Commit d75d8f10f4927ac426458ea9749046c3dbe354ab

Thomas de Grivel 2024-07-05T13:55:13

double free: wip buf_parse_ident_sym

diff --git a/ b/
index ff4ce48..7f7c29d 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -482,9 +482,9 @@ Script interpreter. Works the same as ic3 but is not interactive.
  - libc3
    - operators dispatch
      - list of matching operators (facts_with)
-   - map access (x = %{a: 1}; x.a = 1)
-     - buf_parse_call_access
-     - access
+   - access
+     - buf_parse_call_access (Tag "." Sym)
+     - access (Tag, Sym) => Tag
    - base-specific big floats
    - macro cast `(Macro) fn (x) { x }`
    - pretty printer
diff --git a/libc3/buf_parse.c b/libc3/buf_parse.c
index 5f0beba..9b8f9d5 100644
--- a/libc3/buf_parse.c
+++ b/libc3/buf_parse.c
@@ -1726,19 +1726,15 @@ sw buf_parse_fn_pattern (s_buf *buf, s_list **dest)
 sw buf_parse_ident (s_buf *buf, s_ident *dest)
-  character c;
-  sw csize;
-  const s_sym *module = NULL;
   sw r;
   sw result = 0;
   s_buf_save save;
-  s_str str;
-  char t[IDENT_MAX];
-  s_buf tmp;
+  s_ident tmp = {0};
   buf_save_init(buf, &save);
-  if ((r = buf_parse_module_name(buf, &module)) < 0)
+  r = buf_parse_module_name(buf, &tmp.module);
+  if (r < 0)
     goto clean;
   if (r > 0) {
     result += r;
@@ -1746,6 +1742,33 @@ sw buf_parse_ident (s_buf *buf, s_ident *dest)
       goto restore;
     result += r;
+  r = buf_parse_ident_sym(buf, &tmp.sym);
+  if (r <= 0)
+    goto restore;
+  *dest = tmp;
+  r = result;
+  goto clean;
+ restore:
+  buf_save_restore_rpos(buf, &save);
+ clean:
+  buf_save_clean(buf, &save);
+  return r;
+sw buf_parse_ident_sym (s_buf *buf, const s_sym **dest)
+  s_buf buf_tmp;
+  character c;
+  sw csize;
+  sw r;
+  sw result = 0;
+  s_buf_save save;
+  s_str str;
+  char t[IDENT_MAX];
+  const s_sym *tmp = NULL;
+  assert(buf);
+  assert(dest);
+  buf_save_init(buf, &save);
   if ((r = buf_peek_1(buf, "_\"")) < 0)
     goto restore;
   if (r > 0) {
@@ -1755,9 +1778,13 @@ sw buf_parse_ident (s_buf *buf, s_ident *dest)
     if ((r = buf_parse_str(buf, &str)) < 0)
       goto restore;
     result += r;
-    str_to_ident(&str, dest);
-    dest->module = module;
+    tmp = str_to_sym(&str);
+    if (! tmp) {
+      r = -1;
+      goto restore;
+    }
+    *dest = tmp;
     r = result;
     goto clean;
@@ -1765,21 +1792,25 @@ sw buf_parse_ident (s_buf *buf, s_ident *dest)
     goto restore;
   if (r > 0 && ! ident_first_character_is_reserved(c)) {
     csize = r;
-    buf_init(&tmp, false, sizeof(t), t);
-    if ((r = buf_xfer(&tmp, buf, csize)) < 0)
+    buf_init(&buf_tmp, false, sizeof(t), t);
+    if ((r = buf_xfer(&buf_tmp, buf, csize)) < 0)
       goto restore;
     result += csize;
     while ((r = buf_peek_character_utf8(buf, &c)) > 0 &&
            ! ident_character_is_reserved(c)) {
       csize = r;
-      if ((r = buf_xfer(&tmp, buf, csize)) != csize)
+      if ((r = buf_xfer(&buf_tmp, buf, csize)) != csize)
         goto restore;
       result += csize;
-    buf_read_to_str(&tmp, &str);
-    str_to_ident(&str, dest);
-    dest->module = module;
+    buf_read_to_str(&buf_tmp, &str);
+    tmp = str_to_sym(&str);
+    if (! tmp) {
+      r = 0;
+      goto restore;
+    }
+    *dest = tmp;
     r = result;
     goto clean;
diff --git a/libc3/buf_parse.h b/libc3/buf_parse.h
index 7db022a..7a3a20a 100644
--- a/libc3/buf_parse.h
+++ b/libc3/buf_parse.h
@@ -71,15 +71,15 @@ sw buf_parse_fact (s_buf *buf, s_fact_w *dest);
 sw buf_parse_fn (s_buf *buf, s_fn *dest);
 sw buf_parse_fn_clause (s_buf *buf, s_fn_clause *dest);
 sw buf_parse_fn_pattern (s_buf *buf, s_list **dest);
+sw buf_parse_ident (s_buf *buf, s_ident *dest);
+sw buf_parse_ident_sym (s_buf *buf, const s_sym **dest);
+sw buf_parse_if (s_buf *buf, s_call *dest);
+sw buf_parse_if_then (s_buf *buf, s_tag *dest, bool *has_else);
 sw buf_parse_integer (s_buf *buf, s_integer *dest);
 sw buf_parse_integer_unsigned_bin (s_buf *buf, s_integer *dest);
 sw buf_parse_integer_unsigned_dec (s_buf *buf, s_integer *dest);
 sw buf_parse_integer_unsigned_hex (s_buf *buf, s_integer *dest);
 sw buf_parse_integer_unsigned_oct (s_buf *buf, s_integer *dest);
-sw buf_parse_ident (s_buf *buf, s_ident *dest);
-sw buf_parse_if (s_buf *buf, s_call *dest);
-sw buf_parse_if_then (s_buf *buf, s_tag *dest, bool *has_else);
-sw buf_parse_integer (s_buf *buf, s_integer *dest);
 sw buf_parse_list (s_buf *buf, s_list **dest);
 sw buf_parse_list_paren (s_buf *buf, s_list **dest);
 sw buf_parse_list_tag (s_buf *buf, s_tag *dest);