Commit 685b714453772ed250727f936847d5b5c5eed070

Martin Mitas 2019-03-10T11:20:39

Move codespan detection from md_analyze_backtick() into... md_is_code_span(), called from md_collect_marks(). We have to do this at the same time as detecting raw inline HTML to follow CommonMark priority requirements. Also it is done very differently now: When scanning for the closer mark, we remember (the latest) position of potential closers for all other lengths as well. This means that: (1) If we find it, we reduced the task because all subsequent scan shall begin after the closer. (2) If we do not find it, then we have to reach the end of the block and hence we then know (for every allowed marker length) the position of last such backtick sequence. (3) That makes the guaranty that any subsequent call with either succeed in its scan (and reduce the task even further); or that we shall be able to detect instantly there is no suitable closer. I.e. every call either reduces the task by O(n) scan (1); or collects all the data in O(n) because (2) happens at most once; or fails in O(1) (3). This makes O(n) guaranty of the function complexity. Fixes #59.

diff --git a/md4c/md4c.c b/md4c/md4c.c
index 4476e8e..e08869a 100644
--- a/md4c/md4c.c
+++ b/md4c/md4c.c
@@ -123,17 +123,16 @@ struct MD_CTX_tag {
     /* For resolving of inline spans. */
-    MD_MARKCHAIN mark_chains[8];
+    MD_MARKCHAIN mark_chains[7];
 #define PTR_CHAIN               ctx->mark_chains[0]
 #define TABLECELLBOUNDARIES     ctx->mark_chains[1]
-#define BACKTICK_OPENERS        ctx->mark_chains[2]
-#define LOWERTHEN_OPENERS       ctx->mark_chains[3]
-#define ASTERISK_OPENERS        ctx->mark_chains[4]
-#define UNDERSCORE_OPENERS      ctx->mark_chains[5]
-#define TILDE_OPENERS           ctx->mark_chains[6]
-#define BRACKET_OPENERS         ctx->mark_chains[7]
+#define LOWERTHEN_OPENERS       ctx->mark_chains[2]
+#define ASTERISK_OPENERS        ctx->mark_chains[3]
+#define UNDERSCORE_OPENERS      ctx->mark_chains[4]
+#define TILDE_OPENERS           ctx->mark_chains[5]
+#define BRACKET_OPENERS         ctx->mark_chains[6]
 #define OPENERS_CHAIN_FIRST     2
-#define OPENERS_CHAIN_LAST      7
+#define OPENERS_CHAIN_LAST      6
     int n_table_cell_boundaries;
@@ -2661,7 +2660,6 @@ md_rollback(MD_CTX* ctx, int opener_index, int closer_index, int how)
                 switch(mark_opener->ch) {
                     case '*':   chain = &ASTERISK_OPENERS; break;
                     case '_':   chain = &UNDERSCORE_OPENERS; break;
-                    case '`':   chain = &BACKTICK_OPENERS; break;
                     case '<':   chain = &LOWERTHEN_OPENERS; break;
                     case '~':   chain = &TILDE_OPENERS; break;
                     default:    MD_UNREACHABLE(); break;
@@ -2736,12 +2734,90 @@ md_build_mark_char_map(MD_CTX* ctx)
+/* We limit code span marks to lower then 32 backticks. This solves the
+ * pathologic case of too many openers, each of different length: Their
+ * resolving would be then O(n^2). */
+static int
+md_is_code_span(MD_CTX* ctx, OFF beg, OFF max_end,
+                OFF* p_opener_beg, OFF* p_opener_end,
+                OFF* p_closer_beg, OFF* p_closer_end,
+                OFF last_potential_closers[CODESPAN_MARK_MAXLEN],
+                int* p_reached_max_end)
+    OFF opener_beg = beg;
+    OFF opener_end;
+    OFF closer_beg;
+    OFF closer_end;
+    SZ mark_len;
+    opener_end = opener_beg;
+    while(opener_end < max_end  &&  CH(opener_end) == _T('`'))
+        opener_end++;
+    /* The caller needs to know end of the opening mark even if we fail. */
+    *p_opener_end = opener_end;
+    mark_len = opener_end - opener_beg;
+    if(mark_len > CODESPAN_MARK_MAXLEN)
+        return FALSE;
+    /* Check whether we already know there is no closer of this length.
+     * If so, re-scan does no sense. This fixes issue #59. */
+    if(last_potential_closers[mark_len-1] >= max_end  ||
+       (*p_reached_max_end  &&  last_potential_closers[mark_len-1] < opener_end))
+        return FALSE;
+    closer_beg = opener_end;
+    closer_end = opener_end;
+    /* Find closer mark. Note we rely on the fact that '`' cannot be in the
+     * "gaps" between lines here so we scan as in a simple string. */
+    while(TRUE) {
+        while(closer_beg < max_end  &&  CH(closer_beg) != _T('`'))
+            closer_beg++;
+        closer_end = closer_beg;
+        while(closer_end < max_end  &&  CH(closer_end) == _T('`'))
