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makekeys: update to match the rest of libX11 makekeys This integrates two commits from libX11: ebd6ef0a4db0ddef0ae17ad14571518ccdeea5ba XStringToKeysym: Special case for XF86 keysyms Some XFree86 keysyms were in XKeysymDB as XF86_foo, despite really being XF86foo. So, if we get to the bottom of XStringToKeysym and haven't found our XF86_foo, try it again as XF86foo. Signed-off-by: Daniel Stone <daniel@fooishbar.org> Reviewed-by: Alan Coopersmith <alan.coopersmith@oracle.com> 00175397480b76d32bf82b0c7c94c91a2a95954e makekeys: Scan vendor keysyms as well as core Since we can't really live without vendor keysyms, scan them all in to generate ks_tables.h, rather than only doing the core ones, and leaving the vendor syms to be manually synchronised with XKeysymDB. Signed-off-by: Daniel Stone <daniel@fooishbar.org> Reviewed-by: Alan Coopersmith <alan.coopersmith@oracle.com> Notice that the xkey.sh test is changed to match libX11 behavior, i.e. XKeysymToString(0x1008FE20) -> "XF86Ungrab" as opposed to "XF86_Ungrab". Signed-off-by: Ran Benita <ran234@gmail.com>