diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules
index a71fa1a..d7ef10d 100644
--- a/.gitmodules
+++ b/.gitmodules
@@ -9,9 +9,3 @@
[submodule "fonts"]
path = fonts
url = https://git.kmx.io/kc3-lang/fonts.git
-[submodule "markdown/md4c"]
- path = markdown/md4c
- url = https://git.kmx.io/kc3-lang/md4c.git
-[submodule "libmd"]
- path = libmd
- url = https://git.hadrons.org/git/libmd.git
diff --git a/markdown/entity.c b/markdown/entity.c
deleted file mode 120000
index 6b7dbf7..0000000
--- a/markdown/entity.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/markdown/entity.c b/markdown/entity.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7777066
--- /dev/null
+++ b/markdown/entity.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2185 @@
+ * MD4C: Markdown parser for C
+ * (http://github.com/mity/md4c)
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2016-2024 Martin Mitáš
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+ * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+ * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+ * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+ * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+ * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+ * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ */
+#include "entity.h"
+#include <string.h>
+/* Generated by scripts/build_enity_map.py. */
+static const ENTITY ENTITY_MAP[] = {
+ { "Æ", { 198, 0 } },
+ { "&", { 38, 0 } },
+ { "Á", { 193, 0 } },
+ { "Ă", { 258, 0 } },
+ { "Â", { 194, 0 } },
+ { "А", { 1040, 0 } },
+ { "𝔄", { 120068, 0 } },
+ { "À", { 192, 0 } },
+ { "Α", { 913, 0 } },
+ { "Ā", { 256, 0 } },
+ { "⩓", { 10835, 0 } },
+ { "Ą", { 260, 0 } },
+ { "𝔸", { 120120, 0 } },
+ { "⁡", { 8289, 0 } },
+ { "Å", { 197, 0 } },
+ { "𝒜", { 119964, 0 } },
+ { "≔", { 8788, 0 } },
+ { "Ã", { 195, 0 } },
+ { "Ä", { 196, 0 } },
+ { "∖", { 8726, 0 } },
+ { "⫧", { 10983, 0 } },
+ { "⌆", { 8966, 0 } },
+ { "Б", { 1041, 0 } },
+ { "∵", { 8757, 0 } },
+ { "ℬ", { 8492, 0 } },
+ { "Β", { 914, 0 } },
+ { "𝔅", { 120069, 0 } },
+ { "𝔹", { 120121, 0 } },
+ { "˘", { 728, 0 } },
+ { "ℬ", { 8492, 0 } },
+ { "≎", { 8782, 0 } },
+ { "Ч", { 1063, 0 } },
+ { "©", { 169, 0 } },
+ { "Ć", { 262, 0 } },
+ { "⋒", { 8914, 0 } },
+ { "ⅅ", { 8517, 0 } },
+ { "ℭ", { 8493, 0 } },
+ { "Č", { 268, 0 } },
+ { "Ç", { 199, 0 } },
+ { "Ĉ", { 264, 0 } },
+ { "∰", { 8752, 0 } },
+ { "Ċ", { 266, 0 } },
+ { "¸", { 184, 0 } },
+ { "·", { 183, 0 } },
+ { "ℭ", { 8493, 0 } },
+ { "Χ", { 935, 0 } },
+ { "⊙", { 8857, 0 } },
+ { "⊖", { 8854, 0 } },
+ { "⊕", { 8853, 0 } },
+ { "⊗", { 8855, 0 } },
+ { "∲", { 8754, 0 } },
+ { "”", { 8221, 0 } },
+ { "’", { 8217, 0 } },
+ { "∷", { 8759, 0 } },
+ { "⩴", { 10868, 0 } },
+ { "≡", { 8801, 0 } },
+ { "∯", { 8751, 0 } },
+ { "∮", { 8750, 0 } },
+ { "ℂ", { 8450, 0 } },
+ { "∐", { 8720, 0 } },
+ { "∳", { 8755, 0 } },
+ { "⨯", { 10799, 0 } },
+ { "𝒞", { 119966, 0 } },
+ { "⋓", { 8915, 0 } },
+ { "≍", { 8781, 0 } },
+ { "ⅅ", { 8517, 0 } },
+ { "⤑", { 10513, 0 } },
+ { "Ђ", { 1026, 0 } },
+ { "Ѕ", { 1029, 0 } },
+ { "Џ", { 1039, 0 } },
+ { "‡", { 8225, 0 } },
+ { "↡", { 8609, 0 } },
+ { "⫤", { 10980, 0 } },
+ { "Ď", { 270, 0 } },
+ { "Д", { 1044, 0 } },
+ { "∇", { 8711, 0 } },
+ { "Δ", { 916, 0 } },
+ { "𝔇", { 120071, 0 } },
+ { "´", { 180, 0 } },
+ { "˙", { 729, 0 } },
+ { "˝", { 733, 0 } },
+ { "`", { 96, 0 } },
+ { "˜", { 732, 0 } },
+ { "⋄", { 8900, 0 } },
+ { "ⅆ", { 8518, 0 } },
+ { "𝔻", { 120123, 0 } },
+ { "¨", { 168, 0 } },
+ { "⃜", { 8412, 0 } },
+ { "≐", { 8784, 0 } },
+ { "∯", { 8751, 0 } },
+ { "¨", { 168, 0 } },
+ { "⇓", { 8659, 0 } },
+ { "⇐", { 8656, 0 } },
+ { "⇔", { 8660, 0 } },
+ { "⫤", { 10980, 0 } },
+ { "⟸", { 10232, 0 } },
+ { "⟺", { 10234, 0 } },
+ { "⟹", { 10233, 0 } },
+ { "⇒", { 8658, 0 } },
+ { "⊨", { 8872, 0 } },
+ { "⇑", { 8657, 0 } },
+ { "⇕", { 8661, 0 } },
+ { "∥", { 8741, 0 } },
+ { "↓", { 8595, 0 } },
+ { "⤓", { 10515, 0 } },
+ { "⇵", { 8693, 0 } },
+ { "̑", { 785, 0 } },
+ { "⥐", { 10576, 0 } },
+ { "⥞", { 10590, 0 } },
+ { "↽", { 8637, 0 } },
+ { "⥖", { 10582, 0 } },
+ { "⥟", { 10591, 0 } },
+ { "⇁", { 8641, 0 } },
+ { "⥗", { 10583, 0 } },
+ { "⊤", { 8868, 0 } },
+ { "↧", { 8615, 0 } },
+ { "⇓", { 8659, 0 } },
+ { "𝒟", { 119967, 0 } },
+ { "Đ", { 272, 0 } },
+ { "Ŋ", { 330, 0 } },
+ { "Ð", { 208, 0 } },
+ { "É", { 201, 0 } },
+ { "Ě", { 282, 0 } },
+ { "Ê", { 202, 0 } },
+ { "Э", { 1069, 0 } },
+ { "Ė", { 278, 0 } },
+ { "𝔈", { 120072, 0 } },
+ { "È", { 200, 0 } },
+ { "∈", { 8712, 0 } },
+ { "Ē", { 274, 0 } },
+ { "◻", { 9723, 0 } },
+ { "▫", { 9643, 0 } },
+ { "Ę", { 280, 0 } },
+ { "𝔼", { 120124, 0 } },
+ { "Ε", { 917, 0 } },
+ { "⩵", { 10869, 0 } },
+ { "≂", { 8770, 0 } },
+ { "⇌", { 8652, 0 } },
+ { "ℰ", { 8496, 0 } },
+ { "⩳", { 10867, 0 } },
+ { "Η", { 919, 0 } },
+ { "Ë", { 203, 0 } },
+ { "∃", { 8707, 0 } },
+ { "ⅇ", { 8519, 0 } },
+ { "Ф", { 1060, 0 } },
+ { "𝔉", { 120073, 0 } },
+ { "◼", { 9724, 0 } },
+ { "▪", { 9642, 0 } },
+ { "𝔽", { 120125, 0 } },
+ { "∀", { 8704, 0 } },
+ { "ℱ", { 8497, 0 } },
+ { "ℱ", { 8497, 0 } },
+ { "Ѓ", { 1027, 0 } },
+ { ">", { 62, 0 } },
+ { "Γ", { 915, 0 } },
+ { "Ϝ", { 988, 0 } },
+ { "Ğ", { 286, 0 } },
+ { "Ģ", { 290, 0 } },
+ { "Ĝ", { 284, 0 } },
+ { "Г", { 1043, 0 } },
+ { "Ġ", { 288, 0 } },
+ { "𝔊", { 120074, 0 } },
+ { "⋙", { 8921, 0 } },
+ { "𝔾", { 120126, 0 } },
+ { "≥", { 8805, 0 } },
+ { "⋛", { 8923, 0 } },
+ { "≧", { 8807, 0 } },
+ { "⪢", { 10914, 0 } },
+ { "≷", { 8823, 0 } },
+ { "⩾", { 10878, 0 } },
+ { "≳", { 8819, 0 } },
+ { "𝒢", { 119970, 0 } },
+ { "≫", { 8811, 0 } },
+ { "Ъ", { 1066, 0 } },
+ { "ˇ", { 711, 0 } },
+ { "^", { 94, 0 } },
+ { "Ĥ", { 292, 0 } },
+ { "ℌ", { 8460, 0 } },
+ { "ℋ", { 8459, 0 } },
+ { "ℍ", { 8461, 0 } },
+ { "─", { 9472, 0 } },
+ { "ℋ", { 8459, 0 } },
+ { "Ħ", { 294, 0 } },
+ { "≎", { 8782, 0 } },
+ { "≏", { 8783, 0 } },
+ { "Е", { 1045, 0 } },
+ { "IJ", { 306, 0 } },
+ { "Ё", { 1025, 0 } },
+ { "Í", { 205, 0 } },
+ { "Î", { 206, 0 } },
+ { "И", { 1048, 0 } },
+ { "İ", { 304, 0 } },
+ { "ℑ", { 8465, 0 } },
+ { "Ì", { 204, 0 } },
+ { "ℑ", { 8465, 0 } },
+ { "Ī", { 298, 0 } },
+ { "ⅈ", { 8520, 0 } },
+ { "⇒", { 8658, 0 } },
+ { "∬", { 8748, 0 } },
+ { "∫", { 8747, 0 } },
+ { "⋂", { 8898, 0 } },
+ { "⁣", { 8291, 0 } },
+ { "⁢", { 8290, 0 } },
+ { "Į", { 302, 0 } },
+ { "𝕀", { 120128, 0 } },
+ { "Ι", { 921, 0 } },
+ { "ℐ", { 8464, 0 } },
+ { "Ĩ", { 296, 0 } },
+ { "І", { 1030, 0 } },
+ { "Ï", { 207, 0 } },
+ { "Ĵ", { 308, 0 } },
+ { "Й", { 1049, 0 } },
+ { "𝔍", { 120077, 0 } },
+ { "𝕁", { 120129, 0 } },
+ { "𝒥", { 119973, 0 } },
+ { "Ј", { 1032, 0 } },
+ { "Є", { 1028, 0 } },
+ { "Х", { 1061, 0 } },
+ { "Ќ", { 1036, 0 } },
+ { "Κ", { 922, 0 } },
+ { "Ķ", { 310, 0 } },
+ { "К", { 1050, 0 } },
+ { "𝔎", { 120078, 0 } },
+ { "𝕂", { 120130, 0 } },
+ { "𝒦", { 119974, 0 } },
+ { "Љ", { 1033, 0 } },
+ { "<", { 60, 0 } },
+ { "Ĺ", { 313, 0 } },
+ { "Λ", { 923, 0 } },
+ { "⟪", { 10218, 0 } },
+ { "ℒ", { 8466, 0 } },
+ { "↞", { 8606, 0 } },
+ { "Ľ", { 317, 0 } },
+ { "Ļ", { 315, 0 } },
+ { "Л", { 1051, 0 } },
+ { "⟨", { 10216, 0 } },
+ { "←", { 8592, 0 } },
+ { "⇤", { 8676, 0 } },
+ { "⇆", { 8646, 0 } },
+ { "⌈", { 8968, 0 } },
+ { "⟦", { 10214, 0 } },
+ { "⥡", { 10593, 0 } },
+ { "⇃", { 8643, 0 } },
+ { "⥙", { 10585, 0 } },
+ { "⌊", { 8970, 0 } },
+ { "↔", { 8596, 0 } },
+ { "⥎", { 10574, 0 } },
+ { "⊣", { 8867, 0 } },
+ { "↤", { 8612, 0 } },
+ { "⥚", { 10586, 0 } },
+ { "⊲", { 8882, 0 } },
+ { "⧏", { 10703, 0 } },
+ { "⊴", { 8884, 0 } },
+ { "⥑", { 10577, 0 } },
+ { "⥠", { 10592, 0 } },
+ { "↿", { 8639, 0 } },
+ { "⥘", { 10584, 0 } },
+ { "↼", { 8636, 0 } },
+ { "⥒", { 10578, 0 } },
+ { "⇐", { 8656, 0 } },
+ { "⇔", { 8660, 0 } },
+ { "⋚", { 8922, 0 } },
+ { "≦", { 8806, 0 } },
+ { "≶", { 8822, 0 } },
+ { "⪡", { 10913, 0 } },
+ { "⩽", { 10877, 0 } },
+ { "≲", { 8818, 0 } },
+ { "𝔏", { 120079, 0 } },
+ { "⋘", { 8920, 0 } },
+ { "⇚", { 8666, 0 } },
+ { "Ŀ", { 319, 0 } },
+ { "⟵", { 10229, 0 } },
+ { "⟷", { 10231, 0 } },
+ { "⟶", { 10230, 0 } },
+ { "⟸", { 10232, 0 } },
+ { "⟺", { 10234, 0 } },
+ { "⟹", { 10233, 0 } },
+ { "𝕃", { 120131, 0 } },
+ { "↙", { 8601, 0 } },
+ { "↘", { 8600, 0 } },
+ { "ℒ", { 8466, 0 } },
+ { "↰", { 8624, 0 } },
+ { "Ł", { 321, 0 } },
+ { "≪", { 8810, 0 } },
+ { "⤅", { 10501, 0 } },
+ { "М", { 1052, 0 } },
+ { " ", { 8287, 0 } },
+ { "ℳ", { 8499, 0 } },
+ { "𝔐", { 120080, 0 } },
+ { "∓", { 8723, 0 } },
+ { "𝕄", { 120132, 0 } },
+ { "ℳ", { 8499, 0 } },
+ { "Μ", { 924, 0 } },
+ { "Њ", { 1034, 0 } },
+ { "Ń", { 323, 0 } },
+ { "Ň", { 327, 0 } },
+ { "Ņ", { 325, 0 } },
+ { "Н", { 1053, 0 } },
+ { "​", { 8203, 0 } },
+ { "​", { 8203, 0 } },
+ { "​", { 8203, 0 } },
+ { "​", { 8203, 0 } },
+ { "≫", { 8811, 0 } },
+ { "≪", { 8810, 0 } },
+ { "
", { 10, 0 } },
+ { "𝔑", { 120081, 0 } },
+ { "⁠", { 8288, 0 } },
+ { " ", { 160, 0 } },
+ { "ℕ", { 8469, 0 } },
+ { "⫬", { 10988, 0 } },
+ { "≢", { 8802, 0 } },
+ { "≭", { 8813, 0 } },
+ { "∦", { 8742, 0 } },
+ { "∉", { 8713, 0 } },
+ { "≠", { 8800, 0 } },
+ { "≂̸", { 8770, 824 } },
+ { "∄", { 8708, 0 } },
+ { "≯", { 8815, 0 } },
+ { "≱", { 8817, 0 } },
+ { "≧̸", { 8807, 824 } },
+ { "≫̸", { 8811, 824 } },
+ { "≹", { 8825, 0 } },
+ { "⩾̸", { 10878, 824 } },
+ { "≵", { 8821, 0 } },
+ { "≎̸", { 8782, 824 } },
+ { "≏̸", { 8783, 824 } },
+ { "⋪", { 8938, 0 } },
+ { "⧏̸", { 10703, 824 } },
+ { "⋬", { 8940, 0 } },
+ { "≮", { 8814, 0 } },
+ { "≰", { 8816, 0 } },
+ { "≸", { 8824, 0 } },
+ { "≪̸", { 8810, 824 } },
+ { "⩽̸", { 10877, 824 } },
+ { "≴", { 8820, 0 } },
+ { "⪢̸", { 10914, 824 } },
+ { "⪡̸", { 10913, 824 } },
+ { "⊀", { 8832, 0 } },
+ { "⪯̸", { 10927, 824 } },
+ { "⋠", { 8928, 0 } },
+ { "∌", { 8716, 0 } },
+ { "⋫", { 8939, 0 } },
+ { "⧐̸", { 10704, 824 } },
+ { "⋭", { 8941, 0 } },
+ { "⊏̸", { 8847, 824 } },
+ { "⋢", { 8930, 0 } },
+ { "⊐̸", { 8848, 824 } },
+ { "⋣", { 8931, 0 } },
+ { "⊂⃒", { 8834, 8402 } },
+ { "⊈", { 8840, 0 } },
+ { "⊁", { 8833, 0 } },
+ { "⪰̸", { 10928, 824 } },
+ { "⋡", { 8929, 0 } },
+ { "≿̸", { 8831, 824 } },
+ { "⊃⃒", { 8835, 8402 } },
+ { "⊉", { 8841, 0 } },
+ { "≁", { 8769, 0 } },
+ { "≄", { 8772, 0 } },
+ { "≇", { 8775, 0 } },
+ { "≉", { 8777, 0 } },
+ { "∤", { 8740, 0 } },
+ { "𝒩", { 119977, 0 } },
+ { "Ñ", { 209, 0 } },
+ { "Ν", { 925, 0 } },
+ { "Œ", { 338, 0 } },
+ { "Ó", { 211, 0 } },
+ { "Ô", { 212, 0 } },
+ { "О", { 1054, 0 } },
+ { "Ő", { 336, 0 } },
+ { "𝔒", { 120082, 0 } },
+ { "Ò", { 210, 0 } },
+ { "Ō", { 332, 0 } },
+ { "Ω", { 937, 0 } },
+ { "Ο", { 927, 0 } },
+ { "𝕆", { 120134, 0 } },
+ { "“", { 8220, 0 } },
+ { "‘", { 8216, 0 } },
+ { "⩔", { 10836, 0 } },
+ { "𝒪", { 119978, 0 } },
+ { "Ø", { 216, 0 } },
+ { "Õ", { 213, 0 } },
+ { "⨷", { 10807, 0 } },
+ { "Ö", { 214, 0 } },
+ { "‾", { 8254, 0 } },
+ { "⏞", { 9182, 0 } },
+ { "⎴", { 9140, 0 } },
+ { "⏜", { 9180, 0 } },
+ { "∂", { 8706, 0 } },
+ { "П", { 1055, 0 } },
+ { "𝔓", { 120083, 0 } },
+ { "Φ", { 934, 0 } },
+ { "Π", { 928, 0 } },
+ { "±", { 177, 0 } },
+ { "ℌ", { 8460, 0 } },
+ { "ℙ", { 8473, 0 } },
+ { "⪻", { 10939, 0 } },
+ { "≺", { 8826, 0 } },
+ { "⪯", { 10927, 0 } },
+ { "≼", { 8828, 0 } },
+ { "≾", { 8830, 0 } },
+ { "″", { 8243, 0 } },
+ { "∏", { 8719, 0 } },
+ { "∷", { 8759, 0 } },
+ { "∝", { 8733, 0 } },
+ { "𝒫", { 119979, 0 } },
+ { "Ψ", { 936, 0 } },
+ { """, { 34, 0 } },
+ { "𝔔", { 120084, 0 } },
+ { "ℚ", { 8474, 0 } },
+ { "𝒬", { 119980, 0 } },
+ { "⤐", { 10512, 0 } },
+ { "®", { 174, 0 } },
+ { "Ŕ", { 340, 0 } },
+ { "⟫", { 10219, 0 } },
+ { "↠", { 8608, 0 } },
+ { "⤖", { 10518, 0 } },
+ { "Ř", { 344, 0 } },
+ { "Ŗ", { 342, 0 } },
+ { "Р", { 1056, 0 } },
+ { "ℜ", { 8476, 0 } },
+ { "∋", { 8715, 0 } },
+ { "⇋", { 8651, 0 } },
+ { "⥯", { 10607, 0 } },
+ { "ℜ", { 8476, 0 } },
+ { "Ρ", { 929, 0 } },
+ { "⟩", { 10217, 0 } },
+ { "→", { 8594, 0 } },
+ { "⇥", { 8677, 0 } },
+ { "⇄", { 8644, 0 } },
+ { "⌉", { 8969, 0 } },
+ { "⟧", { 10215, 0 } },
+ { "⥝", { 10589, 0 } },
+ { "⇂", { 8642, 0 } },
+ { "⥕", { 10581, 0 } },
+ { "⌋", { 8971, 0 } },
+ { "⊢", { 8866, 0 } },
+ { "↦", { 8614, 0 } },
+ { "⥛", { 10587, 0 } },
+ { "⊳", { 8883, 0 } },
+ { "⧐", { 10704, 0 } },
+ { "⊵", { 8885, 0 } },
+ { "⥏", { 10575, 0 } },
+ { "⥜", { 10588, 0 } },
+ { "↾", { 8638, 0 } },
+ { "⥔", { 10580, 0 } },
+ { "⇀", { 8640, 0 } },
+ { "⥓", { 10579, 0 } },
+ { "⇒", { 8658, 0 } },
+ { "ℝ", { 8477, 0 } },
+ { "⥰", { 10608, 0 } },
+ { "⇛", { 8667, 0 } },
+ { "ℛ", { 8475, 0 } },
+ { "↱", { 8625, 0 } },
+ { "⧴", { 10740, 0 } },
+ { "Щ", { 1065, 0 } },
+ { "Ш", { 1064, 0 } },
+ { "Ь", { 1068, 0 } },
+ { "Ś", { 346, 0 } },
+ { "⪼", { 10940, 0 } },
+ { "Š", { 352, 0 } },
+ { "Ş", { 350, 0 } },
+ { "Ŝ", { 348, 0 } },
+ { "С", { 1057, 0 } },
+ { "𝔖", { 120086, 0 } },
+ { "↓", { 8595, 0 } },
+ { "←", { 8592, 0 } },
+ { "→", { 8594, 0 } },
+ { "↑", { 8593, 0 } },
+ { "Σ", { 931, 0 } },
+ { "∘", { 8728, 0 } },
+ { "𝕊", { 120138, 0 } },
+ { "√", { 8730, 0 } },
+ { "□", { 9633, 0 } },
+ { "⊓", { 8851, 0 } },
+ { "⊏", { 8847, 0 } },
+ { "⊑", { 8849, 0 } },
+ { "⊐", { 8848, 0 } },
+ { "⊒", { 8850, 0 } },
+ { "⊔", { 8852, 0 } },
+ { "𝒮", { 119982, 0 } },
+ { "⋆", { 8902, 0 } },
+ { "⋐", { 8912, 0 } },
+ { "⋐", { 8912, 0 } },
+ { "⊆", { 8838, 0 } },
+ { "≻", { 8827, 0 } },
+ { "⪰", { 10928, 0 } },
+ { "≽", { 8829, 0 } },
+ { "≿", { 8831, 0 } },
+ { "∋", { 8715, 0 } },
+ { "∑", { 8721, 0 } },
+ { "⋑", { 8913, 0 } },
+ { "⊃", { 8835, 0 } },
+ { "⊇", { 8839, 0 } },
+ { "⋑", { 8913, 0 } },
+ { "Þ", { 222, 0 } },
+ { "™", { 8482, 0 } },
+ { "Ћ", { 1035, 0 } },
+ { "Ц", { 1062, 0 } },
+ { "	", { 9, 0 } },
+ { "Τ", { 932, 0 } },
+ { "Ť", { 356, 0 } },
+ { "Ţ", { 354, 0 } },
+ { "Т", { 1058, 0 } },
+ { "𝔗", { 120087, 0 } },
+ { "∴", { 8756, 0 } },
+ { "Θ", { 920, 0 } },
+ { "  ", { 8287, 8202 } },
+ { " ", { 8201, 0 } },
+ { "∼", { 8764, 0 } },
+ { "≃", { 8771, 0 } },
+ { "≅", { 8773, 0 } },
+ { "≈", { 8776, 0 } },
+ { "𝕋", { 120139, 0 } },
+ { "⃛", { 8411, 0 } },
+ { "𝒯", { 119983, 0 } },
+ { "Ŧ", { 358, 0 } },
+ { "Ú", { 218, 0 } },
+ { "↟", { 8607, 0 } },
+ { "⥉", { 10569, 0 } },
+ { "Ў", { 1038, 0 } },
+ { "Ŭ", { 364, 0 } },
+ { "Û", { 219, 0 } },
+ { "У", { 1059, 0 } },
+ { "Ű", { 368, 0 } },
+ { "𝔘", { 120088, 0 } },
+ { "Ù", { 217, 0 } },
+ { "Ū", { 362, 0 } },
+ { "_", { 95, 0 } },
+ { "⏟", { 9183, 0 } },
+ { "⎵", { 9141, 0 } },
+ { "⏝", { 9181, 0 } },
+ { "⋃", { 8899, 0 } },
+ { "⊎", { 8846, 0 } },
+ { "Ų", { 370, 0 } },
+ { "𝕌", { 120140, 0 } },
+ { "↑", { 8593, 0 } },
+ { "⤒", { 10514, 0 } },
+ { "⇅", { 8645, 0 } },
+ { "↕", { 8597, 0 } },
+ { "⥮", { 10606, 0 } },
+ { "⊥", { 8869, 0 } },
+ { "↥", { 8613, 0 } },
+ { "⇑", { 8657, 0 } },
+ { "⇕", { 8661, 0 } },
+ { "↖", { 8598, 0 } },
+ { "↗", { 8599, 0 } },
+ { "ϒ", { 978, 0 } },
+ { "Υ", { 933, 0 } },
+ { "Ů", { 366, 0 } },
+ { "𝒰", { 119984, 0 } },
+ { "Ũ", { 360, 0 } },
+ { "Ü", { 220, 0 } },
+ { "⊫", { 8875, 0 } },
+ { "⫫", { 10987, 0 } },
+ { "В", { 1042, 0 } },
+ { "⊩", { 8873, 0 } },
+ { "⫦", { 10982, 0 } },
+ { "⋁", { 8897, 0 } },
+ { "‖", { 8214, 0 } },
+ { "‖", { 8214, 0 } },
+ { "∣", { 8739, 0 } },
+ { "|", { 124, 0 } },
+ { "❘", { 10072, 0 } },
+ { "≀", { 8768, 0 } },
+ { " ", { 8202, 0 } },
+ { "𝔙", { 120089, 0 } },
+ { "𝕍", { 120141, 0 } },
+ { "𝒱", { 119985, 0 } },
+ { "⊪", { 8874, 0 } },
+ { "Ŵ", { 372, 0 } },
+ { "⋀", { 8896, 0 } },
+ { "𝔚", { 120090, 0 } },
+ { "𝕎", { 120142, 0 } },
+ { "𝒲", { 119986, 0 } },
+ { "𝔛", { 120091, 0 } },
+ { "Ξ", { 926, 0 } },
+ { "𝕏", { 120143, 0 } },
+ { "𝒳", { 119987, 0 } },
+ { "Я", { 1071, 0 } },
+ { "Ї", { 1031, 0 } },
+ { "Ю", { 1070, 0 } },
+ { "Ý", { 221, 0 } },
+ { "Ŷ", { 374, 0 } },
+ { "Ы", { 1067, 0 } },
+ { "𝔜", { 120092, 0 } },
+ { "𝕐", { 120144, 0 } },
+ { "𝒴", { 119988, 0 } },
+ { "Ÿ", { 376, 0 } },
+ { "Ж", { 1046, 0 } },
+ { "Ź", { 377, 0 } },
+ { "Ž", { 381, 0 } },
+ { "З", { 1047, 0 } },
+ { "Ż", { 379, 0 } },
+ { "​", { 8203, 0 } },
+ { "Ζ", { 918, 0 } },
+ { "ℨ", { 8488, 0 } },
+ { "ℤ", { 8484, 0 } },
+ { "𝒵", { 119989, 0 } },
+ { "á", { 225, 0 } },
+ { "ă", { 259, 0 } },
+ { "∾", { 8766, 0 } },
+ { "∾̳", { 8766, 819 } },
+ { "∿", { 8767, 0 } },
+ { "â", { 226, 0 } },
+ { "´", { 180, 0 } },
+ { "а", { 1072, 0 } },
+ { "æ", { 230, 0 } },
+ { "⁡", { 8289, 0 } },
+ { "𝔞", { 120094, 0 } },
+ { "à", { 224, 0 } },
+ { "ℵ", { 8501, 0 } },
+ { "ℵ", { 8501, 0 } },
+ { "α", { 945, 0 } },
+ { "ā", { 257, 0 } },
+ { "⨿", { 10815, 0 } },
+ { "&", { 38, 0 } },
+ { "∧", { 8743, 0 } },
+ { "⩕", { 10837, 0 } },
+ { "⩜", { 10844, 0 } },
+ { "⩘", { 10840, 0 } },
+ { "⩚", { 10842, 0 } },
+ { "∠", { 8736, 0 } },
+ { "⦤", { 10660, 0 } },
+ { "∠", { 8736, 0 } },
+ { "∡", { 8737, 0 } },
+ { "⦨", { 10664, 0 } },
+ { "⦩", { 10665, 0 } },
+ { "⦪", { 10666, 0 } },
+ { "⦫", { 10667, 0 } },
+ { "⦬", { 10668, 0 } },
+ { "⦭", { 10669, 0 } },
+ { "⦮", { 10670, 0 } },
+ { "⦯", { 10671, 0 } },
+ { "∟", { 8735, 0 } },
+ { "⊾", { 8894, 0 } },
+ { "⦝", { 10653, 0 } },
+ { "∢", { 8738, 0 } },
+ { "Å", { 197, 0 } },
+ { "⍼", { 9084, 0 } },
+ { "ą", { 261, 0 } },
+ { "𝕒", { 120146, 0 } },
+ { "≈", { 8776, 0 } },
+ { "⩰", { 10864, 0 } },
+ { "⩯", { 10863, 0 } },
+ { "≊", { 8778, 0 } },
+ { "≋", { 8779, 0 } },
+ { "'", { 39, 0 } },
+ { "≈", { 8776, 0 } },
+ { "≊", { 8778, 0 } },
+ { "å", { 229, 0 } },
+ { "𝒶", { 119990, 0 } },
+ { "*", { 42, 0 } },
+ { "≈", { 8776, 0 } },
+ { "≍", { 8781, 0 } },
+ { "ã", { 227, 0 } },
+ { "ä", { 228, 0 } },
+ { "∳", { 8755, 0 } },
+ { "⨑", { 10769, 0 } },
+ { "⫭", { 10989, 0 } },
+ { "≌", { 8780, 0 } },
+ { "϶", { 1014, 0 } },
+ { "‵", { 8245, 0 } },
+ { "∽", { 8765, 0 } },
+ { "⋍", { 8909, 0 } },
+ { "⊽", { 8893, 0 } },
+ { "⌅", { 8965, 0 } },
+ { "⌅", { 8965, 0 } },
+ { "⎵", { 9141, 0 } },
+ { "⎶", { 9142, 0 } },
+ { "≌", { 8780, 0 } },
+ { "б", { 1073, 0 } },
+ { "„", { 8222, 0 } },
+ { "∵", { 8757, 0 } },
+ { "∵", { 8757, 0 } },
+ { "⦰", { 10672, 0 } },
+ { "϶", { 1014, 0 } },
+ { "ℬ", { 8492, 0 } },
+ { "β", { 946, 0 } },
+ { "ℶ", { 8502, 0 } },
+ { "≬", { 8812, 0 } },
+ { "𝔟", { 120095, 0 } },
+ { "⋂", { 8898, 0 } },
+ { "◯", { 9711, 0 } },
+ { "⋃", { 8899, 0 } },
+ { "⨀", { 10752, 0 } },
+ { "⨁", { 10753, 0 } },
+ { "⨂", { 10754, 0 } },
+ { "⨆", { 10758, 0 } },
+ { "★", { 9733, 0 } },
+ { "▽", { 9661, 0 } },
+ { "△", { 9651, 0 } },
+ { "⨄", { 10756, 0 } },
+ { "⋁", { 8897, 0 } },
+ { "⋀", { 8896, 0 } },
+ { "⤍", { 10509, 0 } },
+ { "⧫", { 10731, 0 } },
+ { "▪", { 9642, 0 } },
+ { "▴", { 9652, 0 } },
+ { "▾", { 9662, 0 } },
+ { "◂", { 9666, 0 } },
+ { "▸", { 9656, 0 } },
+ { "␣", { 9251, 0 } },
+ { "▒", { 9618, 0 } },
+ { "░", { 9617, 0 } },
+ { "▓", { 9619, 0 } },
+ { "█", { 9608, 0 } },
+ { "=⃥", { 61, 8421 } },
+ { "≡⃥", { 8801, 8421 } },
+ { "⌐", { 8976, 0 } },
+ { "𝕓", { 120147, 0 } },
+ { "⊥", { 8869, 0 } },
+ { "⊥", { 8869, 0 } },
+ { "⋈", { 8904, 0 } },
+ { "╗", { 9559, 0 } },
+ { "╔", { 9556, 0 } },
+ { "╖", { 9558, 0 } },
+ { "╓", { 9555, 0 } },
+ { "═", { 9552, 0 } },
+ { "╦", { 9574, 0 } },
+ { "╩", { 9577, 0 } },
+ { "╤", { 9572, 0 } },
+ { "╧", { 9575, 0 } },
+ { "╝", { 9565, 0 } },
+ { "╚", { 9562, 0 } },
+ { "╜", { 9564, 0 } },
+ { "╙", { 9561, 0 } },
+ { "║", { 9553, 0 } },
+ { "╬", { 9580, 0 } },
+ { "╣", { 9571, 0 } },
+ { "╠", { 9568, 0 } },
+ { "╫", { 9579, 0 } },
+ { "╢", { 9570, 0 } },
+ { "╟", { 9567, 0 } },
+ { "⧉", { 10697, 0 } },
+ { "╕", { 9557, 0 } },
+ { "╒", { 9554, 0 } },
+ { "┐", { 9488, 0 } },
+ { "┌", { 9484, 0 } },
+ { "─", { 9472, 0 } },
+ { "╥", { 9573, 0 } },
+ { "╨", { 9576, 0 } },
+ { "┬", { 9516, 0 } },
+ { "┴", { 9524, 0 } },
+ { "⊟", { 8863, 0 } },
+ { "⊞", { 8862, 0 } },
+ { "⊠", { 8864, 0 } },
+ { "╛", { 9563, 0 } },
+ { "╘", { 9560, 0 } },
+ { "┘", { 9496, 0 } },
+ { "└", { 9492, 0 } },
+ { "│", { 9474, 0 } },
+ { "╪", { 9578, 0 } },
+ { "╡", { 9569, 0 } },
+ { "╞", { 9566, 0 } },
+ { "┼", { 9532, 0 } },
+ { "┤", { 9508, 0 } },
+ { "├", { 9500, 0 } },
+ { "‵", { 8245, 0 } },
+ { "˘", { 728, 0 } },
+ { "¦", { 166, 0 } },
+ { "𝒷", { 119991, 0 } },
+ { "⁏", { 8271, 0 } },
+ { "∽", { 8765, 0 } },
+ { "⋍", { 8909, 0 } },
+ { "\", { 92, 0 } },
+ { "⧅", { 10693, 0 } },
+ { "⟈", { 10184, 0 } },
+ { "•", { 8226, 0 } },
+ { "•", { 8226, 0 } },
+ { "≎", { 8782, 0 } },
+ { "⪮", { 10926, 0 } },
+ { "≏", { 8783, 0 } },
+ { "≏", { 8783, 0 } },
+ { "ć", { 263, 0 } },
+ { "∩", { 8745, 0 } },
+ { "⩄", { 10820, 0 } },
+ { "⩉", { 10825, 0 } },
+ { "⩋", { 10827, 0 } },
+ { "⩇", { 10823, 0 } },
+ { "⩀", { 10816, 0 } },
+ { "∩︀", { 8745, 65024 } },
+ { "⁁", { 8257, 0 } },
+ { "ˇ", { 711, 0 } },
+ { "⩍", { 10829, 0 } },
+ { "č", { 269, 0 } },
+ { "ç", { 231, 0 } },
+ { "ĉ", { 265, 0 } },
+ { "⩌", { 10828, 0 } },
+ { "⩐", { 10832, 0 } },
+ { "ċ", { 267, 0 } },
+ { "¸", { 184, 0 } },
+ { "⦲", { 10674, 0 } },
+ { "¢", { 162, 0 } },
+ { "·", { 183, 0 } },
+ { "𝔠", { 120096, 0 } },
+ { "ч", { 1095, 0 } },
+ { "✓", { 10003, 0 } },
+ { "✓", { 10003, 0 } },
+ { "χ", { 967, 0 } },
+ { "○", { 9675, 0 } },
+ { "⧃", { 10691, 0 } },
+ { "ˆ", { 710, 0 } },
+ { "≗", { 8791, 0 } },
+ { "↺", { 8634, 0 } },
+ { "↻", { 8635, 0 } },
+ { "®", { 174, 0 } },
+ { "Ⓢ", { 9416, 0 } },
+ { "⊛", { 8859, 0 } },
+ { "⊚", { 8858, 0 } },
+ { "⊝", { 8861, 0 } },
+ { "≗", { 8791, 0 } },
+ { "⨐", { 10768, 0 } },
+ { "⫯", { 10991, 0 } },
+ { "⧂", { 10690, 0 } },
+ { "♣", { 9827, 0 } },
+ { "♣", { 9827, 0 } },
+ { ":", { 58, 0 } },
+ { "≔", { 8788, 0 } },
+ { "≔", { 8788, 0 } },
+ { ",", { 44, 0 } },
+ { "@", { 64, 0 } },
+ { "∁", { 8705, 0 } },
+ { "∘", { 8728, 0 } },
+ { "∁", { 8705, 0 } },
+ { "ℂ", { 8450, 0 } },
+ { "≅", { 8773, 0 } },
+ { "⩭", { 10861, 0 } },
+ { "∮", { 8750, 0 } },
+ { "𝕔", { 120148, 0 } },
+ { "∐", { 8720, 0 } },
+ { "©", { 169, 0 } },
+ { "℗", { 8471, 0 } },
+ { "↵", { 8629, 0 } },
+ { "✗", { 10007, 0 } },
+ { "𝒸", { 119992, 0 } },
+ { "⫏", { 10959, 0 } },
+ { "⫑", { 10961, 0 } },
+ { "⫐", { 10960, 0 } },
+ { "⫒", { 10962, 0 } },
+ { "⋯", { 8943, 0 } },
+ { "⤸", { 10552, 0 } },
+ { "⤵", { 10549, 0 } },
+ { "⋞", { 8926, 0 } },
+ { "⋟", { 8927, 0 } },
+ { "↶", { 8630, 0 } },
+ { "⤽", { 10557, 0 } },
+ { "∪", { 8746, 0 } },
+ { "⩈", { 10824, 0 } },
+ { "⩆", { 10822, 0 } },
+ { "⩊", { 10826, 0 } },
+ { "⊍", { 8845, 0 } },
+ { "⩅", { 10821, 0 } },
+ { "∪︀", { 8746, 65024 } },
+ { "↷", { 8631, 0 } },
+ { "⤼", { 10556, 0 } },
+ { "⋞", { 8926, 0 } },
+ { "⋟", { 8927, 0 } },
+ { "⋎", { 8910, 0 } },
+ { "⋏", { 8911, 0 } },
+ { "¤", { 164, 0 } },
+ { "↶", { 8630, 0 } },
+ { "↷", { 8631, 0 } },
+ { "⋎", { 8910, 0 } },
+ { "⋏", { 8911, 0 } },
+ { "∲", { 8754, 0 } },
+ { "∱", { 8753, 0 } },
+ { "⌭", { 9005, 0 } },
+ { "⇓", { 8659, 0 } },
+ { "⥥", { 10597, 0 } },
+ { "†", { 8224, 0 } },
+ { "ℸ", { 8504, 0 } },
+ { "↓", { 8595, 0 } },
+ { "‐", { 8208, 0 } },
+ { "⊣", { 8867, 0 } },
+ { "⤏", { 10511, 0 } },
+ { "˝", { 733, 0 } },
+ { "ď", { 271, 0 } },
+ { "д", { 1076, 0 } },
+ { "ⅆ", { 8518, 0 } },
+ { "‡", { 8225, 0 } },
+ { "⇊", { 8650, 0 } },
+ { "⩷", { 10871, 0 } },
+ { "°", { 176, 0 } },
+ { "δ", { 948, 0 } },
+ { "⦱", { 10673, 0 } },
+ { "⥿", { 10623, 0 } },
+ { "𝔡", { 120097, 0 } },
+ { "⇃", { 8643, 0 } },
+ { "⇂", { 8642, 0 } },
+ { "⋄", { 8900, 0 } },
+ { "⋄", { 8900, 0 } },
+ { "♦", { 9830, 0 } },
+ { "♦", { 9830, 0 } },
+ { "¨", { 168, 0 } },
+ { "ϝ", { 989, 0 } },
+ { "⋲", { 8946, 0 } },
+ { "÷", { 247, 0 } },
+ { "÷", { 247, 0 } },
+ { "⋇", { 8903, 0 } },
+ { "⋇", { 8903, 0 } },
+ { "ђ", { 1106, 0 } },
+ { "⌞", { 8990, 0 } },
+ { "⌍", { 8973, 0 } },
+ { "$", { 36, 0 } },
+ { "𝕕", { 120149, 0 } },
+ { "˙", { 729, 0 } },
+ { "≐", { 8784, 0 } },
+ { "≑", { 8785, 0 } },
+ { "∸", { 8760, 0 } },
+ { "∔", { 8724, 0 } },
+ { "⊡", { 8865, 0 } },
+ { "⌆", { 8966, 0 } },
+ { "↓", { 8595, 0 } },
+ { "⇊", { 8650, 0 } },
+ { "⇃", { 8643, 0 } },
+ { "⇂", { 8642, 0 } },
+ { "⤐", { 10512, 0 } },
+ { "⌟", { 8991, 0 } },
+ { "⌌", { 8972, 0 } },
+ { "𝒹", { 119993, 0 } },
+ { "ѕ", { 1109, 0 } },
+ { "⧶", { 10742, 0 } },
+ { "đ", { 273, 0 } },
+ { "⋱", { 8945, 0 } },
+ { "▿", { 9663, 0 } },
+ { "▾", { 9662, 0 } },
+ { "⇵", { 8693, 0 } },
+ { "⥯", { 10607, 0 } },
+ { "⦦", { 10662, 0 } },
+ { "џ", { 1119, 0 } },
+ { "⟿", { 10239, 0 } },
+ { "⩷", { 10871, 0 } },
+ { "≑", { 8785, 0 } },
+ { "é", { 233, 0 } },
+ { "⩮", { 10862, 0 } },
+ { "ě", { 283, 0 } },
+ { "≖", { 8790, 0 } },
+ { "ê", { 234, 0 } },
+ { "≕", { 8789, 0 } },
+ { "э", { 1101, 0 } },
+ { "ė", { 279, 0 } },
+ { "ⅇ", { 8519, 0 } },
+ { "≒", { 8786, 0 } },
+ { "𝔢", { 120098, 0 } },
+ { "⪚", { 10906, 0 } },
+ { "è", { 232, 0 } },
+ { "⪖", { 10902, 0 } },
+ { "⪘", { 10904, 0 } },
+ { "⪙", { 10905, 0 } },
+ { "⏧", { 9191, 0 } },
+ { "ℓ", { 8467, 0 } },
+ { "⪕", { 10901, 0 } },
+ { "⪗", { 10903, 0 } },
+ { "ē", { 275, 0 } },
+ { "∅", { 8709, 0 } },
+ { "∅", { 8709, 0 } },
+ { "∅", { 8709, 0 } },
+ { " ", { 8196, 0 } },
+ { " ", { 8197, 0 } },
+ { " ", { 8195, 0 } },
+ { "ŋ", { 331, 0 } },
+ { " ", { 8194, 0 } },
+ { "ę", { 281, 0 } },
+ { "𝕖", { 120150, 0 } },
+ { "⋕", { 8917, 0 } },
+ { "⧣", { 10723, 0 } },
+ { "⩱", { 10865, 0 } },
+ { "ε", { 949, 0 } },
+ { "ε", { 949, 0 } },
+ { "ϵ", { 1013, 0 } },
+ { "≖", { 8790, 0 } },
+ { "≕", { 8789, 0 } },
+ { "≂", { 8770, 0 } },
+ { "⪖", { 10902, 0 } },
+ { "⪕", { 10901, 0 } },
+ { "=", { 61, 0 } },
+ { "≟", { 8799, 0 } },
+ { "≡", { 8801, 0 } },
+ { "⩸", { 10872, 0 } },
+ { "⧥", { 10725, 0 } },
+ { "≓", { 8787, 0 } },
+ { "⥱", { 10609, 0 } },
+ { "ℯ", { 8495, 0 } },
+ { "≐", { 8784, 0 } },
+ { "≂", { 8770, 0 } },
+ { "η", { 951, 0 } },
+ { "ð", { 240, 0 } },
+ { "ë", { 235, 0 } },
+ { "€", { 8364, 0 } },
+ { "!", { 33, 0 } },
+ { "∃", { 8707, 0 } },
+ { "ℰ", { 8496, 0 } },
+ { "ⅇ", { 8519, 0 } },
+ { "≒", { 8786, 0 } },
+ { "ф", { 1092, 0 } },
+ { "♀", { 9792, 0 } },
+ { "ffi", { 64259, 0 } },
+ { "ff", { 64256, 0 } },
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+ { "fi", { 64257, 0 } },
+ { "fj", { 102, 106 } },
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+ { "fl", { 64258, 0 } },
+ { "▱", { 9649, 0 } },
+ { "ƒ", { 402, 0 } },
+ { "𝕗", { 120151, 0 } },
+ { "∀", { 8704, 0 } },
+ { "⋔", { 8916, 0 } },
+ { "⫙", { 10969, 0 } },
+ { "⨍", { 10765, 0 } },
+ { "½", { 189, 0 } },
+ { "⅓", { 8531, 0 } },
+ { "¼", { 188, 0 } },
+ { "⅕", { 8533, 0 } },
+ { "⅙", { 8537, 0 } },
+ { "⅛", { 8539, 0 } },
+ { "⅔", { 8532, 0 } },
+ { "⅖", { 8534, 0 } },
+ { "¾", { 190, 0 } },
+ { "⅗", { 8535, 0 } },
+ { "⅜", { 8540, 0 } },
+ { "⅘", { 8536, 0 } },
+ { "⅚", { 8538, 0 } },
+ { "⅝", { 8541, 0 } },
+ { "⅞", { 8542, 0 } },
+ { "⁄", { 8260, 0 } },
+ { "⌢", { 8994, 0 } },
+ { "𝒻", { 119995, 0 } },
+ { "≧", { 8807, 0 } },
+ { "⪌", { 10892, 0 } },
+ { "ǵ", { 501, 0 } },
+ { "γ", { 947, 0 } },
+ { "ϝ", { 989, 0 } },
+ { "⪆", { 10886, 0 } },
+ { "ğ", { 287, 0 } },
+ { "ĝ", { 285, 0 } },
+ { "г", { 1075, 0 } },
+ { "ġ", { 289, 0 } },
+ { "≥", { 8805, 0 } },
+ { "⋛", { 8923, 0 } },
+ { "≥", { 8805, 0 } },
+ { "≧", { 8807, 0 } },
+ { "⩾", { 10878, 0 } },
+ { "⩾", { 10878, 0 } },
+ { "⪩", { 10921, 0 } },
+ { "⪀", { 10880, 0 } },
+ { "⪂", { 10882, 0 } },
+ { "⪄", { 10884, 0 } },
+ { "⋛︀", { 8923, 65024 } },
+ { "⪔", { 10900, 0 } },
+ { "𝔤", { 120100, 0 } },
+ { "≫", { 8811, 0 } },
+ { "⋙", { 8921, 0 } },
+ { "ℷ", { 8503, 0 } },
+ { "ѓ", { 1107, 0 } },
+ { "≷", { 8823, 0 } },
+ { "⪒", { 10898, 0 } },
+ { "⪥", { 10917, 0 } },
+ { "⪤", { 10916, 0 } },
+ { "≩", { 8809, 0 } },
+ { "⪊", { 10890, 0 } },
+ { "⪊", { 10890, 0 } },
+ { "⪈", { 10888, 0 } },
+ { "⪈", { 10888, 0 } },
+ { "≩", { 8809, 0 } },
+ { "⋧", { 8935, 0 } },
+ { "𝕘", { 120152, 0 } },
+ { "`", { 96, 0 } },
+ { "ℊ", { 8458, 0 } },
+ { "≳", { 8819, 0 } },
+ { "⪎", { 10894, 0 } },
+ { "⪐", { 10896, 0 } },
+ { ">", { 62, 0 } },
