
Author Commit Date CI Message
Jan Engelhardt 2b36543a 2010-11-11T23:02:11 build: use AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR as per libtoolize warning libtoolize: Consider adding "AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([m4])" to and libtoolize: rerunning libtoolize, to keep the correct libtool macros in-tree. libtoolize: Consider adding "-I m4" to ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS in Signed-off-by: Jan Engelhardt <>
Dan Nicholson a9822d87 2009-04-01T06:22:06 Add xkbcommon pkg-config file
Dan Nicholson 83f198f1 2009-01-20T07:46:12 Initial implementation of keysym handlers Add the xkbcommon implementations of XKeysymToString and XStringToKeysym. These symbols have the namespace prefix of Xkbc and are declared in X11/XkbCommon.h. The implementation is taken directly from Xlib, but does not include the XKeysymDB parsing and hashing yet (if it ever will). A couple type conversions were needed to keep from using Xlib.h. See original files: libX11/src/KeysymStr.c libX11/src/StrKeysym.c
Dan Nicholson b2737e9b 2009-01-20T18:57:22 Testing harness for keysym functions A test program and script have been added for checking the XkbCommon keysym functions. This has already highlighted an error in handling of keysyms from XF86keysym.h.
Dan Nicholson 27fe8d16 2009-01-14T07:35:10 Add makekeys for creating keysym hash tables The makekeys utility is used to generate the keysym hash tables during the build. We try to detect a build machine native compiler so the tables can be generated when cross compiling.
Dan Nicholson b58a95d0 2009-01-13T18:25:35 Initial autotools commit