• KC3 v0.1.14

    KC3 is a programming language with meta-programmation and a graph database embedded into the language. It aims to be the language for semantic programming, and programming the semantic web.

    This is a development branch, see KC3 v0.1.13 for a stable release.

    KC3 is currently a programming language project, inspired by C, Elixir and Common Lisp. It could be described as C with Elixir modules, pattern matching, and a semantic object system. The idea is to plug modules, closures, pattern matching, a graph database and metaprogramming into C99 with an extremely small set of dependencies.

    Supported operating systems (additional dependencies) :

    • BSD
    • Linux (libbsd, libmd)
    • MacOS X (libmd)
    • Windows (MSys2)

    Supported architectures :

    • aarch64 (arm64, Apple M1, Apple M2)
    • amd64
    • i386
    • sparc64

    Discord invite

    Join us on kmx.io Discord server !


    Install dependencies

    Debian / Ubuntu / PopOS / Mint

    # install build tools
    sudo apt install pkg-config clang libtool-bin make ruby time
    # install dependencies
    sudo apt install libffi-dev libbsd-dev libevent-dev
    # install demo dependencies
    sudo apt install glew libfreetype-dev libsdl2-dev libxkbcommon-dev
    # use clang
    export CC=clang


    git clone https://git.kmx.io/kc3-lang/kc3.git
    cd kc3
    git submodule init
    git submodule update
    cd fonts
    git submodule init
    git submodule update
    cd ..

    Add the sources to LD_LIBRARY_PATH

    . ./env

    Create symlinks to libs

    make lib_links

    Running the OpenGL demo

    make demo_gl

    Press Q to quit, F for fullscreen, Left and Right arrows to move through sequences.

    Other targets exist :

    make demo_gl_asan
    make gdb_demo_gl
    make lldb_demo_gl

    Running the Cairo demo

    make demo

    Press Q to quit, Left and Right arrows to move through sequences.

    Other targets exist :

    make demo_asan
    make gdb_demo
    make lldb_demo

    Running the HTTPd demo

    make test_httpd

    Running the tests

    make test

    All the tests will be run. More specific targets exist :

    make test_libkc3
    make test_ikc3
    make test_libkc3_asan
    make test_ikc3_asan
    make test_asan

    Running ikc3


    Running gdb

    make gdb_ikc3
    make gdb_test

    Adding or removing files from the source tree

    make gen

    Don’t forget to commit your files and the modified sources.mk and sources.sh files.



    KC3 is implemented using libkc3 a small C99 library implementing the core of the language.

    The library includes a parser and an interpreter for KC3 code in C structures.

    Support for large integers provided by libtommath.

    Support for C function calls provided by libffi.

    Modules are saved as facts databases.


    The parser is recursive descent.


    The AST is represented as KC3 data structures and can be meta-programmed in C.


    Under development.


    Interactive shell. Terminal I/O provided by linenoise.

    Example :

    $ make test
    $ ikc3/ikc3
    ikc3> ikc3> 1 + 1
    ikc3> 2 + 2
    ikc3> 3 + 3
    ikc3> 1 +
    ikc3> 1
    ikc3> double = fn (x) { x * 2 }
    fn (x) { x * 2 }
    ikc3> double
    fn (x) { x * 2 }
    ikc3> double(1)
    ikc3> double(2)
    ikc3> double(3)
    ikc3> double(4)
    ikc3> List.map([1, 2, 3, 4], double)
    [2, 4, 6, 8]
    ikc3> List.reverse(List.map([1, 2, 3, 4], double))
    [8, 6, 4, 2]

    The List.map and List.reverse functions are defined in lib/kc3/0.1/list.kc3 and can be modified in real time.

    For example, without closing ikc3 let’s redefine List.reverse, open an editor and change the line in lib/kc3/0.1/list.kc3 from

      def reverse = fn {
        (x) { reverse(x, ()) }
        ([], acc) { acc }
        ([a | b], acc) { reverse(b, [a | acc]) }


      def reverse = fn {
        (x) { reverse(x, ()) }
        ([], acc) { [:reversed | acc] }
        ([a | b], acc) { reverse(b, [a | acc]) }

    and check the results of the last command (up key) in ikc3/ikc3 :

    ikc3> List.reverse(List.map([1, 2, 3, 4], double))
    [:reversed, 8, 6, 4, 2]

    Don’t forget to revert the changes to list.kc3.


