in this
+        # section..
+        if self.elements.has_key( ):
+            sys.stderr.write( "ERROR - duplicate element definition for " + 
+                              "'" + + "' in section '" +
+                     + "'" )
+            sys.quit()
+        self.elements[ ] = block
+        self.list.append( block )
+    def dump_html( self ):
+        """make an HTML page from a given DocSection"""
+        # print HTML header
+        print html_header
+        # print title
+        print section_title_header
+        print self.title
+        print section_title_footer
+        # print description
+        print block_header
+        self.description.dump_html()
+        print block_footer
+        # print elements
+        for element in self.list:
+            element.dump_html()
+        print html_footer
+class DocSectionList:
+    def  __init__( self ):
+        self.sections        = {}
+        self.list            = []
+        self.current_section = None
+    def  append_section( self, block ):
+        name       =
+        abstract   = block.find_content( "abstract" )
+        if self.sections.has_key(name):
+            # there is already a section with this name in our
+            # list. We'll try to complete it.
+            section = self.sections[name]
+            if section.abstract:
+                # this section already has an abstract defined,
+                # simply check that the new section doesn't
+                # provide a new one.
+                if abstract:
+                    stderr.write( "ERROR - duplicate section definition" +
+                                  " for '" + name + "'" )
+                    sys.quit()
+            else:
+                # the old section didn't contain an abstract, we're
+                # now going to replace it
+                section.abstract    = abstract
+                section.description = block.find_content( "description" )
+        else:
+            # a new section
+            section = DocSection( block )
+            self.sections[name] = section
+            self.list.append( section )
+        self.current_section = section
+    def append_block( self, block ):
+        if
+            section = block.find_content( "section" )
+            if section:
+                self.append_section( block )
+            elif self.current_section:
+                #sys.stderr.write( "  new block" )
+                self.current_section.add_element( block )
+    def dump_html_toc( self ):
+        # dump an html table of contents
+        print html_header
+        print "<center><h1>Table of Contents</h1></center>"
+        print "<center><table cellpadding=5>"
+        for section in self.list:
+            print "<tr valign=top><td>"
+            print '<a href="'+section.filename+'">'
+            print section.title
+            print "</a></td><td>"
+            section.abstract.dump_html()
+            print "</td></tr>"
+        print "</table></center>"
+        print html_footer
+    def dump_html_sections( self ):
+        old_stdout = sys.stdout
+        for section in self.sections.values():
+            new_file   = open( section.filename, "w" )
+            sys.stdout = new_file
+            section.dump_html()
+            new_file.close()
+        sys.stdout = old_stdout
 # filter a given list of DocBlocks. Returns a new list
 # of DocBlock objects that only contains element whose
 # "type" (i.e. first marker) is in the "types" parameter
@@ -807,11 +1010,18 @@ def main( argv ):
     list = make_block_list()
     list = block_make_list(list)
-    list2 = filter_blocks( list, ['type','macro','enum','constant', 'functype'] )
+    section_list = DocSectionList()
+    for block in list:
+        section_list.append_block( block )
+    section_list.dump_html_toc()
+    section_list.dump_html_sections()
+    #list2 = filter_blocks( list, ['type','macro','enum','constant', 'functype'] )
     #list2 = list
-    list2.sort( block_lexicographical_compare )
+    #list2.sort( block_lexicographical_compare )
-    dump_html_1( list2 )
+    #dump_html_1( list2 )
     #dump_doc_blocks( list )
     #dump_block_lists( list )
     #dump_html_1( list )