Commit bee1e9959299e908a52718f297961dc414bb974d

Steffen Jaeckel 2020-11-29T15:06:42

use heredoc instead of all those echo's

diff --git a/ b/
index 2d09d04..9ff242a 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -20,71 +20,73 @@ TEST_CFLAGS=""
-  echo "Usage options for $(basename $0) [--with-cc=arg [other options]]"
-  echo
-  echo "Executing this script without any parameter will only run the default"
-  echo "configuration that has automatically been determined for the"
-  echo "architecture you're running."
-  echo
-  echo "    --with-cc=*             The compiler(s) to use for the tests"
-  echo "                            This is an option that will be iterated."
-  echo
-  echo "    --test-vs-mtest=*       Run test vs. mtest for '*' operations."
-  echo "                            Only the first of each options will be"
-  echo "                            taken into account."
-  echo
-  echo "To be able to specify options a compiler has to be given with"
-  echo "the option --with-cc=compilername"
-  echo "All other options will be tested with all MP_xBIT configurations."
-  echo
-  echo "    --with-{m64,m32,mx32}   The architecture(s) to build and test"
-  echo "                            for, e.g. --with-mx32."
-  echo "                            This is an option that will be iterated,"
-  echo "                            multiple selections are possible."
-  echo "                            The mx32 architecture is not supported"
-  echo "                            by clang and will not be executed."
-  echo
-  echo "    --cflags=*              Give an option to the compiler,"
-  echo "                            e.g. --cflags=-g"
-  echo "                            This is an option that will always be"
-  echo "                            passed as parameter to CC."
-  echo
-  echo "    --make-option=*         Give an option to make,"
-  echo "                            e.g. --make-option=\"-f makefile.shared\""
-  echo "                            This is an option that will always be"
-  echo "                            passed as parameter to make."
-  echo
-  echo "    --with-low-mp           Also build&run tests with -DMP_{8,16,32}BIT."
-  echo
-  echo "    --mtest-real-rand       Use real random data when running mtest."
-  echo
-  echo "    --with-valgrind"
-  echo "    --with-valgrind=*       Run in valgrind (slow!)."
-  echo
-  echo "    --with-travis-valgrind  Run with valgrind on Travis on specific branches."
-  echo
-  echo "    --valgrind-options      Additional Valgrind options"
-  echo "                            Some of the options like e.g.:"
-  echo "                            --track-origins=yes add a lot of extra"
-  echo "                            runtime and may trigger the 30 minutes"
-  echo "                            timeout."
-  echo
-  echo "Godmode:"
-  echo
-  echo "    --all                   Choose all architectures and gcc and clang"
-  echo "                            as compilers but does not run valgrind."
-  echo
-  echo "    --format                Runs the various source-code formatters"
-  echo "                            and generators and checks if the sources"
-  echo "                            are clean."
-  echo
-  echo "    -h"
-  echo "    --help                  This message"
-  echo
-  echo "    -v"
-  echo "    --version               Prints the version. It is just the number"
-  echo "                            of git commits to this file, no deeper"
-  echo "                            meaning attached"
+  cat << EOF
+Usage options for $(basename $0) [--with-cc=arg [other options]]
+Executing this script without any parameter will only run the default
+configuration that has automatically been determined for the
+architecture you're running.
+    --with-cc=*             The compiler(s) to use for the tests
+                            This is an option that will be iterated.
+    --test-vs-mtest=*       Run test vs. mtest for '*' operations.
+                            Only the first of each options will be
+                            taken into account.
+To be able to specify options a compiler has to be given with
+the option --with-cc=compilername
+All other options will be tested with all MP_xBIT configurations.
+    --with-{m64,m32,mx32}   The architecture(s) to build and test
+                            for, e.g. --with-mx32.
+                            This is an option that will be iterated,
+                            multiple selections are possible.
+                            The mx32 architecture is not supported
+                            by clang and will not be executed.
+    --cflags=*              Give an option to the compiler,
+                            e.g. --cflags=-g
+                            This is an option that will always be
+                            passed as parameter to CC.
+    --make-option=*         Give an option to make,
+                            e.g. --make-option="-f makefile.shared"
+                            This is an option that will always be
+                            passed as parameter to make.
+    --with-low-mp           Also build&run tests with -DMP_{8,16,32}BIT.
+    --mtest-real-rand       Use real random data when running mtest.
+    --with-valgrind
+    --with-valgrind=*       Run in valgrind (slow!).
+    --with-travis-valgrind  Run with valgrind on Travis on specific branches.
+    --valgrind-options      Additional Valgrind options
+                            Some of the options like e.g.:
+                            --track-origins=yes add a lot of extra
+                            runtime and may trigger the 30 minutes
+                            timeout.
+    --all                   Choose all architectures and gcc and clang
+                            as compilers but does not run valgrind.
+    --format                Runs the various source-code formatters
+                            and generators and checks if the sources
+                            are clean.
+    -h
+    --help                  This message
+    -v
+    --version               Prints the version. It is just the number
+                            of git commits to this file, no deeper
+                            meaning attached
   exit 0