    KC3 maps are key-value stores, you can use any tag as a key and associate a value to it.

    You can use destructuring to access KC3 maps :

    ikc3> a = %{id: 1, title: "My title", message: "Hello, world !"}
    %{id: 1, title: "My title", message: "Hello, world !"}
    ikc3> a = %{}
    %{id: 1, title: "My title", message: "Hello, world !"}
    ikc3> %{id: id, title: "My title", message: message} = a
    %{id: 1, title: "My title", message: "Hello, world !"}
    ikc3> id
    ikc3> message
    "Hello, world !"

    You can use the dot syntax to access map values from a Sym key :

    ikc3> a = %{id: 1, title: "My title", message: "Hello, world !"}
    %{id: 1, title: "My title", message: "Hello, world !"}
    ikc3> a.id
    ikc3> a.message
    "Hello, world !"

    You can also use the KC3.access function for the same result :

    ikc3> a = %{id: 1, title: "My title", message: "Hello, world !"}
    %{id: 1, title: "My title", message: "Hello, world !"}
    ikc3> access(a, :id)
    ikc3> access(a, :message)
    "Hello, world !"

    Unicode characters

    ikc3 fully supports Unicode :

    Some unicode characters :

    ikc3> '\U+1B2FB'
    ikc3> '𐅀'
    ikc3> '🤩'

    Large integers

    ikc3> a = 1 + 100000000000000000000000000000000
    ikc3> a * a


    Ratios are made with a couple of large integers : the numerator which can be any number, and the denominator which has to be positive. They represent fractions of integral numbers. They are written with a slash and no space.

    ikc3> 1/2 + 2/3
    ikc3> 1/2 * 2/3
    ikc3> 1/2 / 2/3
    ikc3> 1/2 - 2/3

    Complex numbers

    Complex numbers are constructed using the operator +i on any kind of numbers (unsigned, signed, float, ratios, and even other complex numbers). For instance, you can write a +i b where a and b are real numbers.

    ikc3> 1 +i 2
    1 +i 2
    ikc3> 1 +i 2 + 2 +i 3
    3 +i 5
    ikc3> (1 +i 2) * (2 +i 3)
    -4 +i 7
    ikc3> (1 +i 2) / (2 +i 3)
    0 +i 0
    ikc3> (1/1 +i 2/1) / (2 +i 3)
    8/13 +i 1/13

    As you can see integer division is not producing ratios. That might change in future releases.


    Lists are marked with brackets [].

    Regular lists can be :

    • an element and a list : [1 | []][1]
    • multiple elements : [1, 2, 3]
    • multiple elements and a list : [1, 2 | [3, 4]][1, 2, 3, 4]
    • the empty list : []

    Regular lists end with the empty list : [1] == [1 | []].

    You can also contruct dotted lists like in Common Lisp where the next list pointer is an arbitrary form. E.g. :

    • an element and an element : [1 | 2]
    • multiple elements and an element : [1, 2, 3 | 4]
    • the empty list and an element : [[] | 1]

    All these list formats are supported in pattern matching.

    Pattern matching and destructuring

    The KC3 pattern matching principles come from Erlang and Elixir.

    All tag data structures in KC3 can be pattern matched using the equal sign (=) against litteral values containing identifiers. All identifiers are supposed to be new bindings when using pattern matching in KC3. If you want to use an identifier’s value in pattern matching you must use the pin operator (^). Variables can be assigned a new value from either side of the equal sign and from inside a tag data structure, which is called destructuring.

    Examples :

    ikc3> a = 1
    ikc3> a = 2
    ikc3> a
    ikc3> ^ a = 1
    ikc3> ^ a = 2
    ikc3> ^ a = b
    ikc3> b

    To use destructuring just type the litteral value you want to match and put identifiers (variable names) where you want a variable matching the value on the other side of the equal sign. This is the most visual approach possible to text-based value matching : the data is constantly matched to litterals that show their type to the programmer. This is really helpful when writing large programs that need to scale in the way of abstractions. Let the data flow in the code through visual types.

    Examples :

    ikc3> [x, y | z] = List.reverse([1, 2, 3, 4])
    [4, 3, 2, 1]
    ikc3> x
    ikc3> y
    ikc3> z
    [2, 1]


    KC3 macros are like Common Lisp macros with Elixir pattern-matching.

