

Author Commit Date CI Message
Thomas de Grivel b5820e2c 2023-03-17T19:45:52 plug memleak
Thomas de Grivel 6dc15b73 2023-03-17T19:03:29 test/ic3/op
Thomas de Grivel d3a48f2b 2023-03-17T10:10:37 use system libffi
Thomas de Grivel 18f42142 2023-03-16T19:31:34 wip cfn_apply
Thomas de Grivel d0c63ba3 2023-03-16T19:16:16 wip cfn_apply
Thomas de Grivel b66ed8f7 2023-03-16T18:56:52 free
Thomas de Grivel c9f92907 2023-03-16T18:34:06 wip cfn_apply
Thomas de Grivel 93a4e88d 2023-03-16T15:09:32 wip cfn
Thomas de Grivel 74bbb2c1 2023-03-15T21:44:42 move code
Thomas de Grivel 7eabb9c2 2023-03-15T21:35:32 cfn
Thomas de Grivel f45f5d2b 2023-03-15T21:22:46 shared libs
Thomas de Grivel 5f18860d 2023-03-15T20:53:44 wip shared libraries
Thomas de Grivel d862cf49 2023-03-15T19:21:38 -rpath
Thomas de Grivel dce9207c 2023-03-15T19:06:26 -fPIC --shared
Thomas de Grivel acbc2370 2023-03-15T18:28:54 configure Makefile
Thomas de Grivel a5e8d7ae 2023-03-15T18:18:00 cfn
Thomas de Grivel 0a9b340a 2023-03-15T16:53:13 wip cfn
Thomas de Grivel cb1f06ee 2023-03-15T16:44:10 wip cfn SEGV
Thomas de Grivel 478864e1 2023-03-15T16:20:05 fix memleak
Thomas de Grivel 2e13998a 2023-03-15T14:47:23 cfn
Thomas de Grivel ec1ee46d 2023-03-15T14:43:15 tag_type_to_string
Thomas de Grivel 744b6cea 2023-03-15T12:14:58 wip cfn
Thomas de Grivel 043b0d8b 2023-03-15T10:26:19 cfn_link
Thomas de Grivel 41c4fc0d 2023-03-15T07:19:19 cfn
Thomas de Grivel 4cb255cf 2023-03-14T23:48:08 wip cfn
Thomas de Grivel ecfbc8fe 2023-03-14T23:22:39 wip cfn
Thomas de Grivel ef93c1e1 2023-03-14T23:22:15 wip cfn
Thomas de Grivel ddd5a4be 2023-03-14T22:21:35 wip cfn
Thomas de Grivel 328dcba2 2023-03-14T13:52:06 wip cfn
Thomas de Grivel 917210ea 2023-03-14T11:11:22 wip cfn arity
Thomas de Grivel d5ac2337 2023-03-14T08:44:05 buf_parse_call_op
Thomas de Grivel b6c22745 2023-03-14T08:13:59 wip double free
Thomas de Grivel 4cc834e5 2023-03-13T19:22:40 buf_parse_call_op
Thomas de Grivel 19a43eeb 2023-03-13T17:41:50 wip
Thomas de Grivel 41927224 2023-03-13T16:49:54 wip buf_parse_call_op
Thomas de Grivel 95ba4751 2023-03-13T16:33:00 wip
Thomas de Grivel 88e0dbee 2023-03-13T16:03:35 wip
Thomas de Grivel ccc325bc 2023-03-13T10:55:21 wip
Thomas de Grivel 098f464d 2023-03-13T08:08:19 make test_debug
Thomas de Grivel 81ca20f6 2023-03-13T08:04:33 wip buf_parse_call_op
Thomas de Grivel dcc39a39 2023-03-13T07:07:04 wip
Thomas de Grivel cf4e9821 2023-03-12T19:29:18 wip buf_parse_call_op_rec
Thomas de Grivel fa4311aa 2023-03-12T18:47:48 facts_with_cursor_clean
Thomas de Grivel 92f65155 2023-03-12T18:38:08 cfn
Thomas de Grivel 3280b55e 2023-03-12T18:34:52 buf_parse
Thomas de Grivel 6a779986 2023-03-12T10:38:13 wip
Thomas de Grivel b172fd15 2023-03-12T09:28:55 wip
Thomas de Grivel f560c7e9 2023-03-11T23:23:18 wip
Thomas de Grivel 9e6957cf 2023-03-11T18:25:08 wip operators
Thomas de Grivel f65f9f5b 2023-03-10T23:22:05 wip