+ { "⪧", { 10919, 0 } },
+ { "⩺", { 10874, 0 } },
+ { "⋗", { 8919, 0 } },
+ { "⦕", { 10645, 0 } },
+ { "⩼", { 10876, 0 } },
+ { "⪆", { 10886, 0 } },
+ { "⥸", { 10616, 0 } },
+ { "⋗", { 8919, 0 } },
+ { "⋛", { 8923, 0 } },
+ { "⪌", { 10892, 0 } },
+ { "≷", { 8823, 0 } },
+ { "≳", { 8819, 0 } },
+ { "≩︀", { 8809, 65024 } },
+ { "≩︀", { 8809, 65024 } },
+ { "⇔", { 8660, 0 } },
+ { " ", { 8202, 0 } },
+ { "½", { 189, 0 } },
+ { "ℋ", { 8459, 0 } },
+ { "ъ", { 1098, 0 } },
+ { "↔", { 8596, 0 } },
+ { "⥈", { 10568, 0 } },
+ { "↭", { 8621, 0 } },
+ { "ℏ", { 8463, 0 } },
+ { "ĥ", { 293, 0 } },
+ { "♥", { 9829, 0 } },
+ { "♥", { 9829, 0 } },
+ { "…", { 8230, 0 } },
+ { "⊹", { 8889, 0 } },
+ { "𝔥", { 120101, 0 } },
+ { "⤥", { 10533, 0 } },
+ { "⤦", { 10534, 0 } },
+ { "⇿", { 8703, 0 } },
+ { "∻", { 8763, 0 } },
+ { "↩", { 8617, 0 } },
+ { "↪", { 8618, 0 } },
+ { "𝕙", { 120153, 0 } },
+ { "―", { 8213, 0 } },
+ { "𝒽", { 119997, 0 } },
+ { "ℏ", { 8463, 0 } },
+ { "ħ", { 295, 0 } },
+ { "⁃", { 8259, 0 } },
+ { "‐", { 8208, 0 } },
+ { "í", { 237, 0 } },
+ { "⁣", { 8291, 0 } },
+ { "î", { 238, 0 } },
+ { "и", { 1080, 0 } },
+ { "е", { 1077, 0 } },
+ { "¡", { 161, 0 } },
+ { "⇔", { 8660, 0 } },
+ { "𝔦", { 120102, 0 } },
+ { "ì", { 236, 0 } },
+ { "ⅈ", { 8520, 0 } },
+ { "⨌", { 10764, 0 } },
+ { "∭", { 8749, 0 } },
+ { "⧜", { 10716, 0 } },
+ { "℩", { 8489, 0 } },
+ { "ij", { 307, 0 } },
+ { "ī", { 299, 0 } },
+ { "ℑ", { 8465, 0 } },
+ { "ℐ", { 8464, 0 } },
+ { "ℑ", { 8465, 0 } },
+ { "ı", { 305, 0 } },
+ { "⊷", { 8887, 0 } },
+ { "Ƶ", { 437, 0 } },
+ { "∈", { 8712, 0 } },
+ { "℅", { 8453, 0 } },
+ { "∞", { 8734, 0 } },
+ { "⧝", { 10717, 0 } },
+ { "ı", { 305, 0 } },
+ { "∫", { 8747, 0 } },
+ { "⊺", { 8890, 0 } },
+ { "ℤ", { 8484, 0 } },
+ { "⊺", { 8890, 0 } },
+ { "⨗", { 10775, 0 } },
+ { "⨼", { 10812, 0 } },
+ { "ё", { 1105, 0 } },
+ { "į", { 303, 0 } },
+ { "𝕚", { 120154, 0 } },
+ { "ι", { 953, 0 } },
+ { "⨼", { 10812, 0 } },
+ { "¿", { 191, 0 } },
+ { "𝒾", { 119998, 0 } },
+ { "∈", { 8712, 0 } },
+ { "⋹", { 8953, 0 } },
+ { "⋵", { 8949, 0 } },
+ { "⋴", { 8948, 0 } },
+ { "⋳", { 8947, 0 } },
+ { "∈", { 8712, 0 } },
+ { "⁢", { 8290, 0 } },
+ { "ĩ", { 297, 0 } },
+ { "і", { 1110, 0 } },
+ { "ï", { 239, 0 } },
+ { "ĵ", { 309, 0 } },
+ { "й", { 1081, 0 } },
+ { "𝔧", { 120103, 0 } },
+ { "ȷ", { 567, 0 } },
+ { "𝕛", { 120155, 0 } },
+ { "𝒿", { 119999, 0 } },
+ { "ј", { 1112, 0 } },
+ { "є", { 1108, 0 } },
+ { "κ", { 954, 0 } },
+ { "ϰ", { 1008, 0 } },
+ { "ķ", { 311, 0 } },
+ { "к", { 1082, 0 } },
+ { "𝔨", { 120104, 0 } },
+ { "ĸ", { 312, 0 } },
+ { "х", { 1093, 0 } },
+ { "ќ", { 1116, 0 } },
+ { "𝕜", { 120156, 0 } },
+ { "𝓀", { 120000, 0 } },
+ { "⇚", { 8666, 0 } },
+ { "⇐", { 8656, 0 } },
+ { "⤛", { 10523, 0 } },
+ { "⤎", { 10510, 0 } },
+ { "≦", { 8806, 0 } },
+ { "⪋", { 10891, 0 } },
+ { "⥢", { 10594, 0 } },
+ { "ĺ", { 314, 0 } },
+ { "⦴", { 10676, 0 } },
+ { "ℒ", { 8466, 0 } },
+ { "λ", { 955, 0 } },
+ { "⟨", { 10216, 0 } },
+ { "⦑", { 10641, 0 } },
+ { "⟨", { 10216, 0 } },
+ { "⪅", { 10885, 0 } },
+ { "«", { 171, 0 } },
+ { "←", { 8592, 0 } },
+ { "⇤", { 8676, 0 } },
+ { "⤟", { 10527, 0 } },
+ { "⤝", { 10525, 0 } },
+ { "↩", { 8617, 0 } },
+ { "↫", { 8619, 0 } },
+ { "⤹", { 10553, 0 } },
+ { "⥳", { 10611, 0 } },
+ { "↢", { 8610, 0 } },
+ { "⪫", { 10923, 0 } },
+ { "⤙", { 10521, 0 } },
+ { "⪭", { 10925, 0 } },
+ { "⪭︀", { 10925, 65024 } },
+ { "⤌", { 10508, 0 } },
+ { "❲", { 10098, 0 } },
+ { "{", { 123, 0 } },
+ { "[", { 91, 0 } },
+ { "⦋", { 10635, 0 } },
+ { "⦏", { 10639, 0 } },
+ { "⦍", { 10637, 0 } },
+ { "ľ", { 318, 0 } },
+ { "ļ", { 316, 0 } },
+ { "⌈", { 8968, 0 } },
+ { "{", { 123, 0 } },
+ { "л", { 1083, 0 } },
+ { "⤶", { 10550, 0 } },
+ { "“", { 8220, 0 } },
+ { "„", { 8222, 0 } },
+ { "⥧", { 10599, 0 } },
+ { "⥋", { 10571, 0 } },
+ { "↲", { 8626, 0 } },
+ { "≤", { 8804, 0 } },
+ { "←", { 8592, 0 } },
+ { "↢", { 8610, 0 } },
+ { "↽", { 8637, 0 } },
+ { "↼", { 8636, 0 } },
+ { "⇇", { 8647, 0 } },
+ { "↔", { 8596, 0 } },
+ { "⇆", { 8646, 0 } },
+ { "⇋", { 8651, 0 } },
+ { "↭", { 8621, 0 } },
+ { "⋋", { 8907, 0 } },
+ { "⋚", { 8922, 0 } },
+ { "≤", { 8804, 0 } },
+ { "≦", { 8806, 0 } },
+ { "⩽", { 10877, 0 } },
+ { "⩽", { 10877, 0 } },
+ { "⪨", { 10920, 0 } },
+ { "⩿", { 10879, 0 } },
+ { "⪁", { 10881, 0 } },
+ { "⪃", { 10883, 0 } },
+ { "⋚︀", { 8922, 65024 } },
+ { "⪓", { 10899, 0 } },
+ { "⪅", { 10885, 0 } },
+ { "⋖", { 8918, 0 } },
+ { "⋚", { 8922, 0 } },
+ { "⪋", { 10891, 0 } },
+ { "≶", { 8822, 0 } },
+ { "≲", { 8818, 0 } },
+ { "⥼", { 10620, 0 } },
+ { "⌊", { 8970, 0 } },
+ { "𝔩", { 120105, 0 } },
+ { "≶", { 8822, 0 } },
+ { "⪑", { 10897, 0 } },
+ { "↽", { 8637, 0 } },
+ { "↼", { 8636, 0 } },
+ { "⥪", { 10602, 0 } },
+ { "▄", { 9604, 0 } },
+ { "љ", { 1113, 0 } },
+ { "≪", { 8810, 0 } },
+ { "⇇", { 8647, 0 } },
+ { "⌞", { 8990, 0 } },
+ { "⥫", { 10603, 0 } },
+ { "◺", { 9722, 0 } },
+ { "ŀ", { 320, 0 } },
+ { "⎰", { 9136, 0 } },
+ { "⎰", { 9136, 0 } },
+ { "≨", { 8808, 0 } },
+ { "⪉", { 10889, 0 } },
+ { "⪉", { 10889, 0 } },
+ { "⪇", { 10887, 0 } },
+ { "⪇", { 10887, 0 } },
+ { "≨", { 8808, 0 } },
+ { "⋦", { 8934, 0 } },
+ { "⟬", { 10220, 0 } },
+ { "⇽", { 8701, 0 } },
+ { "⟦", { 10214, 0 } },
+ { "⟵", { 10229, 0 } },
+ { "⟷", { 10231, 0 } },
+ { "⟼", { 10236, 0 } },
+ { "⟶", { 10230, 0 } },
+ { "↫", { 8619, 0 } },
+ { "↬", { 8620, 0 } },
+ { "⦅", { 10629, 0 } },
+ { "𝕝", { 120157, 0 } },
+ { "⨭", { 10797, 0 } },
+ { "⨴", { 10804, 0 } },
+ { "∗", { 8727, 0 } },
+ { "_", { 95, 0 } },
+ { "◊", { 9674, 0 } },
+ { "◊", { 9674, 0 } },
+ { "⧫", { 10731, 0 } },
+ { "(", { 40, 0 } },
+ { "⦓", { 10643, 0 } },
+ { "⇆", { 8646, 0 } },
+ { "⌟", { 8991, 0 } },
+ { "⇋", { 8651, 0 } },
+ { "⥭", { 10605, 0 } },
+ { "‎", { 8206, 0 } },
+ { "⊿", { 8895, 0 } },
+ { "‹", { 8249, 0 } },
+ { "𝓁", { 120001, 0 } },
+ { "↰", { 8624, 0 } },
+ { "≲", { 8818, 0 } },
+ { "⪍", { 10893, 0 } },
+ { "⪏", { 10895, 0 } },
+ { "[", { 91, 0 } },
+ { "‘", { 8216, 0 } },
+ { "‚", { 8218, 0 } },
+ { "ł", { 322, 0 } },
+ { "<", { 60, 0 } },
+ { "⪦", { 10918, 0 } },
+ { "⩹", { 10873, 0 } },
+ { "⋖", { 8918, 0 } },
+ { "⋋", { 8907, 0 } },
+ { "⋉", { 8905, 0 } },
+ { "⥶", { 10614, 0 } },
+ { "⩻", { 10875, 0 } },
+ { "⦖", { 10646, 0 } },
+ { "◃", { 9667, 0 } },
+ { "⊴", { 8884, 0 } },
+ { "◂", { 9666, 0 } },
+ { "⥊", { 10570, 0 } },
+ { "⥦", { 10598, 0 } },
+ { "≨︀", { 8808, 65024 } },
+ { "≨︀", { 8808, 65024 } },
+ { "∺", { 8762, 0 } },
+ { "¯", { 175, 0 } },
+ { "♂", { 9794, 0 } },
+ { "✠", { 10016, 0 } },
+ { "✠", { 10016, 0 } },
+ { "↦", { 8614, 0 } },
+ { "↦", { 8614, 0 } },
+ { "↧", { 8615, 0 } },
+ { "↤", { 8612, 0 } },
+ { "↥", { 8613, 0 } },
+ { "▮", { 9646, 0 } },
+ { "⨩", { 10793, 0 } },
+ { "м", { 1084, 0 } },
+ { "—", { 8212, 0 } },
+ { "∡", { 8737, 0 } },
+ { "𝔪", { 120106, 0 } },
+ { "℧", { 8487, 0 } },
+ { "µ", { 181, 0 } },
+ { "∣", { 8739, 0 } },
+ { "*", { 42, 0 } },
+ { "⫰", { 10992, 0 } },
+ { "·", { 183, 0 } },
+ { "−", { 8722, 0 } },
+ { "⊟", { 8863, 0 } },
+ { "∸", { 8760, 0 } },
+ { "⨪", { 10794, 0 } },
+ { "⫛", { 10971, 0 } },
+ { "…", { 8230, 0 } },
+ { "∓", { 8723, 0 } },
+ { "⊧", { 8871, 0 } },
+ { "𝕞", { 120158, 0 } },
+ { "∓", { 8723, 0 } },
+ { "𝓂", { 120002, 0 } },
+ { "∾", { 8766, 0 } },
+ { "μ", { 956, 0 } },
+ { "⊸", { 8888, 0 } },
+ { "⊸", { 8888, 0 } },
+ { "⋙̸", { 8921, 824 } },
+ { "≫⃒", { 8811, 8402 } },
+ { "≫̸", { 8811, 824 } },
+ { "⇍", { 8653, 0 } },
+ { "⇎", { 8654, 0 } },
+ { "⋘̸", { 8920, 824 } },
+ { "≪⃒", { 8810, 8402 } },
+ { "≪̸", { 8810, 824 } },
+ { "⇏", { 8655, 0 } },
+ { "⊯", { 8879, 0 } },
+ { "⊮", { 8878, 0 } },
+ { "∇", { 8711, 0 } },
+ { "ń", { 324, 0 } },
+ { "∠⃒", { 8736, 8402 } },
+ { "≉", { 8777, 0 } },
+ { "⩰̸", { 10864, 824 } },
+ { "≋̸", { 8779, 824 } },
+ { "ʼn", { 329, 0 } },
+ { "≉", { 8777, 0 } },
+ { "♮", { 9838, 0 } },
+ { "♮", { 9838, 0 } },
+ { "ℕ", { 8469, 0 } },
+ { " ", { 160, 0 } },
+ { "≎̸", { 8782, 824 } },
+ { "≏̸", { 8783, 824 } },
+ { "⩃", { 10819, 0 } },
+ { "ň", { 328, 0 } },
+ { "ņ", { 326, 0 } },
+ { "≇", { 8775, 0 } },
+ { "⩭̸", { 10861, 824 } },
+ { "⩂", { 10818, 0 } },
+ { "н", { 1085, 0 } },
+ { "–", { 8211, 0 } },
+ { "≠", { 8800, 0 } },
+ { "⇗", { 8663, 0 } },
+ { "⤤", { 10532, 0 } },
+ { "↗", { 8599, 0 } },
+ { "↗", { 8599, 0 } },
+ { "≐̸", { 8784, 824 } },
+ { "≢", { 8802, 0 } },
+ { "⤨", { 10536, 0 } },
+ { "≂̸", { 8770, 824 } },
+ { "∄", { 8708, 0 } },
+ { "∄", { 8708, 0 } },
+ { "𝔫", { 120107, 0 } },
+ { "≧̸", { 8807, 824 } },
+ { "≱", { 8817, 0 } },
+ { "≱", { 8817, 0 } },
+ { "≧̸", { 8807, 824 } },
+ { "⩾̸", { 10878, 824 } },
+ { "⩾̸", { 10878, 824 } },
+ { "≵", { 8821, 0 } },
+ { "≯", { 8815, 0 } },
+ { "≯", { 8815, 0 } },
+ { "⇎", { 8654, 0 } },
+ { "↮", { 8622, 0 } },
+ { "⫲", { 10994, 0 } },
+ { "∋", { 8715, 0 } },
+ { "⋼", { 8956, 0 } },
+ { "⋺", { 8954, 0 } },
+ { "∋", { 8715, 0 } },
+ { "њ", { 1114, 0 } },
+ { "⇍", { 8653, 0 } },
+ { "≦̸", { 8806, 824 } },
+ { "↚", { 8602, 0 } },
+ { "‥", { 8229, 0 } },
+ { "≰", { 8816, 0 } },
+ { "↚", { 8602, 0 } },
+ { "↮", { 8622, 0 } },
+ { "≰", { 8816, 0 } },
+ { "≦̸", { 8806, 824 } },
+ { "⩽̸", { 10877, 824 } },
+ { "⩽̸", { 10877, 824 } },
+ { "≮", { 8814, 0 } },
+ { "≴", { 8820, 0 } },
+ { "≮", { 8814, 0 } },
+ { "⋪", { 8938, 0 } },
+ { "⋬", { 8940, 0 } },
+ { "∤", { 8740, 0 } },
+ { "𝕟", { 120159, 0 } },
+ { "¬", { 172, 0 } },
+ { "∉", { 8713, 0 } },
+ { "⋹̸", { 8953, 824 } },
+ { "⋵̸", { 8949, 824 } },
+ { "∉", { 8713, 0 } },
+ { "⋷", { 8951, 0 } },
+ { "⋶", { 8950, 0 } },
+ { "∌", { 8716, 0 } },
+ { "∌", { 8716, 0 } },
+ { "⋾", { 8958, 0 } },
+ { "⋽", { 8957, 0 } },
+ { "∦", { 8742, 0 } },
+ { "∦", { 8742, 0 } },
+ { "⫽⃥", { 11005, 8421 } },
+ { "∂̸", { 8706, 824 } },
+ { "⨔", { 10772, 0 } },
+ { "⊀", { 8832, 0 } },
+ { "⋠", { 8928, 0 } },
+ { "⪯̸", { 10927, 824 } },
+ { "⊀", { 8832, 0 } },
+ { "⪯̸", { 10927, 824 } },
+ { "⇏", { 8655, 0 } },
+ { "↛", { 8603, 0 } },
+ { "⤳̸", { 10547, 824 } },
+ { "↝̸", { 8605, 824 } },
+ { "↛", { 8603, 0 } },
+ { "⋫", { 8939, 0 } },
+ { "⋭", { 8941, 0 } },
+ { "⊁", { 8833, 0 } },
+ { "⋡", { 8929, 0 } },
+ { "⪰̸", { 10928, 824 } },
+ { "𝓃", { 120003, 0 } },
+ { "∤", { 8740, 0 } },
+ { "∦", { 8742, 0 } },
+ { "≁", { 8769, 0 } },
+ { "≄", { 8772, 0 } },
+ { "≄", { 8772, 0 } },
+ { "∤", { 8740, 0 } },
+ { "∦", { 8742, 0 } },
+ { "⋢", { 8930, 0 } },
+ { "⋣", { 8931, 0 } },
+ { "⊄", { 8836, 0 } },
+ { "⫅̸", { 10949, 824 } },
+ { "⊈", { 8840, 0 } },
+ { "⊂⃒", { 8834, 8402 } },
+ { "⊈", { 8840, 0 } },
+ { "⫅̸", { 10949, 824 } },
+ { "⊁", { 8833, 0 } },
+ { "⪰̸", { 10928, 824 } },
+ { "⊅", { 8837, 0 } },
+ { "⫆̸", { 10950, 824 } },
+ { "⊉", { 8841, 0 } },
+ { "⊃⃒", { 8835, 8402 } },
+ { "⊉", { 8841, 0 } },
+ { "⫆̸", { 10950, 824 } },
+ { "≹", { 8825, 0 } },
+ { "ñ", { 241, 0 } },
+ { "≸", { 8824, 0 } },
+ { "⋪", { 8938, 0 } },
+ { "⋬", { 8940, 0 } },
+ { "⋫", { 8939, 0 } },
+ { "⋭", { 8941, 0 } },
+ { "ν", { 957, 0 } },
+ { "#", { 35, 0 } },
+ { "№", { 8470, 0 } },
+ { " ", { 8199, 0 } },
+ { "⊭", { 8877, 0 } },
+ { "⤄", { 10500, 0 } },
+ { "≍⃒", { 8781, 8402 } },
+ { "⊬", { 8876, 0 } },
+ { "≥⃒", { 8805, 8402 } },
+ { ">⃒", { 62, 8402 } },
+ { "⧞", { 10718, 0 } },
+ { "⤂", { 10498, 0 } },
+ { "≤⃒", { 8804, 8402 } },
+ { "<⃒", { 60, 8402 } },
+ { "⊴⃒", { 8884, 8402 } },
+ { "⤃", { 10499, 0 } },
+ { "⊵⃒", { 8885, 8402 } },
+ { "∼⃒", { 8764, 8402 } },
+ { "⇖", { 8662, 0 } },
+ { "⤣", { 10531, 0 } },
+ { "↖", { 8598, 0 } },
+ { "↖", { 8598, 0 } },
+ { "⤧", { 10535, 0 } },
+ { "Ⓢ", { 9416, 0 } },
+ { "ó", { 243, 0 } },
+ { "⊛", { 8859, 0 } },
+ { "⊚", { 8858, 0 } },
+ { "ô", { 244, 0 } },
+ { "о", { 1086, 0 } },
+ { "⊝", { 8861, 0 } },
+ { "ő", { 337, 0 } },
+ { "⨸", { 10808, 0 } },
+ { "⊙", { 8857, 0 } },
+ { "⦼", { 10684, 0 } },
+ { "œ", { 339, 0 } },
+ { "⦿", { 10687, 0 } },
+ { "𝔬", { 120108, 0 } },
+ { "˛", { 731, 0 } },
+ { "ò", { 242, 0 } },
+ { "⧁", { 10689, 0 } },
+ { "⦵", { 10677, 0 } },
+ { "Ω", { 937, 0 } },
+ { "∮", { 8750, 0 } },
+ { "↺", { 8634, 0 } },
+ { "⦾", { 10686, 0 } },
+ { "⦻", { 10683, 0 } },
+ { "‾", { 8254, 0 } },
+ { "⧀", { 10688, 0 } },
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+ { "ο", { 959, 0 } },
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+ { "⦹", { 10681, 0 } },
+ { "⊕", { 8853, 0 } },
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+ { "ℴ", { 8500, 0 } },
+ { "ℴ", { 8500, 0 } },
+ { "ª", { 170, 0 } },
+ { "º", { 186, 0 } },
+ { "⊶", { 8886, 0 } },
+ { "⩖", { 10838, 0 } },
+ { "⩗", { 10839, 0 } },
+ { "⩛", { 10843, 0 } },
+ { "ℴ", { 8500, 0 } },
+ { "ø", { 248, 0 } },
+ { "⊘", { 8856, 0 } },
+ { "õ", { 245, 0 } },
+ { "⊗", { 8855, 0 } },
+ { "⨶", { 10806, 0 } },
+ { "ö", { 246, 0 } },
+ { "⌽", { 9021, 0 } },
+ { "∥", { 8741, 0 } },
+ { "¶", { 182, 0 } },
+ { "∥", { 8741, 0 } },
+ { "⫳", { 10995, 0 } },
+ { "⫽", { 11005, 0 } },
+ { "∂", { 8706, 0 } },
+ { "п", { 1087, 0 } },
+ { "%", { 37, 0 } },
+ { ".", { 46, 0 } },
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+ { "⊥", { 8869, 0 } },
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+ { "ϕ", { 981, 0 } },
+ { "ℳ", { 8499, 0 } },
+ { "☎", { 9742, 0 } },
+ { "π", { 960, 0 } },
+ { "⋔", { 8916, 0 } },
+ { "ϖ", { 982, 0 } },
+ { "ℏ", { 8463, 0 } },
+ { "ℎ", { 8462, 0 } },
+ { "ℏ", { 8463, 0 } },
+ { "+", { 43, 0 } },
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+ { "⊞", { 8862, 0 } },
+ { "⨢", { 10786, 0 } },
+ { "∔", { 8724, 0 } },
+ { "⨥", { 10789, 0 } },
+ { "⩲", { 10866, 0 } },
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+ { "⨦", { 10790, 0 } },
+ { "⨧", { 10791, 0 } },
+ { "±", { 177, 0 } },
+ { "⨕", { 10773, 0 } },
+ { "𝕡", { 120161, 0 } },
+ { "£", { 163, 0 } },
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+ { "⪳", { 10931, 0 } },
+ { "⪷", { 10935, 0 } },
+ { "≼", { 8828, 0 } },
+ { "⪯", { 10927, 0 } },
+ { "≺", { 8826, 0 } },
+ { "⪷", { 10935, 0 } },
+ { "≼", { 8828, 0 } },
+ { "⪯", { 10927, 0 } },
+ { "⪹", { 10937, 0 } },
+ { "⪵", { 10933, 0 } },
+ { "⋨", { 8936, 0 } },
+ { "≾", { 8830, 0 } },
+ { "′", { 8242, 0 } },
+ { "ℙ", { 8473, 0 } },
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+ { "⪹", { 10937, 0 } },
+ { "⋨", { 8936, 0 } },
+ { "∏", { 8719, 0 } },
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+ { "⌓", { 8979, 0 } },
+ { "∝", { 8733, 0 } },
+ { "∝", { 8733, 0 } },
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+ { " ", { 8200, 0 } },
+ { "𝔮", { 120110, 0 } },
+ { "⨌", { 10764, 0 } },
+ { "𝕢", { 120162, 0 } },
+ { "⁗", { 8279, 0 } },
+ { "𝓆", { 120006, 0 } },
+ { "ℍ", { 8461, 0 } },
+ { "⨖", { 10774, 0 } },
+ { "?", { 63, 0 } },
+ { "≟", { 8799, 0 } },
+ { """, { 34, 0 } },
+ { "⇛", { 8667, 0 } },
+ { "⇒", { 8658, 0 } },
+ { "⤜", { 10524, 0 } },
+ { "⤏", { 10511, 0 } },
+ { "⥤", { 10596, 0 } },
+ { "∽̱", { 8765, 817 } },
+ { "ŕ", { 341, 0 } },
+ { "√", { 8730, 0 } },
+ { "⦳", { 10675, 0 } },
+ { "⟩", { 10217, 0 } },
+ { "⦒", { 10642, 0 } },
+ { "⦥", { 10661, 0 } },
+ { "⟩", { 10217, 0 } },
+ { "»", { 187, 0 } },
+ { "→", { 8594, 0 } },
+ { "⥵", { 10613, 0 } },
+ { "⇥", { 8677, 0 } },
+ { "⤠", { 10528, 0 } },
+ { "⤳", { 10547, 0 } },
+ { "⤞", { 10526, 0 } },
+ { "↪", { 8618, 0 } },
+ { "↬", { 8620, 0 } },
+ { "⥅", { 10565, 0 } },
+ { "⥴", { 10612, 0 } },
+ { "↣", { 8611, 0 } },
+ { "↝", { 8605, 0 } },
+ { "⤚", { 10522, 0 } },
+ { "∶", { 8758, 0 } },
+ { "ℚ", { 8474, 0 } },
+ { "⤍", { 10509, 0 } },
+ { "❳", { 10099, 0 } },
+ { "}", { 125, 0 } },
+ { "]", { 93, 0 } },
+ { "⦌", { 10636, 0 } },
+ { "⦎", { 10638, 0 } },
+ { "⦐", { 10640, 0 } },
+ { "ř", { 345, 0 } },
+ { "ŗ", { 343, 0 } },
+ { "⌉", { 8969, 0 } },
+ { "}", { 125, 0 } },
+ { "р", { 1088, 0 } },
+ { "⤷", { 10551, 0 } },
+ { "⥩", { 10601, 0 } },
+ { "”", { 8221, 0 } },
+ { "”", { 8221, 0 } },
+ { "↳", { 8627, 0 } },
+ { "ℜ", { 8476, 0 } },
+ { "ℛ", { 8475, 0 } },
+ { "ℜ", { 8476, 0 } },
+ { "ℝ", { 8477, 0 } },
+ { "▭", { 9645, 0 } },
+ { "®", { 174, 0 } },
+ { "⥽", { 10621, 0 } },
+ { "⌋", { 8971, 0 } },
+ { "𝔯", { 120111, 0 } },
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+ { "⇀", { 8640, 0 } },
+ { "⥬", { 10604, 0 } },
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+ { "ϱ", { 1009, 0 } },
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+ { "↣", { 8611, 0 } },
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+ { "⇀", { 8640, 0 } },
+ { "⇄", { 8644, 0 } },
+ { "⇌", { 8652, 0 } },
+ { "⇉", { 8649, 0 } },
+ { "↝", { 8605, 0 } },
+ { "⋌", { 8908, 0 } },
+ { "˚", { 730, 0 } },
+ { "≓", { 8787, 0 } },
+ { "⇄", { 8644, 0 } },
+ { "⇌", { 8652, 0 } },
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+ { "⎱", { 9137, 0 } },
+ { "⎱", { 9137, 0 } },
+ { "⫮", { 10990, 0 } },
+ { "⟭", { 10221, 0 } },
+ { "⇾", { 8702, 0 } },
+ { "⟧", { 10215, 0 } },
+ { "⦆", { 10630, 0 } },
+ { "𝕣", { 120163, 0 } },
+ { "⨮", { 10798, 0 } },
+ { "⨵", { 10805, 0 } },
+ { ")", { 41, 0 } },
+ { "⦔", { 10644, 0 } },
+ { "⨒", { 10770, 0 } },
+ { "⇉", { 8649, 0 } },
+ { "›", { 8250, 0 } },
+ { "𝓇", { 120007, 0 } },
+ { "↱", { 8625, 0 } },
+ { "]", { 93, 0 } },
+ { "’", { 8217, 0 } },
+ { "’", { 8217, 0 } },
+ { "⋌", { 8908, 0 } },
+ { "⋊", { 8906, 0 } },
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+ { "⊵", { 8885, 0 } },
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+ { "ś", { 347, 0 } },
+ { "‚", { 8218, 0 } },
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+ { "⪸", { 10936, 0 } },
+ { "š", { 353, 0 } },
+ { "≽", { 8829, 0 } },
+ { "⪰", { 10928, 0 } },
+ { "ş", { 351, 0 } },
+ { "ŝ", { 349, 0 } },
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+ { "⪺", { 10938, 0 } },
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+ { "⇘", { 8664, 0 } },
+ { "⤥", { 10533, 0 } },
+ { "↘", { 8600, 0 } },
+ { "↘", { 8600, 0 } },
+ { "§", { 167, 0 } },
+ { ";", { 59, 0 } },
+ { "⤩", { 10537, 0 } },
+ { "∖", { 8726, 0 } },
+ { "∖", { 8726, 0 } },
+ { "✶", { 10038, 0 } },
+ { "𝔰", { 120112, 0 } },
+ { "⌢", { 8994, 0 } },
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+ { "ш", { 1096, 0 } },
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+ { "ς", { 962, 0 } },
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+ { "≃", { 8771, 0 } },
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+ { "⪝", { 10909, 0 } },
+ { "⪟", { 10911, 0 } },
+ { "≆", { 8774, 0 } },
+ { "⨤", { 10788, 0 } },
+ { "⥲", { 10610, 0 } },
+ { "←", { 8592, 0 } },
+ { "∖", { 8726, 0 } },
+ { "⨳", { 10803, 0 } },
+ { "⧤", { 10724, 0 } },
+ { "∣", { 8739, 0 } },
+ { "⌣", { 8995, 0 } },
+ { "⪪", { 10922, 0 } },
+ { "⪬", { 10924, 0 } },
+ { "⪬︀", { 10924, 65024 } },
+ { "ь", { 1100, 0 } },
+ { "/", { 47, 0 } },
+ { "⧄", { 10692, 0 } },
+ { "⌿", { 9023, 0 } },
+ { "𝕤", { 120164, 0 } },
+ { "♠", { 9824, 0 } },
+ { "♠", { 9824, 0 } },
+ { "∥", { 8741, 0 } },
+ { "⊓", { 8851, 0 } },
+ { "⊓︀", { 8851, 65024 } },
+ { "⊔", { 8852, 0 } },
+ { "⊔︀", { 8852, 65024 } },
+ { "⊏", { 8847, 0 } },
+ { "⊑", { 8849, 0 } },
+ { "⊏", { 8847, 0 } },
+ { "⊑", { 8849, 0 } },
+ { "⊐", { 8848, 0 } },
+ { "⊒", { 8850, 0 } },
+ { "⊐", { 8848, 0 } },
+ { "⊒", { 8850, 0 } },
+ { "□", { 9633, 0 } },
+ { "□", { 9633, 0 } },
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+ { "▪", { 9642, 0 } },
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+ { "∖", { 8726, 0 } },
+ { "⌣", { 8995, 0 } },
+ { "⋆", { 8902, 0 } },
+ { "☆", { 9734, 0 } },
+ { "★", { 9733, 0 } },
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+ { "¯", { 175, 0 } },
+ { "⊂", { 8834, 0 } },
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+ { "⪽", { 10941, 0 } },
+ { "⊆", { 8838, 0 } },
+ { "⫃", { 10947, 0 } },
+ { "⫁", { 10945, 0 } },
+ { "⫋", { 10955, 0 } },
+ { "⊊", { 8842, 0 } },
+ { "⪿", { 10943, 0 } },
+ { "⥹", { 10617, 0 } },
+ { "⊂", { 8834, 0 } },
+ { "⊆", { 8838, 0 } },
+ { "⫅", { 10949, 0 } },
+ { "⊊", { 8842, 0 } },
+ { "⫋", { 10955, 0 } },
+ { "⫇", { 10951, 0 } },
+ { "⫕", { 10965, 0 } },
+ { "⫓", { 10963, 0 } },
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+ { "⪸", { 10936, 0 } },
+ { "≽", { 8829, 0 } },
+ { "⪰", { 10928, 0 } },
+ { "⪺", { 10938, 0 } },
+ { "⪶", { 10934, 0 } },
+ { "⋩", { 8937, 0 } },
+ { "≿", { 8831, 0 } },
+ { "∑", { 8721, 0 } },
+ { "♪", { 9834, 0 } },
+ { "¹", { 185, 0 } },
+ { "²", { 178, 0 } },
+ { "³", { 179, 0 } },
+ { "⊃", { 8835, 0 } },
+ { "⫆", { 10950, 0 } },
+ { "⪾", { 10942, 0 } },
+ { "⫘", { 10968, 0 } },
+ { "⊇", { 8839, 0 } },
+ { "⫄", { 10948, 0 } },
+ { "⟉", { 10185, 0 } },
+ { "⫗", { 10967, 0 } },
+ { "⥻", { 10619, 0 } },
+ { "⫂", { 10946, 0 } },
+ { "⫌", { 10956, 0 } },
+ { "⊋", { 8843, 0 } },
+ { "⫀", { 10944, 0 } },
+ { "⊃", { 8835, 0 } },
+ { "⊇", { 8839, 0 } },
+ { "⫆", { 10950, 0 } },
+ { "⊋", { 8843, 0 } },
+ { "⫌", { 10956, 0 } },
+ { "⫈", { 10952, 0 } },
+ { "⫔", { 10964, 0 } },
+ { "⫖", { 10966, 0 } },
+ { "⇙", { 8665, 0 } },
+ { "⤦", { 10534, 0 } },
+ { "↙", { 8601, 0 } },
+ { "↙", { 8601, 0 } },
+ { "⤪", { 10538, 0 } },
+ { "ß", { 223, 0 } },
+ { "⌖", { 8982, 0 } },
+ { "τ", { 964, 0 } },
+ { "⎴", { 9140, 0 } },
+ { "ť", { 357, 0 } },
+ { "ţ", { 355, 0 } },
+ { "т", { 1090, 0 } },
+ { "⃛", { 8411, 0 } },
+ { "⌕", { 8981, 0 } },
+ { "𝔱", { 120113, 0 } },
+ { "∴", { 8756, 0 } },
+ { "∴", { 8756, 0 } },
+ { "θ", { 952, 0 } },
+ { "ϑ", { 977, 0 } },
+ { "ϑ", { 977, 0 } },
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+ { "≈", { 8776, 0 } },
+ { "∼", { 8764, 0 } },
+ { "þ", { 254, 0 } },
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+ { "×", { 215, 0 } },
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+ { "⨱", { 10801, 0 } },
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+ { "∭", { 8749, 0 } },
+ { "⤨", { 10536, 0 } },
+ { "⊤", { 8868, 0 } },
+ { "⌶", { 9014, 0 } },
+ { "⫱", { 10993, 0 } },
+ { "𝕥", { 120165, 0 } },
+ { "⫚", { 10970, 0 } },
+ { "⤩", { 10537, 0 } },
+ { "‴", { 8244, 0 } },
+ { "™", { 8482, 0 } },
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+ { "▿", { 9663, 0 } },
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+ { "▹", { 9657, 0 } },
+ { "⊵", { 8885, 0 } },
+ { "◬", { 9708, 0 } },
+ { "≜", { 8796, 0 } },
+ { "⨺", { 10810, 0 } },
+ { "⨹", { 10809, 0 } },
+ { "⧍", { 10701, 0 } },
+ { "⨻", { 10811, 0 } },
+ { "⏢", { 9186, 0 } },
+ { "𝓉", { 120009, 0 } },
+ { "ц", { 1094, 0 } },
+ { "ћ", { 1115, 0 } },
+ { "ŧ", { 359, 0 } },
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+ { "↠", { 8608, 0 } },
+ { "⇑", { 8657, 0 } },
+ { "⥣", { 10595, 0 } },
+ { "ú", { 250, 0 } },
+ { "↑", { 8593, 0 } },
+ { "ў", { 1118, 0 } },
+ { "ŭ", { 365, 0 } },
+ { "û", { 251, 0 } },
+ { "у", { 1091, 0 } },
+ { "⇅", { 8645, 0 } },
+ { "ű", { 369, 0 } },
+ { "⥮", { 10606, 0 } },
+ { "⥾", { 10622, 0 } },
+ { "𝔲", { 120114, 0 } },
+ { "ù", { 249, 0 } },
+ { "↿", { 8639, 0 } },
+ { "↾", { 8638, 0 } },
+ { "▀", { 9600, 0 } },
+ { "⌜", { 8988, 0 } },
+ { "⌜", { 8988, 0 } },
+ { "⌏", { 8975, 0 } },
+ { "◸", { 9720, 0 } },
+ { "ū", { 363, 0 } },
+ { "¨", { 168, 0 } },
+ { "ų", { 371, 0 } },
+ { "𝕦", { 120166, 0 } },
+ { "↑", { 8593, 0 } },
+ { "↕", { 8597, 0 } },
+ { "↿", { 8639, 0 } },
+ { "↾", { 8638, 0 } },
+ { "⊎", { 8846, 0 } },
+ { "υ", { 965, 0 } },
+ { "ϒ", { 978, 0 } },
+ { "υ", { 965, 0 } },
+ { "⇈", { 8648, 0 } },
+ { "⌝", { 8989, 0 } },
+ { "⌝", { 8989, 0 } },
+ { "⌎", { 8974, 0 } },
+ { "ů", { 367, 0 } },
+ { "◹", { 9721, 0 } },
+ { "𝓊", { 120010, 0 } },
+ { "⋰", { 8944, 0 } },
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+ { "▴", { 9652, 0 } },
+ { "⇈", { 8648, 0 } },
+ { "ü", { 252, 0 } },
+ { "⦧", { 10663, 0 } },
+ { "⇕", { 8661, 0 } },
+ { "⫨", { 10984, 0 } },
+ { "⫩", { 10985, 0 } },
+ { "⊨", { 8872, 0 } },
+ { "⦜", { 10652, 0 } },
+ { "ϵ", { 1013, 0 } },
+ { "ϰ", { 1008, 0 } },
+ { "∅", { 8709, 0 } },
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+ { "ϖ", { 982, 0 } },
+ { "∝", { 8733, 0 } },
+ { "↕", { 8597, 0 } },
+ { "ϱ", { 1009, 0 } },
+ { "ς", { 962, 0 } },
+ { "⊊︀", { 8842, 65024 } },
+ { "⫋︀", { 10955, 65024 } },
+ { "⊋︀", { 8843, 65024 } },
+ { "⫌︀", { 10956, 65024 } },
+ { "ϑ", { 977, 0 } },
+ { "⊲", { 8882, 0 } },
+ { "⊳", { 8883, 0 } },
+ { "в", { 1074, 0 } },
+ { "⊢", { 8866, 0 } },
+ { "∨", { 8744, 0 } },
+ { "⊻", { 8891, 0 } },
+ { "≚", { 8794, 0 } },
+ { "⋮", { 8942, 0 } },
+ { "|", { 124, 0 } },
+ { "|", { 124, 0 } },
+ { "𝔳", { 120115, 0 } },
+ { "⊲", { 8882, 0 } },
+ { "⊂⃒", { 8834, 8402 } },
+ { "⊃⃒", { 8835, 8402 } },
+ { "𝕧", { 120167, 0 } },
+ { "∝", { 8733, 0 } },
+ { "⊳", { 8883, 0 } },
+ { "𝓋", { 120011, 0 } },
+ { "⫋︀", { 10955, 65024 } },
+ { "⊊︀", { 8842, 65024 } },
+ { "⫌︀", { 10956, 65024 } },
+ { "⊋︀", { 8843, 65024 } },
+ { "⦚", { 10650, 0 } },
+ { "ŵ", { 373, 0 } },
+ { "⩟", { 10847, 0 } },
+ { "∧", { 8743, 0 } },
+ { "≙", { 8793, 0 } },
+ { "℘", { 8472, 0 } },
+ { "𝔴", { 120116, 0 } },
+ { "𝕨", { 120168, 0 } },
+ { "℘", { 8472, 0 } },
+ { "≀", { 8768, 0 } },
+ { "≀", { 8768, 0 } },
+ { "𝓌", { 120012, 0 } },
+ { "⋂", { 8898, 0 } },
+ { "◯", { 9711, 0 } },
+ { "⋃", { 8899, 0 } },
+ { "▽", { 9661, 0 } },
+ { "𝔵", { 120117, 0 } },
+ { "⟺", { 10234, 0 } },
+ { "⟷", { 10231, 0 } },
+ { "ξ", { 958, 0 } },
+ { "⟸", { 10232, 0 } },
+ { "⟵", { 10229, 0 } },
+ { "⟼", { 10236, 0 } },
+ { "⋻", { 8955, 0 } },
+ { "⨀", { 10752, 0 } },
+ { "𝕩", { 120169, 0 } },
+ { "⨁", { 10753, 0 } },
+ { "⨂", { 10754, 0 } },
+ { "⟹", { 10233, 0 } },
+ { "⟶", { 10230, 0 } },
+ { "𝓍", { 120013, 0 } },
+ { "⨆", { 10758, 0 } },
+ { "⨄", { 10756, 0 } },
+ { "△", { 9651, 0 } },
+ { "⋁", { 8897, 0 } },
+ { "⋀", { 8896, 0 } },
+ { "ý", { 253, 0 } },
+ { "я", { 1103, 0 } },
+ { "ŷ", { 375, 0 } },
+ { "ы", { 1099, 0 } },
+ { "¥", { 165, 0 } },
+ { "𝔶", { 120118, 0 } },
+ { "ї", { 1111, 0 } },
+ { "𝕪", { 120170, 0 } },
+ { "𝓎", { 120014, 0 } },
+ { "ю", { 1102, 0 } },
+ { "ÿ", { 255, 0 } },
+ { "ź", { 378, 0 } },
+ { "ž", { 382, 0 } },
+ { "з", { 1079, 0 } },
+ { "ż", { 380, 0 } },
+ { "ℨ", { 8488, 0 } },
+ { "ζ", { 950, 0 } },
+ { "𝔷", { 120119, 0 } },
+ { "ж", { 1078, 0 } },
+ { "⇝", { 8669, 0 } },
+ { "𝕫", { 120171, 0 } },
+ { "𝓏", { 120015, 0 } },
+ { "‍", { 8205, 0 } },
+ { "‌", { 8204, 0 } }
+typedef struct ENTITY_KEY_tag ENTITY_KEY;
+struct ENTITY_KEY_tag {
+ const char* name;
+ size_t name_size;
+static int
+entity_cmp(const void* p_key, const void* p_entity)
+ ENTITY_KEY* key = (ENTITY_KEY*) p_key;
+ ENTITY* ent = (ENTITY*) p_entity;
+ return strncmp(key->name, ent->name, key->name_size);
+const ENTITY*
+entity_lookup(const char* name, size_t name_size)
+ ENTITY_KEY key = { name, name_size };
+ return bsearch(&key,
+ sizeof(ENTITY_MAP) / sizeof(ENTITY_MAP[0]),
+ sizeof(ENTITY),
+ entity_cmp);
diff --git a/markdown/entity.h b/markdown/entity.h
deleted file mode 120000
index ae4f56b..0000000
--- a/markdown/entity.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/markdown/entity.h b/markdown/entity.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5d3868
--- /dev/null
+++ b/markdown/entity.h
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ * MD4C: Markdown parser for C
+ * (http://github.com/mity/md4c)
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2016-2024 Martin Mitáš
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+ * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+ * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+ * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+ * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+ * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+ * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef MD4C_ENTITY_H
+#define MD4C_ENTITY_H
+#include <stdlib.h>
+/* Most entities are formed by single Unicode codepoint, few by two codepoints.
