


Author Commit Date CI Message
Guillem Jover 605614d6 2024-02-12T03:00:06 build: Add support for AIX
Guillem Jover 847e682f 2021-02-07T00:09:30 Use libmd hashing function implementations instead of embedding our own This splits the implementation responsibilities, and reduces embedded code copies, which was one of the driving points with this project to start with, so it's nice to give a good example.
Guillem Jover 11ec8f1e 2018-03-06T01:41:35 Handle systems missing <sys/cdefs.h> This is a non-portable header, and we cannot expect it to be provided by the system libc (e.g. musl). We just need and rely on declaration that we have defined ourselves in our own <bsd/sys/cdefs.h>. So we switch to only ever assume that. Fixes:
Guillem Jover ec5d9a68 2017-06-14T02:44:37 Namespace header inclusion protection macros Use LIBBSD_, and remove trailing underscores.
Guillem Jover 2c77ad59 2015-12-14T00:37:34 Add missing include to <md5.h> The header was not self-contained, it was missing definitions for some types included in <sys/types.h>.
Guillem Jover 02b55488 2014-08-12T12:32:34 Use stdint integer types instead of BSD legacy ones
Guillem Jover b37f1039 2008-06-18T08:19:41 Replace current md5 code with one from MirBSD and OpenBSD This adds the following public functions: MD5Transform, MD5End, MD5File, MD5FileChunk, MD5Data
Guillem Jover 657f1b59 2005-10-31T22:57:10 Reorganize header files