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  • Hash : 5865450d
    Author : Francisco Boni
    Date : 2021-03-23T19:50:09

    Update ax_cc_maxopt m4 macro (#617)
    Keeps libffi's specific changes
    and updates to the latest ax_cc_maxopt.m4
    ax_cc_maxopt.m4: retain setting of CFLAGS by configure
    AX_CC_MAXOPT checks whether CFLAGS was set by the user; if so, the user’s
    setting is respected. This behavior is retained, of course.
    However, AX_CC_MAXOPT was then setting CFLAGS="". This overrode the default
    setting by configure, which usually includes -g. Hence, if CFLAGS was not
    set by the user, retain the default setting, to preserve the ability to
    A typical default setting from configure is "-g -O2". This means that
    AX_CC_MAXOPT might typically set CFLAGS to "-g -O2 -O3". This is fine,
    because the later -O3 will override the earlier -O2. (The only assumption is
    that all compilers that AX_CC_MAXOPT knows behave in this sane way.)