+ * Single-codepoint entities have codepoints[1] set to zero. */
+typedef struct ENTITY_tag ENTITY;
+struct ENTITY_tag {
+ const char* name;
+ unsigned codepoints[2];
+const ENTITY* entity_lookup(const char* name, size_t name_size);
+#endif /* MD4C_ENTITY_H */
diff --git a/markdown/md4c-html.c b/markdown/md4c-html.c
deleted file mode 120000
index 374c94f..0000000
--- a/markdown/md4c-html.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/markdown/md4c-html.c b/markdown/md4c-html.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5229de5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/markdown/md4c-html.c
@@ -0,0 +1,567 @@
+ * MD4C: Markdown parser for C
+ * (http://github.com/mity/md4c)
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2016-2024 Martin Mitáš
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+ * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+ * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+ * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+ * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+ * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+ * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "md4c-html.h"
+#include "entity.h"
+#if !defined(__STDC_VERSION__) || __STDC_VERSION__ < 199409L
+ /* C89/90 or old compilers in general may not understand "inline". */
+ #if defined __GNUC__
+ #define inline __inline__
+ #elif defined _MSC_VER
+ #define inline __inline
+ #else
+ #define inline
+ #endif
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ #define snprintf _snprintf
+typedef struct MD_HTML_tag MD_HTML;
+struct MD_HTML_tag {
+ void (*process_output)(const MD_CHAR*, MD_SIZE, void*);
+ void* userdata;
+ unsigned flags;
+ int image_nesting_level;
+ char escape_map[256];
+#define NEED_HTML_ESC_FLAG 0x1
+#define NEED_URL_ESC_FLAG 0x2
+ *** HTML rendering helper functions ***
+ *****************************************/
+#define ISDIGIT(ch) ('0' <= (ch) && (ch) <= '9')
+#define ISLOWER(ch) ('a' <= (ch) && (ch) <= 'z')
+#define ISUPPER(ch) ('A' <= (ch) && (ch) <= 'Z')
+#define ISALNUM(ch) (ISLOWER(ch) || ISUPPER(ch) || ISDIGIT(ch))
+static inline void
+render_verbatim(MD_HTML* r, const MD_CHAR* text, MD_SIZE size)
+ r->process_output(text, size, r->userdata);
+/* Keep this as a macro. Most compiler should then be smart enough to replace
+ * the strlen() call with a compile-time constant if the string is a C literal. */
+#define RENDER_VERBATIM(r, verbatim) \
+ render_verbatim((r), (verbatim), (MD_SIZE) (strlen(verbatim)))
+static void
+render_html_escaped(MD_HTML* r, const MD_CHAR* data, MD_SIZE size)
+ MD_OFFSET beg = 0;
+ MD_OFFSET off = 0;
+ /* Some characters need to be escaped in normal HTML text. */
+ #define NEED_HTML_ESC(ch) (r->escape_map[(unsigned char)(ch)] & NEED_HTML_ESC_FLAG)
+ while(1) {
+ /* Optimization: Use some loop unrolling. */
+ while(off + 3 < size && !NEED_HTML_ESC(data[off+0]) && !NEED_HTML_ESC(data[off+1])
+ && !NEED_HTML_ESC(data[off+2]) && !NEED_HTML_ESC(data[off+3]))
+ off += 4;
+ while(off < size && !NEED_HTML_ESC(data[off]))
+ off++;
+ if(off > beg)
+ render_verbatim(r, data + beg, off - beg);
+ if(off < size) {
+ switch(data[off]) {
+ case '&': RENDER_VERBATIM(r, "&"); break;
+ case '<': RENDER_VERBATIM(r, "<"); break;
+ case '>': RENDER_VERBATIM(r, ">"); break;
+ case '"': RENDER_VERBATIM(r, """); break;
+ }
+ off++;
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ beg = off;
+ }
+static void
+render_url_escaped(MD_HTML* r, const MD_CHAR* data, MD_SIZE size)
+ static const MD_CHAR hex_chars[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
+ MD_OFFSET beg = 0;
+ MD_OFFSET off = 0;
+ /* Some characters need to be escaped in URL attributes. */
+ #define NEED_URL_ESC(ch) (r->escape_map[(unsigned char)(ch)] & NEED_URL_ESC_FLAG)
+ while(1) {
+ while(off < size && !NEED_URL_ESC(data[off]))
+ off++;
+ if(off > beg)
+ render_verbatim(r, data + beg, off - beg);
+ if(off < size) {
+ char hex[3];
+ switch(data[off]) {
+ case '&': RENDER_VERBATIM(r, "&"); break;
+ default:
+ hex[0] = '%';
+ hex[1] = hex_chars[((unsigned)data[off] >> 4) & 0xf];
+ hex[2] = hex_chars[((unsigned)data[off] >> 0) & 0xf];
+ render_verbatim(r, hex, 3);
+ break;
+ }
+ off++;
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ beg = off;
+ }
+static unsigned
+hex_val(char ch)
+ if('0' <= ch && ch <= '9')
+ return ch - '0';
+ if('A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z')
+ return ch - 'A' + 10;
+ else
+ return ch - 'a' + 10;
+static void
+render_utf8_codepoint(MD_HTML* r, unsigned codepoint,
+ void (*fn_append)(MD_HTML*, const MD_CHAR*, MD_SIZE))
+ static const MD_CHAR utf8_replacement_char[] = { (char)0xef, (char)0xbf, (char)0xbd };
+ unsigned char utf8[4];
+ size_t n;
+ if(codepoint <= 0x7f) {
+ n = 1;
+ utf8[0] = codepoint;
+ } else if(codepoint <= 0x7ff) {
+ n = 2;
+ utf8[0] = 0xc0 | ((codepoint >> 6) & 0x1f);
+ utf8[1] = 0x80 + ((codepoint >> 0) & 0x3f);
+ } else if(codepoint <= 0xffff) {
+ n = 3;
+ utf8[0] = 0xe0 | ((codepoint >> 12) & 0xf);
+ utf8[1] = 0x80 + ((codepoint >> 6) & 0x3f);
+ utf8[2] = 0x80 + ((codepoint >> 0) & 0x3f);
+ } else {
+ n = 4;
+ utf8[0] = 0xf0 | ((codepoint >> 18) & 0x7);
+ utf8[1] = 0x80 + ((codepoint >> 12) & 0x3f);
+ utf8[2] = 0x80 + ((codepoint >> 6) & 0x3f);
+ utf8[3] = 0x80 + ((codepoint >> 0) & 0x3f);
+ }
+ if(0 < codepoint && codepoint <= 0x10ffff)
+ fn_append(r, (char*)utf8, (MD_SIZE)n);
+ else
+ fn_append(r, utf8_replacement_char, 3);
+/* Translate entity to its UTF-8 equivalent, or output the verbatim one
+ * if such entity is unknown (or if the translation is disabled). */
+static void
+render_entity(MD_HTML* r, const MD_CHAR* text, MD_SIZE size,
+ void (*fn_append)(MD_HTML*, const MD_CHAR*, MD_SIZE))
+ render_verbatim(r, text, size);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* We assume UTF-8 output is what is desired. */
+ if(size > 3 && text[1] == '#') {
+ unsigned codepoint = 0;
+ if(text[2] == 'x' || text[2] == 'X') {
+ /* Hexadecimal entity (e.g. "�")). */
+ MD_SIZE i;
+ for(i = 3; i < size-1; i++)
+ codepoint = 16 * codepoint + hex_val(text[i]);
+ } else {
+ /* Decimal entity (e.g. "&1234;") */
+ MD_SIZE i;
+ for(i = 2; i < size-1; i++)
+ codepoint = 10 * codepoint + (text[i] - '0');
+ }
+ render_utf8_codepoint(r, codepoint, fn_append);
+ return;
+ } else {
+ /* Named entity (e.g. " "). */
+ const ENTITY* ent;
+ ent = entity_lookup(text, size);
+ if(ent != NULL) {
+ render_utf8_codepoint(r, ent->codepoints[0], fn_append);
+ if(ent->codepoints[1])
+ render_utf8_codepoint(r, ent->codepoints[1], fn_append);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ fn_append(r, text, size);
+static void
+render_attribute(MD_HTML* r, const MD_ATTRIBUTE* attr,
+ void (*fn_append)(MD_HTML*, const MD_CHAR*, MD_SIZE))
+ int i;
+ for(i = 0; attr->substr_offsets[i] < attr->size; i++) {
+ MD_TEXTTYPE type = attr->substr_types[i];
+ MD_OFFSET off = attr->substr_offsets[i];
+ MD_SIZE size = attr->substr_offsets[i+1] - off;
+ const MD_CHAR* text = attr->text + off;
+ switch(type) {
+ case MD_TEXT_NULLCHAR: render_utf8_codepoint(r, 0x0000, render_verbatim); break;
+ case MD_TEXT_ENTITY: render_entity(r, text, size, fn_append); break;
+ default: fn_append(r, text, size); break;
+ }
+ }
+static void
+render_open_ol_block(MD_HTML* r, const MD_BLOCK_OL_DETAIL* det)
+ char buf[64];
+ if(det->start == 1) {
+ RENDER_VERBATIM(r, "<ol>\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "<ol start=\"%u\">\n", det->start);
+static void
+render_open_li_block(MD_HTML* r, const MD_BLOCK_LI_DETAIL* det)
+ if(det->is_task) {
+ RENDER_VERBATIM(r, "<li class=\"task-list-item\">"
+ "<input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"task-list-item-checkbox\" disabled");
+ if(det->task_mark == 'x' || det->task_mark == 'X')
+ RENDER_VERBATIM(r, " checked");
+ } else {
+ RENDER_VERBATIM(r, "<li>");
+ }
+static void
+render_open_code_block(MD_HTML* r, const MD_BLOCK_CODE_DETAIL* det)
+ RENDER_VERBATIM(r, "<pre><code");
+ /* If known, output the HTML 5 attribute class="language-LANGNAME". */
+ if(det->lang.text != NULL) {
+ RENDER_VERBATIM(r, " class=\"language-");
+ render_attribute(r, &det->lang, render_html_escaped);
+ }
+static void
+render_open_td_block(MD_HTML* r, const MD_CHAR* cell_type, const MD_BLOCK_TD_DETAIL* det)
+ RENDER_VERBATIM(r, cell_type);
+ switch(det->align) {
+ case MD_ALIGN_LEFT: RENDER_VERBATIM(r, " align=\"left\">"); break;
+ case MD_ALIGN_CENTER: RENDER_VERBATIM(r, " align=\"center\">"); break;
+ case MD_ALIGN_RIGHT: RENDER_VERBATIM(r, " align=\"right\">"); break;
+ default: RENDER_VERBATIM(r, ">"); break;
+ }
+static void
+render_open_a_span(MD_HTML* r, const MD_SPAN_A_DETAIL* det)
+ RENDER_VERBATIM(r, "<a href=\"");
+ render_attribute(r, &det->href, render_url_escaped);
+ if(det->title.text != NULL) {
+ RENDER_VERBATIM(r, "\" title=\"");
+ render_attribute(r, &det->title, render_html_escaped);
+ }
+ RENDER_VERBATIM(r, "\">");
+static void
+render_open_img_span(MD_HTML* r, const MD_SPAN_IMG_DETAIL* det)
+ RENDER_VERBATIM(r, "<img src=\"");
+ render_attribute(r, &det->src, render_url_escaped);
+ RENDER_VERBATIM(r, "\" alt=\"");
+static void
+render_close_img_span(MD_HTML* r, const MD_SPAN_IMG_DETAIL* det)
+ if(det->title.text != NULL) {
+ RENDER_VERBATIM(r, "\" title=\"");
+ render_attribute(r, &det->title, render_html_escaped);
+ }
+ RENDER_VERBATIM(r, (r->flags & MD_HTML_FLAG_XHTML) ? "\" />" : "\">");
+static void
+render_open_wikilink_span(MD_HTML* r, const MD_SPAN_WIKILINK_DETAIL* det)
+ RENDER_VERBATIM(r, "<x-wikilink data-target=\"");
+ render_attribute(r, &det->target, render_html_escaped);
+ RENDER_VERBATIM(r, "\">");
+ *** HTML renderer implementation ***
+ **************************************/
+static int
+enter_block_callback(MD_BLOCKTYPE type, void* detail, void* userdata)
+ static const MD_CHAR* head[6] = { "<h1>", "<h2>", "<h3>", "<h4>", "<h5>", "<h6>" };
+ MD_HTML* r = (MD_HTML*) userdata;
+ switch(type) {
+ case MD_BLOCK_DOC: /* noop */ break;
+ case MD_BLOCK_QUOTE: RENDER_VERBATIM(r, "<blockquote>\n"); break;
+ case MD_BLOCK_UL: RENDER_VERBATIM(r, "<ul>\n"); break;
+ case MD_BLOCK_OL: render_open_ol_block(r, (const MD_BLOCK_OL_DETAIL*)detail); break;
+ case MD_BLOCK_LI: render_open_li_block(r, (const MD_BLOCK_LI_DETAIL*)detail); break;
+ case MD_BLOCK_HR: RENDER_VERBATIM(r, (r->flags & MD_HTML_FLAG_XHTML) ? "<hr />\n" : "<hr>\n"); break;
+ case MD_BLOCK_H: RENDER_VERBATIM(r, head[((MD_BLOCK_H_DETAIL*)detail)->level - 1]); break;
+ case MD_BLOCK_CODE: render_open_code_block(r, (const MD_BLOCK_CODE_DETAIL*) detail); break;
+ case MD_BLOCK_HTML: /* noop */ break;
+ case MD_BLOCK_P: RENDER_VERBATIM(r, "<p>"); break;
+ case MD_BLOCK_TABLE: RENDER_VERBATIM(r, "<table>\n"); break;
+ case MD_BLOCK_THEAD: RENDER_VERBATIM(r, "<thead>\n"); break;
+ case MD_BLOCK_TBODY: RENDER_VERBATIM(r, "<tbody>\n"); break;
+ case MD_BLOCK_TR: RENDER_VERBATIM(r, "<tr>\n"); break;
+ case MD_BLOCK_TH: render_open_td_block(r, "th", (MD_BLOCK_TD_DETAIL*)detail); break;
+ case MD_BLOCK_TD: render_open_td_block(r, "td", (MD_BLOCK_TD_DETAIL*)detail); break;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int
+leave_block_callback(MD_BLOCKTYPE type, void* detail, void* userdata)
+ static const MD_CHAR* head[6] = { "</h1>\n", "</h2>\n", "</h3>\n", "</h4>\n", "</h5>\n", "</h6>\n" };
+ MD_HTML* r = (MD_HTML*) userdata;
+ switch(type) {
+ case MD_BLOCK_DOC: /*noop*/ break;
+ case MD_BLOCK_QUOTE: RENDER_VERBATIM(r, "</blockquote>\n"); break;
+ case MD_BLOCK_UL: RENDER_VERBATIM(r, "</ul>\n"); break;
+ case MD_BLOCK_OL: RENDER_VERBATIM(r, "</ol>\n"); break;
+ case MD_BLOCK_LI: RENDER_VERBATIM(r, "</li>\n"); break;
+ case MD_BLOCK_HR: /*noop*/ break;
+ case MD_BLOCK_H: RENDER_VERBATIM(r, head[((MD_BLOCK_H_DETAIL*)detail)->level - 1]); break;
+ case MD_BLOCK_CODE: RENDER_VERBATIM(r, "</code></pre>\n"); break;
+ case MD_BLOCK_HTML: /* noop */ break;
+ case MD_BLOCK_P: RENDER_VERBATIM(r, "</p>\n"); break;
+ case MD_BLOCK_TABLE: RENDER_VERBATIM(r, "</table>\n"); break;
+ case MD_BLOCK_THEAD: RENDER_VERBATIM(r, "</thead>\n"); break;
+ case MD_BLOCK_TBODY: RENDER_VERBATIM(r, "</tbody>\n"); break;
+ case MD_BLOCK_TR: RENDER_VERBATIM(r, "</tr>\n"); break;
+ case MD_BLOCK_TH: RENDER_VERBATIM(r, "</th>\n"); break;
+ case MD_BLOCK_TD: RENDER_VERBATIM(r, "</td>\n"); break;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int
+enter_span_callback(MD_SPANTYPE type, void* detail, void* userdata)
+ MD_HTML* r = (MD_HTML*) userdata;
+ int inside_img = (r->image_nesting_level > 0);
+ /* We are inside a Markdown image label. Markdown allows to use any emphasis
+ * and other rich contents in that context similarly as in any link label.
+ *
+ * However, unlike in the case of links (where that contents becomescontents
+ * of the <a>...</a> tag), in the case of images the contents is supposed to
+ * fall into the attribute alt: <img alt="...">.
+ *
+ * In that context we naturally cannot output nested HTML tags. So lets
+ * suppress them and only output the plain text (i.e. what falls into text()
+ * callback).
+ *
+ * CommonMark specification declares this a recommended practice for HTML
+ * output.
+ */
+ if(type == MD_SPAN_IMG)
+ r->image_nesting_level++;
+ if(inside_img)
+ return 0;
+ switch(type) {
+ case MD_SPAN_EM: RENDER_VERBATIM(r, "<em>"); break;
+ case MD_SPAN_STRONG: RENDER_VERBATIM(r, "<strong>"); break;
+ case MD_SPAN_U: RENDER_VERBATIM(r, "<u>"); break;
+ case MD_SPAN_A: render_open_a_span(r, (MD_SPAN_A_DETAIL*) detail); break;
+ case MD_SPAN_IMG: render_open_img_span(r, (MD_SPAN_IMG_DETAIL*) detail); break;
+ case MD_SPAN_CODE: RENDER_VERBATIM(r, "<code>"); break;
+ case MD_SPAN_DEL: RENDER_VERBATIM(r, "<del>"); break;
+ case MD_SPAN_LATEXMATH: RENDER_VERBATIM(r, "<x-equation>"); break;
+ case MD_SPAN_LATEXMATH_DISPLAY: RENDER_VERBATIM(r, "<x-equation type=\"display\">"); break;
+ case MD_SPAN_WIKILINK: render_open_wikilink_span(r, (MD_SPAN_WIKILINK_DETAIL*) detail); break;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int
+leave_span_callback(MD_SPANTYPE type, void* detail, void* userdata)
+ MD_HTML* r = (MD_HTML*) userdata;
+ if(type == MD_SPAN_IMG)
+ r->image_nesting_level--;
+ if(r->image_nesting_level > 0)
+ return 0;
+ switch(type) {
+ case MD_SPAN_EM: RENDER_VERBATIM(r, "</em>"); break;
+ case MD_SPAN_STRONG: RENDER_VERBATIM(r, "</strong>"); break;
+ case MD_SPAN_U: RENDER_VERBATIM(r, "</u>"); break;
+ case MD_SPAN_A: RENDER_VERBATIM(r, "</a>"); break;
+ case MD_SPAN_IMG: render_close_img_span(r, (MD_SPAN_IMG_DETAIL*) detail); break;
+ case MD_SPAN_CODE: RENDER_VERBATIM(r, "</code>"); break;
+ case MD_SPAN_DEL: RENDER_VERBATIM(r, "</del>"); break;
+ case MD_SPAN_LATEXMATH: /*fall through*/
+ case MD_SPAN_LATEXMATH_DISPLAY: RENDER_VERBATIM(r, "</x-equation>"); break;
+ case MD_SPAN_WIKILINK: RENDER_VERBATIM(r, "</x-wikilink>"); break;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int
+text_callback(MD_TEXTTYPE type, const MD_CHAR* text, MD_SIZE size, void* userdata)
+ MD_HTML* r = (MD_HTML*) userdata;
+ switch(type) {
+ case MD_TEXT_NULLCHAR: render_utf8_codepoint(r, 0x0000, render_verbatim); break;
+ case MD_TEXT_BR: RENDER_VERBATIM(r, (r->image_nesting_level == 0
+ ? ((r->flags & MD_HTML_FLAG_XHTML) ? "<br />\n" : "<br>\n")
+ : " "));
+ break;
+ case MD_TEXT_SOFTBR: RENDER_VERBATIM(r, (r->image_nesting_level == 0 ? "\n" : " ")); break;
+ case MD_TEXT_HTML: render_verbatim(r, text, size); break;
+ case MD_TEXT_ENTITY: render_entity(r, text, size, render_html_escaped); break;
+ default: render_html_escaped(r, text, size); break;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static void
+debug_log_callback(const char* msg, void* userdata)
+ MD_HTML* r = (MD_HTML*) userdata;
+ if(r->flags & MD_HTML_FLAG_DEBUG)
+ fprintf(stderr, "MD4C: %s\n", msg);
+md_html(const MD_CHAR* input, MD_SIZE input_size,
+ void (*process_output)(const MD_CHAR*, MD_SIZE, void*),
+ void* userdata, unsigned parser_flags, unsigned renderer_flags)
+ MD_HTML render = { process_output, userdata, renderer_flags, 0, { 0 } };
+ int i;
+ MD_PARSER parser = {
+ 0,
+ parser_flags,
+ enter_block_callback,
+ leave_block_callback,
+ enter_span_callback,
+ leave_span_callback,
+ text_callback,
+ debug_log_callback,
+ };
+ /* Build map of characters which need escaping. */
+ for(i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
+ unsigned char ch = (unsigned char) i;
+ if(strchr("\"&<>", ch) != NULL)
+ render.escape_map[i] |= NEED_HTML_ESC_FLAG;
+ if(!ISALNUM(ch) && strchr("~-_.+!*(),%#@?=;:/,+$", ch) == NULL)
+ render.escape_map[i] |= NEED_URL_ESC_FLAG;
+ }
+ /* Consider skipping UTF-8 byte order mark (BOM). */
+ if(renderer_flags & MD_HTML_FLAG_SKIP_UTF8_BOM && sizeof(MD_CHAR) == 1) {
+ static const MD_CHAR bom[3] = { (char)0xef, (char)0xbb, (char)0xbf };
+ if(input_size >= sizeof(bom) && memcmp(input, bom, sizeof(bom)) == 0) {
+ input += sizeof(bom);
+ input_size -= sizeof(bom);
+ }
+ }
+ return md_parse(input, input_size, &parser, (void*) &render);
diff --git a/markdown/md4c-html.h b/markdown/md4c-html.h
deleted file mode 120000
index 3836198..0000000
--- a/markdown/md4c-html.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/markdown/md4c-html.h b/markdown/md4c-html.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..324211d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/markdown/md4c-html.h
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+ * MD4C: Markdown parser for C
+ * (http://github.com/mity/md4c)
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2016-2024 Martin Mitáš
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+ * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+ * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+ * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+ * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+ * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+ * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef MD4C_HTML_H
+#define MD4C_HTML_H
+#include "md4c.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+/* If set, debug output from md_parse() is sent to stderr. */
+#define MD_HTML_FLAG_DEBUG 0x0001
+#define MD_HTML_FLAG_SKIP_UTF8_BOM 0x0004
+#define MD_HTML_FLAG_XHTML 0x0008
+/* Render Markdown into HTML.
+ *
+ * Note only contents of <body> tag is generated. Caller must generate
+ * HTML header/footer manually before/after calling md_html().
+ *
+ * Params input and input_size specify the Markdown input.
+ * Callback process_output() gets called with chunks of HTML output.
+ * (Typical implementation may just output the bytes to a file or append to
+ * some buffer).
+ * Param userdata is just propagated back to process_output() callback.
+ * Param parser_flags are flags from md4c.h propagated to md_parse().
+ * Param render_flags is bitmask of MD_HTML_FLAG_xxxx.
+ *
+ * Returns -1 on error (if md_parse() fails.)
+ * Returns 0 on success.
+ */
+int md_html(const MD_CHAR* input, MD_SIZE input_size,
+ void (*process_output)(const MD_CHAR*, MD_SIZE, void*),
+ void* userdata, unsigned parser_flags, unsigned renderer_flags);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ } /* extern "C" { */
+#endif /* MD4C_HTML_H */
diff --git a/markdown/md4c.c b/markdown/md4c.c
deleted file mode 120000
index 586ad87..0000000
--- a/markdown/md4c.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/markdown/md4c.c b/markdown/md4c.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d21e41a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/markdown/md4c.c
@@ -0,0 +1,6496 @@
+ * MD4C: Markdown parser for C
+ * (http://github.com/mity/md4c)
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2016-2024 Martin Mitáš
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+ * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+ * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+ * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+ * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+ * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+ * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ */
+#include "md4c.h"
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+ *** Miscellaneous Stuff ***
+ *****************************/
+#if !defined(__STDC_VERSION__) || __STDC_VERSION__ < 199409L
+ /* C89/90 or old compilers in general may not understand "inline". */
+ #if defined __GNUC__
+ #define inline __inline__
+ #elif defined _MSC_VER
+ #define inline __inline
+ #else
+ #define inline
+ #endif
+/* Make the UTF-8 support the default. */
+#if !defined MD4C_USE_ASCII && !defined MD4C_USE_UTF8 && !defined MD4C_USE_UTF16
+ #define MD4C_USE_UTF8
+/* Magic for making wide literals with MD4C_USE_UTF16. */
+#ifdef _T
+ #undef _T
+#if defined MD4C_USE_UTF16
+ #define _T(x) L##x
+ #define _T(x) x
+/* Misc. macros. */
+#define SIZEOF_ARRAY(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]))
+#define STRINGIZE_(x) #x
+#define MAX(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
+#define MIN(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
+#ifndef TRUE
+ #define TRUE 1
+ #define FALSE 0
+#define MD_LOG(msg) \
+ do { \
+ if(ctx->parser.debug_log != NULL) \
+ ctx->parser.debug_log((msg), ctx->userdata); \
+ } while(0)
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ #define MD_ASSERT(cond) \
+ do { \
+ if(!(cond)) { \
+ MD_LOG(__FILE__ ":" STRINGIZE(__LINE__) ": " \
+ "Assertion '" STRINGIZE(cond) "' failed."); \
+ exit(1); \
+ } \
+ } while(0)
+ #define MD_UNREACHABLE() MD_ASSERT(1 == 0)
+ #ifdef __GNUC__
+ #define MD_ASSERT(cond) do { if(!(cond)) __builtin_unreachable(); } while(0)
+ #define MD_UNREACHABLE() do { __builtin_unreachable(); } while(0)
+ #elif defined _MSC_VER && _MSC_VER > 120
+ #define MD_ASSERT(cond) do { __assume(cond); } while(0)
+ #define MD_UNREACHABLE() do { __assume(0); } while(0)
+ #else
+ #define MD_ASSERT(cond) do {} while(0)
+ #define MD_UNREACHABLE() do {} while(0)
+ #endif
+/* For falling through case labels in switch statements. */
+#if defined __clang__ && __clang_major__ >= 12
+ #define MD_FALLTHROUGH() __attribute__((fallthrough))
+#elif defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ >= 7
+ #define MD_FALLTHROUGH() __attribute__((fallthrough))
+ #define MD_FALLTHROUGH() ((void)0)
+/* Suppress "unused parameter" warnings. */
+#define MD_UNUSED(x) ((void)x)
+ *** Some internal limits ***
+ ******************************/
+/* We limit code span marks to lower than 32 backticks. This solves the
+ * pathologic case of too many openers, each of different length: Their
+ * resolving would be then O(n^2). */
+/* We limit column count of tables to prevent quadratic explosion of output
+ * from pathological input of a table thousands of columns and thousands
+ * of rows where rows are requested with as little as single character
+ * per-line, relying on us to "helpfully" fill all the missing "<td></td>". */
+ *** Internal Types ***
+ ************************/
+#ifdef OFF_MAX
+# undef OFF_MAX
+/* These are omnipresent so lets save some typing. */
+#define CHAR MD_CHAR
+#define SZ MD_SIZE
+#define OFF MD_OFFSET
+#define SZ_MAX (sizeof(SZ) == 8 ? UINT64_MAX : UINT32_MAX)
+#define OFF_MAX (sizeof(OFF) == 8 ? UINT64_MAX : UINT32_MAX)
+typedef struct MD_MARK_tag MD_MARK;
+typedef struct MD_BLOCK_tag MD_BLOCK;
+typedef struct MD_CONTAINER_tag MD_CONTAINER;
+typedef struct MD_REF_DEF_tag MD_REF_DEF;
+/* During analyzes of inline marks, we need to manage stacks of unresolved
+ * openers of the given type.
+ * The stack connects the marks via MD_MARK::next;
+ */
+typedef struct MD_MARKSTACK_tag MD_MARKSTACK;
+struct MD_MARKSTACK_tag {
+ int top; /* -1 if empty. */
+/* Context propagated through all the parsing. */
+typedef struct MD_CTX_tag MD_CTX;
+struct MD_CTX_tag {
+ /* Immutable stuff (parameters of md_parse()). */
+ const CHAR* text;
+ SZ size;
+ MD_PARSER parser;
+ void* userdata;
+ /* When this is true, it allows some optimizations. */
+ int doc_ends_with_newline;
+ /* Helper temporary growing buffer. */
+ CHAR* buffer;
+ unsigned alloc_buffer;
+ /* Reference definitions. */
+ MD_REF_DEF* ref_defs;
+ int n_ref_defs;
+ int alloc_ref_defs;
+ void** ref_def_hashtable;
+ int ref_def_hashtable_size;
+ SZ max_ref_def_output;
+ /* Stack of inline/span markers.
+ * This is only used for parsing a single block contents but by storing it
+ * here we may reuse the stack for subsequent blocks; i.e. we have fewer
+ * (re)allocations. */
+ MD_MARK* marks;
+ int n_marks;
+ int alloc_marks;
+#if defined MD4C_USE_UTF16
+ char mark_char_map[128];
+ char mark_char_map[256];
+ /* For resolving of inline spans. */
+ MD_MARKSTACK opener_stacks[16];
+#define ASTERISK_OPENERS_oo_mod3_0 (ctx->opener_stacks[0]) /* Opener-only */
+#define ASTERISK_OPENERS_oo_mod3_1 (ctx->opener_stacks[1])
+#define ASTERISK_OPENERS_oo_mod3_2 (ctx->opener_stacks[2])
+#define ASTERISK_OPENERS_oc_mod3_0 (ctx->opener_stacks[3]) /* Both opener and closer candidate */
+#define ASTERISK_OPENERS_oc_mod3_1 (ctx->opener_stacks[4])
+#define ASTERISK_OPENERS_oc_mod3_2 (ctx->opener_stacks[5])
+#define UNDERSCORE_OPENERS_oo_mod3_0 (ctx->opener_stacks[6]) /* Opener-only */
+#define UNDERSCORE_OPENERS_oo_mod3_1 (ctx->opener_stacks[7])
+#define UNDERSCORE_OPENERS_oo_mod3_2 (ctx->opener_stacks[8])
+#define UNDERSCORE_OPENERS_oc_mod3_0 (ctx->opener_stacks[9]) /* Both opener and closer candidate */
+#define UNDERSCORE_OPENERS_oc_mod3_1 (ctx->opener_stacks[10])
+#define UNDERSCORE_OPENERS_oc_mod3_2 (ctx->opener_stacks[11])
+#define TILDE_OPENERS_1 (ctx->opener_stacks[12])
+#define TILDE_OPENERS_2 (ctx->opener_stacks[13])
+#define BRACKET_OPENERS (ctx->opener_stacks[14])
+#define DOLLAR_OPENERS (ctx->opener_stacks[15])
+ /* Stack of dummies which need to call free() for pointers stored in them.
+ * These are constructed during inline parsing and freed after all the block
+ * is processed (i.e. all callbacks referring those strings are called). */
+ MD_MARKSTACK ptr_stack;
+ /* For resolving table rows. */
+ int n_table_cell_boundaries;
+ int table_cell_boundaries_head;
+ int table_cell_boundaries_tail;
+ /* For resolving links. */
+ int unresolved_link_head;
+ int unresolved_link_tail;
+ /* For resolving raw HTML. */
+ OFF html_comment_horizon;
+ OFF html_proc_instr_horizon;
+ OFF html_decl_horizon;
+ OFF html_cdata_horizon;
+ /* For block analysis.
+ * Notes:
+ * -- It holds MD_BLOCK as well as MD_LINE structures. After each
+ * MD_BLOCK, its (multiple) MD_LINE(s) follow.
+ * instead of MD_LINE(s).
+ */
+ void* block_bytes;
+ MD_BLOCK* current_block;
+ int n_block_bytes;
+ int alloc_block_bytes;
+ /* For container block analysis. */
+ MD_CONTAINER* containers;
+ int n_containers;
+ int alloc_containers;
+ /* Minimal indentation to call the block "indented code block". */
+ unsigned code_indent_offset;
+ /* Contextual info for line analysis. */
+ SZ code_fence_length; /* For checking closing fence length. */
+ int html_block_type; /* For checking closing raw HTML condition. */
+ int last_line_has_list_loosening_effect;
+ int last_list_item_starts_with_two_blank_lines;
+enum MD_LINETYPE_tag {
+typedef enum MD_LINETYPE_tag MD_LINETYPE;
+struct MD_LINE_ANALYSIS_tag {
+ unsigned data;
+ int enforce_new_block;
+ OFF beg;
+ OFF end;
+ unsigned indent; /* Indentation level. */
+typedef struct MD_LINE_tag MD_LINE;
+struct MD_LINE_tag {
+ OFF beg;
+ OFF end;
+struct MD_VERBATIMLINE_tag {
+ OFF beg;
+ OFF end;
+ OFF indent;
+ *** Helpers ***
+ *****************/
+/* Character accessors. */
+#define CH(off) (ctx->text[(off)])
+#define STR(off) (ctx->text + (off))
+/* Character classification.
+ * Note we assume ASCII compatibility of code points < 128 here. */
+#define ISIN_(ch, ch_min, ch_max) ((ch_min) <= (unsigned)(ch) && (unsigned)(ch) <= (ch_max))
+#define ISANYOF_(ch, palette) ((ch) != _T('\0') && md_strchr((palette), (ch)) != NULL)
+#define ISANYOF2_(ch, ch1, ch2) ((ch) == (ch1) || (ch) == (ch2))
+#define ISANYOF3_(ch, ch1, ch2, ch3) ((ch) == (ch1) || (ch) == (ch2) || (ch) == (ch3))
+#define ISASCII_(ch) ((unsigned)(ch) <= 127)
+#define ISBLANK_(ch) (ISANYOF2_((ch), _T(' '), _T('\t')))
+#define ISNEWLINE_(ch) (ISANYOF2_((ch), _T('\r'), _T('\n')))
+#define ISWHITESPACE_(ch) (ISBLANK_(ch) || ISANYOF2_((ch), _T('\v'), _T('\f')))
+#define ISCNTRL_(ch) ((unsigned)(ch) <= 31 || (unsigned)(ch) == 127)
+#define ISPUNCT_(ch) (ISIN_(ch, 33, 47) || ISIN_(ch, 58, 64) || ISIN_(ch, 91, 96) || ISIN_(ch, 123, 126))
+#define ISUPPER_(ch) (ISIN_(ch, _T('A'), _T('Z')))
+#define ISLOWER_(ch) (ISIN_(ch, _T('a'), _T('z')))
+#define ISALPHA_(ch) (ISUPPER_(ch) || ISLOWER_(ch))
+#define ISDIGIT_(ch) (ISIN_(ch, _T('0'), _T('9')))
+#define ISXDIGIT_(ch) (ISDIGIT_(ch) || ISIN_(ch, _T('A'), _T('F')) || ISIN_(ch, _T('a'), _T('f')))
+#define ISALNUM_(ch) (ISALPHA_(ch) || ISDIGIT_(ch))
+#define ISANYOF(off, palette) ISANYOF_(CH(off), (palette))
+#define ISANYOF2(off, ch1, ch2) ISANYOF2_(CH(off), (ch1), (ch2))
+#define ISANYOF3(off, ch1, ch2, ch3) ISANYOF3_(CH(off), (ch1), (ch2), (ch3))
+#define ISASCII(off) ISASCII_(CH(off))
+#define ISBLANK(off) ISBLANK_(CH(off))
+#define ISNEWLINE(off) ISNEWLINE_(CH(off))
+#define ISCNTRL(off) ISCNTRL_(CH(off))
+#define ISPUNCT(off) ISPUNCT_(CH(off))
+#define ISUPPER(off) ISUPPER_(CH(off))
+#define ISLOWER(off) ISLOWER_(CH(off))
+#define ISALPHA(off) ISALPHA_(CH(off))
+#define ISDIGIT(off) ISDIGIT_(CH(off))
+#define ISXDIGIT(off) ISXDIGIT_(CH(off))
+#define ISALNUM(off) ISALNUM_(CH(off))
+#if defined MD4C_USE_UTF16
+ #define md_strchr wcschr
+ #define md_strchr strchr
+/* Case insensitive check of string equality. */
+static inline int
+md_ascii_case_eq(const CHAR* s1, const CHAR* s2, SZ n)
+ OFF i;
+ for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ CHAR ch1 = s1[i];
+ CHAR ch2 = s2[i];
+ if(ISLOWER_(ch1))
+ ch1 += ('A'-'a');
+ if(ISLOWER_(ch2))
+ ch2 += ('A'-'a');
+ if(ch1 != ch2)
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+static inline int
+md_ascii_eq(const CHAR* s1, const CHAR* s2, SZ n)
+ return memcmp(s1, s2, n * sizeof(CHAR)) == 0;
+static int
+md_text_with_null_replacement(MD_CTX* ctx, MD_TEXTTYPE type, const CHAR* str, SZ size)
+ OFF off = 0;
+ int ret = 0;
+ while(1) {
+ while(off < size && str[off] != _T('\0'))
+ off++;
+ if(off > 0) {
+ ret = ctx->parser.text(type, str, off, ctx->userdata);
+ if(ret != 0)
+ return ret;
+ str += off;
+ size -= off;
+ off = 0;
+ }
+ if(off >= size)
+ return 0;
+ ret = ctx->parser.text(MD_TEXT_NULLCHAR, _T(""), 1, ctx->userdata);
+ if(ret != 0)
+ return ret;
+ off++;
+ }
+#define MD_CHECK(func) \
+ do { \
+ ret = (func); \
+ if(ret < 0) \
+ goto abort; \
+ } while(0)
+#define MD_TEMP_BUFFER(sz) \
+ do { \
+ if(sz > ctx->alloc_buffer) { \
+ CHAR* new_buffer; \
+ SZ new_size = ((sz) + (sz) / 2 + 128) & ~127; \
+ \
+ new_buffer = realloc(ctx->buffer, new_size); \
+ if(new_buffer == NULL) { \
+ MD_LOG("realloc() failed."); \
+ ret = -1; \
+ goto abort; \
+ } \
+ \
+ ctx->buffer = new_buffer; \
+ ctx->alloc_buffer = new_size; \
+ } \
+ } while(0)
+#define MD_ENTER_BLOCK(type, arg) \
+ do { \
+ ret = ctx->parser.enter_block((type), (arg), ctx->userdata); \
+ if(ret != 0) { \
+ MD_LOG("Aborted from enter_block() callback."); \
+ goto abort; \
+ } \
+ } while(0)
+#define MD_LEAVE_BLOCK(type, arg) \
+ do { \
+ ret = ctx->parser.leave_block((type), (arg), ctx->userdata); \
+ if(ret != 0) { \
+ MD_LOG("Aborted from leave_block() callback."); \
+ goto abort; \
+ } \
+ } while(0)
+#define MD_ENTER_SPAN(type, arg) \
+ do { \
+ ret = ctx->parser.enter_span((type), (arg), ctx->userdata); \
+ if(ret != 0) { \
+ MD_LOG("Aborted from enter_span() callback."); \
+ goto abort; \
+ } \
+ } while(0)
+#define MD_LEAVE_SPAN(type, arg) \
+ do { \
+ ret = ctx->parser.leave_span((type), (arg), ctx->userdata); \
+ if(ret != 0) { \
+ MD_LOG("Aborted from leave_span() callback."); \
+ goto abort; \
+ } \
+ } while(0)
+#define MD_TEXT(type, str, size) \
+ do { \
+ if(size > 0) { \
+ ret = ctx->parser.text((type), (str), (size), ctx->userdata); \
+ if(ret != 0) { \
+ MD_LOG("Aborted from text() callback."); \
+ goto abort; \
+ } \
+ } \
+ } while(0)
+#define MD_TEXT_INSECURE(type, str, size) \
+ do { \
+ if(size > 0) { \
+ ret = md_text_with_null_replacement(ctx, type, str, size); \
+ if(ret != 0) { \
+ MD_LOG("Aborted from text() callback."); \
+ goto abort; \
+ } \
+ } \
+ } while(0)
+/* If the offset falls into a gap between line, we return the following
+ * line. */
+static const MD_LINE*
+md_lookup_line(OFF off, const MD_LINE* lines, MD_SIZE n_lines, MD_SIZE* p_line_index)
+ MD_SIZE lo, hi;
+ MD_SIZE pivot;
+ const MD_LINE* line;
+ lo = 0;
+ hi = n_lines - 1;
+ while(lo <= hi) {
+ pivot = (lo + hi) / 2;
+ line = &lines[pivot];
+ if(off < line->beg) {
+ if(hi == 0 || lines[hi-1].end < off) {
+ if(p_line_index != NULL)
+ *p_line_index = pivot;
+ return line;
+ }
+ hi = pivot - 1;
+ } else if(off > line->end) {
+ lo = pivot + 1;
+ } else {
+ if(p_line_index != NULL)
+ *p_line_index = pivot;
+ return line;
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ *** Unicode Support ***
+ *************************/
+struct MD_UNICODE_FOLD_INFO_tag {
+ unsigned codepoints[3];
+ unsigned n_codepoints;
+#if defined MD4C_USE_UTF16 || defined MD4C_USE_UTF8
+ /* Binary search over sorted "map" of codepoints. Consecutive sequences
+ * of codepoints may be encoded in the map by just using the
+ * (MIN_CODEPOINT | 0x40000000) and (MAX_CODEPOINT | 0x80000000).
+ *
+ * Returns index of the found record in the map (in the case of ranges,
+ * the minimal value is used); or -1 on failure. */
+ static int
+ md_unicode_bsearch__(unsigned codepoint, const unsigned* map, size_t map_size)
+ {
+ int beg, end;
+ int pivot_beg, pivot_end;
+ beg = 0;
+ end = (int) map_size-1;
+ while(beg <= end) {
+ /* Pivot may be a range, not just a single value. */
+ pivot_beg = pivot_end = (beg + end) / 2;
+ if(map[pivot_end] & 0x40000000)
+ pivot_end++;
+ if(map[pivot_beg] & 0x80000000)
+ pivot_beg--;
+ if(codepoint < (map[pivot_beg] & 0x00ffffff))
+ end = pivot_beg - 1;
+ else if(codepoint > (map[pivot_end] & 0x00ffffff))
+ beg = pivot_end + 1;
+ else
+ return pivot_beg;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ static int
+ md_is_unicode_whitespace__(unsigned codepoint)
+ {
+#define R(cp_min, cp_max) ((cp_min) | 0x40000000), ((cp_max) | 0x80000000)
+#define S(cp) (cp)
+ /* Unicode "Zs" category.
+ * (generated by scripts/build_whitespace_map.py) */
+ static const unsigned WHITESPACE_MAP[] = {
+ S(0x0020), S(0x00a0), S(0x1680), R(0x2000,0x200a), S(0x202f), S(0x205f), S(0x3000)
+ };
+#undef R
+#undef S
+ /* The ASCII ones are the most frequently used ones, also CommonMark
+ * specification requests few more in this range. */
+ if(codepoint <= 0x7f)
+ return ISWHITESPACE_(codepoint);
+ return (md_unicode_bsearch__(codepoint, WHITESPACE_MAP, SIZEOF_ARRAY(WHITESPACE_MAP)) >= 0);
+ }
+ static int
+ md_is_unicode_punct__(unsigned codepoint)
+ {
+#define R(cp_min, cp_max) ((cp_min) | 0x40000000), ((cp_max) | 0x80000000)
+#define S(cp) (cp)
+ /* Unicode general "P" and "S" categories.