    Macros are like functions but start with macro instead of fn and their arguments do not get evaluated. However they get pattern matched and the full power of the pattern matcher is available for arguments destructuring. Use a map if you want named arguments. Use a list if you want &rest arguments, use a block if you want a &body argument.

    When evaluated, a macro call returns a tag which is in turn evaluated in the calling site lexical environment. This allows for DSLs and custom control structures to be defined in KC3.

    Many basic operations in KC3 are defined as macros : error handling, free operations with unwind-protect, graph database operations like Facts.with.

    If, then, else.

    Conditionals in KC3 are like in Ruby, for example :

    ikc3> if true && true
    ikc3>   1 + 1
    ikc3>   2 + 2
    ikc3> end
    ikc3> if true && false
    ikc3>   1 + 1
    ikc3>   2 + 2
    ikc3> else
    ikc3>   3 + 3
    ikc3>   4 + 4
    ikc3> end

    A KC3 if statement always return a value. If the condition is true, the first (then) block gets evaluated. If the condition is false the second block gets evaluated. If the condition is false and an else block is not provided, then void gets returned.

    One liner examples with then :

    ikc3> if 42 then 100 else 101 end
    ikc3> if 0 then 100 else 101 end

    defmodule and def

    Example :

    ikc3> defmodule Example do
    ikc3>   def three = 3
    ikc3>   def double = fn (x) do x * 2 end
    ikc3>   def double_tuple = macro (x) do {x, x} end
    ikc3>   def operator_double = %KC3.Operator{sym: :double, symbol_value: fn (x) { x * 2 }
    ikc3> end
    ikc3> Example.three
    ikc3> Example.double
    fn (x) do x * 2 end
    ikc3> Example.double(21)
    ikc3> Example.double_tuple(:ok)
    {:ok, :ok}
    ikc3> double 21


    The Facts module allows read and write access to a graph database containing facts : triples of subject, predicate, object.

    Examples for querying the KC3 database containing all definitions of the interpreter :

    ikc3> Facts.with_tags(Facts.env_facts(), KC3, :operator, ?,
            fn (fact) { puts(fact.object); :ok })


    Script interpreter. Works the same as ikc3 but is not interactive and does not output results.


    HTTP daemon, use make test_httpd.

    The http daemon is defined in httpd/httpd.c and lib/kc3/0.1/httpd.kc3.

    The http daemon is a static file server listing directories and serving files for display or download (Web 1.0).


    • fx v0.1.0

      • [DONE] file explorer
      • [DONE] preview files
        • [DONE] text
        • [DONE] image
        • [DONE] video
        • [DONE] audio
      • tags
        • create
          • POST “/tag/:tag/*path”
        • delete
          • DELETE “/tag/:tag/*path”
      • properties
        • create
          • POST “/property/:property/:value/*path”
        • delete
          • DELETE “/property/:property/:value/*path
    • HTTPd v0.2.0

      • dynamic pages (MVC)
        • [DONE] controllers
          • [DONE] ./app/controllers/
        • [DONE] templates
          • [DONE] ./app/templates/
        • dynamic router
          • [DONE] Str.starts_with?(url, route.path)
          • HTTPd.Router.get(“/user/:id/articles/*slug/edit”, UserArticlesController.show)
        • views
          • ./app/views/
    • libkc3

      • evaluation order for && and ||
      • operators dispatch
        • list of matching operators (facts_with)
      • base-specific big floats
      • macro cast (Macro) fn (x) { x }
      • pretty printer
        • [DONE] indent
        • 80 columns (\n)
      • tags
        • walker
        • height function (TAG_VOID: 1, TAG_TUPLE: (1+ (max (height tuple->tags))))
        • has_ident
        • collect_idents
      • facts
        • negative facts : 4 + 2n = not 3 + 2n
        • with ignore variables
      • math
        • arbitrary precision floating point numbers (decimals)
      • map
        • get (get key value)
        • put (return a new map)
      • struct
        • access
        • get
        • put
      • enums
      • unions
      • errors (setjmp, longjmp)
        • stacktrace
          • ffi ?
            • libdwarf
      • control structures
        • when
        • unless
        • switch/case/cond
      • unwind protect
      • functions
        • return
      • livebook
        • gaussian
      • buf_sha256
      • buf_popen
      • tests