

Author Commit Date CI Message
Thomas de Grivel 5abf82ab 2024-06-25T12:22:11 fix defstruct with var
Thomas de Grivel 0cbdc44d 2024-05-21T05:45:55 wip error handling
Thomas de Grivel 808b797f 2024-05-17T14:43:07 ic3> cow(1) + cow(1)
Thomas de Grivel f12b773f 2024-06-27T09:37:44 .ic3_history
Thomas de Grivel 3ce992ab 2024-05-05T22:03:31 wip cow
Thomas de Grivel 0349e13f 2024-05-01T11:09:02 history
Thomas de Grivel 6eb6de37 2024-04-30T19:00:55 better c3 code for List
Thomas de Grivel 8f7b872a 2024-04-24T13:13:57 new tests for def
Thomas de Grivel 4e8d5e18 2024-04-23T13:27:02 debug hash
Thomas de Grivel 4342defd 2024-04-22T23:45:36 wip defmodule
Thomas de Grivel 1dee28f2 2024-04-09T09:30:34 readme
Thomas de Grivel 2d580247 2024-04-09T09:21:52 readme
Thomas de Grivel d2d855d8 2024-04-08T20:26:52 List.last
Thomas de Grivel c11ccf0f 2024-04-08T15:57:56 fix pattern matching of calls
Thomas de Grivel 42a96e6f 2024-04-03T13:59:51 wip macos
Thomas de Grivel 87c46d4d 2024-04-02T10:17:38 wip defoperator
Thomas de Grivel c0cf3eff 2024-03-29T18:23:05 wip defmodule + def
Thomas de Grivel 593a1d6b 2024-05-11T20:25:59 wip cow
Thomas de Grivel 027210f5 2024-03-29T11:45:04 wip config.subr and defmodule + def
Thomas de Grivel 10969336 2024-03-27T21:10:37 wip defmodule
Thomas de Grivel 17f78e73 2024-03-27T11:39:14 if then else
Thomas de Grivel 64743de1 2024-03-26T11:00:07 better error message in env
Thomas de Grivel e1ab1d84 2024-03-26T10:36:57 better error message for unbound equal on both sides
Thomas de Grivel edac3d9c 2024-05-05T23:33:47 wip cow
Thomas de Grivel 92bf6a1b 2024-03-24T11:10:46 add missing eval
Thomas de Grivel 8a44ec9d 2024-03-23T14:49:15 better definition for double_tuple
Thomas de Grivel 3b8369a1 2024-03-23T05:35:45 fix def
Thomas de Grivel 28ddb117 2024-03-22T16:32:23 wip def
Thomas de Grivel 815eee91 2024-03-19T11:11:31 tag
Thomas de Grivel 0a3e7124 2024-03-18T11:53:24 tag_hash cfn
Thomas de Grivel f747bc5d 2024-03-11T12:50:26 ratio_init_cast
Thomas de Grivel f8da1004 2024-03-10T11:47:06 readme
Thomas de Grivel 86fb1a6d 2024-03-10T11:28:58 tag_mod f128
Thomas de Grivel cd9590e3 2024-03-09T09:56:03 operations on complex and ratios
Thomas de Grivel b4dc877f 2024-03-08T22:18:22 wip tag_div
Thomas de Grivel f8149a34 2024-03-08T21:31:22 tag_mul
Thomas de Grivel e9cfe91c 2024-03-08T19:47:24 tag_add, tag_sub
Thomas de Grivel 7447c842 2024-03-08T18:38:58 wip tag_add
Thomas de Grivel d98b42b9 2024-03-07T14:40:47 wip segv ic3> (Complex) 0
Thomas de Grivel 930f20d2 2024-03-07T09:01:08 use f128 sqrtl for [su]_sqrt
Thomas de Grivel 0816bb31 2024-03-07T08:33:05 only accept positive denominator for ratios
Thomas de Grivel ed7ab11c 2024-03-07T07:59:47 wip complex