+ * (generated by scripts/build_punct_map.py) */
+ static const unsigned PUNCT_MAP[] = {
+ R(0x0021,0x002f), R(0x003a,0x0040), R(0x005b,0x0060), R(0x007b,0x007e), R(0x00a1,0x00a9),
+ R(0x00ab,0x00ac), R(0x00ae,0x00b1), S(0x00b4), R(0x00b6,0x00b8), S(0x00bb), S(0x00bf), S(0x00d7),
+ S(0x00f7), R(0x02c2,0x02c5), R(0x02d2,0x02df), R(0x02e5,0x02eb), S(0x02ed), R(0x02ef,0x02ff), S(0x0375),
+ S(0x037e), R(0x0384,0x0385), S(0x0387), S(0x03f6), S(0x0482), R(0x055a,0x055f), R(0x0589,0x058a),
+ R(0x058d,0x058f), S(0x05be), S(0x05c0), S(0x05c3), S(0x05c6), R(0x05f3,0x05f4), R(0x0606,0x060f),
+ S(0x061b), R(0x061d,0x061f), R(0x066a,0x066d), S(0x06d4), S(0x06de), S(0x06e9), R(0x06fd,0x06fe),
+ R(0x0700,0x070d), R(0x07f6,0x07f9), R(0x07fe,0x07ff), R(0x0830,0x083e), S(0x085e), S(0x0888),
+ R(0x0964,0x0965), S(0x0970), R(0x09f2,0x09f3), R(0x09fa,0x09fb), S(0x09fd), S(0x0a76), R(0x0af0,0x0af1),
+ S(0x0b70), R(0x0bf3,0x0bfa), S(0x0c77), S(0x0c7f), S(0x0c84), S(0x0d4f), S(0x0d79), S(0x0df4), S(0x0e3f),
+ S(0x0e4f), R(0x0e5a,0x0e5b), R(0x0f01,0x0f17), R(0x0f1a,0x0f1f), S(0x0f34), S(0x0f36), S(0x0f38),
+ R(0x0f3a,0x0f3d), S(0x0f85), R(0x0fbe,0x0fc5), R(0x0fc7,0x0fcc), R(0x0fce,0x0fda), R(0x104a,0x104f),
+ R(0x109e,0x109f), S(0x10fb), R(0x1360,0x1368), R(0x1390,0x1399), S(0x1400), R(0x166d,0x166e),
+ R(0x169b,0x169c), R(0x16eb,0x16ed), R(0x1735,0x1736), R(0x17d4,0x17d6), R(0x17d8,0x17db),
+ R(0x1800,0x180a), S(0x1940), R(0x1944,0x1945), R(0x19de,0x19ff), R(0x1a1e,0x1a1f), R(0x1aa0,0x1aa6),
+ R(0x1aa8,0x1aad), R(0x1b5a,0x1b6a), R(0x1b74,0x1b7e), R(0x1bfc,0x1bff), R(0x1c3b,0x1c3f),
+ R(0x1c7e,0x1c7f), R(0x1cc0,0x1cc7), S(0x1cd3), S(0x1fbd), R(0x1fbf,0x1fc1), R(0x1fcd,0x1fcf),
+ R(0x1fdd,0x1fdf), R(0x1fed,0x1fef), R(0x1ffd,0x1ffe), R(0x2010,0x2027), R(0x2030,0x205e),
+ R(0x207a,0x207e), R(0x208a,0x208e), R(0x20a0,0x20c0), R(0x2100,0x2101), R(0x2103,0x2106),
+ R(0x2108,0x2109), S(0x2114), R(0x2116,0x2118), R(0x211e,0x2123), S(0x2125), S(0x2127), S(0x2129),
+ S(0x212e), R(0x213a,0x213b), R(0x2140,0x2144), R(0x214a,0x214d), S(0x214f), R(0x218a,0x218b),
+ R(0x2190,0x2426), R(0x2440,0x244a), R(0x249c,0x24e9), R(0x2500,0x2775), R(0x2794,0x2b73),
+ R(0x2b76,0x2b95), R(0x2b97,0x2bff), R(0x2ce5,0x2cea), R(0x2cf9,0x2cfc), R(0x2cfe,0x2cff), S(0x2d70),
+ R(0x2e00,0x2e2e), R(0x2e30,0x2e5d), R(0x2e80,0x2e99), R(0x2e9b,0x2ef3), R(0x2f00,0x2fd5),
+ R(0x2ff0,0x2fff), R(0x3001,0x3004), R(0x3008,0x3020), S(0x3030), R(0x3036,0x3037), R(0x303d,0x303f),
+ R(0x309b,0x309c), S(0x30a0), S(0x30fb), R(0x3190,0x3191), R(0x3196,0x319f), R(0x31c0,0x31e3), S(0x31ef),
+ R(0x3200,0x321e), R(0x322a,0x3247), S(0x3250), R(0x3260,0x327f), R(0x328a,0x32b0), R(0x32c0,0x33ff),
+ R(0x4dc0,0x4dff), R(0xa490,0xa4c6), R(0xa4fe,0xa4ff), R(0xa60d,0xa60f), S(0xa673), S(0xa67e),
+ R(0xa6f2,0xa6f7), R(0xa700,0xa716), R(0xa720,0xa721), R(0xa789,0xa78a), R(0xa828,0xa82b),
+ R(0xa836,0xa839), R(0xa874,0xa877), R(0xa8ce,0xa8cf), R(0xa8f8,0xa8fa), S(0xa8fc), R(0xa92e,0xa92f),
+ S(0xa95f), R(0xa9c1,0xa9cd), R(0xa9de,0xa9df), R(0xaa5c,0xaa5f), R(0xaa77,0xaa79), R(0xaade,0xaadf),
+ R(0xaaf0,0xaaf1), S(0xab5b), R(0xab6a,0xab6b), S(0xabeb), S(0xfb29), R(0xfbb2,0xfbc2), R(0xfd3e,0xfd4f),
+ S(0xfdcf), R(0xfdfc,0xfdff), R(0xfe10,0xfe19), R(0xfe30,0xfe52), R(0xfe54,0xfe66), R(0xfe68,0xfe6b),
+ R(0xff01,0xff0f), R(0xff1a,0xff20), R(0xff3b,0xff40), R(0xff5b,0xff65), R(0xffe0,0xffe6),
+ R(0xffe8,0xffee), R(0xfffc,0xfffd), R(0x10100,0x10102), R(0x10137,0x1013f), R(0x10179,0x10189),
+ R(0x1018c,0x1018e), R(0x10190,0x1019c), S(0x101a0), R(0x101d0,0x101fc), S(0x1039f), S(0x103d0),
+ S(0x1056f), S(0x10857), R(0x10877,0x10878), S(0x1091f), S(0x1093f), R(0x10a50,0x10a58), S(0x10a7f),
+ S(0x10ac8), R(0x10af0,0x10af6), R(0x10b39,0x10b3f), R(0x10b99,0x10b9c), S(0x10ead), R(0x10f55,0x10f59),
+ R(0x10f86,0x10f89), R(0x11047,0x1104d), R(0x110bb,0x110bc), R(0x110be,0x110c1), R(0x11140,0x11143),
+ R(0x11174,0x11175), R(0x111c5,0x111c8), S(0x111cd), S(0x111db), R(0x111dd,0x111df), R(0x11238,0x1123d),
+ S(0x112a9), R(0x1144b,0x1144f), R(0x1145a,0x1145b), S(0x1145d), S(0x114c6), R(0x115c1,0x115d7),
+ R(0x11641,0x11643), R(0x11660,0x1166c), S(0x116b9), R(0x1173c,0x1173f), S(0x1183b), R(0x11944,0x11946),
+ S(0x119e2), R(0x11a3f,0x11a46), R(0x11a9a,0x11a9c), R(0x11a9e,0x11aa2), R(0x11b00,0x11b09),
+ R(0x11c41,0x11c45), R(0x11c70,0x11c71), R(0x11ef7,0x11ef8), R(0x11f43,0x11f4f), R(0x11fd5,0x11ff1),
+ S(0x11fff), R(0x12470,0x12474), R(0x12ff1,0x12ff2), R(0x16a6e,0x16a6f), S(0x16af5), R(0x16b37,0x16b3f),
+ R(0x16b44,0x16b45), R(0x16e97,0x16e9a), S(0x16fe2), S(0x1bc9c), S(0x1bc9f), R(0x1cf50,0x1cfc3),
+ R(0x1d000,0x1d0f5), R(0x1d100,0x1d126), R(0x1d129,0x1d164), R(0x1d16a,0x1d16c), R(0x1d183,0x1d184),
+ R(0x1d18c,0x1d1a9), R(0x1d1ae,0x1d1ea), R(0x1d200,0x1d241), S(0x1d245), R(0x1d300,0x1d356), S(0x1d6c1),
+ S(0x1d6db), S(0x1d6fb), S(0x1d715), S(0x1d735), S(0x1d74f), S(0x1d76f), S(0x1d789), S(0x1d7a9),
+ S(0x1d7c3), R(0x1d800,0x1d9ff), R(0x1da37,0x1da3a), R(0x1da6d,0x1da74), R(0x1da76,0x1da83),
+ R(0x1da85,0x1da8b), S(0x1e14f), S(0x1e2ff), R(0x1e95e,0x1e95f), S(0x1ecac), S(0x1ecb0), S(0x1ed2e),
+ R(0x1eef0,0x1eef1), R(0x1f000,0x1f02b), R(0x1f030,0x1f093), R(0x1f0a0,0x1f0ae), R(0x1f0b1,0x1f0bf),
+ R(0x1f0c1,0x1f0cf), R(0x1f0d1,0x1f0f5), R(0x1f10d,0x1f1ad), R(0x1f1e6,0x1f202), R(0x1f210,0x1f23b),
+ R(0x1f240,0x1f248), R(0x1f250,0x1f251), R(0x1f260,0x1f265), R(0x1f300,0x1f6d7), R(0x1f6dc,0x1f6ec),
+ R(0x1f6f0,0x1f6fc), R(0x1f700,0x1f776), R(0x1f77b,0x1f7d9), R(0x1f7e0,0x1f7eb), S(0x1f7f0),
+ R(0x1f800,0x1f80b), R(0x1f810,0x1f847), R(0x1f850,0x1f859), R(0x1f860,0x1f887), R(0x1f890,0x1f8ad),
+ R(0x1f8b0,0x1f8b1), R(0x1f900,0x1fa53), R(0x1fa60,0x1fa6d), R(0x1fa70,0x1fa7c), R(0x1fa80,0x1fa88),
+ R(0x1fa90,0x1fabd), R(0x1fabf,0x1fac5), R(0x1face,0x1fadb), R(0x1fae0,0x1fae8), R(0x1faf0,0x1faf8),
+ R(0x1fb00,0x1fb92), R(0x1fb94,0x1fbca)
+ };
+#undef R
+#undef S
+ /* The ASCII ones are the most frequently used ones, also CommonMark
+ * specification requests few more in this range. */
+ if(codepoint <= 0x7f)
+ return ISPUNCT_(codepoint);
+ return (md_unicode_bsearch__(codepoint, PUNCT_MAP, SIZEOF_ARRAY(PUNCT_MAP)) >= 0);
+ }
+ static void
+ md_get_unicode_fold_info(unsigned codepoint, MD_UNICODE_FOLD_INFO* info)
+ {
+#define R(cp_min, cp_max) ((cp_min) | 0x40000000), ((cp_max) | 0x80000000)
+#define S(cp) (cp)
+ /* Unicode "Pc", "Pd", "Pe", "Pf", "Pi", "Po", "Ps" categories.
+ * (generated by scripts/build_folding_map.py) */
+ static const unsigned FOLD_MAP_1[] = {
+ R(0x0041,0x005a), S(0x00b5), R(0x00c0,0x00d6), R(0x00d8,0x00de), R(0x0100,0x012e), R(0x0132,0x0136),
+ R(0x0139,0x0147), R(0x014a,0x0176), S(0x0178), R(0x0179,0x017d), S(0x017f), S(0x0181), S(0x0182),
+ S(0x0184), S(0x0186), S(0x0187), S(0x0189), S(0x018a), S(0x018b), S(0x018e), S(0x018f), S(0x0190),
+ S(0x0191), S(0x0193), S(0x0194), S(0x0196), S(0x0197), S(0x0198), S(0x019c), S(0x019d), S(0x019f),
+ R(0x01a0,0x01a4), S(0x01a6), S(0x01a7), S(0x01a9), S(0x01ac), S(0x01ae), S(0x01af), S(0x01b1), S(0x01b2),
+ S(0x01b3), S(0x01b5), S(0x01b7), S(0x01b8), S(0x01bc), S(0x01c4), S(0x01c5), S(0x01c7), S(0x01c8),
+ S(0x01ca), R(0x01cb,0x01db), R(0x01de,0x01ee), S(0x01f1), S(0x01f2), S(0x01f4), S(0x01f6), S(0x01f7),
+ R(0x01f8,0x021e), S(0x0220), R(0x0222,0x0232), S(0x023a), S(0x023b), S(0x023d), S(0x023e), S(0x0241),
+ S(0x0243), S(0x0244), S(0x0245), R(0x0246,0x024e), S(0x0345), S(0x0370), S(0x0372), S(0x0376), S(0x037f),
+ S(0x0386), R(0x0388,0x038a), S(0x038c), S(0x038e), S(0x038f), R(0x0391,0x03a1), R(0x03a3,0x03ab),
+ S(0x03c2), S(0x03cf), S(0x03d0), S(0x03d1), S(0x03d5), S(0x03d6), R(0x03d8,0x03ee), S(0x03f0), S(0x03f1),
+ S(0x03f4), S(0x03f5), S(0x03f7), S(0x03f9), S(0x03fa), R(0x03fd,0x03ff), R(0x0400,0x040f),
+ R(0x0410,0x042f), R(0x0460,0x0480), R(0x048a,0x04be), S(0x04c0), R(0x04c1,0x04cd), R(0x04d0,0x052e),
+ R(0x0531,0x0556), R(0x10a0,0x10c5), S(0x10c7), S(0x10cd), R(0x13f8,0x13fd), S(0x1c80), S(0x1c81),
+ S(0x1c82), S(0x1c83), S(0x1c84), S(0x1c85), S(0x1c86), S(0x1c87), S(0x1c88), R(0x1c90,0x1cba),
+ R(0x1cbd,0x1cbf), R(0x1e00,0x1e94), S(0x1e9b), R(0x1ea0,0x1efe), R(0x1f08,0x1f0f), R(0x1f18,0x1f1d),
+ R(0x1f28,0x1f2f), R(0x1f38,0x1f3f), R(0x1f48,0x1f4d), S(0x1f59), S(0x1f5b), S(0x1f5d), S(0x1f5f),
+ R(0x1f68,0x1f6f), S(0x1fb8), S(0x1fb9), S(0x1fba), S(0x1fbb), S(0x1fbe), R(0x1fc8,0x1fcb), S(0x1fd8),
+ S(0x1fd9), S(0x1fda), S(0x1fdb), S(0x1fe8), S(0x1fe9), S(0x1fea), S(0x1feb), S(0x1fec), S(0x1ff8),
+ S(0x1ff9), S(0x1ffa), S(0x1ffb), S(0x2126), S(0x212a), S(0x212b), S(0x2132), R(0x2160,0x216f), S(0x2183),
+ R(0x24b6,0x24cf), R(0x2c00,0x2c2f), S(0x2c60), S(0x2c62), S(0x2c63), S(0x2c64), R(0x2c67,0x2c6b),
+ S(0x2c6d), S(0x2c6e), S(0x2c6f), S(0x2c70), S(0x2c72), S(0x2c75), S(0x2c7e), S(0x2c7f), R(0x2c80,0x2ce2),
+ S(0x2ceb), S(0x2ced), S(0x2cf2), R(0xa640,0xa66c), R(0xa680,0xa69a), R(0xa722,0xa72e), R(0xa732,0xa76e),
+ S(0xa779), S(0xa77b), S(0xa77d), R(0xa77e,0xa786), S(0xa78b), S(0xa78d), S(0xa790), S(0xa792),
+ R(0xa796,0xa7a8), S(0xa7aa), S(0xa7ab), S(0xa7ac), S(0xa7ad), S(0xa7ae), S(0xa7b0), S(0xa7b1), S(0xa7b2),
+ S(0xa7b3), R(0xa7b4,0xa7c2), S(0xa7c4), S(0xa7c5), S(0xa7c6), S(0xa7c7), S(0xa7c9), S(0xa7d0), S(0xa7d6),
+ S(0xa7d8), S(0xa7f5), R(0xab70,0xabbf), R(0xff21,0xff3a), R(0x10400,0x10427), R(0x104b0,0x104d3),
+ R(0x10570,0x1057a), R(0x1057c,0x1058a), R(0x1058c,0x10592), S(0x10594), S(0x10595), R(0x10c80,0x10cb2),
+ R(0x118a0,0x118bf), R(0x16e40,0x16e5f), R(0x1e900,0x1e921)
+ };
+ static const unsigned FOLD_MAP_1_DATA[] = {
+ 0x0061, 0x007a, 0x03bc, 0x00e0, 0x00f6, 0x00f8, 0x00fe, 0x0101, 0x012f, 0x0133, 0x0137, 0x013a, 0x0148,
+ 0x014b, 0x0177, 0x00ff, 0x017a, 0x017e, 0x0073, 0x0253, 0x0183, 0x0185, 0x0254, 0x0188, 0x0256, 0x0257,
+ 0x018c, 0x01dd, 0x0259, 0x025b, 0x0192, 0x0260, 0x0263, 0x0269, 0x0268, 0x0199, 0x026f, 0x0272, 0x0275,
+ 0x01a1, 0x01a5, 0x0280, 0x01a8, 0x0283, 0x01ad, 0x0288, 0x01b0, 0x028a, 0x028b, 0x01b4, 0x01b6, 0x0292,
+ 0x01b9, 0x01bd, 0x01c6, 0x01c6, 0x01c9, 0x01c9, 0x01cc, 0x01cc, 0x01dc, 0x01df, 0x01ef, 0x01f3, 0x01f3,
+ 0x01f5, 0x0195, 0x01bf, 0x01f9, 0x021f, 0x019e, 0x0223, 0x0233, 0x2c65, 0x023c, 0x019a, 0x2c66, 0x0242,
+ 0x0180, 0x0289, 0x028c, 0x0247, 0x024f, 0x03b9, 0x0371, 0x0373, 0x0377, 0x03f3, 0x03ac, 0x03ad, 0x03af,
+ 0x03cc, 0x03cd, 0x03ce, 0x03b1, 0x03c1, 0x03c3, 0x03cb, 0x03c3, 0x03d7, 0x03b2, 0x03b8, 0x03c6, 0x03c0,
+ 0x03d9, 0x03ef, 0x03ba, 0x03c1, 0x03b8, 0x03b5, 0x03f8, 0x03f2, 0x03fb, 0x037b, 0x037d, 0x0450, 0x045f,
+ 0x0430, 0x044f, 0x0461, 0x0481, 0x048b, 0x04bf, 0x04cf, 0x04c2, 0x04ce, 0x04d1, 0x052f, 0x0561, 0x0586,
+ 0x2d00, 0x2d25, 0x2d27, 0x2d2d, 0x13f0, 0x13f5, 0x0432, 0x0434, 0x043e, 0x0441, 0x0442, 0x0442, 0x044a,
+ 0x0463, 0xa64b, 0x10d0, 0x10fa, 0x10fd, 0x10ff, 0x1e01, 0x1e95, 0x1e61, 0x1ea1, 0x1eff, 0x1f00, 0x1f07,
+ 0x1f10, 0x1f15, 0x1f20, 0x1f27, 0x1f30, 0x1f37, 0x1f40, 0x1f45, 0x1f51, 0x1f53, 0x1f55, 0x1f57, 0x1f60,
+ 0x1f67, 0x1fb0, 0x1fb1, 0x1f70, 0x1f71, 0x03b9, 0x1f72, 0x1f75, 0x1fd0, 0x1fd1, 0x1f76, 0x1f77, 0x1fe0,
+ 0x1fe1, 0x1f7a, 0x1f7b, 0x1fe5, 0x1f78, 0x1f79, 0x1f7c, 0x1f7d, 0x03c9, 0x006b, 0x00e5, 0x214e, 0x2170,
+ 0x217f, 0x2184, 0x24d0, 0x24e9, 0x2c30, 0x2c5f, 0x2c61, 0x026b, 0x1d7d, 0x027d, 0x2c68, 0x2c6c, 0x0251,
+ 0x0271, 0x0250, 0x0252, 0x2c73, 0x2c76, 0x023f, 0x0240, 0x2c81, 0x2ce3, 0x2cec, 0x2cee, 0x2cf3, 0xa641,
+ 0xa66d, 0xa681, 0xa69b, 0xa723, 0xa72f, 0xa733, 0xa76f, 0xa77a, 0xa77c, 0x1d79, 0xa77f, 0xa787, 0xa78c,
+ 0x0265, 0xa791, 0xa793, 0xa797, 0xa7a9, 0x0266, 0x025c, 0x0261, 0x026c, 0x026a, 0x029e, 0x0287, 0x029d,
+ 0xab53, 0xa7b5, 0xa7c3, 0xa794, 0x0282, 0x1d8e, 0xa7c8, 0xa7ca, 0xa7d1, 0xa7d7, 0xa7d9, 0xa7f6, 0x13a0,
+ 0x13ef, 0xff41, 0xff5a, 0x10428, 0x1044f, 0x104d8, 0x104fb, 0x10597, 0x105a1, 0x105a3, 0x105b1, 0x105b3,
+ 0x105b9, 0x105bb, 0x105bc, 0x10cc0, 0x10cf2, 0x118c0, 0x118df, 0x16e60, 0x16e7f, 0x1e922, 0x1e943
+ };
+ static const unsigned FOLD_MAP_2[] = {
+ S(0x00df), S(0x0130), S(0x0149), S(0x01f0), S(0x0587), S(0x1e96), S(0x1e97), S(0x1e98), S(0x1e99),
+ S(0x1e9a), S(0x1e9e), S(0x1f50), R(0x1f80,0x1f87), R(0x1f88,0x1f8f), R(0x1f90,0x1f97), R(0x1f98,0x1f9f),
+ R(0x1fa0,0x1fa7), R(0x1fa8,0x1faf), S(0x1fb2), S(0x1fb3), S(0x1fb4), S(0x1fb6), S(0x1fbc), S(0x1fc2),
+ S(0x1fc3), S(0x1fc4), S(0x1fc6), S(0x1fcc), S(0x1fd6), S(0x1fe4), S(0x1fe6), S(0x1ff2), S(0x1ff3),
+ S(0x1ff4), S(0x1ff6), S(0x1ffc), S(0xfb00), S(0xfb01), S(0xfb02), S(0xfb05), S(0xfb06), S(0xfb13),
+ S(0xfb14), S(0xfb15), S(0xfb16), S(0xfb17)
+ };
+ static const unsigned FOLD_MAP_2_DATA[] = {
+ 0x0073,0x0073, 0x0069,0x0307, 0x02bc,0x006e, 0x006a,0x030c, 0x0565,0x0582, 0x0068,0x0331, 0x0074,0x0308,
+ 0x0077,0x030a, 0x0079,0x030a, 0x0061,0x02be, 0x0073,0x0073, 0x03c5,0x0313, 0x1f00,0x03b9, 0x1f07,0x03b9,
+ 0x1f00,0x03b9, 0x1f07,0x03b9, 0x1f20,0x03b9, 0x1f27,0x03b9, 0x1f20,0x03b9, 0x1f27,0x03b9, 0x1f60,0x03b9,
+ 0x1f67,0x03b9, 0x1f60,0x03b9, 0x1f67,0x03b9, 0x1f70,0x03b9, 0x03b1,0x03b9, 0x03ac,0x03b9, 0x03b1,0x0342,
+ 0x03b1,0x03b9, 0x1f74,0x03b9, 0x03b7,0x03b9, 0x03ae,0x03b9, 0x03b7,0x0342, 0x03b7,0x03b9, 0x03b9,0x0342,
+ 0x03c1,0x0313, 0x03c5,0x0342, 0x1f7c,0x03b9, 0x03c9,0x03b9, 0x03ce,0x03b9, 0x03c9,0x0342, 0x03c9,0x03b9,
+ 0x0066,0x0066, 0x0066,0x0069, 0x0066,0x006c, 0x0073,0x0074, 0x0073,0x0074, 0x0574,0x0576, 0x0574,0x0565,
+ 0x0574,0x056b, 0x057e,0x0576, 0x0574,0x056d
+ };
+ static const unsigned FOLD_MAP_3[] = {
+ S(0x0390), S(0x03b0), S(0x1f52), S(0x1f54), S(0x1f56), S(0x1fb7), S(0x1fc7), S(0x1fd2), S(0x1fd3),
+ S(0x1fd7), S(0x1fe2), S(0x1fe3), S(0x1fe7), S(0x1ff7), S(0xfb03), S(0xfb04)
+ };
+ static const unsigned FOLD_MAP_3_DATA[] = {
+ 0x03b9,0x0308,0x0301, 0x03c5,0x0308,0x0301, 0x03c5,0x0313,0x0300, 0x03c5,0x0313,0x0301,
+ 0x03c5,0x0313,0x0342, 0x03b1,0x0342,0x03b9, 0x03b7,0x0342,0x03b9, 0x03b9,0x0308,0x0300,
+ 0x03b9,0x0308,0x0301, 0x03b9,0x0308,0x0342, 0x03c5,0x0308,0x0300, 0x03c5,0x0308,0x0301,
+ 0x03c5,0x0308,0x0342, 0x03c9,0x0342,0x03b9, 0x0066,0x0066,0x0069, 0x0066,0x0066,0x006c
+ };
+#undef R
+#undef S
+ static const struct {
+ const unsigned* map;
+ const unsigned* data;
+ size_t map_size;
+ unsigned n_codepoints;
+ } FOLD_MAP_LIST[] = {
+ };
+ int i;
+ /* Fast path for ASCII characters. */
+ if(codepoint <= 0x7f) {
+ info->codepoints[0] = codepoint;
+ if(ISUPPER_(codepoint))
+ info->codepoints[0] += 'a' - 'A';
+ info->n_codepoints = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Try to locate the codepoint in any of the maps. */
+ for(i = 0; i < (int) SIZEOF_ARRAY(FOLD_MAP_LIST); i++) {
+ int index;
+ index = md_unicode_bsearch__(codepoint, FOLD_MAP_LIST[i].map, FOLD_MAP_LIST[i].map_size);
+ if(index >= 0) {
+ /* Found the mapping. */
+ unsigned n_codepoints = FOLD_MAP_LIST[i].n_codepoints;
+ const unsigned* map = FOLD_MAP_LIST[i].map;
+ const unsigned* codepoints = FOLD_MAP_LIST[i].data + (index * n_codepoints);
+ memcpy(info->codepoints, codepoints, sizeof(unsigned) * n_codepoints);
+ info->n_codepoints = n_codepoints;
+ if(FOLD_MAP_LIST[i].map[index] != codepoint) {
+ /* The found mapping maps whole range of codepoints,
+ * i.e. we have to offset info->codepoints[0] accordingly. */
+ if((map[index] & 0x00ffffff)+1 == codepoints[0]) {
+ /* Alternating type of the range. */
+ info->codepoints[0] = codepoint + ((codepoint & 0x1) == (map[index] & 0x1) ? 1 : 0);
+ } else {
+ /* Range to range kind of mapping. */
+ info->codepoints[0] += (codepoint - (map[index] & 0x00ffffff));
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ /* No mapping found. Map the codepoint to itself. */
+ info->codepoints[0] = codepoint;
+ info->n_codepoints = 1;
+ }
+#if defined MD4C_USE_UTF16
+ #define IS_UTF16_SURROGATE_HI(word) (((WORD)(word) & 0xfc00) == 0xd800)
+ #define IS_UTF16_SURROGATE_LO(word) (((WORD)(word) & 0xfc00) == 0xdc00)
+ #define UTF16_DECODE_SURROGATE(hi, lo) (0x10000 + ((((unsigned)(hi) & 0x3ff) << 10) | (((unsigned)(lo) & 0x3ff) << 0)))
+ static unsigned
+ md_decode_utf16le__(const CHAR* str, SZ str_size, SZ* p_size)
+ {
+ if(IS_UTF16_SURROGATE_HI(str[0])) {
+ if(1 < str_size && IS_UTF16_SURROGATE_LO(str[1])) {
+ if(p_size != NULL)
+ *p_size = 2;
+ return UTF16_DECODE_SURROGATE(str[0], str[1]);
+ }
+ }
+ if(p_size != NULL)
+ *p_size = 1;
+ return str[0];
+ }
+ static unsigned
+ md_decode_utf16le_before__(MD_CTX* ctx, OFF off)
+ {
+ if(off > 2 && IS_UTF16_SURROGATE_HI(CH(off-2)) && IS_UTF16_SURROGATE_LO(CH(off-1)))
+ return UTF16_DECODE_SURROGATE(CH(off-2), CH(off-1));
+ return CH(off);
+ }
+ /* No whitespace uses surrogates, so no decoding needed here. */
+ #define ISUNICODEWHITESPACE_(codepoint) md_is_unicode_whitespace__(codepoint)
+ #define ISUNICODEWHITESPACE(off) md_is_unicode_whitespace__(CH(off))
+ #define ISUNICODEWHITESPACEBEFORE(off) md_is_unicode_whitespace__(CH((off)-1))
+ #define ISUNICODEPUNCT(off) md_is_unicode_punct__(md_decode_utf16le__(STR(off), ctx->size - (off), NULL))
+ #define ISUNICODEPUNCTBEFORE(off) md_is_unicode_punct__(md_decode_utf16le_before__(ctx, off))
+ static inline int
+ md_decode_unicode(const CHAR* str, OFF off, SZ str_size, SZ* p_char_size)
+ {
+ return md_decode_utf16le__(str+off, str_size-off, p_char_size);
+ }
+#elif defined MD4C_USE_UTF8
+ #define IS_UTF8_LEAD1(byte) ((unsigned char)(byte) <= 0x7f)
+ #define IS_UTF8_LEAD2(byte) (((unsigned char)(byte) & 0xe0) == 0xc0)
+ #define IS_UTF8_LEAD3(byte) (((unsigned char)(byte) & 0xf0) == 0xe0)
+ #define IS_UTF8_LEAD4(byte) (((unsigned char)(byte) & 0xf8) == 0xf0)
+ #define IS_UTF8_TAIL(byte) (((unsigned char)(byte) & 0xc0) == 0x80)
+ static unsigned
+ md_decode_utf8__(const CHAR* str, SZ str_size, SZ* p_size)
+ {
+ if(!IS_UTF8_LEAD1(str[0])) {
+ if(IS_UTF8_LEAD2(str[0])) {
+ if(1 < str_size && IS_UTF8_TAIL(str[1])) {
+ if(p_size != NULL)
+ *p_size = 2;
+ return (((unsigned int)str[0] & 0x1f) << 6) |
+ (((unsigned int)str[1] & 0x3f) << 0);
+ }
+ } else if(IS_UTF8_LEAD3(str[0])) {
+ if(2 < str_size && IS_UTF8_TAIL(str[1]) && IS_UTF8_TAIL(str[2])) {
+ if(p_size != NULL)
+ *p_size = 3;
+ return (((unsigned int)str[0] & 0x0f) << 12) |
+ (((unsigned int)str[1] & 0x3f) << 6) |
+ (((unsigned int)str[2] & 0x3f) << 0);
+ }
+ } else if(IS_UTF8_LEAD4(str[0])) {
+ if(3 < str_size && IS_UTF8_TAIL(str[1]) && IS_UTF8_TAIL(str[2]) && IS_UTF8_TAIL(str[3])) {
+ if(p_size != NULL)
+ *p_size = 4;
+ return (((unsigned int)str[0] & 0x07) << 18) |
+ (((unsigned int)str[1] & 0x3f) << 12) |
+ (((unsigned int)str[2] & 0x3f) << 6) |
+ (((unsigned int)str[3] & 0x3f) << 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(p_size != NULL)
+ *p_size = 1;
+ return (unsigned) str[0];
+ }
+ static unsigned
+ md_decode_utf8_before__(MD_CTX* ctx, OFF off)
+ {
+ if(!IS_UTF8_LEAD1(CH(off-1))) {
+ if(off > 1 && IS_UTF8_LEAD2(CH(off-2)) && IS_UTF8_TAIL(CH(off-1)))
+ return (((unsigned int)CH(off-2) & 0x1f) << 6) |
+ (((unsigned int)CH(off-1) & 0x3f) << 0);
+ if(off > 2 && IS_UTF8_LEAD3(CH(off-3)) && IS_UTF8_TAIL(CH(off-2)) && IS_UTF8_TAIL(CH(off-1)))
+ return (((unsigned int)CH(off-3) & 0x0f) << 12) |
+ (((unsigned int)CH(off-2) & 0x3f) << 6) |
+ (((unsigned int)CH(off-1) & 0x3f) << 0);
+ if(off > 3 && IS_UTF8_LEAD4(CH(off-4)) && IS_UTF8_TAIL(CH(off-3)) && IS_UTF8_TAIL(CH(off-2)) && IS_UTF8_TAIL(CH(off-1)))
+ return (((unsigned int)CH(off-4) & 0x07) << 18) |
+ (((unsigned int)CH(off-3) & 0x3f) << 12) |
+ (((unsigned int)CH(off-2) & 0x3f) << 6) |
+ (((unsigned int)CH(off-1) & 0x3f) << 0);
+ }
+ return (unsigned) CH(off-1);
+ }
+ #define ISUNICODEWHITESPACE_(codepoint) md_is_unicode_whitespace__(codepoint)
+ #define ISUNICODEWHITESPACE(off) md_is_unicode_whitespace__(md_decode_utf8__(STR(off), ctx->size - (off), NULL))
+ #define ISUNICODEWHITESPACEBEFORE(off) md_is_unicode_whitespace__(md_decode_utf8_before__(ctx, off))
+ #define ISUNICODEPUNCT(off) md_is_unicode_punct__(md_decode_utf8__(STR(off), ctx->size - (off), NULL))
+ #define ISUNICODEPUNCTBEFORE(off) md_is_unicode_punct__(md_decode_utf8_before__(ctx, off))
+ static inline unsigned
+ md_decode_unicode(const CHAR* str, OFF off, SZ str_size, SZ* p_char_size)
+ {
+ return md_decode_utf8__(str+off, str_size-off, p_char_size);
+ }
+ #define ISUNICODEWHITESPACE_(codepoint) ISWHITESPACE_(codepoint)
+ #define ISUNICODEPUNCT(off) ISPUNCT(off)
+ static inline void
+ md_get_unicode_fold_info(unsigned codepoint, MD_UNICODE_FOLD_INFO* info)
+ {
+ info->codepoints[0] = codepoint;
+ if(ISUPPER_(codepoint))
+ info->codepoints[0] += 'a' - 'A';
+ info->n_codepoints = 1;
+ }
+ static inline unsigned
+ md_decode_unicode(const CHAR* str, OFF off, SZ str_size, SZ* p_size)
+ {
+ *p_size = 1;
+ return (unsigned) str[off];
+ }
+ *** Helper string manipulations ***
+ *************************************/
+/* Fill buffer with copy of the string between 'beg' and 'end' but replace any
+ * line breaks with given replacement character.
+ *
+ * NOTE: Caller is responsible to make sure the buffer is large enough.
+ * (Given the output is always shorter than input, (end - beg) is good idea
+ * what the caller should allocate.)
+ */
+static void
+md_merge_lines(MD_CTX* ctx, OFF beg, OFF end, const MD_LINE* lines, MD_SIZE n_lines,
+ CHAR line_break_replacement_char, CHAR* buffer, SZ* p_size)
+ CHAR* ptr = buffer;
+ int line_index = 0;
+ OFF off = beg;
+ MD_UNUSED(n_lines);
+ while(1) {
+ const MD_LINE* line = &lines[line_index];
+ OFF line_end = line->end;
+ if(end < line_end)
+ line_end = end;
+ while(off < line_end) {
+ *ptr = CH(off);
+ ptr++;
+ off++;
+ }
+ if(off >= end) {
+ *p_size = (MD_SIZE)(ptr - buffer);
+ return;
+ }
+ *ptr = line_break_replacement_char;
+ ptr++;
+ line_index++;
+ off = lines[line_index].beg;
+ }
+/* Wrapper of md_merge_lines() which allocates new buffer for the output string.
+ */
+static int
+md_merge_lines_alloc(MD_CTX* ctx, OFF beg, OFF end, const MD_LINE* lines, MD_SIZE n_lines,
+ CHAR line_break_replacement_char, CHAR** p_str, SZ* p_size)
+ CHAR* buffer;
+ buffer = (CHAR*) malloc(sizeof(CHAR) * (end - beg));
+ if(buffer == NULL) {
+ MD_LOG("malloc() failed.");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ md_merge_lines(ctx, beg, end, lines, n_lines,
+ line_break_replacement_char, buffer, p_size);
+ *p_str = buffer;
+ return 0;
+static OFF
+md_skip_unicode_whitespace(const CHAR* label, OFF off, SZ size)
+ SZ char_size;
+ unsigned codepoint;
+ while(off < size) {
+ codepoint = md_decode_unicode(label, off, size, &char_size);
+ if(!ISUNICODEWHITESPACE_(codepoint) && !ISNEWLINE_(label[off]))
+ break;
+ off += char_size;
+ }
+ return off;
+ *** Recognizing raw HTML ***
+ ******************************/
+/* md_is_html_tag() may be called when processing inlines (inline raw HTML)
+ * or when breaking document to blocks (checking for start of HTML block type 7).
+ *
+ * When breaking document to blocks, we do not yet know line boundaries, but
+ * in that case the whole tag has to live on a single line. We distinguish this
+ * by n_lines == 0.
+ */
+static int
+md_is_html_tag(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_LINE* lines, MD_SIZE n_lines, OFF beg, OFF max_end, OFF* p_end)
+ int attr_state;
+ OFF off = beg;
+ OFF line_end = (n_lines > 0) ? lines[0].end : ctx->size;
+ MD_SIZE line_index = 0;
+ MD_ASSERT(CH(beg) == _T('<'));
+ if(off + 1 >= line_end)
+ return FALSE;
+ off++;
+ /* For parsing attributes, we need a little state automaton below.
+ * State -1: no attributes are allowed.
+ * State 0: attribute could follow after some whitespace.
+ * State 1: after a whitespace (attribute name may follow).
+ * State 2: after attribute name ('=' MAY follow).
+ * State 3: after '=' (value specification MUST follow).
+ * State 41: in middle of unquoted attribute value.
+ * State 42: in middle of single-quoted attribute value.
+ * State 43: in middle of double-quoted attribute value.
+ */
+ attr_state = 0;
+ if(CH(off) == _T('/')) {
+ /* Closer tag "</ ... >". No attributes may be present. */
+ attr_state = -1;
+ off++;
+ }
+ /* Tag name */
+ if(off >= line_end || !ISALPHA(off))
+ return FALSE;
+ off++;
+ while(off < line_end && (ISALNUM(off) || CH(off) == _T('-')))
+ off++;
+ /* (Optional) attributes (if not closer), (optional) '/' (if not closer)
+ * and final '>'. */
+ while(1) {
+ while(off < line_end && !ISNEWLINE(off)) {
+ if(attr_state > 40) {
+ if(attr_state == 41 && (ISBLANK(off) || ISANYOF(off, _T("\"'=<>`")))) {
+ attr_state = 0;
+ off--; /* Put the char back for re-inspection in the new state. */
+ } else if(attr_state == 42 && CH(off) == _T('\'')) {
+ attr_state = 0;
+ } else if(attr_state == 43 && CH(off) == _T('"')) {
+ attr_state = 0;
+ }
+ off++;
+ } else if(ISWHITESPACE(off)) {
+ if(attr_state == 0)
+ attr_state = 1;
+ off++;
+ } else if(attr_state <= 2 && CH(off) == _T('>')) {
+ /* End. */
+ goto done;
+ } else if(attr_state <= 2 && CH(off) == _T('/') && off+1 < line_end && CH(off+1) == _T('>')) {
+ /* End with digraph '/>' */
+ off++;
+ goto done;
+ } else if((attr_state == 1 || attr_state == 2) && (ISALPHA(off) || CH(off) == _T('_') || CH(off) == _T(':'))) {
+ off++;
+ /* Attribute name */
+ while(off < line_end && (ISALNUM(off) || ISANYOF(off, _T("_.:-"))))
+ off++;
+ attr_state = 2;
+ } else if(attr_state == 2 && CH(off) == _T('=')) {
+ /* Attribute assignment sign */
+ off++;
+ attr_state = 3;
+ } else if(attr_state == 3) {
+ /* Expecting start of attribute value. */
+ if(CH(off) == _T('"'))
+ attr_state = 43;
+ else if(CH(off) == _T('\''))
+ attr_state = 42;
+ else if(!ISANYOF(off, _T("\"'=<>`")) && !ISNEWLINE(off))
+ attr_state = 41;
+ else
+ return FALSE;
+ off++;
+ } else {
+ /* Anything unexpected. */
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ /* We have to be on a single line. See definition of start condition
+ * of HTML block, type 7. */
+ if(n_lines == 0)
+ return FALSE;
+ line_index++;
+ if(line_index >= n_lines)
+ return FALSE;
+ off = lines[line_index].beg;
+ line_end = lines[line_index].end;
+ if(attr_state == 0 || attr_state == 41)
+ attr_state = 1;
+ if(off >= max_end)
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if(off >= max_end)
+ return FALSE;
+ *p_end = off+1;
+ return TRUE;
+static int
+md_scan_for_html_closer(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_CHAR* str, MD_SIZE len,
+ const MD_LINE* lines, MD_SIZE n_lines,
+ OFF beg, OFF max_end, OFF* p_end,
+ OFF* p_scan_horizon)
+ OFF off = beg;
+ MD_SIZE line_index = 0;
+ if(off < *p_scan_horizon && *p_scan_horizon >= max_end - len) {
+ /* We have already scanned the range up to the max_end so we know
+ * there is nothing to see. */
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ while(TRUE) {
+ while(off + len <= lines[line_index].end && off + len <= max_end) {
+ if(md_ascii_eq(STR(off), str, len)) {
+ /* Success. */
+ *p_end = off + len;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ off++;
+ }
+ line_index++;
+ if(off >= max_end || line_index >= n_lines) {
+ /* Failure. */
+ *p_scan_horizon = off;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ off = lines[line_index].beg;
+ }
+static int
+md_is_html_comment(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_LINE* lines, MD_SIZE n_lines, OFF beg, OFF max_end, OFF* p_end)
+ OFF off = beg;
+ MD_ASSERT(CH(beg) == _T('<'));
+ if(off + 4 >= lines[0].end)
+ return FALSE;
+ if(CH(off+1) != _T('!') || CH(off+2) != _T('-') || CH(off+3) != _T('-'))
+ return FALSE;
+ /* Skip only "<!" so that we accept also "<!-->" or "<!--->" */
+ off += 2;
+ /* Scan for ordinary comment closer "-->". */
+ return md_scan_for_html_closer(ctx, _T("-->"), 3,
+ lines, n_lines, off, max_end, p_end, &ctx->html_comment_horizon);
+static int
+md_is_html_processing_instruction(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_LINE* lines, MD_SIZE n_lines, OFF beg, OFF max_end, OFF* p_end)
+ OFF off = beg;
+ if(off + 2 >= lines[0].end)
+ return FALSE;
+ if(CH(off+1) != _T('?'))
+ return FALSE;
+ off += 2;
+ return md_scan_for_html_closer(ctx, _T("?>"), 2,
+ lines, n_lines, off, max_end, p_end, &ctx->html_proc_instr_horizon);
+static int
+md_is_html_declaration(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_LINE* lines, MD_SIZE n_lines, OFF beg, OFF max_end, OFF* p_end)
+ OFF off = beg;
+ if(off + 2 >= lines[0].end)
+ return FALSE;
+ if(CH(off+1) != _T('!'))
