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* Provide a helper class for walking potentially-multibyte unicode strings. * Provide support for multibyte encodings (UTF-8, UTF-16) in FTFont and derived classes, and in FTSimpleLayout. * Put a few UTF-8 strings in non-latin codeplanes in FTGLDemo (toggle at compile-time) for testing. * FTSimpleLayout should be tested extensively before release. I would be surprised if I didn't break at least one unusual use case.
* select face ie italic, bold etc
* Multiple sizes
* Optimise performance and mem usage.
* Use the Freetype Cache mechanism. FTC_xxx
* Multiple Masters
* String Cache or string chunks
* Provide an interface to access the point data for outlines and
polygon meshes. Part way there with new vectoriser.
* Have a look at improving the algorthm for making curves. Maybe a
distance metric might be the way to go so that rather than having 5
polylines (0.2 step) for every curve, adjust the fineness for the
length of the curve. But then you should also test the angle of the
tangents as well. Jed's new bezier stuff.
* Guard classes - vectoriser
* Move the init code out of the glyph constructors into an init
function so that they can return errors.
* Get rid of frontPointList and backPointList!