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removing the 'autohint' module from the library, since it is now replaced by 'autofit'
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# FreeType 2 top Jamfile (c) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 David Turner
# The HDRMACRO is already defined in FTJam and is used to add
# the content of certain macros to the list of included header
# files.
# We can compile FreeType 2 with classic Jam however thanks to
# the following code
# nothing
# We need to invoke a SubDir rule if the FT2 source directory top is not the
# current directory. This allows us to build FreeType 2 as part of a larger
# project easily.
if $(FT2_TOP) != $(DOT)
SubDir FT2_TOP ;
# The following macros define the include directory, the source directory,
# and the final library name (without library extensions). They can be
# replaced by other definitions when the library is compiled as part of
# a larger project.
# Name of FreeType include directory during compilation.
# This is relative to FT2_TOP.
FT2_INCLUDE_DIR ?= include ;
# Name of FreeType source directory during compilation.
# This is relative to FT2_TOP.
FT2_SRC_DIR ?= src ;
# Name of final library, without extension.
FT2_LIB ?= $(LIBPREFIX)freetype ;
# Define FT2_BUILD_INCLUDE to point to your build-specific directory.
# This is prepended to FT2_INCLUDE_DIR. It can be used to specify
# the location of a custom <ft2build.h> which will point to custom
# versions of "ftmodule.h" and "ftoption.h", for example.
# The list of modules to compile on any given build of the library.
# By default, this will contain _all_ modules defined in FT2_SRC_DIR.
# IMPORTANT: You'll need to change the content of "ftmodule.h" as well
# if you modify this list or provide your own.
FT2_COMPONENTS ?= autofit # auto-fitter
base # base component (public APIs)
bdf # BDF font driver
cache # cache sub-system
cff # CFF/CEF font driver
cid # PostScript CID-keyed font driver
gzip # support for gzip-compressed files
lzw # support for LZW-compressed files
otvalid # validation of OpenType tables
pcf # PCF font driver
pfr # PFR/TrueDoc font driver
psaux # common PostScript routines module
pshinter # PostScript hinter module
psnames # PostScript names handling
raster # monochrome rasterizer
smooth # anti-aliased rasterizer
sfnt # SFNT-based format support routines
truetype # TrueType font driver
type1 # PostScript Type 1 font driver
type42 # PostScript Type 42 (embedded TrueType) driver
winfonts # Windows FON/FNT font driver
# Don't touch.
[ FT2_SubDir $(FT2_INCLUDE_DIR) ] ;
FT2_SRC = [ FT2_SubDir $(FT2_SRC_DIR) ] ;
# Location of API Reference Documentation
if $(DOC_DIR)
DOC_DIR = docs/reference ;
# Only used by FreeType developers.
# We need "freetype2/include" in the current include path in order to
# compile any part of FreeType 2.
# Uncomment the following line if you want to build individual source files
# for each FreeType 2 module. This is only useful during development, and
# is better defined as an environment variable anyway!
# FT2_MULTI = true ;
# The file <freetype/config/ftheader.h> is used to define macros that are
# later used in #include statements. It needs to be parsed in order to
# record these definitions.
HDRMACRO [ FT2_SubDir include freetype config ftheader.h ] ;
HDRMACRO [ FT2_SubDir include freetype internal internal.h ] ;
# Now include the Jamfile in "freetype2/src", used to drive the compilation
# of each FreeType 2 component and/or module.
SubInclude FT2_TOP $(FT2_SRC_DIR) ;
# Test files (hinter debugging). Only used by FreeType developers.
SubInclude FT2_TOP tests ;
actions RefDoc
python $(FT2_SRC)/tools/docmaker/docmaker.py --prefix=ft2 --title=FreeType-2.1.10 --output=$(DOC_DIR) $(FT2_INCLUDE)/freetype/*.h $(FT2_INCLUDE)/freetype/config/*.h $(FT2_INCLUDE)/freetype/cache/*.h
RefDoc refdoc ;
# end of top Jamfile