+ return FALSE;
+ off += 2;
+ /* Declaration name. */
+ if(off >= lines[0].end || !ISALPHA(off))
+ return FALSE;
+ off++;
+ while(off < lines[0].end && ISALPHA(off))
+ off++;
+ return md_scan_for_html_closer(ctx, _T(">"), 1,
+ lines, n_lines, off, max_end, p_end, &ctx->html_decl_horizon);
+static int
+md_is_html_cdata(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_LINE* lines, MD_SIZE n_lines, OFF beg, OFF max_end, OFF* p_end)
+ static const CHAR open_str[] = _T("<![CDATA[");
+ static const SZ open_size = SIZEOF_ARRAY(open_str) - 1;
+ OFF off = beg;
+ if(off + open_size >= lines[0].end)
+ return FALSE;
+ if(memcmp(STR(off), open_str, open_size) != 0)
+ return FALSE;
+ off += open_size;
+ return md_scan_for_html_closer(ctx, _T("]]>"), 3,
+ lines, n_lines, off, max_end, p_end, &ctx->html_cdata_horizon);
+static int
+md_is_html_any(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_LINE* lines, MD_SIZE n_lines, OFF beg, OFF max_end, OFF* p_end)
+ MD_ASSERT(CH(beg) == _T('<'));
+ return (md_is_html_tag(ctx, lines, n_lines, beg, max_end, p_end) ||
+ md_is_html_comment(ctx, lines, n_lines, beg, max_end, p_end) ||
+ md_is_html_processing_instruction(ctx, lines, n_lines, beg, max_end, p_end) ||
+ md_is_html_declaration(ctx, lines, n_lines, beg, max_end, p_end) ||
+ md_is_html_cdata(ctx, lines, n_lines, beg, max_end, p_end));
+ *** Recognizing Entity ***
+ ****************************/
+static int
+md_is_hex_entity_contents(MD_CTX* ctx, const CHAR* text, OFF beg, OFF max_end, OFF* p_end)
+ OFF off = beg;
+ MD_UNUSED(ctx);
+ while(off < max_end && ISXDIGIT_(text[off]) && off - beg <= 8)
+ off++;
+ if(1 <= off - beg && off - beg <= 6) {
+ *p_end = off;
+ return TRUE;
+ } else {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+static int
+md_is_dec_entity_contents(MD_CTX* ctx, const CHAR* text, OFF beg, OFF max_end, OFF* p_end)
+ OFF off = beg;
+ MD_UNUSED(ctx);
+ while(off < max_end && ISDIGIT_(text[off]) && off - beg <= 8)
+ off++;
+ if(1 <= off - beg && off - beg <= 7) {
+ *p_end = off;
+ return TRUE;
+ } else {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+static int
+md_is_named_entity_contents(MD_CTX* ctx, const CHAR* text, OFF beg, OFF max_end, OFF* p_end)
+ OFF off = beg;
+ MD_UNUSED(ctx);
+ if(off < max_end && ISALPHA_(text[off]))
+ off++;
+ else
+ return FALSE;
+ while(off < max_end && ISALNUM_(text[off]) && off - beg <= 48)
+ off++;
+ if(2 <= off - beg && off - beg <= 48) {
+ *p_end = off;
+ return TRUE;
+ } else {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+static int
+md_is_entity_str(MD_CTX* ctx, const CHAR* text, OFF beg, OFF max_end, OFF* p_end)
+ int is_contents;
+ OFF off = beg;
+ MD_ASSERT(text[off] == _T('&'));
+ off++;
+ if(off+2 < max_end && text[off] == _T('#') && (text[off+1] == _T('x') || text[off+1] == _T('X')))
+ is_contents = md_is_hex_entity_contents(ctx, text, off+2, max_end, &off);
+ else if(off+1 < max_end && text[off] == _T('#'))
+ is_contents = md_is_dec_entity_contents(ctx, text, off+1, max_end, &off);
+ else
+ is_contents = md_is_named_entity_contents(ctx, text, off, max_end, &off);
+ if(is_contents && off < max_end && text[off] == _T(';')) {
+ *p_end = off+1;
+ return TRUE;
+ } else {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+static inline int
+md_is_entity(MD_CTX* ctx, OFF beg, OFF max_end, OFF* p_end)
+ return md_is_entity_str(ctx, ctx->text, beg, max_end, p_end);
+ *** Attribute Management ***
+ ******************************/
+struct MD_ATTRIBUTE_BUILD_tag {
+ CHAR* text;
+ MD_TEXTTYPE* substr_types;
+ OFF* substr_offsets;
+ int substr_count;
+ int substr_alloc;
+ MD_TEXTTYPE trivial_types[1];
+ OFF trivial_offsets[2];
+#define MD_BUILD_ATTR_NO_ESCAPES 0x0001
+static int
+md_build_attr_append_substr(MD_CTX* ctx, MD_ATTRIBUTE_BUILD* build,
+ MD_TEXTTYPE type, OFF off)
+ if(build->substr_count >= build->substr_alloc) {
+ MD_TEXTTYPE* new_substr_types;
+ OFF* new_substr_offsets;
+ build->substr_alloc = (build->substr_alloc > 0
+ ? build->substr_alloc + build->substr_alloc / 2
+ : 8);
+ new_substr_types = (MD_TEXTTYPE*) realloc(build->substr_types,
+ build->substr_alloc * sizeof(MD_TEXTTYPE));
+ if(new_substr_types == NULL) {
+ MD_LOG("realloc() failed.");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* Note +1 to reserve space for final offset (== raw_size). */
+ new_substr_offsets = (OFF*) realloc(build->substr_offsets,
+ (build->substr_alloc+1) * sizeof(OFF));
+ if(new_substr_offsets == NULL) {
+ MD_LOG("realloc() failed.");
+ free(new_substr_types);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ build->substr_types = new_substr_types;
+ build->substr_offsets = new_substr_offsets;
+ }
+ build->substr_types[build->substr_count] = type;
+ build->substr_offsets[build->substr_count] = off;
+ build->substr_count++;
+ return 0;
+static void
+md_free_attribute(MD_CTX* ctx, MD_ATTRIBUTE_BUILD* build)
+ MD_UNUSED(ctx);
+ if(build->substr_alloc > 0) {
+ free(build->text);
+ free(build->substr_types);
+ free(build->substr_offsets);
+ }
+static int
+md_build_attribute(MD_CTX* ctx, const CHAR* raw_text, SZ raw_size,
+ unsigned flags, MD_ATTRIBUTE* attr, MD_ATTRIBUTE_BUILD* build)
+ OFF raw_off, off;
+ int is_trivial;
+ int ret = 0;
+ memset(build, 0, sizeof(MD_ATTRIBUTE_BUILD));
+ /* If there is no backslash and no ampersand, build trivial attribute
+ * without any malloc(). */
+ is_trivial = TRUE;
+ for(raw_off = 0; raw_off < raw_size; raw_off++) {
+ if(ISANYOF3_(raw_text[raw_off], _T('\\'), _T('&'), _T('\0'))) {
+ is_trivial = FALSE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(is_trivial) {
+ build->text = (CHAR*) (raw_size ? raw_text : NULL);
+ build->substr_types = build->trivial_types;
+ build->substr_offsets = build->trivial_offsets;
+ build->substr_count = 1;
+ build->substr_alloc = 0;
+ build->trivial_types[0] = MD_TEXT_NORMAL;
+ build->trivial_offsets[0] = 0;
+ build->trivial_offsets[1] = raw_size;
+ off = raw_size;
+ } else {
+ build->text = (CHAR*) malloc(raw_size * sizeof(CHAR));
+ if(build->text == NULL) {
+ MD_LOG("malloc() failed.");
+ goto abort;
+ }
+ raw_off = 0;
+ off = 0;
+ while(raw_off < raw_size) {
+ if(raw_text[raw_off] == _T('\0')) {
+ MD_CHECK(md_build_attr_append_substr(ctx, build, MD_TEXT_NULLCHAR, off));
+ memcpy(build->text + off, raw_text + raw_off, 1);
+ off++;
+ raw_off++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(raw_text[raw_off] == _T('&')) {
+ OFF ent_end;
+ if(md_is_entity_str(ctx, raw_text, raw_off, raw_size, &ent_end)) {
+ MD_CHECK(md_build_attr_append_substr(ctx, build, MD_TEXT_ENTITY, off));
+ memcpy(build->text + off, raw_text + raw_off, ent_end - raw_off);
+ off += ent_end - raw_off;
+ raw_off = ent_end;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if(build->substr_count == 0 || build->substr_types[build->substr_count-1] != MD_TEXT_NORMAL)
+ MD_CHECK(md_build_attr_append_substr(ctx, build, MD_TEXT_NORMAL, off));
+ if(!(flags & MD_BUILD_ATTR_NO_ESCAPES) &&
+ raw_text[raw_off] == _T('\\') && raw_off+1 < raw_size &&
+ (ISPUNCT_(raw_text[raw_off+1]) || ISNEWLINE_(raw_text[raw_off+1])))
+ raw_off++;
+ build->text[off++] = raw_text[raw_off++];
+ }
+ build->substr_offsets[build->substr_count] = off;
+ }
+ attr->text = build->text;
+ attr->size = off;
+ attr->substr_offsets = build->substr_offsets;
+ attr->substr_types = build->substr_types;
+ return 0;
+ md_free_attribute(ctx, build);
+ return -1;
+ *** Dictionary of Reference Definitions ***
+ *********************************************/
+#define MD_FNV1A_BASE 2166136261U
+#define MD_FNV1A_PRIME 16777619U
+static inline unsigned
+md_fnv1a(unsigned base, const void* data, size_t n)
+ const unsigned char* buf = (const unsigned char*) data;
+ unsigned hash = base;
+ size_t i;
+ for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ hash ^= buf[i];
+ hash *= MD_FNV1A_PRIME;
+ }
+ return hash;
+struct MD_REF_DEF_tag {
+ CHAR* label;
+ CHAR* title;
+ unsigned hash;
+ SZ label_size;
+ SZ title_size;
+ OFF dest_beg;
+ OFF dest_end;
+ unsigned char label_needs_free : 1;
+ unsigned char title_needs_free : 1;
+/* Label equivalence is quite complicated with regards to whitespace and case
+ * folding. This complicates computing a hash of it as well as direct comparison
+ * of two labels. */
+static unsigned
+md_link_label_hash(const CHAR* label, SZ size)
+ unsigned hash = MD_FNV1A_BASE;
+ OFF off;
+ unsigned codepoint;
+ int is_whitespace = FALSE;
+ off = md_skip_unicode_whitespace(label, 0, size);
+ while(off < size) {
+ SZ char_size;
+ codepoint = md_decode_unicode(label, off, size, &char_size);
+ is_whitespace = ISUNICODEWHITESPACE_(codepoint) || ISNEWLINE_(label[off]);
+ if(is_whitespace) {
+ codepoint = ' ';
+ hash = md_fnv1a(hash, &codepoint, sizeof(unsigned));
+ off = md_skip_unicode_whitespace(label, off, size);
+ } else {
+ md_get_unicode_fold_info(codepoint, &fold_info);
+ hash = md_fnv1a(hash, fold_info.codepoints, fold_info.n_codepoints * sizeof(unsigned));
+ off += char_size;
+ }
+ }
+ return hash;
+static OFF
+md_link_label_cmp_load_fold_info(const CHAR* label, OFF off, SZ size,
+ MD_UNICODE_FOLD_INFO* fold_info)
+ unsigned codepoint;
+ SZ char_size;
+ if(off >= size) {
+ /* Treat end of a link label as a whitespace. */
+ goto whitespace;
+ }
+ codepoint = md_decode_unicode(label, off, size, &char_size);
+ off += char_size;
+ if(ISUNICODEWHITESPACE_(codepoint)) {
+ /* Treat all whitespace as equivalent */
+ goto whitespace;
+ }
+ /* Get real folding info. */
+ md_get_unicode_fold_info(codepoint, fold_info);
+ return off;
+ fold_info->codepoints[0] = _T(' ');
+ fold_info->n_codepoints = 1;
+ return md_skip_unicode_whitespace(label, off, size);
+static int
+md_link_label_cmp(const CHAR* a_label, SZ a_size, const CHAR* b_label, SZ b_size)
+ OFF a_off;
+ OFF b_off;
+ MD_UNICODE_FOLD_INFO a_fi = { { 0 }, 0 };
+ MD_UNICODE_FOLD_INFO b_fi = { { 0 }, 0 };
+ OFF a_fi_off = 0;
+ OFF b_fi_off = 0;
+ int cmp;
+ a_off = md_skip_unicode_whitespace(a_label, 0, a_size);
+ b_off = md_skip_unicode_whitespace(b_label, 0, b_size);
+ while(a_off < a_size || a_fi_off < a_fi.n_codepoints ||
+ b_off < b_size || b_fi_off < b_fi.n_codepoints)
+ {
+ /* If needed, load fold info for next char. */
+ if(a_fi_off >= a_fi.n_codepoints) {
+ a_fi_off = 0;
+ a_off = md_link_label_cmp_load_fold_info(a_label, a_off, a_size, &a_fi);
+ }
+ if(b_fi_off >= b_fi.n_codepoints) {
+ b_fi_off = 0;
+ b_off = md_link_label_cmp_load_fold_info(b_label, b_off, b_size, &b_fi);
+ }
+ cmp = b_fi.codepoints[b_fi_off] - a_fi.codepoints[a_fi_off];
+ if(cmp != 0)
+ return cmp;
+ a_fi_off++;
+ b_fi_off++;
+ }
+ return 0;
+typedef struct MD_REF_DEF_LIST_tag MD_REF_DEF_LIST;
+struct MD_REF_DEF_LIST_tag {
+ int n_ref_defs;
+ int alloc_ref_defs;
+ MD_REF_DEF* ref_defs[]; /* Valid items always point into ctx->ref_defs[] */
+static int
+md_ref_def_cmp(const void* a, const void* b)
+ const MD_REF_DEF* a_ref = *(const MD_REF_DEF**)a;
+ const MD_REF_DEF* b_ref = *(const MD_REF_DEF**)b;
+ if(a_ref->hash < b_ref->hash)
+ return -1;
+ else if(a_ref->hash > b_ref->hash)
+ return +1;
+ else
+ return md_link_label_cmp(a_ref->label, a_ref->label_size, b_ref->label, b_ref->label_size);
+static int
+md_ref_def_cmp_for_sort(const void* a, const void* b)
+ int cmp;
+ cmp = md_ref_def_cmp(a, b);
+ /* Ensure stability of the sorting. */
+ if(cmp == 0) {
+ const MD_REF_DEF* a_ref = *(const MD_REF_DEF**)a;
+ const MD_REF_DEF* b_ref = *(const MD_REF_DEF**)b;
+ if(a_ref < b_ref)
+ cmp = -1;
+ else if(a_ref > b_ref)
+ cmp = +1;
+ else
+ cmp = 0;
+ }
+ return cmp;
+static int
+md_build_ref_def_hashtable(MD_CTX* ctx)
+ int i, j;
+ if(ctx->n_ref_defs == 0)
+ return 0;
+ ctx->ref_def_hashtable_size = (ctx->n_ref_defs * 5) / 4;
+ ctx->ref_def_hashtable = malloc(ctx->ref_def_hashtable_size * sizeof(void*));
+ if(ctx->ref_def_hashtable == NULL) {
+ MD_LOG("malloc() failed.");
+ goto abort;
+ }
+ memset(ctx->ref_def_hashtable, 0, ctx->ref_def_hashtable_size * sizeof(void*));
+ /* Each member of ctx->ref_def_hashtable[] can be:
+ * -- NULL,
+ * -- pointer to the MD_REF_DEF in ctx->ref_defs[], or
+ * -- pointer to a MD_REF_DEF_LIST, which holds multiple pointers to
+ * such MD_REF_DEFs.
+ */
+ for(i = 0; i < ctx->n_ref_defs; i++) {
+ MD_REF_DEF* def = &ctx->ref_defs[i];
+ void* bucket;
+ MD_REF_DEF_LIST* list;
+ def->hash = md_link_label_hash(def->label, def->label_size);
+ bucket = ctx->ref_def_hashtable[def->hash % ctx->ref_def_hashtable_size];
+ if(bucket == NULL) {
+ /* The bucket is empty. Make it just point to the def. */
+ ctx->ref_def_hashtable[def->hash % ctx->ref_def_hashtable_size] = def;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(ctx->ref_defs <= (MD_REF_DEF*) bucket && (MD_REF_DEF*) bucket < ctx->ref_defs + ctx->n_ref_defs) {
+ /* The bucket already contains one ref. def. Lets see whether it
+ * is the same label (ref. def. duplicate) or different one
+ * (hash conflict). */
+ MD_REF_DEF* old_def = (MD_REF_DEF*) bucket;
+ if(md_link_label_cmp(def->label, def->label_size, old_def->label, old_def->label_size) == 0) {
+ /* Duplicate label: Ignore this ref. def. */
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Make the bucket complex, i.e. able to hold more ref. defs. */
+ list = (MD_REF_DEF_LIST*) malloc(sizeof(MD_REF_DEF_LIST) + 2 * sizeof(MD_REF_DEF*));
+ if(list == NULL) {
+ MD_LOG("malloc() failed.");
+ goto abort;
+ }
+ list->ref_defs[0] = old_def;
+ list->ref_defs[1] = def;
+ list->n_ref_defs = 2;
+ list->alloc_ref_defs = 2;
+ ctx->ref_def_hashtable[def->hash % ctx->ref_def_hashtable_size] = list;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Append the def to the complex bucket list.
+ *
+ * Note in this case we ignore potential duplicates to avoid expensive
+ * iterating over the complex bucket. Below, we revisit all the complex
+ * buckets and handle it more cheaply after the complex bucket contents
+ * is sorted. */
+ list = (MD_REF_DEF_LIST*) bucket;
+ if(list->n_ref_defs >= list->alloc_ref_defs) {
+ int alloc_ref_defs = list->alloc_ref_defs + list->alloc_ref_defs / 2;
+ MD_REF_DEF_LIST* list_tmp = (MD_REF_DEF_LIST*) realloc(list,
+ sizeof(MD_REF_DEF_LIST) + alloc_ref_defs * sizeof(MD_REF_DEF*));
+ if(list_tmp == NULL) {
+ MD_LOG("realloc() failed.");
+ goto abort;
+ }
+ list = list_tmp;
+ list->alloc_ref_defs = alloc_ref_defs;
+ ctx->ref_def_hashtable[def->hash % ctx->ref_def_hashtable_size] = list;
+ }
+ list->ref_defs[list->n_ref_defs] = def;
+ list->n_ref_defs++;
+ }
+ /* Sort the complex buckets so we can use bsearch() with them. */
+ for(i = 0; i < ctx->ref_def_hashtable_size; i++) {
+ void* bucket = ctx->ref_def_hashtable[i];
+ MD_REF_DEF_LIST* list;
+ if(bucket == NULL)
+ continue;
+ if(ctx->ref_defs <= (MD_REF_DEF*) bucket && (MD_REF_DEF*) bucket < ctx->ref_defs + ctx->n_ref_defs)
+ continue;
+ list = (MD_REF_DEF_LIST*) bucket;
+ qsort(list->ref_defs, list->n_ref_defs, sizeof(MD_REF_DEF*), md_ref_def_cmp_for_sort);
+ /* Disable all duplicates in the complex bucket by forcing all such
+ * records to point to the 1st such ref. def. I.e. no matter which
+ * record is found during the lookup, it will always point to the right
+ * ref. def. in ctx->ref_defs[]. */
+ for(j = 1; j < list->n_ref_defs; j++) {
+ if(md_ref_def_cmp(&list->ref_defs[j-1], &list->ref_defs[j]) == 0)
+ list->ref_defs[j] = list->ref_defs[j-1];
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ return -1;
+static void
+md_free_ref_def_hashtable(MD_CTX* ctx)
+ if(ctx->ref_def_hashtable != NULL) {
+ int i;
+ for(i = 0; i < ctx->ref_def_hashtable_size; i++) {
+ void* bucket = ctx->ref_def_hashtable[i];
+ if(bucket == NULL)
+ continue;
+ if(ctx->ref_defs <= (MD_REF_DEF*) bucket && (MD_REF_DEF*) bucket < ctx->ref_defs + ctx->n_ref_defs)
+ continue;
+ free(bucket);
+ }
+ free(ctx->ref_def_hashtable);
+ }
+static const MD_REF_DEF*
+md_lookup_ref_def(MD_CTX* ctx, const CHAR* label, SZ label_size)
+ unsigned hash;
+ void* bucket;
+ if(ctx->ref_def_hashtable_size == 0)
+ return NULL;
+ hash = md_link_label_hash(label, label_size);
+ bucket = ctx->ref_def_hashtable[hash % ctx->ref_def_hashtable_size];
+ if(bucket == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ } else if(ctx->ref_defs <= (MD_REF_DEF*) bucket && (MD_REF_DEF*) bucket < ctx->ref_defs + ctx->n_ref_defs) {
+ const MD_REF_DEF* def = (MD_REF_DEF*) bucket;
+ if(md_link_label_cmp(def->label, def->label_size, label, label_size) == 0)
+ return def;
+ else
+ return NULL;
+ } else {
+ MD_REF_DEF_LIST* list = (MD_REF_DEF_LIST*) bucket;
+ MD_REF_DEF key_buf;
+ const MD_REF_DEF* key = &key_buf;
+ const MD_REF_DEF** ret;
+ key_buf.label = (CHAR*) label;
+ key_buf.label_size = label_size;
+ key_buf.hash = md_link_label_hash(key_buf.label, key_buf.label_size);
+ ret = (const MD_REF_DEF**) bsearch(&key, list->ref_defs,
+ list->n_ref_defs, sizeof(MD_REF_DEF*), md_ref_def_cmp);
+ if(ret != NULL)
+ return *ret;
+ else
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ *** Recognizing Links ***
+ ***************************/
+/* Note this code is partially shared between processing inlines and blocks
+ * as reference definitions and links share some helper parser functions.
+ */
+typedef struct MD_LINK_ATTR_tag MD_LINK_ATTR;
+struct MD_LINK_ATTR_tag {
+ OFF dest_beg;
+ OFF dest_end;
+ CHAR* title;
+ SZ title_size;
+ int title_needs_free;
+static int
+md_is_link_label(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_LINE* lines, MD_SIZE n_lines, OFF beg,
+ OFF* p_end, MD_SIZE* p_beg_line_index, MD_SIZE* p_end_line_index,
+ OFF* p_contents_beg, OFF* p_contents_end)
+ OFF off = beg;
+ OFF contents_beg = 0;
+ OFF contents_end = 0;
+ MD_SIZE line_index = 0;
+ int len = 0;
+ *p_beg_line_index = 0;
+ if(CH(off) != _T('['))
+ return FALSE;
+ off++;
+ while(1) {
+ OFF line_end = lines[line_index].end;
+ while(off < line_end) {
+ if(CH(off) == _T('\\') && off+1 < ctx->size && (ISPUNCT(off+1) || ISNEWLINE(off+1))) {
+ if(contents_end == 0) {
+ contents_beg = off;
+ *p_beg_line_index = line_index;
+ }
+ contents_end = off + 2;
+ off += 2;
+ } else if(CH(off) == _T('[')) {
+ return FALSE;
+ } else if(CH(off) == _T(']')) {
+ if(contents_beg < contents_end) {
+ /* Success. */
+ *p_contents_beg = contents_beg;
+ *p_contents_end = contents_end;
+ *p_end = off+1;
+ *p_end_line_index = line_index;
+ return TRUE;
+ } else {
+ /* Link label must have some non-whitespace contents. */
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ } else {
+ unsigned codepoint;
+ SZ char_size;
+ codepoint = md_decode_unicode(ctx->text, off, ctx->size, &char_size);
+ if(!ISUNICODEWHITESPACE_(codepoint)) {
+ if(contents_end == 0) {
+ contents_beg = off;
+ *p_beg_line_index = line_index;
+ }
+ contents_end = off + char_size;
+ }
+ off += char_size;
+ }
+ len++;
+ if(len > 999)
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ line_index++;
+ len++;
+ if(line_index < n_lines)
+ off = lines[line_index].beg;
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+static int
+md_is_link_destination_A(MD_CTX* ctx, OFF beg, OFF max_end, OFF* p_end,
+ OFF* p_contents_beg, OFF* p_contents_end)
+ OFF off = beg;
+ if(off >= max_end || CH(off) != _T('<'))
+ return FALSE;
+ off++;
+ while(off < max_end) {
+ if(CH(off) == _T('\\') && off+1 < max_end && ISPUNCT(off+1)) {
+ off += 2;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(ISNEWLINE(off) || CH(off) == _T('<'))
+ return FALSE;
+ if(CH(off) == _T('>')) {
+ /* Success. */
+ *p_contents_beg = beg+1;
+ *p_contents_end = off;
+ *p_end = off+1;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ off++;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+static int
+md_is_link_destination_B(MD_CTX* ctx, OFF beg, OFF max_end, OFF* p_end,
+ OFF* p_contents_beg, OFF* p_contents_end)
+ OFF off = beg;
+ int parenthesis_level = 0;
+ while(off < max_end) {
+ if(CH(off) == _T('\\') && off+1 < max_end && ISPUNCT(off+1)) {
+ off += 2;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(ISWHITESPACE(off) || ISCNTRL(off))
+ break;
+ /* Link destination may include balanced pairs of unescaped '(' ')'.
+ * Note we limit the maximal nesting level by 32 to protect us from
+ * https://github.com/jgm/cmark/issues/214 */
+ if(CH(off) == _T('(')) {
+ parenthesis_level++;
+ if(parenthesis_level > 32)
+ return FALSE;
+ } else if(CH(off) == _T(')')) {
+ if(parenthesis_level == 0)
+ break;
+ parenthesis_level--;
+ }
+ off++;
+ }
+ if(parenthesis_level != 0 || off == beg)
+ return FALSE;
+ /* Success. */
+ *p_contents_beg = beg;
+ *p_contents_end = off;
+ *p_end = off;
+ return TRUE;
+static inline int
+md_is_link_destination(MD_CTX* ctx, OFF beg, OFF max_end, OFF* p_end,
+ OFF* p_contents_beg, OFF* p_contents_end)
+ if(CH(beg) == _T('<'))
+ return md_is_link_destination_A(ctx, beg, max_end, p_end, p_contents_beg, p_contents_end);
+ else
+ return md_is_link_destination_B(ctx, beg, max_end, p_end, p_contents_beg, p_contents_end);
+static int
+md_is_link_title(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_LINE* lines, MD_SIZE n_lines, OFF beg,
+ OFF* p_end, MD_SIZE* p_beg_line_index, MD_SIZE* p_end_line_index,
+ OFF* p_contents_beg, OFF* p_contents_end)
+ OFF off = beg;
+ CHAR closer_char;
+ MD_SIZE line_index = 0;
+ /* White space with up to one line break. */
+ while(off < lines[line_index].end && ISWHITESPACE(off))
+ off++;
+ if(off >= lines[line_index].end) {
+ line_index++;
+ if(line_index >= n_lines)
+ return FALSE;
+ off = lines[line_index].beg;
+ }
+ if(off == beg)
+ return FALSE;
+ *p_beg_line_index = line_index;
+ /* First char determines how to detect end of it. */
+ switch(CH(off)) {
+ case _T('"'): closer_char = _T('"'); break;
+ case _T('\''): closer_char = _T('\''); break;
+ case _T('('): closer_char = _T(')'); break;
+ default: return FALSE;
+ }
+ off++;
+ *p_contents_beg = off;
+ while(line_index < n_lines) {
+ OFF line_end = lines[line_index].end;
+ while(off < line_end) {
+ if(CH(off) == _T('\\') && off+1 < ctx->size && (ISPUNCT(off+1) || ISNEWLINE(off+1))) {
+ off++;
+ } else if(CH(off) == closer_char) {
+ /* Success. */
+ *p_contents_end = off;
+ *p_end = off+1;
+ *p_end_line_index = line_index;
+ return TRUE;
+ } else if(closer_char == _T(')') && CH(off) == _T('(')) {
+ /* ()-style title cannot contain (unescaped '(')) */
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ off++;
+ }
+ line_index++;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+/* Returns 0 if it is not a reference definition.
+ *
+ * Returns N > 0 if it is a reference definition. N then corresponds to the
+ * number of lines forming it). In this case the definition is stored for
+ * resolving any links referring to it.
+ *
+ * Returns -1 in case of an error (out of memory).
+ */
+static int
+md_is_link_reference_definition(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_LINE* lines, MD_SIZE n_lines)
+ OFF label_contents_beg;
+ OFF label_contents_end;
+ MD_SIZE label_contents_line_index;
+ int label_is_multiline = FALSE;
+ OFF dest_contents_beg;
+ OFF dest_contents_end;
+ OFF title_contents_beg;
+ OFF title_contents_end;
+ MD_SIZE title_contents_line_index;
+ int title_is_multiline = FALSE;
+ OFF off;
+ MD_SIZE line_index = 0;
+ MD_SIZE tmp_line_index;
+ MD_REF_DEF* def = NULL;
+ int ret = 0;
+ /* Link label. */
+ if(!md_is_link_label(ctx, lines, n_lines, lines[0].beg,
+ &off, &label_contents_line_index, &line_index,
+ &label_contents_beg, &label_contents_end))
+ return FALSE;
+ label_is_multiline = (label_contents_line_index != line_index);
+ /* Colon. */
+ if(off >= lines[line_index].end || CH(off) != _T(':'))
+ return FALSE;
+ off++;
+ /* Optional white space with up to one line break. */
+ while(off < lines[line_index].end && ISWHITESPACE(off))
+ off++;
+ if(off >= lines[line_index].end) {
+ line_index++;
+ if(line_index >= n_lines)
+ return FALSE;
+ off = lines[line_index].beg;
+ }
+ /* Link destination. */
+ if(!md_is_link_destination(ctx, off, lines[line_index].end,
+ &off, &dest_contents_beg, &dest_contents_end))
+ return FALSE;
+ /* (Optional) title. Note we interpret it as an title only if nothing
+ * more follows on its last line. */
+ if(md_is_link_title(ctx, lines + line_index, n_lines - line_index, off,
+ &off, &title_contents_line_index, &tmp_line_index,
+ &title_contents_beg, &title_contents_end)
+ && off >= lines[line_index + tmp_line_index].end)
+ {
+ title_is_multiline = (tmp_line_index != title_contents_line_index);
+ title_contents_line_index += line_index;
+ line_index += tmp_line_index;
+ } else {
+ /* Not a title. */
+ title_is_multiline = FALSE;
+ title_contents_beg = off;
+ title_contents_end = off;
+ title_contents_line_index = 0;
+ }
+ /* Nothing more can follow on the last line. */
+ if(off < lines[line_index].end)
+ return FALSE;
+ /* So, it _is_ a reference definition. Remember it. */
+ if(ctx->n_ref_defs >= ctx->alloc_ref_defs) {
+ MD_REF_DEF* new_defs;
+ ctx->alloc_ref_defs = (ctx->alloc_ref_defs > 0
+ ? ctx->alloc_ref_defs + ctx->alloc_ref_defs / 2
+ : 16);
+ new_defs = (MD_REF_DEF*) realloc(ctx->ref_defs, ctx->alloc_ref_defs * sizeof(MD_REF_DEF));
+ if(new_defs == NULL) {
+ MD_LOG("realloc() failed.");
+ goto abort;
+ }
+ ctx->ref_defs = new_defs;
+ }
+ def = &ctx->ref_defs[ctx->n_ref_defs];
+ memset(def, 0, sizeof(MD_REF_DEF));
+ if(label_is_multiline) {
+ MD_CHECK(md_merge_lines_alloc(ctx, label_contents_beg, label_contents_end,
+ lines + label_contents_line_index, n_lines - label_contents_line_index,
+ _T(' '), &def->label, &def->label_size));
+ def->label_needs_free = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ def->label = (CHAR*) STR(label_contents_beg);
+ def->label_size = label_contents_end - label_contents_beg;
+ }
+ if(title_is_multiline) {
+ MD_CHECK(md_merge_lines_alloc(ctx, title_contents_beg, title_contents_end,
+ lines + title_contents_line_index, n_lines - title_contents_line_index,
+ _T('\n'), &def->title, &def->title_size));
+ def->title_needs_free = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ def->title = (CHAR*) STR(title_contents_beg);
+ def->title_size = title_contents_end - title_contents_beg;
+ }
+ def->dest_beg = dest_contents_beg;
+ def->dest_end = dest_contents_end;
+ /* Success. */
+ ctx->n_ref_defs++;
+ return line_index + 1;
+ /* Failure. */
+ if(def != NULL && def->label_needs_free)
+ free(def->label);
+ if(def != NULL && def->title_needs_free)
+ free(def->title);
+ return ret;
+static int
+md_is_link_reference(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_LINE* lines, MD_SIZE n_lines,
+ OFF beg, OFF end, MD_LINK_ATTR* attr)
+ const MD_REF_DEF* def;
+ const MD_LINE* beg_line;
+ int is_multiline;
+ CHAR* label;
+ SZ label_size;
+ int ret = FALSE;
+ MD_ASSERT(CH(beg) == _T('[') || CH(beg) == _T('!'));
+ MD_ASSERT(CH(end-1) == _T(']'));
+ if(ctx->max_ref_def_output == 0)
+ return FALSE;
+ beg += (CH(beg) == _T('!') ? 2 : 1);
+ end--;
+ /* Find lines corresponding to the beg and end positions. */
+ beg_line = md_lookup_line(beg, lines, n_lines, NULL);
+ is_multiline = (end > beg_line->end);
+ if(is_multiline) {
+ MD_CHECK(md_merge_lines_alloc(ctx, beg, end, beg_line,
+ (int)(n_lines - (beg_line - lines)), _T(' '), &label, &label_size));
+ } else {
+ label = (CHAR*) STR(beg);
+ label_size = end - beg;
+ }
+ def = md_lookup_ref_def(ctx, label, label_size);
+ if(def != NULL) {
+ attr->dest_beg = def->dest_beg;
+ attr->dest_end = def->dest_end;
+ attr->title = def->title;
+ attr->title_size = def->title_size;
+ attr->title_needs_free = FALSE;
+ }
+ if(is_multiline)
+ free(label);
+ if(def != NULL) {
+ /* See https://github.com/mity/md4c/issues/238 */
+ MD_SIZE output_size_estimation = def->label_size + def->title_size + def->dest_end - def->dest_beg;
+ if(output_size_estimation < ctx->max_ref_def_output) {
+ ctx->max_ref_def_output -= output_size_estimation;
+ ret = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ MD_LOG("Too many link reference definition instantiations.");
+ ctx->max_ref_def_output = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+static int
+md_is_inline_link_spec(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_LINE* lines, MD_SIZE n_lines,
+ OFF beg, OFF* p_end, MD_LINK_ATTR* attr)
+ MD_SIZE line_index = 0;
+ MD_SIZE tmp_line_index;
+ OFF title_contents_beg;
+ OFF title_contents_end;
+ MD_SIZE title_contents_line_index;
+ int title_is_multiline;
+ OFF off = beg;
+ int ret = FALSE;
+ md_lookup_line(off, lines, n_lines, &line_index);
+ MD_ASSERT(CH(off) == _T('('));
+ off++;
+ /* Optional white space with up to one line break. */
+ while(off < lines[line_index].end && ISWHITESPACE(off))
+ off++;
+ if(off >= lines[line_index].end && (off >= ctx->size || ISNEWLINE(off))) {
+ line_index++;
+ if(line_index >= n_lines)
+ return FALSE;
+ off = lines[line_index].beg;
+ }
+ /* Link destination may be omitted, but only when not also having a title. */
+ if(off < ctx->size && CH(off) == _T(')')) {
+ attr->dest_beg = off;
+ attr->dest_end = off;
+ attr->title = NULL;
+ attr->title_size = 0;
+ attr->title_needs_free = FALSE;
+ off++;
+ *p_end = off;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ /* Link destination. */
+ if(!md_is_link_destination(ctx, off, lines[line_index].end,
+ &off, &attr->dest_beg, &attr->dest_end))
+ return FALSE;
+ /* (Optional) title. */
+ if(md_is_link_title(ctx, lines + line_index, n_lines - line_index, off,
+ &off, &title_contents_line_index, &tmp_line_index,
+ &title_contents_beg, &title_contents_end))
+ {
+ title_is_multiline = (tmp_line_index != title_contents_line_index);
+ title_contents_line_index += line_index;
+ line_index += tmp_line_index;
+ } else {
+ /* Not a title. */
+ title_is_multiline = FALSE;
+ title_contents_beg = off;
+ title_contents_end = off;
+ title_contents_line_index = 0;
+ }
+ /* Optional whitespace followed with final ')'. */
+ while(off < lines[line_index].end && ISWHITESPACE(off))
+ off++;
+ if(off >= lines[line_index].end) {
+ line_index++;
+ if(line_index >= n_lines)
+ return FALSE;
+ off = lines[line_index].beg;
+ }
+ if(CH(off) != _T(')'))
+ goto abort;
+ off++;
+ if(title_contents_beg >= title_contents_end) {
+ attr->title = NULL;
+ attr->title_size = 0;
+ attr->title_needs_free = FALSE;
+ } else if(!title_is_multiline) {
+ attr->title = (CHAR*) STR(title_contents_beg);
+ attr->title_size = title_contents_end - title_contents_beg;
+ attr->title_needs_free = FALSE;
+ } else {
+ MD_CHECK(md_merge_lines_alloc(ctx, title_contents_beg, title_contents_end,
+ lines + title_contents_line_index, n_lines - title_contents_line_index,
+ _T('\n'), &attr->title, &attr->title_size));
+ attr->title_needs_free = TRUE;
+ }
+ *p_end = off;
+ ret = TRUE;
+ return ret;
+static void
+md_free_ref_defs(MD_CTX* ctx)
+ int i;
+ for(i = 0; i < ctx->n_ref_defs; i++) {
+ MD_REF_DEF* def = &ctx->ref_defs[i];
+ if(def->label_needs_free)
+ free(def->label);
+ if(def->title_needs_free)
+ free(def->title);
+ }
+ free(ctx->ref_defs);
+ *** Processing Inlines (a.k.a Spans) ***
+ ******************************************/
+/* We process inlines in few phases:
+ *
+ * (1) We go through the block text and collect all significant characters
+ * which may start/end a span or some other significant position into
+ * ctx->marks[]. Core of this is what md_collect_marks() does.
+ *
+ * We also do some very brief preliminary context-less analysis, whether
+ * it might be opener or closer (e.g. of an emphasis span).
+ *
+ * This speeds the other steps as we do not need to re-iterate over all
+ * characters anymore.
+ *
+ * (2) We analyze each potential mark types, in order by their precedence.
+ *
+ * In each md_analyze_XXX() function, we re-iterate list of the marks,
+ * skipping already resolved regions (in preceding precedences) and try to
+ * resolve them.
+ *
+ * (2.1) For trivial marks, which are single (e.g. HTML entity), we just mark
+ * them as resolved.
+ *
+ * (2.2) For range-type marks, we analyze whether the mark could be closer
+ * and, if yes, whether there is some preceding opener it could satisfy.
+ *
+ * If not we check whether it could be really an opener and if yes, we
+ * remember it so subsequent closers may resolve it.
+ *
+ * (3) Finally, when all marks were analyzed, we render the block contents
+ * by calling MD_RENDERER::text() callback, interrupting by ::enter_span()
+ * or ::close_span() whenever we reach a resolved mark.
+ */
+/* The mark structure.
+ *
+ * '\\': Maybe escape sequence.
+ * '\0': NULL char.
+ * '*': Maybe (strong) emphasis start/end.
+ * '_': Maybe (strong) emphasis start/end.
+ * '~': Maybe strikethrough start/end (needs MD_FLAG_STRIKETHROUGH).
+ * '`': Maybe code span start/end.
+ * '&': Maybe start of entity.
+ * ';': Maybe end of entity.
+ * '<': Maybe start of raw HTML or autolink.
+ * '>': Maybe end of raw HTML or autolink.
+ * '[': Maybe start of link label or link text.
+ * '!': Equivalent of '[' for image.
+ * ']': Maybe end of link label or link text.
+ * '@': Maybe permissive e-mail auto-link (needs MD_FLAG_PERMISSIVEEMAILAUTOLINKS).
+ * ':': Maybe permissive URL auto-link (needs MD_FLAG_PERMISSIVEURLAUTOLINKS).
+ * '.': Maybe permissive WWW auto-link (needs MD_FLAG_PERMISSIVEWWWAUTOLINKS).
+ * 'D': Dummy mark, it reserves a space for splitting a previous mark
+ * (e.g. emphasis) or to make more space for storing some special data
+ * related to the preceding mark (e.g. link).
+ *
+ * Note that not all instances of these chars in the text imply creation of the
+ * structure. Only those which have (or may have, after we see more context)
+ * the special meaning.
+ *
+ * (Keep this struct as small as possible to fit as much of them into CPU
+ * cache line.)
+ */
+struct MD_MARK_tag {
+ OFF beg;
+ OFF end;
+ /* For unresolved openers, 'next' may be used to form a stack of
+ * unresolved open openers.
+ *
+ * When resolved with MD_MARK_OPENER/CLOSER flag, next/prev is index of the
+ * respective closer/opener.
+ */
+ int prev;
+ int next;
+ CHAR ch;
+ unsigned char flags;
+/* Mark flags (these apply to ALL mark types). */
+#define MD_MARK_POTENTIAL_OPENER 0x01 /* Maybe opener. */
+#define MD_MARK_POTENTIAL_CLOSER 0x02 /* Maybe closer. */
+#define MD_MARK_OPENER 0x04 /* Definitely opener. */
+#define MD_MARK_CLOSER 0x08 /* Definitely closer. */
+#define MD_MARK_RESOLVED 0x10 /* Resolved in any definite way. */
+/* Mark flags specific for various mark types (so they can share bits). */
+#define MD_MARK_EMPH_OC 0x20 /* Opener/closer mixed candidate. Helper for the "rule of 3". */
+#define MD_MARK_EMPH_MOD3_0 0x40
+#define MD_MARK_EMPH_MOD3_1 0x80
+#define MD_MARK_EMPH_MOD3_2 (0x40 | 0x80)
+#define MD_MARK_EMPH_MOD3_MASK (0x40 | 0x80)
+#define MD_MARK_AUTOLINK 0x20 /* Distinguisher for '<', '>'. */
+#define MD_MARK_VALIDPERMISSIVEAUTOLINK 0x20 /* For permissive autolinks. */
+#define MD_MARK_HASNESTEDBRACKETS 0x20 /* For '[' to rule out invalid link labels early */
+md_emph_stack(MD_CTX* ctx, MD_CHAR ch, unsigned flags)
+ MD_MARKSTACK* stack;
+ switch(ch) {
+ case '*': stack = &ASTERISK_OPENERS_oo_mod3_0; break;
+ case '_': stack = &UNDERSCORE_OPENERS_oo_mod3_0; break;
+ default: MD_UNREACHABLE();
+ }
+ if(flags & MD_MARK_EMPH_OC)
+ stack += 3;
+ switch(flags & MD_MARK_EMPH_MOD3_MASK) {
+ case MD_MARK_EMPH_MOD3_0: stack += 0; break;
+ case MD_MARK_EMPH_MOD3_1: stack += 1; break;
+ case MD_MARK_EMPH_MOD3_2: stack += 2; break;
+ default: MD_UNREACHABLE();
+ }
+ return stack;
+md_opener_stack(MD_CTX* ctx, int mark_index)
+ MD_MARK* mark = &ctx->marks[mark_index];
+ switch(mark->ch) {
+ case _T('*'):
+ case _T('_'): return md_emph_stack(ctx, mark->ch, mark->flags);
+ case _T('~'): return (mark->end - mark->beg == 1) ? &TILDE_OPENERS_1 : &TILDE_OPENERS_2;
+ case _T('!'):
+ case _T('['): return &BRACKET_OPENERS;
+ default: MD_UNREACHABLE();
+ }
+static MD_MARK*
+md_add_mark(MD_CTX* ctx)
+ if(ctx->n_marks >= ctx->alloc_marks) {
+ MD_MARK* new_marks;
+ ctx->alloc_marks = (ctx->alloc_marks > 0
+ ? ctx->alloc_marks + ctx->alloc_marks / 2
+ : 64);
+ new_marks = realloc(ctx->marks, ctx->alloc_marks * sizeof(MD_MARK));
+ if(new_marks == NULL) {
+ MD_LOG("realloc() failed.");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ctx->marks = new_marks;
+ }
+ return &ctx->marks[ctx->n_marks++];
+#define ADD_MARK_() \
+ do { \
+ mark = md_add_mark(ctx); \
+ if(mark == NULL) { \
+ ret = -1; \
+ goto abort; \
+ } \
+ } while(0)
+#define ADD_MARK(ch_, beg_, end_, flags_) \
+ do { \
+ ADD_MARK_(); \
+ mark->beg = (beg_); \
+ mark->end = (end_); \
+ mark->prev = -1; \
+ mark->next = -1; \
+ mark->ch = (char)(ch_); \
+ mark->flags = (flags_); \
+ } while(0)
+static inline void
+md_mark_stack_push(MD_CTX* ctx, MD_MARKSTACK* stack, int mark_index)
+ ctx->marks[mark_index].next = stack->top;
+ stack->top = mark_index;
+static inline int
+md_mark_stack_pop(MD_CTX* ctx, MD_MARKSTACK* stack)
+ int top = stack->top;
+ if(top >= 0)
+ stack->top = ctx->marks[top].next;
+ return top;
+/* Sometimes, we need to store a pointer into the mark. It is quite rare
+ * so we do not bother to make MD_MARK use union, and it can only happen
+ * for dummy marks. */
+static inline void
+md_mark_store_ptr(MD_CTX* ctx, int mark_index, void* ptr)
+ MD_MARK* mark = &ctx->marks[mark_index];
+ MD_ASSERT(mark->ch == 'D');
+ /* Check only members beg and end are misused for this. */
+ MD_ASSERT(sizeof(void*) <= 2 * sizeof(OFF));
+ memcpy(mark, &ptr, sizeof(void*));
+static inline void*
+md_mark_get_ptr(MD_CTX* ctx, int mark_index)
+ void* ptr;
+ MD_MARK* mark = &ctx->marks[mark_index];
+ MD_ASSERT(mark->ch == 'D');
+ memcpy(&ptr, mark, sizeof(void*));
+ return ptr;
+static inline void
+md_resolve_range(MD_CTX* ctx, int opener_index, int closer_index)
+ MD_MARK* opener = &ctx->marks[opener_index];
+ MD_MARK* closer = &ctx->marks[closer_index];
+ /* Interconnect opener and closer and mark both as resolved. */
+ opener->next = closer_index;
+ closer->prev = opener_index;
+ opener->flags |= MD_MARK_OPENER | MD_MARK_RESOLVED;
+ closer->flags |= MD_MARK_CLOSER | MD_MARK_RESOLVED;
+#define MD_ROLLBACK_ALL 1
+/* In the range ctx->marks[opener_index] ... [closer_index], undo some or all
+ * resolvings accordingly to these rules:
+ *
+ * (1) All stacks of openers are cut so that any pending potential openers
+ * are discarded from future consideration.
+ *
+ * (2) If 'how' is MD_ROLLBACK_ALL, then ALL resolved marks inside the range
+ * are thrown away and turned into dummy marks ('D').
+ *
+ * WARNING: Do not call for arbitrary range of opener and closer.
+ * This must form (potentially) valid range not crossing nesting boundaries
+ * of already resolved ranges.
