Commit 646bb3bc14ef75fcf61736bc336d31c7ad980e02

sammy 2008-05-11T11:23:58

* More documentation.

diff --git a/docs/ftgl.dox b/docs/ftgl.dox
index b3f3dac..fe57107 100644
--- a/docs/ftgl.dox
+++ b/docs/ftgl.dox
@@ -22,6 +22,13 @@
  Word you don't need an intermediate pre-processing step to use high quality
  scalable fonts.
+ \section starting Starting to use FTGL
+ Only one header is required to use %FTGL:
+#include <FTGL/ftgl.h>
  \section type Choosing a font type
@@ -61,34 +68,47 @@
  \image html texturefont.png
  \image latex texturefont.eps "" width=0.7\textwidth
- \section creating Creating a font
+ \section creating Create font objects
+ Creating a font and displaying some text is really straightforward, be it
+ in C or in C++.
+ \subsection c in C
-FTGLPixmapFont font;
+/* Create a pixmap font from a TrueType file. */
+FTGLfont *font = ftglCreatePixmapFont("/home/user/Arial.ttf");
+/* If something went wrong, bail out. */
+    return -1;
-font.Render("Hello World!");
+/* Set the font size and render a small text. */
+ftglSetFontFaceSize(font, 72, 72);
+ftglRenderFont(font, "Hello World!", FTGL_RENDER_ALL);
+/* Destroy the font object. */
- A side effect of this is you can specify a sub set of glyphs to be pre-loaded.
- This will let you use larger higher quality glyphs without consuming huge
- amounts of ram as you would if you loaded the entire font. For example if your
- application only needs numbers, eg for scores, you can use the following code
- to preload them.
+ \subsection cxx in C++
-// Open the font with pre-cache set to false
-font.Open("Fonts:Arial", false);
+// Create a pixmap font from a TrueType file.
+FTGLPixmapFont font("/home/user/Arial.ttf");
-// Set the size
+// If something went wrong, bail out.
+    return -1;
-// Cause the font to preload the number chars without rendering them.
+// Set the font size and render a small text.
+font.Render("Hello World!");
+ The first 128 glyphs of the font (generally corresponding to the ASCII set)
+ are preloaded. This means that usual text is rendered fast enough, but no
+ memory is wasted loading glyphs that will not be used.
  \section commands More font commands
@@ -121,8 +141,9 @@ font.Advance("0123456789");
  Valid encodings as of FreeType 2.0.4 are:
  - ft_encoding_none
- - ft_encoding_symbol
  - ft_encoding_unicode
+ - ft_encoding_symbol
+ - ft_encoding_latin_1
  - ft_encoding_latin_2
  - ft_encoding_sjis
  - ft_encoding_gb2312
@@ -143,6 +164,35 @@ font.CharMap(ft_encoding_apple_roman);
  This will return an error if the requested encoding can't be found in the
+ If your application uses Latin-1 characters, you can preload this character
+ set using the following code:
+ \code
+// Create a pixmap font from a TrueType file.
+FTGLPixmapFont font("/home/user/Arial.ttf");
+// If something went wrong, bail out.
+    return -1;
+// Set the face size and the character map. If something went wrong, bail out.
+    return -1;
+// Create a string containing all characters between 128 and 255
+// and preload the Latin-1 chars without rendering them.
+char buf[129];
+for(int i = 128; i < 256; i++)
+    buf[i] = (char)(unsigned char)i;
+buf[128] = '\0';
+ \endcode
  \section faq FAQ