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* Jamrules, Jamfile, Jamfile.in, src/*/Jamfile: small changes to support the compilation of FreeType 2 as part of larger projects with their own configuration options (only with Jam)
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# FreeType 2 JamRules (c) 2001 David Turner
# This file contains the Jam rules needed to build the FreeType 2 library.
# It is shared by all Jamfiles and is included only once in the build
# process.
# call SubDirHdrs on a list of directories
rule AddSubDirHdrs
local x ;
for x in $(<)
SubDirHdrs $(x) ;
# Determine prefix of library file. We must use "libxxxxx" on Unix systems,
# while all other simply use the real name.
if $(UNIX)
LIBPREFIX ?= lib ;
# FT2_TOP contains the location of the FreeType source directory. You can
# set it to a specific value if you want to compile the library as part of a
# larger project.
FT2_TOP ?= $(DOT) ;
# Define a new rule used to declare a sub directory of the Nirvana source
# tree.
rule FT2_SubDir
if $(FT2_TOP) = $(DOT)
return [ FDirName $(<) ] ;
return [ FDirName $(FT2_TOP) $(<) ] ;
# We also set ALL_LOCATE_TARGET in order to place all object and library
# files in "objs".
ALL_LOCATE_TARGET ?= [ FT2_SubDir objs ] ;
# end of Jamrules