Commit 39e348b2e2db69f2cf3a501a7c444830ee889ac0

Steffen Jaeckel 2015-04-25T14:12:32

makefile: add LFLAGS variable when static linking

diff --git a/makefile b/makefile
index 4e0366d..cbccd97 100644
--- a/makefile
+++ b/makefile
@@ -96,17 +96,17 @@ install: $(LIBNAME)
 	install -g $(GROUP) -o $(USER) $(HEADERS) $(DESTDIR)$(INCPATH)
 test: $(LIBNAME) demo/demo.o
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) demo/demo.o $(LIBNAME) -o test
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) demo/demo.o $(LIBNAME) $(LFLAGS) -o test
 test_standalone: $(LIBNAME) demo/demo.o
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) demo/demo.o $(LIBNAME) -o test
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) demo/demo.o $(LIBNAME) $(LFLAGS) -o test
 .PHONY: mtest
-	cd mtest ; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) mtest.c -o mtest
+	cd mtest ; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) mtest.c $(LFLAGS) -o mtest
 timing: $(LIBNAME)
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DTIMER demo/timing.c $(LIBNAME) -o ltmtest
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DTIMER demo/timing.c $(LIBNAME) $(LFLAGS) -o ltmtest
 # makes the LTM book DVI file, requires tetex, perl and makeindex [part of tetex I think]
 docdvi: tommath.src