Thomas de Grivel 2e832877 2023-03-10T18:53:22 wip
Thomas de Grivel 8f606b31 2023-03-07T15:15:29 update hash (e_tag_type)
Thomas de Grivel b068e0fe 2023-03-05T20:24:18 wip
Thomas de Grivel 0f738db0 2023-03-04T13:02:48 wip
Thomas de Grivel 94dbfc45 2023-03-04T02:00:03 wip
Thomas de Grivel 51dfeda8 2023-03-03T23:33:00 multiple clause functions
Thomas de Grivel 6926d695 2023-03-03T16:47:47 wip
Thomas de Grivel ee7545e8 2023-02-28T13:58:41 detect lib path and load local lib in priority
Thomas de Grivel ce048ff9 2023-02-22T17:54:00 fix compilation on Linux
Thomas de Grivel b0c39ab0 2023-02-12T18:58:24 c99
Thomas de Grivel 0ea9939d 2023-02-12T18:45:57 wip
Thomas de Grivel 7ff98d87 2023-02-11T20:39:00 env_eval_call
Thomas de Grivel 2fdba70a 2023-02-11T18:05:37 env_test
Thomas de Grivel af4570a6 2023-02-11T16:20:23 bool eval
Thomas de Grivel dd28cf58 2023-02-11T14:37:53 s_quote
Thomas de Grivel 09cc3847 2023-02-11T12:54:23 env_eval_ident
Thomas de Grivel 41ffcbb6 2023-02-11T12:41:49 wip make test_asan
Thomas de Grivel d819ff73 2023-02-11T12:34:50 wip make test_asan
Thomas de Grivel 87dde39a 2023-02-11T12:29:21 wip make test_asan
Thomas de Grivel b7f8804c 2023-02-11T12:24:26 make test ok
Thomas de Grivel c0663561 2023-02-11T11:40:07 wip
Thomas de Grivel 6f638cfb 2023-02-11T11:09:55 wip
Thomas de Grivel 5e982bea 2023-02-11T10:39:18 wip
Thomas de Grivel fcadc90f 2023-02-11T09:50:34 wip
Thomas de Grivel eb306d97 2023-02-11T09:35:05 wip
Thomas de Grivel c66e2eaa 2023-02-11T00:36:40 wip
Thomas de Grivel 07649a62 2023-02-10T19:23:50 wip
Thomas de Grivel 70a22209 2023-02-10T18:53:58 wip
Thomas de Grivel 8d3224e2 2023-02-10T17:59:23 wip
Thomas de Grivel 493d1f2b 2023-02-10T17:53:26 wip fn
Thomas de Grivel e7f8646f 2023-02-10T10:28:47 fn wip
Thomas de Grivel 324c5885 2023-02-09T18:07:11 wip
Thomas de Grivel 5c126eaf 2023-02-04T19:40:32 remove {0}
Thomas de Grivel 813cff92 2023-02-04T16:17:27 link statically to libtommath
Thomas de Grivel e55a429c 2023-02-04T14:00:20 fix build dependencies
Thomas de Grivel c840b74d 2023-02-04T04:29:26 remove init {0}
Thomas de Grivel c6f13409 2023-02-04T04:20:32 remove init {0}
Thomas de Grivel 962e719f 2023-02-04T04:05:28 linkage
Thomas de Grivel e3002863 2023-02-02T23:21:47 env
Thomas de Grivel e06808d9 2023-02-02T23:17:40 fix tests
Thomas de Grivel 833061d7 2023-02-02T23:00:35 wip segv
Thomas de Grivel 32a1c7b3 2023-02-02T22:59:18 buf_inspect_ident
Thomas de Grivel 32a9b516 2023-02-02T20:14:38 wip
Thomas de Grivel d76ecd73 2023-02-02T20:04:17 zero terminate string
Thomas de Grivel e7a7b94d 2023-02-02T18:32:25 init b
Thomas de Grivel 926af6ab 2023-02-02T18:30:46 wip
Thomas de Grivel ca8a8465 2023-02-02T18:11:09 wip
Thomas de Grivel 79b54579 2023-02-02T17:31:53 wip
Thomas de Grivel cb0adbeb 2023-02-01T10:40:15 wip module
Thomas de Grivel 173d07b2 2023-02-01T09:58:39 update_sources