Thomas de Grivel dcaecb8b 2024-03-06T17:54:09 wip Complex * Complex
Thomas de Grivel a736cc17 2024-03-05T20:23:53 x +i y
Thomas de Grivel b66b74da 2024-03-05T13:25:29 complex
Thomas de Grivel d602f366 2024-03-05T10:52:42 wip complex
Thomas de Grivel 6c58a89d 2024-03-04T20:27:09 tag_sqrt
Thomas de Grivel 6fc80e8b 2024-03-04T20:10:01 call ratio_simplify in ratio_mul and ratio_div, add test operations on ratios
Thomas de Grivel 4cb0bb7d 2024-03-04T12:34:55 operations on ratios
Thomas de Grivel d21e273e 2024-02-22T18:05:25 mandelbrot
Thomas de Grivel 54f74225 2024-02-20T16:33:16 fix buf_parse_special_operator
Thomas de Grivel 6593474a 2024-02-20T14:51:11 wip special operator
Thomas de Grivel 097391e6 2024-02-18T13:34:40 wip unquote
Thomas de Grivel 0d36fad0 2024-02-16T14:49:31 history
Thomas de Grivel d9932537 2024-02-16T11:48:30 wip macros
Thomas de Grivel f998a044 2024-02-15T12:38:51 pin operator
Thomas de Grivel eeed3205 2024-02-15T11:59:48 wip if
Thomas de Grivel 5e60d230 2024-02-14T16:48:49 evaluate macros
Thomas de Grivel 94329ef3 2024-02-14T14:58:22 pin operator
Thomas de Grivel 31034d42 2024-02-13T10:28:53 wip macro
Thomas de Grivel b2c15d58 2024-02-10T09:42:17 test ic3 block
Thomas de Grivel 5928f6c4 2024-02-09T20:29:24 wip block
Thomas de Grivel 1cf7eefe 2024-02-04T23:17:00 wip mac
Thomas de Grivel 92df2815 2024-02-04T23:06:46 %GL.Sphere{}
Thomas de Grivel 29db77e4 2024-02-04T22:07:24 wip struct
Thomas de Grivel 920b4ddb 2024-02-02T10:35:50 quote unquote
Thomas de Grivel ae1dc36a 2024-02-01T11:42:09 wip unquote
Thomas de Grivel f0cee1e5 2024-01-29T17:38:22 str eval
Thomas de Grivel 0a5d9500 2024-01-27T12:37:57 wip str_eval
Thomas de Grivel 1be10925 2024-01-27T11:42:36 wip
Thomas de Grivel cf8224db 2024-01-26T11:05:44 wip buf_parse_str_eval
Thomas de Grivel e04ec58e 2024-01-25T13:11:14 str_cat
Thomas de Grivel 0c1e2386 2024-01-24T21:39:28 wip
Thomas de Grivel 646a588e 2024-01-23T21:53:56 dlopen
Thomas de Grivel cc225506 2024-01-22T20:43:40 sym_array_type
Thomas de Grivel aa2bb65e 2024-01-08T21:43:05 wip ortho
Thomas de Grivel afcddd2a 2024-01-07T06:21:04 wip s_list__fact
Thomas de Grivel fee1cdd8 2024-01-05T14:47:14 wip struct_type
Thomas de Grivel 35513811 2024-01-04T12:48:23 wip buf_inspect_f32 buf_inspect_f64
Thomas de Grivel e8ebe7e2 2023-12-21T04:01:40 wip asan
Thomas de Grivel a5aa00a4 2023-12-15T05:30:38 wip env_eval_struct
Thomas de Grivel a1fca524 2023-12-15T04:32:53 struct: buf_parse, buf_inspect
Thomas de Grivel 6e7a2ed4 2023-11-30T13:07:39 refactor buf_init
Thomas de Grivel ec39aa6c 2023-11-27T00:29:26 wip flies
Thomas de Grivel 85b657b1 2023-11-24T20:02:33 ic3> Map.map, Map.to_list