+ */
+static void
+md_rollback(MD_CTX* ctx, int opener_index, int closer_index, int how)
+ int i;
+ for(i = 0; i < (int) SIZEOF_ARRAY(ctx->opener_stacks); i++) {
+ MD_MARKSTACK* stack = &ctx->opener_stacks[i];
+ while(stack->top >= opener_index)
+ md_mark_stack_pop(ctx, stack);
+ }
+ if(how == MD_ROLLBACK_ALL) {
+ for(i = opener_index + 1; i < closer_index; i++) {
+ ctx->marks[i].ch = 'D';
+ ctx->marks[i].flags = 0;
+ }
+ }
+static void
+md_build_mark_char_map(MD_CTX* ctx)
+ memset(ctx->mark_char_map, 0, sizeof(ctx->mark_char_map));
+ ctx->mark_char_map['\\'] = 1;
+ ctx->mark_char_map['*'] = 1;
+ ctx->mark_char_map['_'] = 1;
+ ctx->mark_char_map['`'] = 1;
+ ctx->mark_char_map['&'] = 1;
+ ctx->mark_char_map[';'] = 1;
+ ctx->mark_char_map['<'] = 1;
+ ctx->mark_char_map['>'] = 1;
+ ctx->mark_char_map['['] = 1;
+ ctx->mark_char_map['!'] = 1;
+ ctx->mark_char_map[']'] = 1;
+ ctx->mark_char_map['\0'] = 1;
+ if(ctx->parser.flags & MD_FLAG_STRIKETHROUGH)
+ ctx->mark_char_map['~'] = 1;
+ if(ctx->parser.flags & MD_FLAG_LATEXMATHSPANS)
+ ctx->mark_char_map['$'] = 1;
+ ctx->mark_char_map['@'] = 1;
+ if(ctx->parser.flags & MD_FLAG_PERMISSIVEURLAUTOLINKS)
+ ctx->mark_char_map[':'] = 1;
+ if(ctx->parser.flags & MD_FLAG_PERMISSIVEWWWAUTOLINKS)
+ ctx->mark_char_map['.'] = 1;
+ if((ctx->parser.flags & MD_FLAG_TABLES) || (ctx->parser.flags & MD_FLAG_WIKILINKS))
+ ctx->mark_char_map['|'] = 1;
+ if(ctx->parser.flags & MD_FLAG_COLLAPSEWHITESPACE) {
+ int i;
+ for(i = 0; i < (int) sizeof(ctx->mark_char_map); i++) {
+ ctx->mark_char_map[i] = 1;
+ }
+ }
+static int
+md_is_code_span(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_LINE* lines, MD_SIZE n_lines, OFF beg,
+ MD_MARK* opener, MD_MARK* closer,
+ OFF last_potential_closers[CODESPAN_MARK_MAXLEN],
+ int* p_reached_paragraph_end)
+ OFF opener_beg = beg;
+ OFF opener_end;
+ OFF closer_beg;
+ OFF closer_end;
+ SZ mark_len;
+ OFF line_end;
+ int has_space_after_opener = FALSE;
+ int has_eol_after_opener = FALSE;
+ int has_space_before_closer = FALSE;
+ int has_eol_before_closer = FALSE;
+ int has_only_space = TRUE;
+ MD_SIZE line_index = 0;
+ line_end = lines[0].end;
+ opener_end = opener_beg;
+ while(opener_end < line_end && CH(opener_end) == _T('`'))
+ opener_end++;
+ has_space_after_opener = (opener_end < line_end && CH(opener_end) == _T(' '));
+ has_eol_after_opener = (opener_end == line_end);
+ /* The caller needs to know end of the opening mark even if we fail. */
+ opener->end = opener_end;
+ mark_len = opener_end - opener_beg;
+ if(mark_len > CODESPAN_MARK_MAXLEN)
+ return FALSE;
+ /* Check whether we already know there is no closer of this length.
+ * If so, re-scan does no sense. This fixes issue #59. */
+ if(last_potential_closers[mark_len-1] >= lines[n_lines-1].end ||
+ (*p_reached_paragraph_end && last_potential_closers[mark_len-1] < opener_end))
+ return FALSE;
+ closer_beg = opener_end;
+ closer_end = opener_end;
+ /* Find closer mark. */
+ while(TRUE) {
+ while(closer_beg < line_end && CH(closer_beg) != _T('`')) {
+ if(CH(closer_beg) != _T(' '))
+ has_only_space = FALSE;
+ closer_beg++;
+ }
+ closer_end = closer_beg;
+ while(closer_end < line_end && CH(closer_end) == _T('`'))
+ closer_end++;
+ if(closer_end - closer_beg == mark_len) {
+ /* Success. */
+ has_space_before_closer = (closer_beg > lines[line_index].beg && CH(closer_beg-1) == _T(' '));
+ has_eol_before_closer = (closer_beg == lines[line_index].beg);
+ break;
+ }
+ if(closer_end - closer_beg > 0) {
+ /* We have found a back-tick which is not part of the closer. */
+ has_only_space = FALSE;
+ /* But if we eventually fail, remember it as a potential closer
+ * of its own length for future attempts. This mitigates needs for
+ * rescans. */
+ if(closer_end - closer_beg < CODESPAN_MARK_MAXLEN) {
+ if(closer_beg > last_potential_closers[closer_end - closer_beg - 1])
+ last_potential_closers[closer_end - closer_beg - 1] = closer_beg;
+ }
+ }
+ if(closer_end >= line_end) {
+ line_index++;
+ if(line_index >= n_lines) {
+ /* Reached end of the paragraph and still nothing. */
+ *p_reached_paragraph_end = TRUE;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* Try on the next line. */
+ line_end = lines[line_index].end;
+ closer_beg = lines[line_index].beg;
+ } else {
+ closer_beg = closer_end;
+ }
+ }
+ /* If there is a space or a new line both after and before the opener
+ * (and if the code span is not made of spaces only), consume one initial
+ * and one trailing space as part of the marks. */
+ if(!has_only_space &&
+ (has_space_after_opener || has_eol_after_opener) &&
+ (has_space_before_closer || has_eol_before_closer))
+ {
+ if(has_space_after_opener)
+ opener_end++;
+ else
+ opener_end = lines[1].beg;
+ if(has_space_before_closer)
+ closer_beg--;
+ else {
+ /* Go back to the end of prev line */
+ closer_beg = lines[line_index-1].end;
+ /* But restore any trailing whitespace */
+ while(closer_beg < ctx->size && ISBLANK(closer_beg))
+ closer_beg++;
+ }
+ }
+ opener->ch = _T('`');
+ opener->beg = opener_beg;
+ opener->end = opener_end;
+ opener->flags = MD_MARK_POTENTIAL_OPENER;
+ closer->ch = _T('`');
+ closer->beg = closer_beg;
+ closer->end = closer_end;
+ closer->flags = MD_MARK_POTENTIAL_CLOSER;
+ return TRUE;
+static int
+md_is_autolink_uri(MD_CTX* ctx, OFF beg, OFF max_end, OFF* p_end)
+ OFF off = beg+1;
+ MD_ASSERT(CH(beg) == _T('<'));
+ /* Check for scheme. */
+ if(off >= max_end || !ISASCII(off))
+ return FALSE;
+ off++;
+ while(1) {
+ if(off >= max_end)
+ return FALSE;
+ if(off - beg > 32)
+ return FALSE;
+ if(CH(off) == _T(':') && off - beg >= 3)
+ break;
+ if(!ISALNUM(off) && CH(off) != _T('+') && CH(off) != _T('-') && CH(off) != _T('.'))
+ return FALSE;
+ off++;
+ }
+ /* Check the path after the scheme. */
+ while(off < max_end && CH(off) != _T('>')) {
+ if(ISWHITESPACE(off) || ISCNTRL(off) || CH(off) == _T('<'))
+ return FALSE;
+ off++;
+ }
+ if(off >= max_end)
+ return FALSE;
+ MD_ASSERT(CH(off) == _T('>'));
+ *p_end = off+1;
+ return TRUE;
+static int
+md_is_autolink_email(MD_CTX* ctx, OFF beg, OFF max_end, OFF* p_end)
+ OFF off = beg + 1;
+ int label_len;
+ MD_ASSERT(CH(beg) == _T('<'));
+ /* The code should correspond to this regexp:
+ /^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+
+ @[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?
+ (?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*$/
+ */
+ /* Username (before '@'). */
+ while(off < max_end && (ISALNUM(off) || ISANYOF(off, _T(".!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-"))))
+ off++;
+ if(off <= beg+1)
+ return FALSE;
+ /* '@' */
+ if(off >= max_end || CH(off) != _T('@'))
+ return FALSE;
+ off++;
+ /* Labels delimited with '.'; each label is sequence of 1 - 63 alnum
+ * characters or '-', but '-' is not allowed as first or last char. */
+ label_len = 0;
+ while(off < max_end) {
+ if(ISALNUM(off))
+ label_len++;
+ else if(CH(off) == _T('-') && label_len > 0)
+ label_len++;
+ else if(CH(off) == _T('.') && label_len > 0 && CH(off-1) != _T('-'))
+ label_len = 0;
+ else
+ break;
+ if(label_len > 63)
+ return FALSE;
+ off++;
+ }
+ if(label_len <= 0 || off >= max_end || CH(off) != _T('>') || CH(off-1) == _T('-'))
+ return FALSE;
+ *p_end = off+1;
+ return TRUE;
+static int
+md_is_autolink(MD_CTX* ctx, OFF beg, OFF max_end, OFF* p_end, int* p_missing_mailto)
+ if(md_is_autolink_uri(ctx, beg, max_end, p_end)) {
+ *p_missing_mailto = FALSE;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ if(md_is_autolink_email(ctx, beg, max_end, p_end)) {
+ *p_missing_mailto = TRUE;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+static int
+md_collect_marks(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_LINE* lines, MD_SIZE n_lines, int table_mode)
+ MD_SIZE line_index;
+ int ret = 0;
+ MD_MARK* mark;
+ OFF codespan_last_potential_closers[CODESPAN_MARK_MAXLEN] = { 0 };
+ int codespan_scanned_till_paragraph_end = FALSE;
+ for(line_index = 0; line_index < n_lines; line_index++) {
+ const MD_LINE* line = &lines[line_index];
+ OFF off = line->beg;
+ while(TRUE) {
+ CHAR ch;
+#ifdef MD4C_USE_UTF16
+ /* For UTF-16, mark_char_map[] covers only ASCII. */
+ #define IS_MARK_CHAR(off) ((CH(off) < SIZEOF_ARRAY(ctx->mark_char_map)) && \
+ (ctx->mark_char_map[(unsigned char) CH(off)]))
+ /* For 8-bit encodings, mark_char_map[] covers all 256 elements. */
+ #define IS_MARK_CHAR(off) (ctx->mark_char_map[(unsigned char) CH(off)])
+ /* Optimization: Use some loop unrolling. */
+ while(off + 3 < line->end && !IS_MARK_CHAR(off+0) && !IS_MARK_CHAR(off+1)
+ && !IS_MARK_CHAR(off+2) && !IS_MARK_CHAR(off+3))
+ off += 4;
+ while(off < line->end && !IS_MARK_CHAR(off+0))
+ off++;
+ if(off >= line->end)
+ break;
+ ch = CH(off);
+ /* A backslash escape.
+ * It can go beyond line->end as it may involve escaped new
+ * line to form a hard break. */
+ if(ch == _T('\\') && off+1 < ctx->size && (ISPUNCT(off+1) || ISNEWLINE(off+1))) {
+ /* Hard-break cannot be on the last line of the block. */
+ if(!ISNEWLINE(off+1) || line_index+1 < n_lines)
+ ADD_MARK(ch, off, off+2, MD_MARK_RESOLVED);
+ off += 2;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* A potential (string) emphasis start/end. */
+ if(ch == _T('*') || ch == _T('_')) {
+ OFF tmp = off+1;
+ int left_level; /* What precedes: 0 = whitespace; 1 = punctuation; 2 = other char. */
+ int right_level; /* What follows: 0 = whitespace; 1 = punctuation; 2 = other char. */
+ while(tmp < line->end && CH(tmp) == ch)
+ tmp++;
+ if(off == line->beg || ISUNICODEWHITESPACEBEFORE(off))
+ left_level = 0;
+ left_level = 1;
+ else
+ left_level = 2;
+ if(tmp == line->end || ISUNICODEWHITESPACE(tmp))
+ right_level = 0;
+ else if(ISUNICODEPUNCT(tmp))
+ right_level = 1;
+ else
+ right_level = 2;
+ /* Intra-word underscore doesn't have special meaning. */
+ if(ch == _T('_') && left_level == 2 && right_level == 2) {
+ left_level = 0;
+ right_level = 0;
+ }
+ if(left_level != 0 || right_level != 0) {
+ unsigned flags = 0;
+ if(left_level > 0 && left_level >= right_level)
+ if(right_level > 0 && right_level >= left_level)
+ flags |= MD_MARK_EMPH_OC;
+ /* For "the rule of three" we need to remember the original
+ * size of the mark (modulo three), before we potentially
+ * split the mark when being later resolved partially by some
+ * shorter closer. */
+ switch((tmp - off) % 3) {
+ case 0: flags |= MD_MARK_EMPH_MOD3_0; break;
+ case 1: flags |= MD_MARK_EMPH_MOD3_1; break;
+ case 2: flags |= MD_MARK_EMPH_MOD3_2; break;
+ }
+ ADD_MARK(ch, off, tmp, flags);
+ /* During resolving, multiple asterisks may have to be
+ * split into independent span start/ends. Consider e.g.
+ * "**foo* bar*". Therefore we push also some empty dummy
+ * marks to have enough space for that. */
+ off++;
+ while(off < tmp) {
+ ADD_MARK('D', off, off, 0);
+ off++;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ off = tmp;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* A potential code span start/end. */
+ if(ch == _T('`')) {
+ MD_MARK opener;
+ MD_MARK closer;
+ int is_code_span;
+ is_code_span = md_is_code_span(ctx, line, n_lines - line_index, off,
+ &opener, &closer, codespan_last_potential_closers,
+ &codespan_scanned_till_paragraph_end);
+ if(is_code_span) {
+ ADD_MARK(opener.ch, opener.beg, opener.end, opener.flags);
+ ADD_MARK(closer.ch, closer.beg, closer.end, closer.flags);
+ md_resolve_range(ctx, ctx->n_marks-2, ctx->n_marks-1);
+ off = closer.end;
+ /* Advance the current line accordingly. */
+ if(off > line->end)
+ line = md_lookup_line(off, lines, n_lines, &line_index);
+ continue;
+ }
+ off = opener.end;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* A potential entity start. */
+ if(ch == _T('&')) {
+ off++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* A potential entity end. */
+ if(ch == _T(';')) {
+ /* We surely cannot be entity unless the previous mark is '&'. */
+ if(ctx->n_marks > 0 && ctx->marks[ctx->n_marks-1].ch == _T('&'))
+ off++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* A potential autolink or raw HTML start/end. */
+ if(ch == _T('<')) {
+ int is_autolink;
+ OFF autolink_end;
+ int missing_mailto;
+ if(!(ctx->parser.flags & MD_FLAG_NOHTMLSPANS)) {
+ int is_html;
+ OFF html_end;
+ /* Given the nature of the raw HTML, we have to recognize
+ * it here. Doing so later in md_analyze_lt_gt() could
+ * open can of worms of quadratic complexity. */
+ is_html = md_is_html_any(ctx, line, n_lines - line_index, off,
+ lines[n_lines-1].end, &html_end);
+ if(is_html) {
+ ADD_MARK(_T('>'), html_end, html_end, MD_MARK_CLOSER | MD_MARK_RESOLVED);
+ ctx->marks[ctx->n_marks-2].next = ctx->n_marks-1;
+ ctx->marks[ctx->n_marks-1].prev = ctx->n_marks-2;
+ off = html_end;
+ /* Advance the current line accordingly. */
+ if(off > line->end)
+ line = md_lookup_line(off, lines, n_lines, &line_index);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ is_autolink = md_is_autolink(ctx, off, lines[n_lines-1].end,
+ &autolink_end, &missing_mailto);
+ if(is_autolink) {
+ if(missing_mailto)
+ ADD_MARK(_T('<'), off, off+1, MD_MARK_OPENER | flags);
+ ADD_MARK(_T('>'), autolink_end-1, autolink_end, MD_MARK_CLOSER | flags);
+ ctx->marks[ctx->n_marks-2].next = ctx->n_marks-1;
+ ctx->marks[ctx->n_marks-1].prev = ctx->n_marks-2;
+ off = autolink_end;
+ continue;
+ }
+ off++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* A potential link or its part. */
+ if(ch == _T('[') || (ch == _T('!') && off+1 < line->end && CH(off+1) == _T('['))) {
+ OFF tmp = (ch == _T('[') ? off+1 : off+2);
+ off = tmp;
+ /* Two dummies to make enough place for data we need if it is
+ * a link. */
+ ADD_MARK('D', off, off, 0);
+ ADD_MARK('D', off, off, 0);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(ch == _T(']')) {
+ off++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* A potential permissive e-mail autolink. */
+ if(ch == _T('@')) {
+ if(line->beg + 1 <= off && ISALNUM(off-1) &&
+ off + 3 < line->end && ISALNUM(off+1))
+ {
+ /* Push a dummy as a reserve for a closer. */
+ ADD_MARK('D', line->beg, line->end, 0);
+ }
+ off++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* A potential permissive URL autolink. */
+ if(ch == _T(':')) {
+ static struct {
+ const CHAR* scheme;
+ SZ scheme_size;
+ const CHAR* suffix;
+ SZ suffix_size;
+ } scheme_map[] = {
+ /* In the order from the most frequently used, arguably. */
+ { _T("http"), 4, _T("//"), 2 },
+ { _T("https"), 5, _T("//"), 2 },
+ { _T("ftp"), 3, _T("//"), 2 }
+ };
+ int scheme_index;
+ for(scheme_index = 0; scheme_index < (int) SIZEOF_ARRAY(scheme_map); scheme_index++) {
+ const CHAR* scheme = scheme_map[scheme_index].scheme;
+ const SZ scheme_size = scheme_map[scheme_index].scheme_size;
+ const CHAR* suffix = scheme_map[scheme_index].suffix;
+ const SZ suffix_size = scheme_map[scheme_index].suffix_size;
+ if(line->beg + scheme_size <= off && md_ascii_eq(STR(off-scheme_size), scheme, scheme_size) &&
+ off + 1 + suffix_size < line->end && md_ascii_eq(STR(off+1), suffix, suffix_size))
+ {
+ ADD_MARK(ch, off-scheme_size, off+1+suffix_size, MD_MARK_POTENTIAL_OPENER);
+ /* Push a dummy as a reserve for a closer. */
+ ADD_MARK('D', line->beg, line->end, 0);
+ off += 1 + suffix_size;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ off++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* A potential permissive WWW autolink. */
+ if(ch == _T('.')) {
+ if(line->beg + 3 <= off && md_ascii_eq(STR(off-3), _T("www"), 3) &&
+ (off-3 == line->beg || ISUNICODEWHITESPACEBEFORE(off-3) || ISUNICODEPUNCTBEFORE(off-3)))
+ {
+ /* Push a dummy as a reserve for a closer. */
+ ADD_MARK('D', line->beg, line->end, 0);
+ off++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ off++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* A potential table cell boundary or wiki link label delimiter. */
+ if((table_mode || ctx->parser.flags & MD_FLAG_WIKILINKS) && ch == _T('|')) {
+ ADD_MARK(ch, off, off+1, 0);
+ off++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* A potential strikethrough/equation start/end. */
+ if(ch == _T('$') || ch == _T('~')) {
+ OFF tmp = off+1;
+ while(tmp < line->end && CH(tmp) == ch)
+ tmp++;
+ if(tmp - off <= 2) {
+ if(tmp < line->end && !ISUNICODEWHITESPACE(tmp) && !ISUNICODEPUNCT(tmp))
+ if(flags != 0)
+ ADD_MARK(ch, off, tmp, flags);
+ }
+ off = tmp;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Turn non-trivial whitespace into single space. */
+ if(ISWHITESPACE_(ch)) {
+ OFF tmp = off+1;
+ while(tmp < line->end && ISWHITESPACE(tmp))
+ tmp++;
+ if(tmp - off > 1 || ch != _T(' '))
+ ADD_MARK(ch, off, tmp, MD_MARK_RESOLVED);
+ off = tmp;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* NULL character. */
+ if(ch == _T('\0')) {
+ ADD_MARK(ch, off, off+1, MD_MARK_RESOLVED);
+ off++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ off++;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Add a dummy mark at the end of the mark vector to simplify
+ * process_inlines(). */
+ ADD_MARK(127, ctx->size, ctx->size, MD_MARK_RESOLVED);
+ return ret;
+static void
+md_analyze_bracket(MD_CTX* ctx, int mark_index)
+ /* We cannot really resolve links here as for that we would need
+ * more context. E.g. a following pair of brackets (reference link),
+ * or enclosing pair of brackets (if the inner is the link, the outer
+ * one cannot be.)
+ *
+ * Therefore we here only construct a list of '[' ']' pairs ordered by
+ * position of the closer. This allows us to analyze what is or is not
+ * link in the right order, from inside to outside in case of nested
+ * brackets.
+ *
+ * The resolving itself is deferred to md_resolve_links().
+ */
+ MD_MARK* mark = &ctx->marks[mark_index];
+ if(mark->flags & MD_MARK_POTENTIAL_OPENER) {
+ if(BRACKET_OPENERS.top >= 0)
+ md_mark_stack_push(ctx, &BRACKET_OPENERS, mark_index);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(BRACKET_OPENERS.top >= 0) {
+ int opener_index = md_mark_stack_pop(ctx, &BRACKET_OPENERS);
+ MD_MARK* opener = &ctx->marks[opener_index];
+ /* Interconnect the opener and closer. */
+ opener->next = mark_index;
+ mark->prev = opener_index;
+ /* Add the pair into a list of potential links for md_resolve_links().
+ * Note we misuse opener->prev for this as opener->next points to its
+ * closer. */
+ if(ctx->unresolved_link_tail >= 0)
+ ctx->marks[ctx->unresolved_link_tail].prev = opener_index;
+ else
+ ctx->unresolved_link_head = opener_index;
+ ctx->unresolved_link_tail = opener_index;
+ opener->prev = -1;
+ }
+/* Forward declaration. */
+static void md_analyze_link_contents(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_LINE* lines, MD_SIZE n_lines,
+ int mark_beg, int mark_end);
+static int
+md_resolve_links(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_LINE* lines, MD_SIZE n_lines)
+ int opener_index = ctx->unresolved_link_head;
+ OFF last_link_beg = 0;
+ OFF last_link_end = 0;
+ OFF last_img_beg = 0;
+ OFF last_img_end = 0;
+ while(opener_index >= 0) {
+ MD_MARK* opener = &ctx->marks[opener_index];
+ int closer_index = opener->next;
+ MD_MARK* closer = &ctx->marks[closer_index];
+ int next_index = opener->prev;
+ MD_MARK* next_opener;
+ MD_MARK* next_closer;
+ MD_LINK_ATTR attr;
+ int is_link = FALSE;
+ if(next_index >= 0) {
+ next_opener = &ctx->marks[next_index];
+ next_closer = &ctx->marks[next_opener->next];
+ } else {
+ next_opener = NULL;
+ next_closer = NULL;
+ }
+ /* If nested ("[ [ ] ]"), we need to make sure that:
+ * - The outer does not end inside of (...) belonging to the inner.
+ * - The outer cannot be link if the inner is link (i.e. not image).
+ *
+ * (Note we here analyze from inner to outer as the marks are ordered
+ * by closer->beg.)
+ */
+ if((opener->beg < last_link_beg && closer->end < last_link_end) ||
+ (opener->beg < last_img_beg && closer->end < last_img_end) ||
+ (opener->beg < last_link_end && opener->ch == '['))
+ {
+ opener_index = next_index;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Recognize and resolve wiki links.
+ * Wiki-links maybe '[[destination]]' or '[[destination|label]]'.
+ */
+ if ((ctx->parser.flags & MD_FLAG_WIKILINKS) &&
+ (opener->end - opener->beg == 1) && /* not image */
+ next_opener != NULL && /* double '[' opener */
+ next_opener->ch == '[' &&
+ (next_opener->beg == opener->beg - 1) &&
+ (next_opener->end - next_opener->beg == 1) &&
+ next_closer != NULL && /* double ']' closer */
+ next_closer->ch == ']' &&
+ (next_closer->beg == closer->beg + 1) &&
+ (next_closer->end - next_closer->beg == 1))
+ {
+ MD_MARK* delim = NULL;
+ int delim_index;
+ OFF dest_beg, dest_end;
+ is_link = TRUE;
+ /* We don't allow destination to be longer than 100 characters.
+ * Lets scan to see whether there is '|'. (If not then the whole
+ * wiki-link has to be below the 100 characters.) */
+ delim_index = opener_index + 1;
+ while(delim_index < closer_index) {
+ MD_MARK* m = &ctx->marks[delim_index];
+ if(m->ch == '|') {
+ delim = m;
+ break;
+ }
+ if(m->ch != 'D') {
+ if(m->beg - opener->end > 100)
+ break;
+ if(m->ch != 'D' && (m->flags & MD_MARK_OPENER))
+ delim_index = m->next;
+ }
+ delim_index++;
+ }
+ dest_beg = opener->end;
+ dest_end = (delim != NULL) ? delim->beg : closer->beg;
+ if(dest_end - dest_beg == 0 || dest_end - dest_beg > 100)
+ is_link = FALSE;
+ /* There may not be any new line in the destination. */
+ if(is_link) {
+ OFF off;
+ for(off = dest_beg; off < dest_end; off++) {
+ if(ISNEWLINE(off)) {
+ is_link = FALSE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(is_link) {
+ if(delim != NULL) {
+ if(delim->end < closer->beg) {
+ md_rollback(ctx, opener_index, delim_index, MD_ROLLBACK_ALL);
+ md_rollback(ctx, delim_index, closer_index, MD_ROLLBACK_CROSSING);
+ delim->flags |= MD_MARK_RESOLVED;
+ opener->end = delim->beg;
+ } else {
+ /* The pipe is just before the closer: [[foo|]] */
+ md_rollback(ctx, opener_index, closer_index, MD_ROLLBACK_ALL);
+ closer->beg = delim->beg;
+ delim = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ opener->beg = next_opener->beg;
+ opener->next = closer_index;
+ opener->flags |= MD_MARK_OPENER | MD_MARK_RESOLVED;
+ closer->end = next_closer->end;
+ closer->prev = opener_index;
+ closer->flags |= MD_MARK_CLOSER | MD_MARK_RESOLVED;
+ last_link_beg = opener->beg;
+ last_link_end = closer->end;
+ if(delim != NULL)
+ md_analyze_link_contents(ctx, lines, n_lines, delim_index+1, closer_index);
+ opener_index = next_opener->prev;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if(next_opener != NULL && next_opener->beg == closer->end) {
+ if(next_closer->beg > closer->end + 1) {
+ /* Might be full reference link. */
+ if(!(next_opener->flags & MD_MARK_HASNESTEDBRACKETS))
+ is_link = md_is_link_reference(ctx, lines, n_lines, next_opener->beg, next_closer->end, &attr);
+ } else {
+ /* Might be shortcut reference link. */
+ if(!(opener->flags & MD_MARK_HASNESTEDBRACKETS))
+ is_link = md_is_link_reference(ctx, lines, n_lines, opener->beg, closer->end, &attr);
+ }
+ if(is_link < 0)
+ return -1;
+ if(is_link) {
+ /* Eat the 2nd "[...]". */
+ closer->end = next_closer->end;
+ /* Do not analyze the label as a standalone link in the next
+ * iteration. */
+ next_index = ctx->marks[next_index].prev;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(closer->end < ctx->size && CH(closer->end) == _T('(')) {
+ /* Might be inline link. */
+ OFF inline_link_end = UINT_MAX;
+ is_link = md_is_inline_link_spec(ctx, lines, n_lines, closer->end, &inline_link_end, &attr);
+ if(is_link < 0)
+ return -1;
+ /* Check the closing ')' is not inside an already resolved range
+ * (i.e. a range with a higher priority), e.g. a code span. */
+ if(is_link) {
+ int i = closer_index + 1;
+ while(i < ctx->n_marks) {
+ MD_MARK* mark = &ctx->marks[i];
+ if(mark->beg >= inline_link_end)
+ break;
+ if(ctx->marks[mark->next].beg >= inline_link_end) {
+ /* Cancel the link status. */
+ if(attr.title_needs_free)
+ free(attr.title);
+ is_link = FALSE;
+ break;
+ }
+ i = mark->next + 1;
+ } else {
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(is_link) {
+ /* Eat the "(...)" */
+ closer->end = inline_link_end;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!is_link) {
+ /* Might be collapsed reference link. */
+ if(!(opener->flags & MD_MARK_HASNESTEDBRACKETS))
+ is_link = md_is_link_reference(ctx, lines, n_lines, opener->beg, closer->end, &attr);
+ if(is_link < 0)
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ if(is_link) {
+ /* Resolve the brackets as a link. */
+ opener->flags |= MD_MARK_OPENER | MD_MARK_RESOLVED;
+ closer->flags |= MD_MARK_CLOSER | MD_MARK_RESOLVED;
+ /* If it is a link, we store the destination and title in the two
+ * dummy marks after the opener. */
+ MD_ASSERT(ctx->marks[opener_index+1].ch == 'D');
+ ctx->marks[opener_index+1].beg = attr.dest_beg;
+ ctx->marks[opener_index+1].end = attr.dest_end;
+ MD_ASSERT(ctx->marks[opener_index+2].ch == 'D');
+ md_mark_store_ptr(ctx, opener_index+2, attr.title);
+ /* The title might or might not have been allocated for us. */
+ if(attr.title_needs_free)
+ md_mark_stack_push(ctx, &ctx->ptr_stack, opener_index+2);
+ ctx->marks[opener_index+2].prev = attr.title_size;
+ if(opener->ch == '[') {
+ last_link_beg = opener->beg;
+ last_link_end = closer->end;
+ } else {
+ last_img_beg = opener->beg;
+ last_img_end = closer->end;
+ }
+ md_analyze_link_contents(ctx, lines, n_lines, opener_index+1, closer_index);
+ /* If the link text is formed by nothing but permissive autolink,
+ * suppress the autolink.
+ * See https://github.com/mity/md4c/issues/152 for more info. */
+ if(ctx->parser.flags & MD_FLAG_PERMISSIVEAUTOLINKS) {
+ MD_MARK* first_nested;
+ MD_MARK* last_nested;
+ first_nested = opener + 1;
+ while(first_nested->ch == _T('D') && first_nested < closer)
+ first_nested++;
+ last_nested = closer - 1;
+ while(first_nested->ch == _T('D') && last_nested > opener)
+ last_nested--;
+ if((first_nested->flags & MD_MARK_RESOLVED) &&
+ first_nested->beg == opener->end &&
+ ISANYOF_(first_nested->ch, _T("@:.")) &&
+ first_nested->next == (last_nested - ctx->marks) &&
+ last_nested->end == closer->beg)
+ {
+ first_nested->ch = _T('D');
+ first_nested->flags &= ~MD_MARK_RESOLVED;
+ last_nested->ch = _T('D');
+ last_nested->flags &= ~MD_MARK_RESOLVED;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ opener_index = next_index;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* Analyze whether the mark '&' starts a HTML entity.
+ * If so, update its flags as well as flags of corresponding closer ';'. */
+static void
+md_analyze_entity(MD_CTX* ctx, int mark_index)
+ MD_MARK* opener = &ctx->marks[mark_index];
+ MD_MARK* closer;
+ OFF off;
+ /* Cannot be entity if there is no closer as the next mark.
+ * (Any other mark between would mean strange character which cannot be
+ * part of the entity.
+ *
+ * So we can do all the work on '&' and do not call this later for the
+ * closing mark ';'.
+ */
+ if(mark_index + 1 >= ctx->n_marks)
+ return;
+ closer = &ctx->marks[mark_index+1];
+ if(closer->ch != ';')
+ return;
+ if(md_is_entity(ctx, opener->beg, closer->end, &off)) {
+ MD_ASSERT(off == closer->end);
+ md_resolve_range(ctx, mark_index, mark_index+1);
+ opener->end = closer->end;
+ }
+static void
+md_analyze_table_cell_boundary(MD_CTX* ctx, int mark_index)
+ MD_MARK* mark = &ctx->marks[mark_index];
+ mark->flags |= MD_MARK_RESOLVED;
+ mark->next = -1;
+ if(ctx->table_cell_boundaries_head < 0)
+ ctx->table_cell_boundaries_head = mark_index;
+ else
+ ctx->marks[ctx->table_cell_boundaries_tail].next = mark_index;
+ ctx->table_cell_boundaries_tail = mark_index;
+ ctx->n_table_cell_boundaries++;
+/* Split a longer mark into two. The new mark takes the given count of
+ * characters. May only be called if an adequate number of dummy 'D' marks
+ * follows.
+ */
+static int
+md_split_emph_mark(MD_CTX* ctx, int mark_index, SZ n)
+ MD_MARK* mark = &ctx->marks[mark_index];
+ int new_mark_index = mark_index + (mark->end - mark->beg - n);
+ MD_MARK* dummy = &ctx->marks[new_mark_index];
+ MD_ASSERT(mark->end - mark->beg > n);
+ MD_ASSERT(dummy->ch == 'D');
+ memcpy(dummy, mark, sizeof(MD_MARK));
+ mark->end -= n;
+ dummy->beg = mark->end;
+ return new_mark_index;
+static void
+md_analyze_emph(MD_CTX* ctx, int mark_index)
+ MD_MARK* mark = &ctx->marks[mark_index];
+ /* If we can be a closer, try to resolve with the preceding opener. */
+ if(mark->flags & MD_MARK_POTENTIAL_CLOSER) {
+ MD_MARK* opener = NULL;
+ int opener_index = 0;
+ MD_MARKSTACK* opener_stacks[6];
+ int i, n_opener_stacks;
+ unsigned flags = mark->flags;
+ n_opener_stacks = 0;
+ /* Apply the rule of 3 */
+ opener_stacks[n_opener_stacks++] = md_emph_stack(ctx, mark->ch, MD_MARK_EMPH_MOD3_0 | MD_MARK_EMPH_OC);
+ if((flags & MD_MARK_EMPH_MOD3_MASK) != MD_MARK_EMPH_MOD3_2)
+ opener_stacks[n_opener_stacks++] = md_emph_stack(ctx, mark->ch, MD_MARK_EMPH_MOD3_1 | MD_MARK_EMPH_OC);
+ if((flags & MD_MARK_EMPH_MOD3_MASK) != MD_MARK_EMPH_MOD3_1)
+ opener_stacks[n_opener_stacks++] = md_emph_stack(ctx, mark->ch, MD_MARK_EMPH_MOD3_2 | MD_MARK_EMPH_OC);
+ opener_stacks[n_opener_stacks++] = md_emph_stack(ctx, mark->ch, MD_MARK_EMPH_MOD3_0);
+ if(!(flags & MD_MARK_EMPH_OC) || (flags & MD_MARK_EMPH_MOD3_MASK) != MD_MARK_EMPH_MOD3_2)
+ opener_stacks[n_opener_stacks++] = md_emph_stack(ctx, mark->ch, MD_MARK_EMPH_MOD3_1);
+ if(!(flags & MD_MARK_EMPH_OC) || (flags & MD_MARK_EMPH_MOD3_MASK) != MD_MARK_EMPH_MOD3_1)
+ opener_stacks[n_opener_stacks++] = md_emph_stack(ctx, mark->ch, MD_MARK_EMPH_MOD3_2);
+ /* Opener is the most recent mark from the allowed stacks. */
+ for(i = 0; i < n_opener_stacks; i++) {
+ if(opener_stacks[i]->top >= 0) {
+ int m_index = opener_stacks[i]->top;
+ MD_MARK* m = &ctx->marks[m_index];
+ if(opener == NULL || m->end > opener->end) {
+ opener_index = m_index;
+ opener = m;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Resolve, if we have found matching opener. */
+ if(opener != NULL) {
+ SZ opener_size = opener->end - opener->beg;
+ SZ closer_size = mark->end - mark->beg;
+ MD_MARKSTACK* stack = md_opener_stack(ctx, opener_index);
+ if(opener_size > closer_size) {
+ opener_index = md_split_emph_mark(ctx, opener_index, closer_size);
+ md_mark_stack_push(ctx, stack, opener_index);
+ } else if(opener_size < closer_size) {
+ md_split_emph_mark(ctx, mark_index, closer_size - opener_size);
+ }
+ /* Above we were only peeking. */
+ md_mark_stack_pop(ctx, stack);
+ md_rollback(ctx, opener_index, mark_index, MD_ROLLBACK_CROSSING);
+ md_resolve_range(ctx, opener_index, mark_index);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ /* If we could not resolve as closer, we may be yet be an opener. */
+ if(mark->flags & MD_MARK_POTENTIAL_OPENER)
+ md_mark_stack_push(ctx, md_emph_stack(ctx, mark->ch, mark->flags), mark_index);
+static void
+md_analyze_tilde(MD_CTX* ctx, int mark_index)
+ MD_MARK* mark = &ctx->marks[mark_index];
+ MD_MARKSTACK* stack = md_opener_stack(ctx, mark_index);
+ /* We attempt to be Github Flavored Markdown compatible here. GFM accepts
+ * only tildes sequences of length 1 and 2, and the length of the opener
+ * and closer has to match. */
+ if((mark->flags & MD_MARK_POTENTIAL_CLOSER) && stack->top >= 0) {
+ int opener_index = stack->top;
+ md_mark_stack_pop(ctx, stack);
+ md_rollback(ctx, opener_index, mark_index, MD_ROLLBACK_CROSSING);
+ md_resolve_range(ctx, opener_index, mark_index);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(mark->flags & MD_MARK_POTENTIAL_OPENER)
+ md_mark_stack_push(ctx, stack, mark_index);
+static void
+md_analyze_dollar(MD_CTX* ctx, int mark_index)
+ MD_MARK* mark = &ctx->marks[mark_index];
+ if((mark->flags & MD_MARK_POTENTIAL_CLOSER) && DOLLAR_OPENERS.top >= 0) {
+ /* If the potential closer has a non-matching number of $, discard */
+ MD_MARK* opener = &ctx->marks[DOLLAR_OPENERS.top];
+ int opener_index = DOLLAR_OPENERS.top;
+ MD_MARK* closer = mark;
+ int closer_index = mark_index;
+ if(opener->end - opener->beg == closer->end - closer->beg) {
+ /* We are the matching closer */
+ md_mark_stack_pop(ctx, &DOLLAR_OPENERS);
+ md_rollback(ctx, opener_index, closer_index, MD_ROLLBACK_ALL);
+ md_resolve_range(ctx, opener_index, closer_index);
+ /* Discard all pending openers: Latex math span do not allow
+ * nesting. */
+ DOLLAR_OPENERS.top = -1;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if(mark->flags & MD_MARK_POTENTIAL_OPENER)
+ md_mark_stack_push(ctx, &DOLLAR_OPENERS, mark_index);
+static MD_MARK*
+md_scan_left_for_resolved_mark(MD_CTX* ctx, MD_MARK* mark_from, OFF off, MD_MARK** p_cursor)
+ MD_MARK* mark;
+ for(mark = mark_from; mark >= ctx->marks; mark--) {
+ if(mark->ch == 'D' || mark->beg > off)
+ continue;
+ if(mark->beg <= off && off < mark->end && (mark->flags & MD_MARK_RESOLVED)) {
+ if(p_cursor != NULL)
+ *p_cursor = mark;
+ return mark;
+ }
+ if(mark->end <= off)
+ break;
+ }
+ if(p_cursor != NULL)
+ *p_cursor = mark;
+ return NULL;
+static MD_MARK*
+md_scan_right_for_resolved_mark(MD_CTX* ctx, MD_MARK* mark_from, OFF off, MD_MARK** p_cursor)
+ MD_MARK* mark;
+ for(mark = mark_from; mark < ctx->marks + ctx->n_marks; mark++) {
+ if(mark->ch == 'D' || mark->end <= off)
+ continue;
+ if(mark->beg <= off && off < mark->end && (mark->flags & MD_MARK_RESOLVED)) {
+ if(p_cursor != NULL)
+ *p_cursor = mark;
+ return mark;
+ }
+ if(mark->beg > off)
+ break;
+ }
+ if(p_cursor != NULL)
+ *p_cursor = mark;
+ return NULL;
+static void
+md_analyze_permissive_autolink(MD_CTX* ctx, int mark_index)
+ static const struct {
+ const MD_CHAR start_char;
+ const MD_CHAR delim_char;
+ const MD_CHAR* allowed_nonalnum_chars;
+ int min_components;
+ const MD_CHAR optional_end_char;
+ } URL_MAP[] = {
+ { _T('\0'), _T('.'), _T(".-_"), 2, _T('\0') }, /* host, mandatory */
+ { _T('/'), _T('/'), _T("/.-_"), 0, _T('/') }, /* path */
+ { _T('?'), _T('&'), _T("&.-+_=()"), 1, _T('\0') }, /* query */
+ { _T('#'), _T('\0'), _T(".-+_") , 1, _T('\0') } /* fragment */
+ };
+ MD_MARK* opener = &ctx->marks[mark_index];
+ MD_MARK* closer = &ctx->marks[mark_index + 1]; /* The dummy. */
+ OFF line_beg = closer->beg; /* md_collect_mark() set this for us */
+ OFF line_end = closer->end; /* ditto */
+ OFF beg = opener->beg;
+ OFF end = opener->end;
+ MD_MARK* left_cursor = opener;
+ int left_boundary_ok = FALSE;
+ MD_MARK* right_cursor = opener;
+ int right_boundary_ok = FALSE;
+ unsigned i;
+ MD_ASSERT(closer->ch == 'D');
+ if(opener->ch == '@') {
+ MD_ASSERT(CH(opener->beg) == _T('@'));
+ /* Scan backwards for the user name (before '@'). */
+ while(beg > line_beg) {
+ if(ISALNUM(beg-1))
+ beg--;
+ else if(beg >= line_beg+2 && ISALNUM(beg-2) &&
+ ISANYOF(beg-1, _T(".-_+")) &&
+ md_scan_left_for_resolved_mark(ctx, left_cursor, beg-1, &left_cursor) == NULL &&
+ ISALNUM(beg))
+ beg--;
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ if(beg == opener->beg) /* empty user name */
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Verify there's line boundary, whitespace, allowed punctuation or
+ * resolved emphasis mark just before the suspected autolink. */
+ if(beg == line_beg || ISUNICODEWHITESPACEBEFORE(beg) || ISANYOF(beg-1, _T("({["))) {
+ left_boundary_ok = TRUE;
+ } else if(ISANYOF(beg-1, _T("*_~"))) {
+ MD_MARK* left_mark;
+ left_mark = md_scan_left_for_resolved_mark(ctx, left_cursor, beg-1, &left_cursor);
+ if(left_mark != NULL && (left_mark->flags & MD_MARK_OPENER))
+ left_boundary_ok = TRUE;
+ }
+ if(!left_boundary_ok)
+ return;
+ for(i = 0; i < SIZEOF_ARRAY(URL_MAP); i++) {
+ int n_components = 0;
+ int n_open_brackets = 0;
+ if(URL_MAP[i].start_char != _T('\0')) {
+ if(end >= line_end || CH(end) != URL_MAP[i].start_char)
+ continue;
+ if(URL_MAP[i].min_components > 0 && (end+1 >= line_end || !ISALNUM(end+1)))
+ continue;
+ end++;
+ }
+ while(end < line_end) {
+ if(ISALNUM(end)) {
+ if(n_components == 0)
+ n_components++;
+ end++;
+ } else if(end < line_end &&
+ ISANYOF(end, URL_MAP[i].allowed_nonalnum_chars) &&
+ md_scan_right_for_resolved_mark(ctx, right_cursor, end, &right_cursor) == NULL &&
+ ((end > line_beg && (ISALNUM(end-1) || CH(end-1) == _T(')'))) || CH(end) == _T('(')) &&
+ ((end+1 < line_end && (ISALNUM(end+1) || CH(end+1) == _T('('))) || CH(end) == _T(')')))
+ {
+ if(CH(end) == URL_MAP[i].delim_char)
+ n_components++;
+ /* brackets have to be balanced. */
+ if(CH(end) == _T('(')) {
+ n_open_brackets++;
+ } else if(CH(end) == _T(')')) {
+ if(n_open_brackets <= 0)
+ break;
+ n_open_brackets--;
+ }
+ end++;
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(end < line_end && URL_MAP[i].optional_end_char != _T('\0') &&
+ CH(end) == URL_MAP[i].optional_end_char)
+ end++;
+ if(n_components < URL_MAP[i].min_components || n_open_brackets != 0)
+ return;
+ if(opener->ch == '@') /* E-mail autolinks wants only the host. */
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Verify there's line boundary, whitespace, allowed punctuation or
+ * resolved emphasis mark just after the suspected autolink. */
+ if(end == line_end || ISUNICODEWHITESPACE(end) || ISANYOF(end, _T(")}].!?,;"))) {
+ right_boundary_ok = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ MD_MARK* right_mark;
+ right_mark = md_scan_right_for_resolved_mark(ctx, right_cursor, end, &right_cursor);
+ if(right_mark != NULL && (right_mark->flags & MD_MARK_CLOSER))
+ right_boundary_ok = TRUE;
+ }
+ if(!right_boundary_ok)
+ return;
+ /* Success, we are an autolink. */
+ opener->beg = beg;
+ opener->end = beg;
+ closer->beg = end;
+ closer->end = end;
+ closer->ch = opener->ch;
+ md_resolve_range(ctx, mark_index, mark_index + 1);
+static inline void
+md_analyze_marks(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_LINE* lines, MD_SIZE n_lines,
+ int mark_beg, int mark_end, const CHAR* mark_chars, unsigned flags)
+ int i = mark_beg;
+ OFF last_end = lines[0].beg;
+ MD_UNUSED(lines);
+ MD_UNUSED(n_lines);
+ while(i < mark_end) {
+ MD_MARK* mark = &ctx->marks[i];
+ /* Skip resolved spans. */
+ if(mark->flags & MD_MARK_RESOLVED) {
+ if((mark->flags & MD_MARK_OPENER) &&
+ !((flags & MD_ANALYZE_NOSKIP_EMPH) && ISANYOF_(mark->ch, "*_~")))
+ {
+ MD_ASSERT(i < mark->next);
+ i = mark->next + 1;
+ } else {
+ i++;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Skip marks we do not want to deal with. */
+ if(!ISANYOF_(mark->ch, mark_chars)) {
+ i++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* The resolving in previous step could have expanded a mark. */
+ if(mark->beg < last_end) {
+ i++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Analyze the mark. */
+ switch(mark->ch) {
+ case '[': /* Pass through. */
+ case '!': /* Pass through. */
+ case ']': md_analyze_bracket(ctx, i); break;
+ case '&': md_analyze_entity(ctx, i); break;
+ case '|': md_analyze_table_cell_boundary(ctx, i); break;
+ case '_': /* Pass through. */
+ case '*': md_analyze_emph(ctx, i); break;
+ case '~': md_analyze_tilde(ctx, i); break;
+ case '$': md_analyze_dollar(ctx, i); break;
+ case '.': /* Pass through. */
+ case ':': /* Pass through. */
+ case '@': md_analyze_permissive_autolink(ctx, i); break;
+ }
+ if(mark->flags & MD_MARK_RESOLVED) {
+ if(mark->flags & MD_MARK_OPENER)
+ last_end = ctx->marks[mark->next].end;
+ else
+ last_end = mark->end;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+/* Analyze marks (build ctx->marks). */
+static int
+md_analyze_inlines(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_LINE* lines, MD_SIZE n_lines, int table_mode)
+ int ret;
+ /* Reset the previously collected stack of marks. */
+ ctx->n_marks = 0;
+ /* Collect all marks. */
+ MD_CHECK(md_collect_marks(ctx, lines, n_lines, table_mode));
+ /* (1) Links. */
+ md_analyze_marks(ctx, lines, n_lines, 0, ctx->n_marks, _T("[]!"), 0);
+ MD_CHECK(md_resolve_links(ctx, lines, n_lines));
+ ctx->unresolved_link_head = -1;
+ ctx->unresolved_link_tail = -1;
+ if(table_mode) {
+ /* (2) Analyze table cell boundaries. */
+ MD_ASSERT(n_lines == 1);
+ ctx->n_table_cell_boundaries = 0;
+ md_analyze_marks(ctx, lines, n_lines, 0, ctx->n_marks, _T("|"), 0);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ /* (3) Emphasis and strong emphasis; permissive autolinks. */
+ md_analyze_link_contents(ctx, lines, n_lines, 0, ctx->n_marks);
+ return ret;
+static void
+md_analyze_link_contents(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_LINE* lines, MD_SIZE n_lines,
+ int mark_beg, int mark_end)
+ int i;
+ md_analyze_marks(ctx, lines, n_lines, mark_beg, mark_end, _T("&"), 0);
+ md_analyze_marks(ctx, lines, n_lines, mark_beg, mark_end, _T("*_~$"), 0);
+ if((ctx->parser.flags & MD_FLAG_PERMISSIVEAUTOLINKS) != 0) {
+ /* These have to be processed last, as they may be greedy and expand
+ * from their original mark. Also their implementation must be careful
+ * not to cross any (previously) resolved marks when doing so. */
+ md_analyze_marks(ctx, lines, n_lines, mark_beg, mark_end, _T("@:."), MD_ANALYZE_NOSKIP_EMPH);
+ }
+ for(i = 0; i < (int) SIZEOF_ARRAY(ctx->opener_stacks); i++)
+ ctx->opener_stacks[i].top = -1;
+static int
+md_enter_leave_span_a(MD_CTX* ctx, int enter, MD_SPANTYPE type,
+ const CHAR* dest, SZ dest_size, int is_autolink,
+ const CHAR* title, SZ title_size)
+ MD_ATTRIBUTE_BUILD href_build = { 0 };
+ MD_ATTRIBUTE_BUILD title_build = { 0 };
+ int ret = 0;
+ /* Note we here rely on fact that MD_SPAN_A_DETAIL and
+ * MD_SPAN_IMG_DETAIL are binary-compatible. */
+ memset(&det, 0, sizeof(MD_SPAN_A_DETAIL));
+ MD_CHECK(md_build_attribute(ctx, dest, dest_size,
+ (is_autolink ? MD_BUILD_ATTR_NO_ESCAPES : 0),
+ &det.href, &href_build));
+ MD_CHECK(md_build_attribute(ctx, title, title_size, 0, &det.title, &title_build));
+ det.is_autolink = is_autolink;
+ if(enter)
+ MD_ENTER_SPAN(type, &det);
+ else
+ MD_LEAVE_SPAN(type, &det);
+ md_free_attribute(ctx, &href_build);
+ md_free_attribute(ctx, &title_build);
+ return ret;
+static int
+md_enter_leave_span_wikilink(MD_CTX* ctx, int enter, const CHAR* target, SZ target_size)
+ MD_ATTRIBUTE_BUILD target_build = { 0 };
+ int ret = 0;
+ memset(&det, 0, sizeof(MD_SPAN_WIKILINK_DETAIL));
+ MD_CHECK(md_build_attribute(ctx, target, target_size, 0, &det.target, &target_build));
+ if (enter)
+ else
+ md_free_attribute(ctx, &target_build);
+ return ret;
+/* Render the output, accordingly to the analyzed ctx->marks. */
+static int
+md_process_inlines(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_LINE* lines, MD_SIZE n_lines)
+ MD_TEXTTYPE text_type;
+ const MD_LINE* line = lines;
+ MD_MARK* prev_mark = NULL;
+ MD_MARK* mark;
+ OFF off = lines[0].beg;
+ OFF end = lines[n_lines-1].end;
+ OFF tmp;
+ int enforce_hardbreak = 0;
+ int ret = 0;
+ /* Find first resolved mark. Note there is always at least one resolved
+ * mark, the dummy last one after the end of the latest line we actually
+ * never really reach. This saves us of a lot of special checks and cases
+ * in this function. */
+ mark = ctx->marks;
+ while(!(mark->flags & MD_MARK_RESOLVED))
+ mark++;
+ text_type = MD_TEXT_NORMAL;
+ while(1) {
+ /* Process the text up to the next mark or end-of-line. */
+ tmp = (line->end < mark->beg ? line->end : mark->beg);
+ if(tmp > off) {
+ MD_TEXT(text_type, STR(off), tmp - off);
+ off = tmp;
+ }
+ /* If reached the mark, process it and move to next one. */
+ if(off >= mark->beg) {
+ switch(mark->ch) {
+ case '\\': /* Backslash escape. */
+ if(ISNEWLINE(mark->beg+1))
+ enforce_hardbreak = 1;
+ else
+ MD_TEXT(text_type, STR(mark->beg+1), 1);
+ break;
+ case ' ': /* Non-trivial space. */
+ MD_TEXT(text_type, _T(" "), 1);
+ break;
+ case '`': /* Code span. */
+ if(mark->flags & MD_MARK_OPENER) {
+ text_type = MD_TEXT_CODE;
+ } else {
+ text_type = MD_TEXT_NORMAL;
+ }
+ break;
+ case '_': /* Underline (or emphasis if we fall through). */
+ if(ctx->parser.flags & MD_FLAG_UNDERLINE) {
+ if(mark->flags & MD_MARK_OPENER) {
+ while(off < mark->end) {
+ off++;
+ }
+ } else {
+ while(off < mark->end) {
+ off++;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case '*': /* Emphasis, strong emphasis. */
+ if(mark->flags & MD_MARK_OPENER) {
+ if((mark->end - off) % 2) {
+ off++;
+ }
+ while(off + 1 < mark->end) {
+ off += 2;
+ }
+ } else {
+ while(off + 1 < mark->end) {
+ off += 2;
+ }
+ if((mark->end - off) % 2) {
+ off++;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case '~':
+ if(mark->flags & MD_MARK_OPENER)
+ else
+ break;
+ case '$':
+ if(mark->flags & MD_MARK_OPENER) {
+ text_type = MD_TEXT_LATEXMATH;
+ } else {
+ text_type = MD_TEXT_NORMAL;
+ }
+ break;
+ case '[': /* Link, wiki link, image. */
+ case '!':
+ case ']':
+ {
+ const MD_MARK* opener = (mark->ch != ']' ? mark : &ctx->marks[mark->prev]);
+ const MD_MARK* closer = &ctx->marks[opener->next];
+ const MD_MARK* dest_mark;
+ const MD_MARK* title_mark;
+ if ((opener->ch == '[' && closer->ch == ']') &&
+ opener->end - opener->beg >= 2 &&
+ closer->end - closer->beg >= 2)
+ {
+ int has_label = (opener->end - opener->beg > 2);
+ SZ target_sz;
+ if(has_label)
+ target_sz = opener->end - (opener->beg+2);
+ else
+ target_sz = closer->beg - opener->end;
+ MD_CHECK(md_enter_leave_span_wikilink(ctx, (mark->ch != ']'),
+ has_label ? STR(opener->beg+2) : STR(opener->end),
+ target_sz));
+ break;
+ }
+ dest_mark = opener+1;
+ MD_ASSERT(dest_mark->ch == 'D');
+ title_mark = opener+2;
+ MD_ASSERT(title_mark->ch == 'D');
+ MD_CHECK(md_enter_leave_span_a(ctx, (mark->ch != ']'),
+ (opener->ch == '!' ? MD_SPAN_IMG : MD_SPAN_A),
+ STR(dest_mark->beg), dest_mark->end - dest_mark->beg, FALSE,
+ md_mark_get_ptr(ctx, (int)(title_mark - ctx->marks)),
+ title_mark->prev));
+ /* link/image closer may span multiple lines. */
+ if(mark->ch == ']') {
+ while(mark->end > line->end)
+ line++;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case '<':
+ case '>': /* Autolink or raw HTML. */
+ if(!(mark->flags & MD_MARK_AUTOLINK)) {
+ /* Raw HTML. */
+ if(mark->flags & MD_MARK_OPENER)
+ text_type = MD_TEXT_HTML;
+ else
+ text_type = MD_TEXT_NORMAL;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Pass through, if auto-link. */
+ case '@': /* Permissive e-mail autolink. */
+ case ':': /* Permissive URL autolink. */
+ case '.': /* Permissive WWW autolink. */
+ {
+ MD_MARK* opener = ((mark->flags & MD_MARK_OPENER) ? mark : &ctx->marks[mark->prev]);
+ MD_MARK* closer = &ctx->marks[opener->next];
+ const CHAR* dest = STR(opener->end);
+ SZ dest_size = closer->beg - opener->end;
+ /* For permissive auto-links we do not know closer mark
+ * position at the time of md_collect_marks(), therefore
+ * it can be out-of-order in ctx->marks[].
