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Added raster position comment to todo
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FTGL 1.0a1
FTGLPixmapFont font;
font.Open( "HenrysHD:System Folder:Fonts:Arial");
font.FaceSize( 72);
font.render( "Hello World!");
Things to think about...
If a font is defined uniquely by it's face and size ie
font.Open("HenrysHD:System Folder:Fonts:Arial", 72);
Then we don't need FTFace and FTSize, their functionality could be internal
to FTFont. Alternatively if we allow multiple faces and sizes how should
they be handled.
At the moment if you call font.CharSize( x) the glyph list is destroyed and
rebuilt, which will be really inefficient if you change sizes often. Will
the freetype cache stuff help here or should we cache internally?
multiple glyphlists. glyphlist manager. FTSize obj???
When is the best time to construct the glyphList? After the call to Size(x)
is the earliest but what happens if the client doesn't set the char size?
The FTSize seems redundant.
Need a way to restrict the glyphs to a custom set. eg an app only needs
numbers so we should only create a glyphList of the number characters.
This will enable us to have a restricted set of HIGH quality glyphs.
- Finish!!
- Error handling - fail gracefully - return FT_Error codes.
- What happens with 2 obj of the same font type
- The position stuff is broken again. Check the pen stuff. Plus lower
case 'y's seem to be 1 pixel too low?)
- Use glRasterPos() not glBitMap to set raster pos in pixel fonts.
- check and confirm the glPixelStore stuff. Data Alignment. Tightly
packed at the moment.
- pen position eg font.render( 50, 100, "Hello World!");
- Pixmaps as textures. FTTextureGlyph
- Clear the texture mem
- calc smallest texture size
- overflow texture
- FTOutlineGlyph
- FTPolygonGlyph
- Change glDrawPixels to use GL_ALPHA instead of GL_RGBA. This may not
work, read red book.
- Coloured Pixmaps/ bitmaps
- Optimise performance!! and mem usage.
- Use the Freetype Cache mechanism. See above. FTC_xxx
- Vertical formats
- Exits with some fonts at large sizes. Freetype Memory Bug?
July 22 2001
- First ALPHA Release 1.0a1