Commit b647dbdeb8d5389a7e05ca5284842b4b757ee723

Werner Lemberg 2022-01-12T06:21:52

.gitlab-ci.yml: Minor comment cleanups.

diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index ac925c3..f3af842 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+# CI setup for FreeType.
  - build
@@ -34,8 +36,8 @@ variables:
     # Make sure any failure in PowerShell scripts is fatal.
     ErrorActionPreference: 'Stop'
     WarningPreference: 'Stop'
-    # Uncomment the following key if need to pass custom args, as well with
-    # the `$env:MESON_ARGS` line in the `script:` blocks.
+    # Uncomment the following key if you need to pass custom args, as well
+    # with the `$env:MESON_ARGS` line in the `script:` blocks.
     # MESON_ARGS: >-
     #   -Dfoo=enabled
     #   -Dbar=disabled
@@ -43,14 +45,16 @@ variables:
     # Update RootCAs in order to access to some sites.
     - certutil -generateSSTFromWU "C:\roots.sst"
     - Import-Certificate -CertStoreLocation "Cert:\LocalMachine\Root" "C:\roots.sst"
-    # Make sure meson is up to date, so we don't need to rebuild the image
+    # Make sure meson is up to date so we don't need to rebuild the image
     # with each release.
     - pip3 install meson==0.59.1
     - pip3 install -U ninja
     # For some reason, options are separated by newlines instead of spaces,
     # so we have to replace them first.
-    #- $env:MESON_ARGS = $env:MESON_ARGS.replace("`n"," ")
+    #
+    # - $env:MESON_ARGS = $env:MESON_ARGS.replace("`n"," ")
+    #
     # Gitlab executes PowerShell in docker, but `VsDevCmd.bat` is a batch
     # script.  Environment variables substitutions is done by PowerShell
     # before calling `cmd.exe`, that's why we use `$env:FOO` instead of
@@ -66,7 +70,8 @@ variables:
 # <OS> <Build-Tool> <Build-Params> <Architecture> 
-# Windows jobs
+# Windows jobs.
 windows meson vs2017 amd64:
   extends: '.build windows meson'
@@ -78,9 +83,11 @@ windows meson vs2017 x86:
     ARCH: 'x86'
-# Linux Jobs
-# Jobs with "libs" in the name force enable libraries.
-# They are disabled in rest of the jobs.
+# Linux Jobs.
+# Jobs with "libs" in the name force-enable libraries.
+# They are disabled for the remaining jobs.
 linux autotools:
   extends: '.build linux common'
   script: |
@@ -166,6 +173,9 @@ linux cmake libs:
     cmake --build build --target install
+# MacOS jobs.
 macos autotools:
   extends: '.build macos common'