+ *
+ * With this flag, we make sure that we output the closer
+ * only if we processed the opener. */
+ if(mark->flags & MD_MARK_OPENER)
+ if(opener->ch == '@' || opener->ch == '.' ||
+ (opener->ch == '<' && (opener->flags & MD_MARK_AUTOLINK_MISSING_MAILTO)))
+ {
+ dest_size += 7;
+ MD_TEMP_BUFFER(dest_size * sizeof(CHAR));
+ memcpy(ctx->buffer,
+ (opener->ch == '.' ? _T("http://") : _T("mailto:")),
+ 7 * sizeof(CHAR));
+ memcpy(ctx->buffer + 7, dest, (dest_size-7) * sizeof(CHAR));
+ dest = ctx->buffer;
+ }
+ MD_CHECK(md_enter_leave_span_a(ctx, (mark->flags & MD_MARK_OPENER),
+ MD_SPAN_A, dest, dest_size, TRUE, NULL, 0));
+ break;
+ }
+ case '&': /* Entity. */
+ MD_TEXT(MD_TEXT_ENTITY, STR(mark->beg), mark->end - mark->beg);
+ break;
+ case '\0':
+ break;
+ case 127:
+ goto abort;
+ }
+ off = mark->end;
+ /* Move to next resolved mark. */
+ prev_mark = mark;
+ mark++;
+ while(!(mark->flags & MD_MARK_RESOLVED) || mark->beg < off)
+ mark++;
+ }
+ /* If reached end of line, move to next one. */
+ if(off >= line->end) {
+ /* If it is the last line, we are done. */
+ if(off >= end)
+ break;
+ if(text_type == MD_TEXT_CODE || text_type == MD_TEXT_LATEXMATH) {
+ MD_ASSERT(prev_mark != NULL);
+ MD_ASSERT(ISANYOF2_(prev_mark->ch, '`', '$') && (prev_mark->flags & MD_MARK_OPENER));
+ MD_ASSERT(ISANYOF2_(mark->ch, '`', '$') && (mark->flags & MD_MARK_CLOSER));
+ /* Inside a code span, trailing line whitespace has to be
+ * outputted. */
+ tmp = off;
+ while(off < ctx->size && ISBLANK(off))
+ off++;
+ if(off > tmp)
+ MD_TEXT(text_type, STR(tmp), off-tmp);
+ /* and new lines are transformed into single spaces. */
+ if(off == line->end)
+ MD_TEXT(text_type, _T(" "), 1);
+ } else if(text_type == MD_TEXT_HTML) {
+ /* Inside raw HTML, we output the new line verbatim, including
+ * any trailing spaces. */
+ tmp = off;
+ while(tmp < end && ISBLANK(tmp))
+ tmp++;
+ if(tmp > off)
+ MD_TEXT(MD_TEXT_HTML, STR(off), tmp - off);
+ MD_TEXT(MD_TEXT_HTML, _T("\n"), 1);
+ } else {
+ /* Output soft or hard line break. */
+ if(text_type == MD_TEXT_NORMAL) {
+ if(enforce_hardbreak || (ctx->parser.flags & MD_FLAG_HARD_SOFT_BREAKS)) {
+ break_type = MD_TEXT_BR;
+ } else {
+ while(off < ctx->size && ISBLANK(off))
+ off++;
+ if(off >= line->end + 2 && CH(off-2) == _T(' ') && CH(off-1) == _T(' ') && ISNEWLINE(off))
+ break_type = MD_TEXT_BR;
+ }
+ }
+ MD_TEXT(break_type, _T("\n"), 1);
+ }
+ /* Move to the next line. */
+ line++;
+ off = line->beg;
+ enforce_hardbreak = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ *** Processing Tables ***
+ ***************************/
+static void
+md_analyze_table_alignment(MD_CTX* ctx, OFF beg, OFF end, MD_ALIGN* align, int n_align)
+ OFF off = beg;
+ while(n_align > 0) {
+ int index = 0; /* index into align_map[] */
+ while(CH(off) != _T('-'))
+ off++;
+ if(off > beg && CH(off-1) == _T(':'))
+ index |= 1;
+ while(off < end && CH(off) == _T('-'))
+ off++;
+ if(off < end && CH(off) == _T(':'))
+ index |= 2;
+ *align = align_map[index];
+ align++;
+ n_align--;
+ }
+/* Forward declaration. */
+static int md_process_normal_block_contents(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_LINE* lines, MD_SIZE n_lines);
+static int
+md_process_table_cell(MD_CTX* ctx, MD_BLOCKTYPE cell_type, MD_ALIGN align, OFF beg, OFF end)
+ MD_LINE line;
+ int ret = 0;
+ while(beg < end && ISWHITESPACE(beg))
+ beg++;
+ while(end > beg && ISWHITESPACE(end-1))
+ end--;
+ det.align = align;
+ line.beg = beg;
+ line.end = end;
+ MD_ENTER_BLOCK(cell_type, &det);
+ MD_CHECK(md_process_normal_block_contents(ctx, &line, 1));
+ MD_LEAVE_BLOCK(cell_type, &det);
+ return ret;
+static int
+md_process_table_row(MD_CTX* ctx, MD_BLOCKTYPE cell_type, OFF beg, OFF end,
+ const MD_ALIGN* align, int col_count)
+ MD_LINE line;
+ OFF* pipe_offs = NULL;
+ int i, j, k, n;
+ int ret = 0;
+ line.beg = beg;
+ line.end = end;
+ /* Break the line into table cells by identifying pipe characters who
+ * form the cell boundary. */
+ MD_CHECK(md_analyze_inlines(ctx, &line, 1, TRUE));
+ /* We have to remember the cell boundaries in local buffer because
+ * ctx->marks[] shall be reused during cell contents processing. */
+ n = ctx->n_table_cell_boundaries + 2;
+ pipe_offs = (OFF*) malloc(n * sizeof(OFF));
+ if(pipe_offs == NULL) {
+ MD_LOG("malloc() failed.");
+ ret = -1;
+ goto abort;
+ }
+ j = 0;
+ pipe_offs[j++] = beg;
+ for(i = ctx->table_cell_boundaries_head; i >= 0; i = ctx->marks[i].next) {
+ MD_MARK* mark = &ctx->marks[i];
+ pipe_offs[j++] = mark->end;
+ }
+ pipe_offs[j++] = end+1;
+ /* Process cells. */
+ k = 0;
+ for(i = 0; i < j-1 && k < col_count; i++) {
+ if(pipe_offs[i] < pipe_offs[i+1]-1)
+ MD_CHECK(md_process_table_cell(ctx, cell_type, align[k++], pipe_offs[i], pipe_offs[i+1]-1));
+ }
+ /* Make sure we call enough table cells even if the current table contains
+ * too few of them. */
+ while(k < col_count)
+ MD_CHECK(md_process_table_cell(ctx, cell_type, align[k++], 0, 0));
+ free(pipe_offs);
+ ctx->table_cell_boundaries_head = -1;
+ ctx->table_cell_boundaries_tail = -1;
+ return ret;
+static int
+md_process_table_block_contents(MD_CTX* ctx, int col_count, const MD_LINE* lines, MD_SIZE n_lines)
+ MD_ALIGN* align;
+ MD_SIZE line_index;
+ int ret = 0;
+ /* At least two lines have to be present: The column headers and the line
+ * with the underlines. */
+ MD_ASSERT(n_lines >= 2);
+ align = malloc(col_count * sizeof(MD_ALIGN));
+ if(align == NULL) {
+ MD_LOG("malloc() failed.");
+ ret = -1;
+ goto abort;
+ }
+ md_analyze_table_alignment(ctx, lines[1].beg, lines[1].end, align, col_count);
+ MD_CHECK(md_process_table_row(ctx, MD_BLOCK_TH,
+ lines[0].beg, lines[0].end, align, col_count));
+ if(n_lines > 2) {
+ for(line_index = 2; line_index < n_lines; line_index++) {
+ MD_CHECK(md_process_table_row(ctx, MD_BLOCK_TD,
+ lines[line_index].beg, lines[line_index].end, align, col_count));
+ }
+ }
+ free(align);
+ return ret;
+ *** Processing Block ***
+ **************************/
+#define MD_BLOCK_LOOSE_LIST 0x04
+struct MD_BLOCK_tag {
+ MD_BLOCKTYPE type : 8;
+ unsigned flags : 8;
+ /* MD_BLOCK_H: Header level (1 - 6)
+ * MD_BLOCK_CODE: Non-zero if fenced, zero if indented.
+ * MD_BLOCK_LI: Task mark character (0 if not task list item, 'x', 'X' or ' ').
+ * MD_BLOCK_TABLE: Column count (as determined by the table underline).
+ */
+ unsigned data : 16;
+ /* Leaf blocks: Count of lines (MD_LINE or MD_VERBATIMLINE) on the block.
+ * MD_BLOCK_LI: Task mark offset in the input doc.
+ * MD_BLOCK_OL: Start item number.
+ */
+ MD_SIZE n_lines;
+struct MD_CONTAINER_tag {
+ CHAR ch;
+ unsigned is_loose : 8;
+ unsigned is_task : 8;
+ unsigned start;
+ unsigned mark_indent;
+ unsigned contents_indent;
+ OFF block_byte_off;
+ OFF task_mark_off;
+static int
+md_process_normal_block_contents(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_LINE* lines, MD_SIZE n_lines)
+ int i;
+ int ret;
+ MD_CHECK(md_analyze_inlines(ctx, lines, n_lines, FALSE));
+ MD_CHECK(md_process_inlines(ctx, lines, n_lines));
+ /* Free any temporary memory blocks stored within some dummy marks. */
+ for(i = ctx->ptr_stack.top; i >= 0; i = ctx->marks[i].next)
+ free(md_mark_get_ptr(ctx, i));
+ ctx->ptr_stack.top = -1;
+ return ret;
+static int
+md_process_verbatim_block_contents(MD_CTX* ctx, MD_TEXTTYPE text_type, const MD_VERBATIMLINE* lines, MD_SIZE n_lines)
+ static const CHAR indent_chunk_str[] = _T(" ");
+ static const SZ indent_chunk_size = SIZEOF_ARRAY(indent_chunk_str) - 1;
+ MD_SIZE line_index;
+ int ret = 0;
+ for(line_index = 0; line_index < n_lines; line_index++) {
+ const MD_VERBATIMLINE* line = &lines[line_index];
+ int indent = line->indent;
+ MD_ASSERT(indent >= 0);
+ /* Output code indentation. */
+ while(indent > (int) indent_chunk_size) {
+ MD_TEXT(text_type, indent_chunk_str, indent_chunk_size);
+ indent -= indent_chunk_size;
+ }
+ if(indent > 0)
+ MD_TEXT(text_type, indent_chunk_str, indent);
+ /* Output the code line itself. */
+ MD_TEXT_INSECURE(text_type, STR(line->beg), line->end - line->beg);
+ /* Enforce end-of-line. */
+ MD_TEXT(text_type, _T("\n"), 1);
+ }
+ return ret;
+static int
+md_process_code_block_contents(MD_CTX* ctx, int is_fenced, const MD_VERBATIMLINE* lines, MD_SIZE n_lines)
+ if(is_fenced) {
+ /* Skip the first line in case of fenced code: It is the fence.
+ * (Only the starting fence is present due to logic in md_analyze_line().) */
+ lines++;
+ n_lines--;
+ } else {
+ /* Ignore blank lines at start/end of indented code block. */
+ while(n_lines > 0 && lines[0].beg == lines[0].end) {
+ lines++;
+ n_lines--;
+ }
+ while(n_lines > 0 && lines[n_lines-1].beg == lines[n_lines-1].end) {
+ n_lines--;
+ }
+ }
+ if(n_lines == 0)
+ return 0;
+ return md_process_verbatim_block_contents(ctx, MD_TEXT_CODE, lines, n_lines);
+static int
+md_setup_fenced_code_detail(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_BLOCK* block, MD_BLOCK_CODE_DETAIL* det,
+ MD_ATTRIBUTE_BUILD* info_build, MD_ATTRIBUTE_BUILD* lang_build)
+ const MD_VERBATIMLINE* fence_line = (const MD_VERBATIMLINE*)(block + 1);
+ OFF beg = fence_line->beg;
+ OFF end = fence_line->end;
+ OFF lang_end;
+ CHAR fence_ch = CH(fence_line->beg);
+ int ret = 0;
+ /* Skip the fence itself. */
+ while(beg < ctx->size && CH(beg) == fence_ch)
+ beg++;
+ /* Trim initial spaces. */
+ while(beg < ctx->size && CH(beg) == _T(' '))
+ beg++;
+ /* Trim trailing spaces. */
+ while(end > beg && CH(end-1) == _T(' '))
+ end--;
+ /* Build info string attribute. */
+ MD_CHECK(md_build_attribute(ctx, STR(beg), end - beg, 0, &det->info, info_build));
+ /* Build info string attribute. */
+ lang_end = beg;
+ while(lang_end < end && !ISWHITESPACE(lang_end))
+ lang_end++;
+ MD_CHECK(md_build_attribute(ctx, STR(beg), lang_end - beg, 0, &det->lang, lang_build));
+ det->fence_char = fence_ch;
+ return ret;
+static int
+md_process_leaf_block(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_BLOCK* block)
+ union {
+ } det;
+ MD_ATTRIBUTE_BUILD info_build;
+ MD_ATTRIBUTE_BUILD lang_build;
+ int is_in_tight_list;
+ int clean_fence_code_detail = FALSE;
+ int ret = 0;
+ memset(&det, 0, sizeof(det));
+ if(ctx->n_containers == 0)
+ is_in_tight_list = FALSE;
+ else
+ is_in_tight_list = !ctx->containers[ctx->n_containers-1].is_loose;
+ switch(block->type) {
+ case MD_BLOCK_H:
+ det.header.level = block->data;
+ break;
+ /* For fenced code block, we may need to set the info string. */
+ if(block->data != 0) {
+ memset(&det.code, 0, sizeof(MD_BLOCK_CODE_DETAIL));
+ clean_fence_code_detail = TRUE;
+ MD_CHECK(md_setup_fenced_code_detail(ctx, block, &det.code, &info_build, &lang_build));
+ }
+ break;
+ det.table.col_count = block->data;
+ det.table.head_row_count = 1;
+ det.table.body_row_count = block->n_lines - 2;
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* Noop. */
+ break;
+ }
+ if(!is_in_tight_list || block->type != MD_BLOCK_P)
+ MD_ENTER_BLOCK(block->type, (void*) &det);
+ /* Process the block contents accordingly to is type. */
+ switch(block->type) {
+ case MD_BLOCK_HR:
+ /* noop */
+ break;
+ MD_CHECK(md_process_code_block_contents(ctx, (block->data != 0),
+ (const MD_VERBATIMLINE*)(block + 1), block->n_lines));
+ break;
+ MD_CHECK(md_process_verbatim_block_contents(ctx, MD_TEXT_HTML,
+ (const MD_VERBATIMLINE*)(block + 1), block->n_lines));
+ break;
+ MD_CHECK(md_process_table_block_contents(ctx, block->data,
+ (const MD_LINE*)(block + 1), block->n_lines));
+ break;
+ default:
+ MD_CHECK(md_process_normal_block_contents(ctx,
+ (const MD_LINE*)(block + 1), block->n_lines));
+ break;
+ }
+ if(!is_in_tight_list || block->type != MD_BLOCK_P)
+ MD_LEAVE_BLOCK(block->type, (void*) &det);
+ if(clean_fence_code_detail) {
+ md_free_attribute(ctx, &info_build);
+ md_free_attribute(ctx, &lang_build);
+ }
+ return ret;
+static int
+md_process_all_blocks(MD_CTX* ctx)
+ int byte_off = 0;
+ int ret = 0;
+ /* ctx->containers now is not needed for detection of lists and list items
+ * so we reuse it for tracking what lists are loose or tight. We rely
+ * on the fact the vector is large enough to hold the deepest nesting
+ * level of lists. */
+ ctx->n_containers = 0;
+ while(byte_off < ctx->n_block_bytes) {
+ MD_BLOCK* block = (MD_BLOCK*)((char*)ctx->block_bytes + byte_off);
+ union {
+ } det;
+ switch(block->type) {
+ case MD_BLOCK_UL:
+ det.ul.is_tight = (block->flags & MD_BLOCK_LOOSE_LIST) ? FALSE : TRUE;
+ det.ul.mark = (CHAR) block->data;
+ break;
+ case MD_BLOCK_OL:
+ det.ol.start = block->n_lines;
+ det.ol.is_tight = (block->flags & MD_BLOCK_LOOSE_LIST) ? FALSE : TRUE;
+ det.ol.mark_delimiter = (CHAR) block->data;
+ break;
+ case MD_BLOCK_LI:
+ det.li.is_task = (block->data != 0);
+ det.li.task_mark = (CHAR) block->data;
+ det.li.task_mark_offset = (OFF) block->n_lines;
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* noop */
+ break;
+ }
+ if(block->flags & MD_BLOCK_CONTAINER) {
+ if(block->flags & MD_BLOCK_CONTAINER_CLOSER) {
+ MD_LEAVE_BLOCK(block->type, &det);
+ if(block->type == MD_BLOCK_UL || block->type == MD_BLOCK_OL || block->type == MD_BLOCK_QUOTE)
+ ctx->n_containers--;
+ }
+ if(block->flags & MD_BLOCK_CONTAINER_OPENER) {
+ MD_ENTER_BLOCK(block->type, &det);
+ if(block->type == MD_BLOCK_UL || block->type == MD_BLOCK_OL) {
+ ctx->containers[ctx->n_containers].is_loose = (block->flags & MD_BLOCK_LOOSE_LIST);
+ ctx->n_containers++;
+ } else if(block->type == MD_BLOCK_QUOTE) {
+ /* This causes that any text in a block quote, even if
+ * nested inside a tight list item, is wrapped with
+ * <p>...</p>. */
+ ctx->containers[ctx->n_containers].is_loose = TRUE;
+ ctx->n_containers++;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ MD_CHECK(md_process_leaf_block(ctx, block));
+ if(block->type == MD_BLOCK_CODE || block->type == MD_BLOCK_HTML)
+ byte_off += block->n_lines * sizeof(MD_VERBATIMLINE);
+ else
+ byte_off += block->n_lines * sizeof(MD_LINE);
+ }
+ byte_off += sizeof(MD_BLOCK);
+ }
+ ctx->n_block_bytes = 0;
+ return ret;
+ *** Grouping Lines into Blocks ***
+ ************************************/
+static void*
+md_push_block_bytes(MD_CTX* ctx, int n_bytes)
+ void* ptr;
+ if(ctx->n_block_bytes + n_bytes > ctx->alloc_block_bytes) {
+ void* new_block_bytes;
+ ctx->alloc_block_bytes = (ctx->alloc_block_bytes > 0
+ ? ctx->alloc_block_bytes + ctx->alloc_block_bytes / 2
+ : 512);
+ new_block_bytes = realloc(ctx->block_bytes, ctx->alloc_block_bytes);
+ if(new_block_bytes == NULL) {
+ MD_LOG("realloc() failed.");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /* Fix the ->current_block after the reallocation. */
+ if(ctx->current_block != NULL) {
+ OFF off_current_block = (OFF) ((char*) ctx->current_block - (char*) ctx->block_bytes);
+ ctx->current_block = (MD_BLOCK*) ((char*) new_block_bytes + off_current_block);
+ }
+ ctx->block_bytes = new_block_bytes;
+ }
+ ptr = (char*)ctx->block_bytes + ctx->n_block_bytes;
+ ctx->n_block_bytes += n_bytes;
+ return ptr;
+static int
+md_start_new_block(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_LINE_ANALYSIS* line)
+ MD_BLOCK* block;
+ MD_ASSERT(ctx->current_block == NULL);
+ block = (MD_BLOCK*) md_push_block_bytes(ctx, sizeof(MD_BLOCK));
+ if(block == NULL)
+ return -1;
+ switch(line->type) {
+ case MD_LINE_HR:
+ block->type = MD_BLOCK_HR;
+ break;
+ block->type = MD_BLOCK_H;
+ break;
+ block->type = MD_BLOCK_CODE;
+ break;
+ case MD_LINE_TEXT:
+ block->type = MD_BLOCK_P;
+ break;
+ case MD_LINE_HTML:
+ block->type = MD_BLOCK_HTML;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ block->flags = 0;
+ block->data = line->data;
+ block->n_lines = 0;
+ ctx->current_block = block;
+ return 0;
+/* Eat from start of current (textual) block any reference definitions and
+ * remember them so we can resolve any links referring to them.
+ *
+ * (Reference definitions can only be at start of it as they cannot break
+ * a paragraph.)
+ */
+static int
+md_consume_link_reference_definitions(MD_CTX* ctx)
+ MD_LINE* lines = (MD_LINE*) (ctx->current_block + 1);
+ MD_SIZE n_lines = ctx->current_block->n_lines;
+ MD_SIZE n = 0;
+ /* Compute how many lines at the start of the block form one or more
+ * reference definitions. */
+ while(n < n_lines) {
+ int n_link_ref_lines;
+ n_link_ref_lines = md_is_link_reference_definition(ctx,
+ lines + n, n_lines - n);
+ /* Not a reference definition? */
+ if(n_link_ref_lines == 0)
+ break;
+ /* We fail if it is the ref. def. but it could not be stored due
+ * a memory allocation error. */
+ if(n_link_ref_lines < 0)
+ return -1;
+ n += n_link_ref_lines;
+ }
+ /* If there was at least one reference definition, we need to remove
+ * its lines from the block, or perhaps even the whole block. */
+ if(n > 0) {
+ if(n == n_lines) {
+ /* Remove complete block. */
+ ctx->n_block_bytes -= n * sizeof(MD_LINE);
+ ctx->n_block_bytes -= sizeof(MD_BLOCK);
+ ctx->current_block = NULL;
+ } else {
+ /* Remove just some initial lines from the block. */
+ memmove(lines, lines + n, (n_lines - n) * sizeof(MD_LINE));
+ ctx->current_block->n_lines -= n;
+ ctx->n_block_bytes -= n * sizeof(MD_LINE);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int
+md_end_current_block(MD_CTX* ctx)
+ int ret = 0;
+ if(ctx->current_block == NULL)
+ return ret;
+ /* Check whether there is a reference definition. (We do this here instead
+ * of in md_analyze_line() because reference definition can take multiple
+ * lines.) */
+ if(ctx->current_block->type == MD_BLOCK_P ||
+ (ctx->current_block->type == MD_BLOCK_H && (ctx->current_block->flags & MD_BLOCK_SETEXT_HEADER)))
+ {
+ MD_LINE* lines = (MD_LINE*) (ctx->current_block + 1);
+ if(lines[0].beg < ctx->size && CH(lines[0].beg) == _T('[')) {
+ MD_CHECK(md_consume_link_reference_definitions(ctx));
+ if(ctx->current_block == NULL)
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
+ if(ctx->current_block->type == MD_BLOCK_H && (ctx->current_block->flags & MD_BLOCK_SETEXT_HEADER)) {
+ MD_SIZE n_lines = ctx->current_block->n_lines;
+ if(n_lines > 1) {
+ /* Get rid of the underline. */
+ ctx->current_block->n_lines--;
+ ctx->n_block_bytes -= sizeof(MD_LINE);
+ } else {
+ /* Only the underline has left after eating the ref. defs.
+ * Keep the line as beginning of a new ordinary paragraph. */
+ ctx->current_block->type = MD_BLOCK_P;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Mark we are not building any block anymore. */
+ ctx->current_block = NULL;
+ return ret;
+static int
+md_add_line_into_current_block(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_LINE_ANALYSIS* analysis)
+ MD_ASSERT(ctx->current_block != NULL);
+ if(ctx->current_block->type == MD_BLOCK_CODE || ctx->current_block->type == MD_BLOCK_HTML) {
+ line = (MD_VERBATIMLINE*) md_push_block_bytes(ctx, sizeof(MD_VERBATIMLINE));
+ if(line == NULL)
+ return -1;
+ line->indent = analysis->indent;
+ line->beg = analysis->beg;
+ line->end = analysis->end;
+ } else {
+ MD_LINE* line;
+ line = (MD_LINE*) md_push_block_bytes(ctx, sizeof(MD_LINE));
+ if(line == NULL)
+ return -1;
+ line->beg = analysis->beg;
+ line->end = analysis->end;
+ }
+ ctx->current_block->n_lines++;
+ return 0;
+static int
+md_push_container_bytes(MD_CTX* ctx, MD_BLOCKTYPE type, unsigned start,
+ unsigned data, unsigned flags)
+ MD_BLOCK* block;
+ int ret = 0;
+ MD_CHECK(md_end_current_block(ctx));
+ block = (MD_BLOCK*) md_push_block_bytes(ctx, sizeof(MD_BLOCK));
+ if(block == NULL)
+ return -1;
+ block->type = type;
+ block->flags = flags;
+ block->data = data;
+ block->n_lines = start;
+ return ret;
+ *** Line Analysis ***
+ ***********************/
+static int
+md_is_hr_line(MD_CTX* ctx, OFF beg, OFF* p_end, OFF* p_killer)
+ OFF off = beg + 1;
+ int n = 1;
+ while(off < ctx->size && (CH(off) == CH(beg) || CH(off) == _T(' ') || CH(off) == _T('\t'))) {
+ if(CH(off) == CH(beg))
+ n++;
+ off++;
+ }
+ if(n < 3) {
+ *p_killer = off;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* Nothing else can be present on the line. */
+ if(off < ctx->size && !ISNEWLINE(off)) {
+ *p_killer = off;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ *p_end = off;
+ return TRUE;
+static int
+md_is_atxheader_line(MD_CTX* ctx, OFF beg, OFF* p_beg, OFF* p_end, unsigned* p_level)
+ int n;
+ OFF off = beg + 1;
+ while(off < ctx->size && CH(off) == _T('#') && off - beg < 7)
+ off++;
+ n = off - beg;
+ if(n > 6)
+ return FALSE;
+ *p_level = n;
+ if(!(ctx->parser.flags & MD_FLAG_PERMISSIVEATXHEADERS) && off < ctx->size &&
+ !ISBLANK(off) && !ISNEWLINE(off))
+ return FALSE;
+ while(off < ctx->size && ISBLANK(off))
+ off++;
+ *p_beg = off;
+ *p_end = off;
+ return TRUE;
+static int
+md_is_setext_underline(MD_CTX* ctx, OFF beg, OFF* p_end, unsigned* p_level)
+ OFF off = beg + 1;
+ while(off < ctx->size && CH(off) == CH(beg))
+ off++;
+ /* Optionally, space(s) or tabs can follow. */
+ while(off < ctx->size && ISBLANK(off))
+ off++;
+ /* But nothing more is allowed on the line. */
+ if(off < ctx->size && !ISNEWLINE(off))
+ return FALSE;
+ *p_level = (CH(beg) == _T('=') ? 1 : 2);
+ *p_end = off;
+ return TRUE;
+static int
+md_is_table_underline(MD_CTX* ctx, OFF beg, OFF* p_end, unsigned* p_col_count)
+ OFF off = beg;
+ int found_pipe = FALSE;
+ unsigned col_count = 0;
+ if(off < ctx->size && CH(off) == _T('|')) {
+ found_pipe = TRUE;
+ off++;
+ while(off < ctx->size && ISWHITESPACE(off))
+ off++;
+ }
+ while(1) {
+ int delimited = FALSE;
+ /* Cell underline ("-----", ":----", "----:" or ":----:") */
+ if(off < ctx->size && CH(off) == _T(':'))
+ off++;
+ if(off >= ctx->size || CH(off) != _T('-'))
+ return FALSE;
+ while(off < ctx->size && CH(off) == _T('-'))
+ off++;
+ if(off < ctx->size && CH(off) == _T(':'))
+ off++;
+ col_count++;
+ if(col_count > TABLE_MAXCOLCOUNT) {
+ MD_LOG("Suppressing table (column_count >" STRINGIZE(TABLE_MAXCOLCOUNT) ")");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* Pipe delimiter (optional at the end of line). */
+ while(off < ctx->size && ISWHITESPACE(off))
+ off++;
+ if(off < ctx->size && CH(off) == _T('|')) {
+ delimited = TRUE;
+ found_pipe = TRUE;
+ off++;
+ while(off < ctx->size && ISWHITESPACE(off))
+ off++;
+ }
+ /* Success, if we reach end of line. */
+ if(off >= ctx->size || ISNEWLINE(off))
+ break;
+ if(!delimited)
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if(!found_pipe)
+ return FALSE;
+ *p_end = off;
+ *p_col_count = col_count;
+ return TRUE;
+static int
+md_is_opening_code_fence(MD_CTX* ctx, OFF beg, OFF* p_end)
+ OFF off = beg;
+ while(off < ctx->size && CH(off) == CH(beg))
+ off++;
+ /* Fence must have at least three characters. */
+ if(off - beg < 3)
+ return FALSE;
+ ctx->code_fence_length = off - beg;
+ /* Optionally, space(s) can follow. */
+ while(off < ctx->size && CH(off) == _T(' '))
+ off++;
+ /* Optionally, an info string can follow. */
+ while(off < ctx->size && !ISNEWLINE(off)) {
+ /* Backtick-based fence must not contain '`' in the info string. */
+ if(CH(beg) == _T('`') && CH(off) == _T('`'))
+ return FALSE;
+ off++;
+ }
+ *p_end = off;
+ return TRUE;
+static int
+md_is_closing_code_fence(MD_CTX* ctx, CHAR ch, OFF beg, OFF* p_end)
+ OFF off = beg;
+ int ret = FALSE;
+ /* Closing fence must have at least the same length and use same char as
+ * opening one. */
+ while(off < ctx->size && CH(off) == ch)
+ off++;
+ if(off - beg < ctx->code_fence_length)
+ goto out;
+ /* Optionally, space(s) can follow */
+ while(off < ctx->size && CH(off) == _T(' '))
+ off++;
+ /* But nothing more is allowed on the line. */
+ if(off < ctx->size && !ISNEWLINE(off))
+ goto out;
+ ret = TRUE;
+ /* Note we set *p_end even on failure: If we are not closing fence, caller
+ * would eat the line anyway without any parsing. */
+ *p_end = off;
+ return ret;
+/* Helper data for md_is_html_block_start_condition() and
+ * md_is_html_block_end_condition() */
+typedef struct TAG_tag TAG;
+struct TAG_tag {
+ const CHAR* name;
+ unsigned len : 8;
+#ifdef X
+ #undef X
+#define X(name) { _T(name), (sizeof(name)-1) / sizeof(CHAR) }
+#define Xend { NULL, 0 }
+static const TAG t1[] = { X("pre"), X("script"), X("style"), X("textarea"), Xend };
+static const TAG a6[] = { X("address"), X("article"), X("aside"), Xend };
+static const TAG b6[] = { X("base"), X("basefont"), X("blockquote"), X("body"), Xend };
+static const TAG c6[] = { X("caption"), X("center"), X("col"), X("colgroup"), Xend };
+static const TAG d6[] = { X("dd"), X("details"), X("dialog"), X("dir"),
+ X("div"), X("dl"), X("dt"), Xend };
+static const TAG f6[] = { X("fieldset"), X("figcaption"), X("figure"), X("footer"),
+ X("form"), X("frame"), X("frameset"), Xend };
+static const TAG h6[] = { X("h1"), X("h2"), X("h3"), X("h4"), X("h5"), X("h6"),
+ X("head"), X("header"), X("hr"), X("html"), Xend };
+static const TAG i6[] = { X("iframe"), Xend };
+static const TAG l6[] = { X("legend"), X("li"), X("link"), Xend };
+static const TAG m6[] = { X("main"), X("menu"), X("menuitem"), Xend };
+static const TAG n6[] = { X("nav"), X("noframes"), Xend };
+static const TAG o6[] = { X("ol"), X("optgroup"), X("option"), Xend };
+static const TAG p6[] = { X("p"), X("param"), Xend };
+static const TAG s6[] = { X("search"), X("section"), X("summary"), Xend };
+static const TAG t6[] = { X("table"), X("tbody"), X("td"), X("tfoot"), X("th"),
+ X("thead"), X("title"), X("tr"), X("track"), Xend };
+static const TAG u6[] = { X("ul"), Xend };
+static const TAG xx[] = { Xend };
+#undef X
+#undef Xend
+/* Returns type of the raw HTML block, or FALSE if it is not HTML block.
+ * (Refer to CommonMark specification for details about the types.)
+ */
+static int
+md_is_html_block_start_condition(MD_CTX* ctx, OFF beg)
+ /* Type 6 is started by a long list of allowed tags. We use two-level
+ * tree to speed-up the search. */
+ static const TAG* map6[26] = {
+ a6, b6, c6, d6, xx, f6, xx, h6, i6, xx, xx, l6, m6,
+ n6, o6, p6, xx, xx, s6, t6, u6, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx
+ };
+ OFF off = beg + 1;
+ int i;
+ /* Check for type 1: <script, <pre, or <style */
+ for(i = 0; t1[i].name != NULL; i++) {
+ if(off + t1[i].len <= ctx->size) {
+ if(md_ascii_case_eq(STR(off), t1[i].name, t1[i].len))
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Check for type 2: <!-- */
+ if(off + 3 < ctx->size && CH(off) == _T('!') && CH(off+1) == _T('-') && CH(off+2) == _T('-'))
+ return 2;
+ /* Check for type 3: <? */
+ if(off < ctx->size && CH(off) == _T('?'))
+ return 3;
+ /* Check for type 4 or 5: <! */
+ if(off < ctx->size && CH(off) == _T('!')) {
+ /* Check for type 4: <! followed by uppercase letter. */
+ if(off + 1 < ctx->size && ISASCII(off+1))
+ return 4;
+ /* Check for type 5: <![CDATA[ */
+ if(off + 8 < ctx->size) {
+ if(md_ascii_eq(STR(off), _T("![CDATA["), 8))
+ return 5;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Check for type 6: Many possible starting tags listed above. */
+ if(off + 1 < ctx->size && (ISALPHA(off) || (CH(off) == _T('/') && ISALPHA(off+1)))) {
+ int slot;
+ const TAG* tags;
+ if(CH(off) == _T('/'))
+ off++;
+ slot = (ISUPPER(off) ? CH(off) - 'A' : CH(off) - 'a');
+ tags = map6[slot];
+ for(i = 0; tags[i].name != NULL; i++) {
+ if(off + tags[i].len <= ctx->size) {
+ if(md_ascii_case_eq(STR(off), tags[i].name, tags[i].len)) {
+ OFF tmp = off + tags[i].len;
+ if(tmp >= ctx->size)
+ return 6;
+ if(ISBLANK(tmp) || ISNEWLINE(tmp) || CH(tmp) == _T('>'))
+ return 6;
+ if(tmp+1 < ctx->size && CH(tmp) == _T('/') && CH(tmp+1) == _T('>'))
+ return 6;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Check for type 7: any COMPLETE other opening or closing tag. */
+ if(off + 1 < ctx->size) {
+ OFF end;
+ if(md_is_html_tag(ctx, NULL, 0, beg, ctx->size, &end)) {
+ /* Only optional whitespace and new line may follow. */
+ while(end < ctx->size && ISWHITESPACE(end))
+ end++;
+ if(end >= ctx->size || ISNEWLINE(end))
+ return 7;
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+/* Case sensitive check whether there is a substring 'what' between 'beg'
+ * and end of line. */
+static int
+md_line_contains(MD_CTX* ctx, OFF beg, const CHAR* what, SZ what_len, OFF* p_end)
+ OFF i;
+ for(i = beg; i + what_len < ctx->size; i++) {
+ if(ISNEWLINE(i))
+ break;
+ if(memcmp(STR(i), what, what_len * sizeof(CHAR)) == 0) {
+ *p_end = i + what_len;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ *p_end = i;
+ return FALSE;
+/* Returns type of HTML block end condition or FALSE if not an end condition.
