• Show log


  • Hash : 7bc0f48c
    Author : Alex Richardson
    Date : 2021-07-15T18:26:20

    [tests] Allow arbitrary build directories.
    * tests/issue-1063/main.c (main): I am building with a build
    directory that is not directly inside the source tree, so the path
    `../tests/data/As.I.Lay.Dying.ttf` does not resolve to the test
    input file.  This change passes the test data directory as an
    environment variable to allow arbitrary build directories.
    * tests/meson.build: Updated.

  • README.md

  • Unit and regression tests for the FreeType library

    Quick Start

    Download test fonts

    Run the tests/scripts/download-fonts.py script, which will download test fonts to the tests/data/ directory first.

    Build the test programs

    The tests are only built with the Meson build system, and are disabled by default, enable the ‘tests’ option to compile them, as in:

    meson setup out -Dtests=enabled meson compile -C out

    Run the test programs

    meson test -C out