

Author Commit Date CI Message
Thomas de Grivel 5a7ad46d 2024-11-16T22:02:40 wip deconstify much for ref counting everything.
Thomas de Grivel 96b055e1 2024-11-14T16:27:55 wip const and s_callable
Thomas de Grivel 708530a0 2024-10-25T10:07:32 map_put
Thomas de Grivel 007d3b16 2024-10-24T19:46:52 wip map_put
Thomas de Grivel 910ca645 2024-10-23T12:21:28 map_put, Map.put
Thomas de Grivel 2ff624a5 2024-08-17T12:53:43 fix struct_access on Var, facts_with_tags works !
Baptiste 90f3fbb0 2024-08-14T13:33:21 json compiled
Thomas de Grivel d40d21bc 2024-08-13T13:57:51 access
Thomas de Grivel 1ae6ad0e 2024-07-15T19:59:52 rename c3 to kc3, fix update_source, configure, build