+ *
+ * Note it fills p_end even when it is not end condition as the caller
+ * does not need to analyze contents of a raw HTML block.
+ */
+static int
+md_is_html_block_end_condition(MD_CTX* ctx, OFF beg, OFF* p_end)
+ switch(ctx->html_block_type) {
+ case 1:
+ {
+ OFF off = beg;
+ int i;
+ while(off+1 < ctx->size && !ISNEWLINE(off)) {
+ if(CH(off) == _T('<') && CH(off+1) == _T('/')) {
+ for(i = 0; t1[i].name != NULL; i++) {
+ if(off + 2 + t1[i].len < ctx->size) {
+ if(md_ascii_case_eq(STR(off+2), t1[i].name, t1[i].len) &&
+ CH(off+2+t1[i].len) == _T('>'))
+ {
+ *p_end = off+2+t1[i].len+1;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ off++;
+ }
+ *p_end = off;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ case 2:
+ return (md_line_contains(ctx, beg, _T("-->"), 3, p_end) ? 2 : FALSE);
+ case 3:
+ return (md_line_contains(ctx, beg, _T("?>"), 2, p_end) ? 3 : FALSE);
+ case 4:
+ return (md_line_contains(ctx, beg, _T(">"), 1, p_end) ? 4 : FALSE);
+ case 5:
+ return (md_line_contains(ctx, beg, _T("]]>"), 3, p_end) ? 5 : FALSE);
+ case 6: /* Pass through */
+ case 7:
+ if(beg >= ctx->size || ISNEWLINE(beg)) {
+ /* Blank line ends types 6 and 7. */
+ *p_end = beg;
+ return ctx->html_block_type;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ default:
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+static int
+md_is_container_compatible(const MD_CONTAINER* pivot, const MD_CONTAINER* container)
+ /* Block quote has no "items" like lists. */
+ if(container->ch == _T('>'))
+ return FALSE;
+ if(container->ch != pivot->ch)
+ return FALSE;
+ if(container->mark_indent > pivot->contents_indent)
+ return FALSE;
+ return TRUE;
+static int
+md_push_container(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_CONTAINER* container)
+ if(ctx->n_containers >= ctx->alloc_containers) {
+ MD_CONTAINER* new_containers;
+ ctx->alloc_containers = (ctx->alloc_containers > 0
+ ? ctx->alloc_containers + ctx->alloc_containers / 2
+ : 16);
+ new_containers = realloc(ctx->containers, ctx->alloc_containers * sizeof(MD_CONTAINER));
+ if(new_containers == NULL) {
+ MD_LOG("realloc() failed.");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ ctx->containers = new_containers;
+ }
+ memcpy(&ctx->containers[ctx->n_containers++], container, sizeof(MD_CONTAINER));
+ return 0;
+static int
+md_enter_child_containers(MD_CTX* ctx, int n_children)
+ int i;
+ int ret = 0;
+ for(i = ctx->n_containers - n_children; i < ctx->n_containers; i++) {
+ MD_CONTAINER* c = &ctx->containers[i];
+ int is_ordered_list = FALSE;
+ switch(c->ch) {
+ case _T(')'):
+ case _T('.'):
+ is_ordered_list = TRUE;
+ case _T('-'):
+ case _T('+'):
+ case _T('*'):
+ /* Remember offset in ctx->block_bytes so we can revisit the
+ * block if we detect it is a loose list. */
+ md_end_current_block(ctx);
+ c->block_byte_off = ctx->n_block_bytes;
+ MD_CHECK(md_push_container_bytes(ctx,
+ (is_ordered_list ? MD_BLOCK_OL : MD_BLOCK_UL),
+ c->start, c->ch, MD_BLOCK_CONTAINER_OPENER));
+ MD_CHECK(md_push_container_bytes(ctx, MD_BLOCK_LI,
+ c->task_mark_off,
+ (c->is_task ? CH(c->task_mark_off) : 0),
+ break;
+ case _T('>'):
+ MD_CHECK(md_push_container_bytes(ctx, MD_BLOCK_QUOTE, 0, 0, MD_BLOCK_CONTAINER_OPENER));
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+static int
+md_leave_child_containers(MD_CTX* ctx, int n_keep)
+ int ret = 0;
+ while(ctx->n_containers > n_keep) {
+ MD_CONTAINER* c = &ctx->containers[ctx->n_containers-1];
+ int is_ordered_list = FALSE;
+ switch(c->ch) {
+ case _T(')'):
+ case _T('.'):
+ is_ordered_list = TRUE;
+ case _T('-'):
+ case _T('+'):
+ case _T('*'):
+ MD_CHECK(md_push_container_bytes(ctx, MD_BLOCK_LI,
+ c->task_mark_off, (c->is_task ? CH(c->task_mark_off) : 0),
+ MD_CHECK(md_push_container_bytes(ctx,
+ (is_ordered_list ? MD_BLOCK_OL : MD_BLOCK_UL), 0,
+ break;
+ case _T('>'):
+ MD_CHECK(md_push_container_bytes(ctx, MD_BLOCK_QUOTE, 0,
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ ctx->n_containers--;
+ }
+ return ret;
+static int
+md_is_container_mark(MD_CTX* ctx, unsigned indent, OFF beg, OFF* p_end, MD_CONTAINER* p_container)
+ OFF off = beg;
+ OFF max_end;
+ if(off >= ctx->size || indent >= ctx->code_indent_offset)
+ return FALSE;
+ /* Check for block quote mark. */
+ if(CH(off) == _T('>')) {
+ off++;
+ p_container->ch = _T('>');
+ p_container->is_loose = FALSE;
+ p_container->is_task = FALSE;
+ p_container->mark_indent = indent;
+ p_container->contents_indent = indent + 1;
+ *p_end = off;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ /* Check for list item bullet mark. */
+ if(ISANYOF(off, _T("-+*")) && (off+1 >= ctx->size || ISBLANK(off+1) || ISNEWLINE(off+1))) {
+ p_container->ch = CH(off);
+ p_container->is_loose = FALSE;
+ p_container->is_task = FALSE;
+ p_container->mark_indent = indent;
+ p_container->contents_indent = indent + 1;
+ *p_end = off+1;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ /* Check for ordered list item marks. */
+ max_end = off + 9;
+ if(max_end > ctx->size)
+ max_end = ctx->size;
+ p_container->start = 0;
+ while(off < max_end && ISDIGIT(off)) {
+ p_container->start = p_container->start * 10 + CH(off) - _T('0');
+ off++;
+ }
+ if(off > beg &&
+ off < ctx->size &&
+ (CH(off) == _T('.') || CH(off) == _T(')')) &&
+ (off+1 >= ctx->size || ISBLANK(off+1) || ISNEWLINE(off+1)))
+ {
+ p_container->ch = CH(off);
+ p_container->is_loose = FALSE;
+ p_container->is_task = FALSE;
+ p_container->mark_indent = indent;
+ p_container->contents_indent = indent + off - beg + 1;
+ *p_end = off+1;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+static unsigned
+md_line_indentation(MD_CTX* ctx, unsigned total_indent, OFF beg, OFF* p_end)
+ OFF off = beg;
+ unsigned indent = total_indent;
+ while(off < ctx->size && ISBLANK(off)) {
+ if(CH(off) == _T('\t'))
+ indent = (indent + 4) & ~3;
+ else
+ indent++;
+ off++;
+ }
+ *p_end = off;
+ return indent - total_indent;
+static const MD_LINE_ANALYSIS md_dummy_blank_line = { MD_LINE_BLANK, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+/* Analyze type of the line and find some its properties. This serves as a
+ * main input for determining type and boundaries of a block. */
+static int
+md_analyze_line(MD_CTX* ctx, OFF beg, OFF* p_end,
+ const MD_LINE_ANALYSIS* pivot_line, MD_LINE_ANALYSIS* line)
+ unsigned total_indent = 0;
+ int n_parents = 0;
+ int n_brothers = 0;
+ int n_children = 0;
+ MD_CONTAINER container = { 0 };
+ int prev_line_has_list_loosening_effect = ctx->last_line_has_list_loosening_effect;
+ OFF off = beg;
+ OFF hr_killer = 0;
+ int ret = 0;
+ line->indent = md_line_indentation(ctx, total_indent, off, &off);
+ total_indent += line->indent;
+ line->beg = off;
+ line->enforce_new_block = FALSE;
+ /* Given the indentation and block quote marks '>', determine how many of
+ * the current containers are our parents. */
+ while(n_parents < ctx->n_containers) {
+ MD_CONTAINER* c = &ctx->containers[n_parents];
+ if(c->ch == _T('>') && line->indent < ctx->code_indent_offset &&
+ off < ctx->size && CH(off) == _T('>'))
+ {
+ /* Block quote mark. */
+ off++;
+ total_indent++;
+ line->indent = md_line_indentation(ctx, total_indent, off, &off);
+ total_indent += line->indent;
+ /* The optional 1st space after '>' is part of the block quote mark. */
+ if(line->indent > 0)
+ line->indent--;
+ line->beg = off;
+ } else if(c->ch != _T('>') && line->indent >= c->contents_indent) {
+ /* List. */
+ line->indent -= c->contents_indent;
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ n_parents++;
+ }
+ if(off >= ctx->size || ISNEWLINE(off)) {
+ /* Blank line does not need any real indentation to be nested inside
+ * a list. */
+ if(n_brothers + n_children == 0) {
+ while(n_parents < ctx->n_containers && ctx->containers[n_parents].ch != _T('>'))
+ n_parents++;
+ }
+ }
+ while(TRUE) {
+ /* Check whether we are fenced code continuation. */
+ if(pivot_line->type == MD_LINE_FENCEDCODE) {
+ line->beg = off;
+ /* We are another MD_LINE_FENCEDCODE unless we are closing fence
+ * which we transform into MD_LINE_BLANK. */
+ if(line->indent < ctx->code_indent_offset) {
+ if(md_is_closing_code_fence(ctx, CH(pivot_line->beg), off, &off)) {
+ line->type = MD_LINE_BLANK;
+ ctx->last_line_has_list_loosening_effect = FALSE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Change indentation accordingly to the initial code fence. */
+ if(n_parents == ctx->n_containers) {
+ if(line->indent > pivot_line->indent)
+ line->indent -= pivot_line->indent;
+ else
+ line->indent = 0;
+ line->type = MD_LINE_FENCEDCODE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Check whether we are HTML block continuation. */
+ if(pivot_line->type == MD_LINE_HTML && ctx->html_block_type > 0) {
+ if(n_parents < ctx->n_containers) {
+ /* HTML block is implicitly ended if the enclosing container
+ * block ends. */
+ ctx->html_block_type = 0;
+ } else {
+ int html_block_type;
+ html_block_type = md_is_html_block_end_condition(ctx, off, &off);
+ if(html_block_type > 0) {
+ MD_ASSERT(html_block_type == ctx->html_block_type);
+ /* Make sure this is the last line of the block. */
+ ctx->html_block_type = 0;
+ /* Some end conditions serve as blank lines at the same time. */
+ if(html_block_type == 6 || html_block_type == 7) {
+ line->type = MD_LINE_BLANK;
+ line->indent = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ line->type = MD_LINE_HTML;
+ n_parents = ctx->n_containers;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Check for blank line. */
+ if(off >= ctx->size || ISNEWLINE(off)) {
+ if(pivot_line->type == MD_LINE_INDENTEDCODE && n_parents == ctx->n_containers) {
+ line->type = MD_LINE_INDENTEDCODE;
+ if(line->indent > ctx->code_indent_offset)
+ line->indent -= ctx->code_indent_offset;
+ else
+ line->indent = 0;
+ ctx->last_line_has_list_loosening_effect = FALSE;
+ } else {
+ line->type = MD_LINE_BLANK;
+ ctx->last_line_has_list_loosening_effect = (n_parents > 0 &&
+ n_brothers + n_children == 0 &&
+ ctx->containers[n_parents-1].ch != _T('>'));
+ #if 1
+ /* See https://github.com/mity/md4c/issues/6
+ *
+ * This ugly checking tests we are in (yet empty) list item but
+ * not its very first line (i.e. not the line with the list
+ * item mark).
+ *
+ * If we are such a blank line, then any following non-blank
+ * line which would be part of the list item actually has to
+ * end the list because according to the specification, "a list
+ * item can begin with at most one blank line."
+ */
+ if(n_parents > 0 && ctx->containers[n_parents-1].ch != _T('>') &&
+ n_brothers + n_children == 0 && ctx->current_block == NULL &&
+ ctx->n_block_bytes > (int) sizeof(MD_BLOCK))
+ {
+ MD_BLOCK* top_block = (MD_BLOCK*) ((char*)ctx->block_bytes + ctx->n_block_bytes - sizeof(MD_BLOCK));
+ if(top_block->type == MD_BLOCK_LI)
+ ctx->last_list_item_starts_with_two_blank_lines = TRUE;
+ }
+ #endif
+ }
+ break;
+ } else {
+ #if 1
+ /* This is the 2nd half of the hack. If the flag is set (i.e. there
+ * was a 2nd blank line at the beginning of the list item) and if
+ * we would otherwise still belong to the list item, we enforce
+ * the end of the list. */
+ if(ctx->last_list_item_starts_with_two_blank_lines) {
+ if(n_parents > 0 && n_parents == ctx->n_containers &&
+ ctx->containers[n_parents-1].ch != _T('>') &&
+ n_brothers + n_children == 0 && ctx->current_block == NULL &&
+ ctx->n_block_bytes > (int) sizeof(MD_BLOCK))
+ {
+ MD_BLOCK* top_block = (MD_BLOCK*) ((char*)ctx->block_bytes + ctx->n_block_bytes - sizeof(MD_BLOCK));
+ if(top_block->type == MD_BLOCK_LI) {
+ n_parents--;
+ line->indent = total_indent;
+ if(n_parents > 0)
+ line->indent -= MIN(line->indent, ctx->containers[n_parents-1].contents_indent);
+ }
+ }
+ ctx->last_list_item_starts_with_two_blank_lines = FALSE;
+ }
+ #endif
+ ctx->last_line_has_list_loosening_effect = FALSE;
+ }
+ /* Check whether we are Setext underline. */
+ if(line->indent < ctx->code_indent_offset && pivot_line->type == MD_LINE_TEXT
+ && off < ctx->size && ISANYOF2(off, _T('='), _T('-'))
+ && (n_parents == ctx->n_containers))
+ {
+ unsigned level;
+ if(md_is_setext_underline(ctx, off, &off, &level)) {
+ line->data = level;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Check for thematic break line. */
+ if(line->indent < ctx->code_indent_offset
+ && off < ctx->size && off >= hr_killer
+ && ISANYOF(off, _T("-_*")))
+ {
+ if(md_is_hr_line(ctx, off, &off, &hr_killer)) {
+ line->type = MD_LINE_HR;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Check for "brother" container. I.e. whether we are another list item
+ * in already started list. */
+ if(n_parents < ctx->n_containers && n_brothers + n_children == 0) {
+ OFF tmp;
+ if(md_is_container_mark(ctx, line->indent, off, &tmp, &container) &&
+ md_is_container_compatible(&ctx->containers[n_parents], &container))
+ {
+ pivot_line = &md_dummy_blank_line;
+ off = tmp;
+ total_indent += container.contents_indent - container.mark_indent;
+ line->indent = md_line_indentation(ctx, total_indent, off, &off);
+ total_indent += line->indent;
+ line->beg = off;
+ /* Some of the following whitespace actually still belongs to the mark. */
+ if(off >= ctx->size || ISNEWLINE(off)) {
+ container.contents_indent++;
+ } else if(line->indent <= ctx->code_indent_offset) {
+ container.contents_indent += line->indent;
+ line->indent = 0;
+ } else {
+ container.contents_indent += 1;
+ line->indent--;
+ }
+ ctx->containers[n_parents].mark_indent = container.mark_indent;
+ ctx->containers[n_parents].contents_indent = container.contents_indent;
+ n_brothers++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Check for indented code.
+ * Note indented code block cannot interrupt a paragraph. */
+ if(line->indent >= ctx->code_indent_offset && (pivot_line->type != MD_LINE_TEXT)) {
+ line->type = MD_LINE_INDENTEDCODE;
+ line->indent -= ctx->code_indent_offset;
+ line->data = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Check for start of a new container block. */
+ if(line->indent < ctx->code_indent_offset &&
+ md_is_container_mark(ctx, line->indent, off, &off, &container))
+ {
+ if(pivot_line->type == MD_LINE_TEXT && n_parents == ctx->n_containers &&
+ (off >= ctx->size || ISNEWLINE(off)) && container.ch != _T('>'))
+ {
+ /* Noop. List mark followed by a blank line cannot interrupt a paragraph. */
+ } else if(pivot_line->type == MD_LINE_TEXT && n_parents == ctx->n_containers &&
+ ISANYOF2_(container.ch, _T('.'), _T(')')) && container.start != 1)
+ {
+ /* Noop. Ordered list cannot interrupt a paragraph unless the start index is 1. */
+ } else {
+ total_indent += container.contents_indent - container.mark_indent;
+ line->indent = md_line_indentation(ctx, total_indent, off, &off);
+ total_indent += line->indent;
+ line->beg = off;
+ line->data = container.ch;
+ /* Some of the following whitespace actually still belongs to the mark. */
+ if(off >= ctx->size || ISNEWLINE(off)) {
+ container.contents_indent++;
+ } else if(line->indent <= ctx->code_indent_offset) {
+ container.contents_indent += line->indent;
+ line->indent = 0;
+ } else {
+ container.contents_indent += 1;
+ line->indent--;
+ }
+ if(n_brothers + n_children == 0)
+ pivot_line = &md_dummy_blank_line;
+ if(n_children == 0)
+ MD_CHECK(md_leave_child_containers(ctx, n_parents + n_brothers));
+ n_children++;
+ MD_CHECK(md_push_container(ctx, &container));
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Check whether we are table continuation. */
+ if(pivot_line->type == MD_LINE_TABLE && n_parents == ctx->n_containers) {
+ line->type = MD_LINE_TABLE;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Check for ATX header. */
+ if(line->indent < ctx->code_indent_offset &&
+ off < ctx->size && CH(off) == _T('#'))
+ {
+ unsigned level;
+ if(md_is_atxheader_line(ctx, off, &line->beg, &off, &level)) {
+ line->type = MD_LINE_ATXHEADER;
+ line->data = level;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Check whether we are starting code fence. */
+ if(line->indent < ctx->code_indent_offset &&
+ off < ctx->size && ISANYOF2(off, _T('`'), _T('~')))
+ {
+ if(md_is_opening_code_fence(ctx, off, &off)) {
+ line->type = MD_LINE_FENCEDCODE;
+ line->data = 1;
+ line->enforce_new_block = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Check for start of raw HTML block. */
+ if(off < ctx->size && CH(off) == _T('<')
+ && !(ctx->parser.flags & MD_FLAG_NOHTMLBLOCKS))
+ {
+ ctx->html_block_type = md_is_html_block_start_condition(ctx, off);
+ /* HTML block type 7 cannot interrupt paragraph. */
+ if(ctx->html_block_type == 7 && pivot_line->type == MD_LINE_TEXT)
+ ctx->html_block_type = 0;
+ if(ctx->html_block_type > 0) {
+ /* The line itself also may immediately close the block. */
+ if(md_is_html_block_end_condition(ctx, off, &off) == ctx->html_block_type) {
+ /* Make sure this is the last line of the block. */
+ ctx->html_block_type = 0;
+ }
+ line->enforce_new_block = TRUE;
+ line->type = MD_LINE_HTML;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Check for table underline. */
+ if((ctx->parser.flags & MD_FLAG_TABLES) && pivot_line->type == MD_LINE_TEXT
+ && off < ctx->size && ISANYOF3(off, _T('|'), _T('-'), _T(':'))
+ && n_parents == ctx->n_containers)
+ {
+ unsigned col_count;
+ if(ctx->current_block != NULL && ctx->current_block->n_lines == 1 &&
+ md_is_table_underline(ctx, off, &off, &col_count))
+ {
+ line->data = col_count;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* By default, we are normal text line. */
+ line->type = MD_LINE_TEXT;
+ if(pivot_line->type == MD_LINE_TEXT && n_brothers + n_children == 0) {
+ /* Lazy continuation. */
+ n_parents = ctx->n_containers;
+ }
+ /* Check for task mark. */
+ if((ctx->parser.flags & MD_FLAG_TASKLISTS) && n_brothers + n_children > 0 &&
+ ISANYOF_(ctx->containers[ctx->n_containers-1].ch, _T("-+*.)")))
+ {
+ OFF tmp = off;
+ while(tmp < ctx->size && tmp < off + 3 && ISBLANK(tmp))
+ tmp++;
+ if(tmp + 2 < ctx->size && CH(tmp) == _T('[') &&
+ ISANYOF(tmp+1, _T("xX ")) && CH(tmp+2) == _T(']') &&
+ (tmp + 3 == ctx->size || ISBLANK(tmp+3) || ISNEWLINE(tmp+3)))
+ {
+ MD_CONTAINER* task_container = (n_children > 0 ? &ctx->containers[ctx->n_containers-1] : &container);
+ task_container->is_task = TRUE;
+ task_container->task_mark_off = tmp + 1;
+ off = tmp + 3;
+ while(off < ctx->size && ISWHITESPACE(off))
+ off++;
+ line->beg = off;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Scan for end of the line.
+ *
+ * Note this is quite a bottleneck of the parsing as we here iterate almost
+ * over compete document.
+ */
+#if defined __linux__ && !defined MD4C_USE_UTF16
+ /* Recent glibc versions have superbly optimized strcspn(), even using
+ * vectorization if available. */
+ if(ctx->doc_ends_with_newline && off < ctx->size) {
+ while(TRUE) {
+ off += (OFF) strcspn(STR(off), "\r\n");
+ /* strcspn() can stop on zero terminator; but that can appear
+ * anywhere in the Markfown input... */
+ if(CH(off) == _T('\0'))
+ off++;
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ /* Optimization: Use some loop unrolling. */
+ while(off + 3 < ctx->size && !ISNEWLINE(off+0) && !ISNEWLINE(off+1)
+ && !ISNEWLINE(off+2) && !ISNEWLINE(off+3))
+ off += 4;
+ while(off < ctx->size && !ISNEWLINE(off))
+ off++;
+ }
+ /* Set end of the line. */
+ line->end = off;
+ /* But for ATX header, we should exclude the optional trailing mark. */
+ if(line->type == MD_LINE_ATXHEADER) {
+ OFF tmp = line->end;
+ while(tmp > line->beg && ISBLANK(tmp-1))
+ tmp--;
+ while(tmp > line->beg && CH(tmp-1) == _T('#'))
+ tmp--;
+ if(tmp == line->beg || ISBLANK(tmp-1) || (ctx->parser.flags & MD_FLAG_PERMISSIVEATXHEADERS))
+ line->end = tmp;
+ }
+ /* Trim trailing spaces. */
+ if(line->type != MD_LINE_INDENTEDCODE && line->type != MD_LINE_FENCEDCODE && line->type != MD_LINE_HTML) {
+ while(line->end > line->beg && ISBLANK(line->end-1))
+ line->end--;
+ }
+ /* Eat also the new line. */
+ if(off < ctx->size && CH(off) == _T('\r'))
+ off++;
+ if(off < ctx->size && CH(off) == _T('\n'))
+ off++;
+ *p_end = off;
+ /* If we belong to a list after seeing a blank line, the list is loose. */
+ if(prev_line_has_list_loosening_effect && line->type != MD_LINE_BLANK && n_parents + n_brothers > 0) {
+ MD_CONTAINER* c = &ctx->containers[n_parents + n_brothers - 1];
+ if(c->ch != _T('>')) {
+ MD_BLOCK* block = (MD_BLOCK*) (((char*)ctx->block_bytes) + c->block_byte_off);
+ block->flags |= MD_BLOCK_LOOSE_LIST;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Leave any containers we are not part of anymore. */
+ if(n_children == 0 && n_parents + n_brothers < ctx->n_containers)
+ MD_CHECK(md_leave_child_containers(ctx, n_parents + n_brothers));
+ /* Enter any container we found a mark for. */
+ if(n_brothers > 0) {
+ MD_ASSERT(n_brothers == 1);
+ MD_CHECK(md_push_container_bytes(ctx, MD_BLOCK_LI,
+ ctx->containers[n_parents].task_mark_off,
+ (ctx->containers[n_parents].is_task ? CH(ctx->containers[n_parents].task_mark_off) : 0),
+ MD_CHECK(md_push_container_bytes(ctx, MD_BLOCK_LI,
+ container.task_mark_off,
+ (container.is_task ? CH(container.task_mark_off) : 0),
+ ctx->containers[n_parents].is_task = container.is_task;
+ ctx->containers[n_parents].task_mark_off = container.task_mark_off;
+ }
+ if(n_children > 0)
+ MD_CHECK(md_enter_child_containers(ctx, n_children));
+ return ret;
+static int
+md_process_line(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_LINE_ANALYSIS** p_pivot_line, MD_LINE_ANALYSIS* line)
+ const MD_LINE_ANALYSIS* pivot_line = *p_pivot_line;
+ int ret = 0;
+ /* Blank line ends current leaf block. */
+ if(line->type == MD_LINE_BLANK) {
+ MD_CHECK(md_end_current_block(ctx));
+ *p_pivot_line = &md_dummy_blank_line;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(line->enforce_new_block)
+ MD_CHECK(md_end_current_block(ctx));
+ /* Some line types form block on their own. */
+ if(line->type == MD_LINE_HR || line->type == MD_LINE_ATXHEADER) {
+ MD_CHECK(md_end_current_block(ctx));
+ /* Add our single-line block. */
+ MD_CHECK(md_start_new_block(ctx, line));
+ MD_CHECK(md_add_line_into_current_block(ctx, line));
+ MD_CHECK(md_end_current_block(ctx));
+ *p_pivot_line = &md_dummy_blank_line;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* MD_LINE_SETEXTUNDERLINE changes meaning of the current block and ends it. */
+ if(line->type == MD_LINE_SETEXTUNDERLINE) {
+ MD_ASSERT(ctx->current_block != NULL);
+ ctx->current_block->type = MD_BLOCK_H;
+ ctx->current_block->data = line->data;
+ ctx->current_block->flags |= MD_BLOCK_SETEXT_HEADER;
+ MD_CHECK(md_add_line_into_current_block(ctx, line));
+ MD_CHECK(md_end_current_block(ctx));
+ if(ctx->current_block == NULL) {
+ *p_pivot_line = &md_dummy_blank_line;
+ } else {
+ /* This happens if we have consumed all the body as link ref. defs.
+ * and downgraded the underline into start of a new paragraph block. */
+ line->type = MD_LINE_TEXT;
+ *p_pivot_line = line;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* MD_LINE_TABLEUNDERLINE changes meaning of the current block. */
+ if(line->type == MD_LINE_TABLEUNDERLINE) {
+ MD_ASSERT(ctx->current_block != NULL);
+ MD_ASSERT(ctx->current_block->n_lines == 1);
+ ctx->current_block->type = MD_BLOCK_TABLE;
+ ctx->current_block->data = line->data;
+ MD_ASSERT(pivot_line != &md_dummy_blank_line);
+ ((MD_LINE_ANALYSIS*)pivot_line)->type = MD_LINE_TABLE;
+ MD_CHECK(md_add_line_into_current_block(ctx, line));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* The current block also ends if the line has different type. */
+ if(line->type != pivot_line->type)
+ MD_CHECK(md_end_current_block(ctx));
+ /* The current line may start a new block. */
+ if(ctx->current_block == NULL) {
+ MD_CHECK(md_start_new_block(ctx, line));
+ *p_pivot_line = line;
+ }
+ /* In all other cases the line is just a continuation of the current block. */
+ MD_CHECK(md_add_line_into_current_block(ctx, line));
+ return ret;
+static int
+md_process_doc(MD_CTX *ctx)
+ const MD_LINE_ANALYSIS* pivot_line = &md_dummy_blank_line;
+ MD_LINE_ANALYSIS line_buf[2];
+ MD_LINE_ANALYSIS* line = &line_buf[0];
+ OFF off = 0;
+ int ret = 0;
+ while(off < ctx->size) {
+ if(line == pivot_line)
+ line = (line == &line_buf[0] ? &line_buf[1] : &line_buf[0]);
+ MD_CHECK(md_analyze_line(ctx, off, &off, pivot_line, line));
+ MD_CHECK(md_process_line(ctx, &pivot_line, line));
+ }
+ md_end_current_block(ctx);
+ MD_CHECK(md_build_ref_def_hashtable(ctx));
+ /* Process all blocks. */
+ MD_CHECK(md_leave_child_containers(ctx, 0));
+ MD_CHECK(md_process_all_blocks(ctx));
+#if 0
+ /* Output some memory consumption statistics. */
+ {
+ char buffer[256];
+ sprintf(buffer, "Alloced %u bytes for block buffer.",
+ (unsigned)(ctx->alloc_block_bytes));
+ MD_LOG(buffer);
+ sprintf(buffer, "Alloced %u bytes for containers buffer.",
+ (unsigned)(ctx->alloc_containers * sizeof(MD_CONTAINER)));
+ MD_LOG(buffer);
+ sprintf(buffer, "Alloced %u bytes for marks buffer.",
+ (unsigned)(ctx->alloc_marks * sizeof(MD_MARK)));
+ MD_LOG(buffer);
+ sprintf(buffer, "Alloced %u bytes for aux. buffer.",
+ (unsigned)(ctx->alloc_buffer * sizeof(MD_CHAR)));
+ MD_LOG(buffer);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ *** Public API ***
+ ********************/
+md_parse(const MD_CHAR* text, MD_SIZE size, const MD_PARSER* parser, void* userdata)
+ MD_CTX ctx;
+ int i;
+ int ret;
+ if(parser->abi_version != 0) {
+ if(parser->debug_log != NULL)
+ parser->debug_log("Unsupported abi_version.", userdata);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* Setup context structure. */
+ memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(MD_CTX));
+ ctx.text = text;
+ ctx.size = size;
+ memcpy(&ctx.parser, parser, sizeof(MD_PARSER));
+ ctx.userdata = userdata;
+ ctx.code_indent_offset = (ctx.parser.flags & MD_FLAG_NOINDENTEDCODEBLOCKS) ? (OFF)(-1) : 4;
+ md_build_mark_char_map(&ctx);
+ ctx.doc_ends_with_newline = (size > 0 && ISNEWLINE_(text[size-1]));
+ ctx.max_ref_def_output = MIN(MIN(16 * (uint64_t)size, (uint64_t)(1024 * 1024)), (uint64_t)SZ_MAX);
+ /* Reset all mark stacks and lists. */
+ for(i = 0; i < (int) SIZEOF_ARRAY(ctx.opener_stacks); i++)
+ ctx.opener_stacks[i].top = -1;
+ ctx.ptr_stack.top = -1;
+ ctx.unresolved_link_head = -1;
+ ctx.unresolved_link_tail = -1;
+ ctx.table_cell_boundaries_head = -1;
+ ctx.table_cell_boundaries_tail = -1;
+ /* All the work. */
+ ret = md_process_doc(&ctx);
+ /* Clean-up. */
+ md_free_ref_defs(&ctx);
+ md_free_ref_def_hashtable(&ctx);
+ free(ctx.buffer);
+ free(ctx.marks);
+ free(ctx.block_bytes);
+ free(ctx.containers);
+ return ret;
diff --git a/markdown/md4c.h b/markdown/md4c.h
deleted file mode 120000
index 151b21c..0000000
--- a/markdown/md4c.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/markdown/md4c.h b/markdown/md4c.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d6be1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/markdown/md4c.h
@@ -0,0 +1,407 @@
+ * MD4C: Markdown parser for C
+ * (http://github.com/mity/md4c)
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2016-2024 Martin Mitáš
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+ * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+ * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+ * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+ * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+ * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+ * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef MD4C_H
+#define MD4C_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+#if defined MD4C_USE_UTF16
+ /* Magic to support UTF-16. Note that in order to use it, you have to define
+ * the macro MD4C_USE_UTF16 both when building MD4C as well as when
+ * including this header in your code. */
+ #ifdef _WIN32
+ #include <windows.h>
+ typedef WCHAR MD_CHAR;
+ #else
+ #error MD4C_USE_UTF16 is only supported on Windows.
+ #endif
+ typedef char MD_CHAR;
+typedef unsigned MD_SIZE;
+typedef unsigned MD_OFFSET;
+/* Block represents a part of document hierarchy structure like a paragraph
+ * or list item.
+ */
+typedef enum MD_BLOCKTYPE {
+ /* <body>...</body> */
+ /* <blockquote>...</blockquote> */
+ /* <ul>...</ul>
+ * Detail: Structure MD_BLOCK_UL_DETAIL. */
+ /* <ol>...</ol>
+ * Detail: Structure MD_BLOCK_OL_DETAIL. */
+ /* <li>...</li>
+ * Detail: Structure MD_BLOCK_LI_DETAIL. */
+ /* <hr> */
+ /* <h1>...</h1> (for levels up to 6)
+ * Detail: Structure MD_BLOCK_H_DETAIL. */
+ /* <pre><code>...</code></pre>
+ * Note the text lines within code blocks are terminated with '\n'
+ * instead of explicit MD_TEXT_BR. */
+ /* Raw HTML block. This itself does not correspond to any particular HTML
+ * tag. The contents of it _is_ raw HTML source intended to be put
+ * in verbatim form to the HTML output. */
+ /* <p>...</p> */
+ /* <table>...</table> and its contents.
+ * Detail: Structure MD_BLOCK_TABLE_DETAIL (for MD_BLOCK_TABLE),
+ * structure MD_BLOCK_TD_DETAIL (for MD_BLOCK_TH and MD_BLOCK_TD)
+ * Note all of these are used only if extension MD_FLAG_TABLES is enabled. */
+/* Span represents an in-line piece of a document which should be rendered with
+ * the same font, color and other attributes. A sequence of spans forms a block
+ * like paragraph or list item. */
+typedef enum MD_SPANTYPE {
+ /* <em>...</em> */
+ /* <strong>...</strong> */
+ /* <a href="xxx">...</a>
+ * Detail: Structure MD_SPAN_A_DETAIL. */
+ /* <img src="xxx">...</a>
+ * Detail: Structure MD_SPAN_IMG_DETAIL.
+ * Note: Image text can contain nested spans and even nested images.
+ * If rendered into ALT attribute of HTML <IMG> tag, it's responsibility
+ * of the parser to deal with it.
+ */
+ /* <code>...</code> */
+ /* <del>...</del>
+ * Note: Recognized only when MD_FLAG_STRIKETHROUGH is enabled.
+ */
+ /* For recognizing inline ($) and display ($$) equations
+ * Note: Recognized only when MD_FLAG_LATEXMATHSPANS is enabled.
+ */
+ /* Wiki links
+ * Note: Recognized only when MD_FLAG_WIKILINKS is enabled.
+ */
+ /* <u>...</u>
+ * Note: Recognized only when MD_FLAG_UNDERLINE is enabled. */
+/* Text is the actual textual contents of span. */
+typedef enum MD_TEXTTYPE {
+ /* Normal text. */
+ /* NULL character. CommonMark requires replacing NULL character with
+ * the replacement char U+FFFD, so this allows caller to do that easily. */
+ /* Line breaks.
+ * Note these are not sent from blocks with verbatim output (MD_BLOCK_CODE
+ * or MD_BLOCK_HTML). In such cases, '\n' is part of the text itself. */
+ MD_TEXT_BR, /* <br> (hard break) */
+ MD_TEXT_SOFTBR, /* '\n' in source text where it is not semantically meaningful (soft break) */
+ /* Entity.
+ * (a) Named entity, e.g.
+ * (Note MD4C does not have a list of known entities.
+ * Anything matching the regexp /&[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]{1,47};/ is
+ * treated as a named entity.)
+ * (b) Numerical entity, e.g. Ӓ
+ * (c) Hexadecimal entity, e.g. ካ
+ *
+ * As MD4C is mostly encoding agnostic, application gets the verbatim
+ * entity text into the MD_PARSER::text_callback(). */
+ /* Text in a code block (inside MD_BLOCK_CODE) or inlined code (`code`).
+ * If it is inside MD_BLOCK_CODE, it includes spaces for indentation and
+ * '\n' for new lines. MD_TEXT_BR and MD_TEXT_SOFTBR are not sent for this
+ * kind of text. */
+ /* Text is a raw HTML. If it is contents of a raw HTML block (i.e. not
+ * an inline raw HTML), then MD_TEXT_BR and MD_TEXT_SOFTBR are not used.
+ * The text contains verbatim '\n' for the new lines. */
+ /* Text is inside an equation. This is processed the same way as inlined code
+ * spans (`code`). */
+/* Alignment enumeration. */
+typedef enum MD_ALIGN {
+ MD_ALIGN_DEFAULT = 0, /* When unspecified. */
+/* String attribute.
+ *
+ * This wraps strings which are outside of a normal text flow and which are
+ * propagated within various detailed structures, but which still may contain
+ * string portions of different types like e.g. entities.
+ *
+ * So, for example, lets consider this image:
+ *
+ * ![image alt text](http://example.org/image.png 'foo " bar')
+ *
+ * The image alt text is propagated as a normal text via the MD_PARSER::text()
+ * callback. However, the image title ('foo " bar') is propagated as
+ *
+ * Then the attribute MD_SPAN_IMG_DETAIL::title shall provide the following:
+ * -- [0]: "foo " (substr_types[0] == MD_TEXT_NORMAL; substr_offsets[0] == 0)
+ * -- [1]: """ (substr_types[1] == MD_TEXT_ENTITY; substr_offsets[1] == 4)
+ * -- [2]: " bar" (substr_types[2] == MD_TEXT_NORMAL; substr_offsets[2] == 10)
+ * -- [3]: (n/a) (n/a ; substr_offsets[3] == 14)
+ *
+ * Note that these invariants are always guaranteed:
+ * -- substr_offsets[0] == 0
+ * -- substr_offsets[LAST+1] == size
+ * substrings can appear. This could change only of the specification
+ * changes.
+ */
+typedef struct MD_ATTRIBUTE {
+ const MD_CHAR* text;
+ MD_SIZE size;
+ const MD_TEXTTYPE* substr_types;
+ const MD_OFFSET* substr_offsets;
+/* Detailed info for MD_BLOCK_UL. */
+typedef struct MD_BLOCK_UL_DETAIL {
+ int is_tight; /* Non-zero if tight list, zero if loose. */
+ MD_CHAR mark; /* Item bullet character in MarkDown source of the list, e.g. '-', '+', '*'. */
+/* Detailed info for MD_BLOCK_OL. */
+typedef struct MD_BLOCK_OL_DETAIL {
+ unsigned start; /* Start index of the ordered list. */
+ int is_tight; /* Non-zero if tight list, zero if loose. */
+ MD_CHAR mark_delimiter; /* Character delimiting the item marks in MarkDown source, e.g. '.' or ')' */
+/* Detailed info for MD_BLOCK_LI. */
+typedef struct MD_BLOCK_LI_DETAIL {
+ int is_task; /* Can be non-zero only with MD_FLAG_TASKLISTS */
+ MD_CHAR task_mark; /* If is_task, then one of 'x', 'X' or ' '. Undefined otherwise. */
+ MD_OFFSET task_mark_offset; /* If is_task, then offset in the input of the char between '[' and ']'. */
+/* Detailed info for MD_BLOCK_H. */
+typedef struct MD_BLOCK_H_DETAIL {
+ unsigned level; /* Header level (1 - 6) */
+/* Detailed info for MD_BLOCK_CODE. */
+typedef struct MD_BLOCK_CODE_DETAIL {
+ MD_CHAR fence_char; /* The character used for fenced code block; or zero for indented code block. */
+/* Detailed info for MD_BLOCK_TABLE. */
+typedef struct MD_BLOCK_TABLE_DETAIL {
+ unsigned col_count; /* Count of columns in the table. */
+ unsigned head_row_count; /* Count of rows in the table header (currently always 1) */
+ unsigned body_row_count; /* Count of rows in the table body */
+/* Detailed info for MD_BLOCK_TH and MD_BLOCK_TD. */
+typedef struct MD_BLOCK_TD_DETAIL {
+ MD_ALIGN align;
+/* Detailed info for MD_SPAN_A. */
+typedef struct MD_SPAN_A_DETAIL {
+ int is_autolink; /* nonzero if this is an autolink */
+/* Detailed info for MD_SPAN_IMG. */
+typedef struct MD_SPAN_IMG_DETAIL {
+/* Detailed info for MD_SPAN_WIKILINK. */
+typedef struct MD_SPAN_WIKILINK {
+ MD_ATTRIBUTE target;
+/* Flags specifying extensions/deviations from CommonMark specification.
+ *
+ * By default (when MD_PARSER::flags == 0), we follow CommonMark specification.
+ * The following flags may allow some extensions or deviations from it.
+ */
+#define MD_FLAG_COLLAPSEWHITESPACE 0x0001 /* In MD_TEXT_NORMAL, collapse non-trivial whitespace into single ' ' */
+#define MD_FLAG_PERMISSIVEATXHEADERS 0x0002 /* Do not require space in ATX headers ( ###header ) */
+#define MD_FLAG_PERMISSIVEURLAUTOLINKS 0x0004 /* Recognize URLs as autolinks even without '<', '>' */
+#define MD_FLAG_PERMISSIVEEMAILAUTOLINKS 0x0008 /* Recognize e-mails as autolinks even without '<', '>' and 'mailto:' */
+#define MD_FLAG_NOINDENTEDCODEBLOCKS 0x0010 /* Disable indented code blocks. (Only fenced code works.) */
+#define MD_FLAG_NOHTMLBLOCKS 0x0020 /* Disable raw HTML blocks. */
+#define MD_FLAG_NOHTMLSPANS 0x0040 /* Disable raw HTML (inline). */
+#define MD_FLAG_TABLES 0x0100 /* Enable tables extension. */
+#define MD_FLAG_STRIKETHROUGH 0x0200 /* Enable strikethrough extension. */
+#define MD_FLAG_PERMISSIVEWWWAUTOLINKS 0x0400 /* Enable WWW autolinks (even without any scheme prefix, if they begin with 'www.') */
+#define MD_FLAG_TASKLISTS 0x0800 /* Enable task list extension. */
+#define MD_FLAG_LATEXMATHSPANS 0x1000 /* Enable $ and $$ containing LaTeX equations. */
+#define MD_FLAG_WIKILINKS 0x2000 /* Enable wiki links extension. */
+#define MD_FLAG_UNDERLINE 0x4000 /* Enable underline extension (and disables '_' for normal emphasis). */
+#define MD_FLAG_HARD_SOFT_BREAKS 0x8000 /* Force all soft breaks to act as hard breaks. */
+/* Convenient sets of flags corresponding to well-known Markdown dialects.
+ *
+ * Note we may only support subset of features of the referred dialect.
+ * The constant just enables those extensions which bring us as close as
+ * possible given what features we implement.
+ *
+ * ABI compatibility note: Meaning of these can change in time as new
+ * extensions, bringing the dialect closer to the original, are implemented.
+ */
+/* Parser structure.
+ */
+typedef struct MD_PARSER {
+ /* Reserved. Set to zero.
+ */
+ unsigned abi_version;
+ /* Dialect options. Bitmask of MD_FLAG_xxxx values.
+ */
+ unsigned flags;
+ /* Caller-provided rendering callbacks.
+ *
+ * For some block/span types, more detailed information is provided in a
+ * type-specific structure pointed by the argument 'detail'.
+ *
+ * The last argument of all callbacks, 'userdata', is just propagated from
+ * md_parse() and is available for any use by the application.
+ *
+ * Note any strings provided to the callbacks as their arguments or as
+ * members of any detail structure are generally not zero-terminated.
+ * Application has to take the respective size information into account.
+ *
+ * Any rendering callback may abort further parsing of the document by
+ * returning non-zero.
+ */
+ int (*enter_block)(MD_BLOCKTYPE /*type*/, void* /*detail*/, void* /*userdata*/);
+ int (*leave_block)(MD_BLOCKTYPE /*type*/, void* /*detail*/, void* /*userdata*/);
+ int (*enter_span)(MD_SPANTYPE /*type*/, void* /*detail*/, void* /*userdata*/);
+ int (*leave_span)(MD_SPANTYPE /*type*/, void* /*detail*/, void* /*userdata*/);
+ int (*text)(MD_TEXTTYPE /*type*/, const MD_CHAR* /*text*/, MD_SIZE /*size*/, void* /*userdata*/);
+ /* Debug callback. Optional (may be NULL).
+ *
+ * If provided and something goes wrong, this function gets called.
+ * This is intended for debugging and problem diagnosis for developers;
+ * it is not intended to provide any errors suitable for displaying to an
+ * end user.
+ */
+ void (*debug_log)(const char* /*msg*/, void* /*userdata*/);
+ /* Reserved. Set to NULL.
+ */
+ void (*syntax)(void);
+/* For backward compatibility. Do not use in new code.
+ */
+/* Parse the Markdown document stored in the string 'text' of size 'size'.
+ * The parser provides callbacks to be called during the parsing so the
+ * caller can render the document on the screen or convert the Markdown
+ * to another format.
+ *
+ * Zero is returned on success. If a runtime error occurs (e.g. a memory
+ * fails), -1 is returned. If the processing is aborted due any callback
+ * returning non-zero, the return value of the callback is returned.
+ */
+int md_parse(const MD_CHAR* text, MD_SIZE size, const MD_PARSER* parser, void* userdata);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ } /* extern "C" { */
+#endif /* MD4C_H */