Commit 30ce1b157ee28b10ed68fd41243da1870b56730f

henry 2002-12-15T08:23:06

FTcontour update

diff --git a/HISTORY.txt b/HISTORY.txt
index 6783d30..a5631f4 100644
--- a/HISTORY.txt
+++ b/HISTORY.txt
@@ -1,30 +1,29 @@
-FTGL 1.41
+FTGL 2.0 (FTGL_2_0_0)
     - Fixed some alignment bugs in new ( > 2.0.9) Freetype.
     - Minor fixes to float declarations.
     - Moved FTBBox and FTPoint to their own files and added Move() and
-      operator + to FTBBox
+      operator +, operator += to FTBBox
     - Replaced FT_Vector with FTPoint for kerning.
     - Fixed the glPushAttrib calls.
-    * Changed gluTess callback def.
+    - Changed gluTess callback def.
     - Rewriting FTGLDemo.
     - Minor fixes for irix.
     - Removed a bunch of redundant members and made them function locals.
-    * Removed Close() from FTFont because there was no way to handle it
+    - Removed Close() from FTFont because there was no way to handle it
     - Improved the robustness of some of the error handling.
-    * Removed the FTCharmap Platform/Encoding function.
+    - Removed the FTCharmap Platform/Encoding function.
     - Unit tests.
-    * Removed the precache flag.
+    - Removed the precache flag.
     - Unvirtualised functions in FTLibrary and FTGlyphContainer.
     - Fixed empty string bug in FTFont::BBox.
     - Refactored FTContour and moved it to it's own file.
     - Removed an unnecessary memory allocation in FTOutlineGlyph.
     - Made vectoriser a local variable in vector glyphs.
     - Fixed a long standing visual bug in FTVectoriser.
-    * Changed size calculations to use floats instead of ints. This includes
+    - Changed size calculations to use floats instead of ints. This includes
     - Refactored FTGlyph. Now calculates advance (as a float) and bbox.
-    - Removed redundant members from FT*Glyph.
     - Changed contourList from FTVector to an array in FTVectoriser.
 October 23 2002
diff --git a/mac/FTGL.pbproj/henry.pbxuser b/mac/FTGL.pbproj/henry.pbxuser
index 50c5481..18e62f0 100644
--- a/mac/FTGL.pbproj/henry.pbxuser
+++ b/mac/FTGL.pbproj/henry.pbxuser
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 // !$*UTF8*$!
 	66BA088A01C46338000ABFD4 = {
-		activeBuildStyle = 66BA088C01C46338000ABFD4;
-		activeExecutable = 66BA08EF01C4657A000ABFD4;
+		activeBuildStyle = 66BA088D01C46338000ABFD4;
+		activeExecutable = F597CC9302C5420F01F03BCF;
 		activeTarget = 66BA089001C4635F000ABFD4;
 		addToTargets = (
@@ -14,7 +14,135 @@
 		perUserDictionary = {
-			PBXPerProjectTemplateStateSaveDate = 61423754;
+			PBXPerProjectTemplateStateSaveDate = 61592117;
+			"PBXTemplateGeometry-F5314676015831810DCA290F" = {
+				ContentSize = "{685, 434}";
+				LeftSlideOut = {
+					Collapsed = NO;
+					Frame = "{{0, 23}, {685, 411}}";
+					Split0 = {
+						ActiveTab = 2;
+						ActiveTabName = PBXBuildResultsModule;
+						Collapsed = NO;
+						Frame = "{{0, 0}, {685, 411}}";
+						Split0 = {
+							Frame = "{{0, 301}, {685, 110}}";
+						};
+						SplitCount = 1;
+						Tab0 = {
+							Frame = "{{0, 0}, {952, 321}}";
+						};
+						Tab1 = {
+							Debugger = {
+								Collapsed = NO;
+								Frame = "{{0, 0}, {781, 452}}";
+								Split0 = {
+									Frame = "{{0, 24}, {781, 428}}";
+									Split0 = {
+										Frame = "{{0, 0}, {383, 428}}";
+									};
+									Split1 = {
+										DebugVariablesTableConfiguration = (
+											Name,
+											123,
+											Value,
+											85,
+											Summary,
+											155.123,
+										);
+										Frame = "{{392, 0}, {389, 428}}";
+									};
+									SplitCount = 2;
+								};
+								SplitCount = 1;
+								Tab0 = {
+									Frame = "{{0, 0}, {100, 50}}";
+								};
+								Tab1 = {
+									Frame = "{{0, 0}, {100, 50}}";
+								};
+								TabCount = 2;
+								TabsVisible = YES;
+							};
+							Frame = "{{0, 0}, {781, 452}}";
+							LauncherConfigVersion = 7;
+						};
+						Tab2 = {
+							Frame = "{{0, 0}, {685, 215}}";
+							LauncherConfigVersion = 3;
+							Runner = {
+								Frame = "{{0, 0}, {685, 215}}";
+							};
+						};
+						Tab3 = {
+							BuildMessageFrame = "{{0, 0}, {687, 262}}";
+							BuildTranscriptFrame = "{{0, 271}, {687, 2}}";
+							BuildTranscriptFrameExpanded = YES;
+							Frame = "{{0, 0}, {685, 295}}";
+						};
+						Tab4 = {
+							Frame = "{{0, 0}, {612, 295}}";
+						};
+						TabCount = 5;
+						TabsVisible = NO;
+					};
+					SplitCount = 1;
+					Tab0 = {
+						Frame = "{{0, 0}, {300, 533}}";
+						GroupTreeTableConfiguration = (
+							TargetStatusColumn,
+							18,
+							MainColumn,
+							267,
+						);
+					};
+					Tab1 = {
+						ClassesFrame = "{{0, 0}, {280, 398}}";
+						ClassesTreeTableConfiguration = (
+							PBXBookColumnIdentifier,
+							20,
+							PBXClassColumnIdentifier,
+							237,
+						);
+						Frame = "{{0, 0}, {278, 659}}";
+						MembersFrame = "{{0, 407}, {280, 252}}";
+						MembersTreeTableConfiguration = (
+							PBXBookColumnIdentifier,
+							20,
+							PBXMethodColumnIdentifier,
+							236,
+						);
+					};
+					Tab2 = {
+						Frame = "{{0, 0}, {200, 100}}";
+					};
+					Tab3 = {
+						Frame = "{{0, 0}, {200, 100}}";
+						TargetTableConfiguration = (
+							ActiveObject,
+							16,
+							ObjectNames,
+							202.296,
+						);
+					};
+					Tab4 = {
+						BreakpointsTreeTableConfiguration = (
+							breakpointColumn,
+							197,
+							enabledColumn,
+							31,
+						);
+						Frame = "{{0, 0}, {250, 100}}";
+					};
+					TabCount = 5;
+					TabsVisible = NO;
+				};
+				NavBarShownByDefault = YES;
+				StatusViewVisible = YES;
+				Template = F5314676015831810DCA290F;
+				ToolbarVisible = YES;
+				WindowLocation = "{7, 352}";
+			};
 			PBXWorkspaceContents = (
 					LeftSlideOut = {
@@ -182,10 +310,10 @@
 					StatusViewVisible = YES;
 					Template = F5E465990156DFB90DCA290F;
 					ToolbarVisible = YES;
-					WindowLocation = "{584, 224}";
+					WindowLocation = "{574, 216}";
-			PBXWorkspaceStateSaveDate = 61423754;
+			PBXWorkspaceStateSaveDate = 61592117;
 		projectwideBuildSettings = {