Commit 483f66c64aaf783bc9edf69abde73e1300289e87

Daniel Mendler 2019-05-09T14:11:46

remove some historical artifacts * build system is already pretty baroque and we are not using this anywhere in CI etc. * only used for internal renaming. can be retrieved from git history if needed again. * tombc/grammer.txt: ?

diff --git a/makefile b/makefile
index f013a59..8c3f992 100644
--- a/makefile
+++ b/makefile
@@ -120,9 +120,6 @@ coveralls: lcov
 docdvi poster docs mandvi manual:
 	$(MAKE) -C doc/ $@ V=$(V)
-	perl
 .PHONY: pre_gen
 	mkdir -p pre_gen
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index a708b8a..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/perl -w
-# Cute little builder for perl 
-# Total waste of development time...
-# This will build all the object files and then the archive .a file
-# requires GCC, GNU make and a sense of humour.
-# Tom St Denis
-use strict;
-my $count = 0;
-my $starttime = time;
-my $rate  = 0;
-print "Scanning for source files...\n";
-foreach my $filename (glob "*.c") {
-       ++$count;
-print "Source files to build: $count\nBuilding...\n";
-my $i = 0;
-my $lines = 0;
-my $filesbuilt = 0;
-foreach my $filename (glob "*.c") {
-       printf("Building %3.2f%%, ", (++$i/$count)*100.0);
-       if ($i % 4 == 0) { print "/, "; }
-       if ($i % 4 == 1) { print "-, "; }
-       if ($i % 4 == 2) { print "\\, "; }
-       if ($i % 4 == 3) { print "|, "; }
-       if ($rate > 0) {
-           my $tleft = ($count - $i) / $rate;
-           my $tsec  = $tleft%60;
-           my $tmin  = ($tleft/60)%60;
-           my $thour = ($tleft/3600)%60;
-           printf("%2d:%02d:%02d left, ", $thour, $tmin, $tsec);
-       }
-       my $cnt = ($i/$count)*30.0;
-       my $x   = 0;
-       print "[";
-       for (; $x < $cnt; $x++) { print "#"; }
-       for (; $x < 30; $x++)   { print " "; }
-       print "]\r";
-       my $tmp = $filename;
-       $tmp =~ s/\.c/".o"/ge;
-       if (open(SRC, "<$tmp")) {
-          close SRC;
-       } else {
-          !system("make $tmp > /dev/null 2>/dev/null") or die "\nERROR: Failed to make $tmp!!!\n";
-          open( SRC, "<$filename" ) or die "Couldn't open $filename for reading: $!";
-          ++$lines while (<SRC>);
-          close SRC or die "Error closing $filename after reading: $!";
-          ++$filesbuilt;
-       }      
-       # update timer 
-       if (time != $starttime) {
-          my $delay = time - $starttime;
-          $rate = $i/$delay;
-       }
-# finish building the library 
-printf("\nFinished building source (%d seconds, %3.2f files per second).\n", time - $starttime, $rate);
-print "Compiled approximately $filesbuilt files and $lines lines of code.\n";
-print "Doing final make (building archive...)\n";
-!system("make > /dev/null 2>/dev/null") or die "\nERROR: Failed to perform last make command!!!\n";
-print "done.\n";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100755
index e09e833..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-function rename {
-  old_file=$1
-  new_file=$2
-  old_name=$3
-  new_name=$4
-  grep $old_name "tommath_private.h" | perl -p -e "s/^(.*)$old_name(.*)/MP_DEPRECATED($new_name) \\1$old_name\\2/" >> deprecated.h
-  echo "#ifdef ${old_file^^}_C" >> bn_deprecated.c
-  grep $old_name "tommath_private.h" \
-      | perl -p -e "s/^int $old_name(.*);/\$b=\$1;\$x=\$1;\$x =~ s#(const *)?mp_int *\* *|(int|mp_digit|unsigned char *\*) *##g;\"int $old_name\$b { return $new_name\$x; }\"/e" \
-      | perl -p -e "s/^void $old_name(.*);/\$b=\$1;\$x=\$1;\$x =~ s#(const *)?mp_int *\* *|(int|mp_digit|unsigned char *\*) *##g;\"void $old_name\$b { $new_name\$x; }\"/e"  >> bn_deprecated.c
-  echo "#endif" >> bn_deprecated.c
-  git mv $old_file.c $new_file.c
-  git ls-files | grep -v | grep -v changes.txt | xargs sed -E -i "s/$old_name([^\.])/$new_name\1/g"
-  git ls-files | grep -v | grep -v changes.txt | xargs sed -E -i "s/$old_file\./$new_file./g"
-  git ls-files | grep -v | grep -v changes.txt | xargs sed -E -i "s/${old_file^^}/${new_file^^}/g"
-echo -n > deprecated.h
-echo "#define MP_DEPRECATED(n)" >> bn_deprecated.c
-echo "#include <tommath_private.h>" > bn_deprecated.c
