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  • Hash : 4e3f1344
    Author : Steffen Jaeckel
    Date : 2015-11-12T01:49:07

    provide tommath_private.h tommath.h contains declarations for the public part of the library. tommath_private.h contains the functions which are private to ltm and should not be exposed to the public.

  • README.md

  • This is the git repository for LibTomMath, a free open source portable number theoretic multiple-precision integer (MPI) library written entirely in C.

    The develop branch contains the in-development version. Stable releases are tagged.

    Documentation is built from the LaTeX file bn.tex. There is also limited documentation in tommath.h. There is also a document, tommath.pdf, which describes the goals of the project and many of the algorithms used.

    The project can be build by using make. Along with the usual make, make clean and make install, there are several other build targets, see the makefile for details. There are also makefiles for certain specific platforms.

    Tests are located in demo/ and can be built in two flavors.

    • make test creates a test binary that is intended to be run against mtest. mtest can be built with make mtest and test execution is done like ./mtest/mtest | ./test. mtest is creating test vectors using an alternative MPI library and test is consuming these vectors to verify correct behavior of ltm
    • make test_standalone creates a stand-alone test binary that executes several test routines.