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Updated FTGLDemo to use the new FTSimpleLayout. Changes include: - Added a font origin to specify the location to render the font. - The default text is now blatantly plagarized from the back cover of the OGL red book. - The font size is much smaller. - Font metrics are rendered differently depending on the current layout manager. - The FTSimpleLayout alignment mode is now output with other font information. - The space bar no longer cycles through the fonts. The cursor up/down keys do. - The cursor left/right keys increment/decrement the size of the current font. - The page up/page down keys cycle through the layout managers. - The home/end keys increment and decrement the line length of a simple layout - The tab key cycles through the alignment modes of a simple layout.
FTGL Version 2.0 Demo This demo demonstrates the different rendering styles available with FTGL. Press <spacebar> to change the font rendering style. Press <enter> to enable edit mode. When compiling you will need to check the paths to the font files as they are hard coded. See #define FONT_FILE and #define FONT_INFO in FTGLDemo.c Please contact me if you have any suggestions, feature requests, or problems. Henry Maddocks henryj@paradise.net.nz http://homepages.paradise.net.nz/henryj/