-rename bn_fast_mp_invmod              bn_s_mp_invmod_fast            fast_mp_invmod              s_mp_invmod_fast
-rename bn_fast_mp_montgomery_reduce   bn_s_mp_montgomery_reduce_fast fast_mp_montgomery_reduce   s_mp_montgomery_reduce_fast
-rename bn_fast_s_mp_mul_digs          bn_s_mp_mul_digs_fast          fast_s_mp_mul_digs          s_mp_mul_digs_fast
-rename bn_fast_s_mp_mul_high_digs     bn_s_mp_mul_high_digs_fast     fast_s_mp_mul_high_digs     s_mp_mul_high_digs_fast
-rename bn_fast_s_mp_sqr               bn_s_mp_sqr_fast               fast_s_mp_sqr               s_mp_sqr_fast
-rename bn_mp_balance_mul              bn_s_mp_balance_mul            mp_balance_mul              s_mp_balance_mul
-rename bn_mp_exptmod_fast             bn_s_mp_exptmod_fast           mp_exptmod_fast             s_mp_exptmod_fast
-rename bn_mp_invmod_slow              bn_s_mp_invmod_slow            mp_invmod_slow              s_mp_invmod_slow
-rename bn_mp_karatsuba_mul            bn_s_mp_karatsuba_mul          mp_karatsuba_mul            s_mp_karatsuba_mul
-rename bn_mp_karatsuba_sqr            bn_s_mp_karatsuba_sqr          mp_karatsuba_sqr            s_mp_karatsuba_sqr
-rename bn_mp_toom_mul                 bn_s_mp_toom_mul               mp_toom_mul                 s_mp_toom_mul
-rename bn_mp_toom_sqr                 bn_s_mp_toom_sqr               mp_toom_sqr                 s_mp_toom_sqr
-rename bn_reverse                     bn_s_mp_reverse                bn_reverse                  s_mp_reverse
-deprecated=$(cat deprecated.h)
-rm deprecated.h
-perl -pi -e "s/\/\* deprecated functions \*\/\n/\/* deprecated functions *\/\n$deprecated\n/g" tommath_private.h
-git ls-files | grep makefile | xargs sed -E -i "s/bn_error.o/bn_deprecated.o bn_error.o/g"
diff --git a/tombc/grammar.txt b/tombc/grammar.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a780e75..0000000
--- a/tombc/grammar.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-program       := program statement | statement | empty
-statement     := { statement }                                                                              | 
-                 identifier = numexpression;                                                                | 
-                 identifier[numexpression] = numexpression;                                                 |
-                 function(expressionlist);                                                                  | 
-                 for (identifer = numexpression; numexpression; identifier = numexpression) { statement }   |
-                 while (numexpression) { statement }                                                        | 
-                 if (numexpresion) { statement } elif                                                       | 
-                 break;                                                                                     | 
-                 continue;                                                                                  
-elif          := else statement | empty
-function      := abs | countbits | exptmod | jacobi | print | isprime | nextprime | issquare | readinteger | exit
-expressionlist := expressionlist, expression | expression
-// LR(1) !!!?
-expression    := string | numexpression
-numexpression := cmpexpr && cmpexpr | cmpexpr \|\| cmpexpr | cmpexpr
-cmpexpr       := boolexpr  < boolexpr | boolexpr  > boolexpr | boolexpr == boolexpr | 
-                 boolexpr <= boolexpr | boolexpr >= boolexpr | boolexpr
-boolexpr      := shiftexpr & shiftexpr | shiftexpr ^ shiftexpr | shiftexpr \| shiftexpr | shiftexpr
-shiftexpr     := addsubexpr << addsubexpr | addsubexpr >> addsubexpr | addsubexpr
-addsubexpr    := mulexpr + mulexpr | mulexpr - mulexpr | mulexpr
-mulexpr       := expr * expr       | expr / expr | expr % expr | expr
-expr          := -nexpr | nexpr 
-nexpr         := integer | identifier | ( numexpression ) | identifier[numexpression] 
-identifier    := identifer digits | identifier alpha | alpha
-alpha         := a ... z | A ... Z
-integer       := hexnumber | digits 
-hexnumber     := 0xhexdigits
-hexdigits     := hexdigits hexdigit | hexdigit
-hexdigit      := 0 ... 9 | a ... f | A ... F
-digits        := digits digit | digit 
-digit         := 0 ... 9