+            closer_end++;
+        if(closer_end - closer_beg == mark_len)
+            break;
+        if(closer_end - closer_beg < CODESPAN_MARK_MAXLEN) {
+            if(closer_beg > last_potential_closers[closer_end - closer_beg - 1])
+                last_potential_closers[closer_end - closer_beg - 1] = closer_beg;
+        }
+        if(closer_end >= max_end) {
+            *p_reached_max_end = TRUE;
+            return FALSE;
+        }
+        closer_beg = closer_end;
+    }
+    /* Eat any space on the inner side if the marks. */
+    while(CH(opener_end) == _T(' ') || ISNEWLINE(opener_end))
+        opener_end++;
+    while(closer_beg > opener_end  &&  (CH(closer_beg-1) == _T(' ') || ISNEWLINE(closer_beg-1)))
+        closer_beg--;
+    *p_opener_beg = opener_beg;
+    *p_opener_end = opener_end;
+    *p_closer_beg = closer_beg;
+    *p_closer_end = closer_end;
+    return TRUE;
 static int
 md_collect_marks(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_LINE* lines, int n_lines, int table_mode)
     int i;
     int ret = 0;
     MD_MARK* mark;
+    OFF codespan_last_potential_closers[CODESPAN_MARK_MAXLEN] = { 0 };
+    int codespan_scanned_till_end = FALSE;
     for(i = 0; i < n_lines; i++) {
         const MD_LINE* line = &lines[i];
@@ -2779,14 +2855,7 @@ md_collect_marks(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_LINE* lines, int n_lines, int table_mode)
                 /* Hard-break cannot be on the last line of the block. */
                 if(!ISNEWLINE(off+1)  ||  i+1 < n_lines)
                     PUSH_MARK(ch, off, off+2, MD_MARK_RESOLVED);
-                /* If '`' or '>' follows, we need both marks as the backslash
-                 * may be inside a code span or an autolink where escaping is
-                 * disabled. */
-                if(CH(off+1) == _T('`') || CH(off+1) == _T('>'))
-                    off++;
-                else
-                    off += 2;
+                off += 2;
@@ -2859,18 +2928,32 @@ md_collect_marks(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_LINE* lines, int n_lines, int table_mode)
             /* A potential code span start/end. */
             if(ch == _T('`')) {
-                OFF tmp = off+1;
-                while(tmp < line_end  &&  CH(tmp) == _T('`'))
-                    tmp++;
-                /* We limit code span marks to lower then 256 backticks. This
-                 * solves a pathologic case of too many openers, each of
-                 * different length: Their resolving is then O(n^2). */
-                if(tmp - off < 256)
+                OFF opener_beg, opener_end;
+                OFF closer_beg, closer_end;
+                int is_code_span;
+                is_code_span = md_is_code_span(ctx, off, lines[n_lines-1].end,
+                                    &opener_beg, &opener_end, &closer_beg, &closer_end,
+                                    codespan_last_potential_closers,
+                                    &codespan_scanned_till_end);
+                if(is_code_span) {
+                    PUSH_MARK(_T('`'), opener_beg, opener_end, MD_MARK_OPENER | MD_MARK_RESOLVED);
+                    PUSH_MARK(_T('`'), closer_beg, closer_end, MD_MARK_CLOSER | MD_MARK_RESOLVED);
+                    ctx->marks[ctx->n_marks-2].next = ctx->n_marks-1;
+                    ctx->marks[ctx->n_marks-1].prev = ctx->n_marks-2;
+                    off = closer_end;
+                    /* Advance the current line accordingly. */
+                    while(off > line_end) {
+                        i++;
+                        line++;
+                        line_end = line->end;
+                    }
+                    continue;
+                }
-                off = tmp;
+                off = opener_end;
@@ -2900,7 +2983,7 @@ md_collect_marks(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_LINE* lines, int n_lines, int table_mode)
                     /* Given the nature of the raw HTML, we have to recognize
                      * it here. Doing so later in md_analyze_lt_gt() could
                      * open can of worms of quadratic complexity. */
-                    is_html = md_is_html_any(ctx, lines + i, n_lines - i, off, 
+                    is_html = md_is_html_any(ctx, lines + i, n_lines - i, off,
                                     lines[n_lines-1].end, &html_end);
                     if(is_html) {
                         PUSH_MARK(_T('<'), off, off, MD_MARK_OPENER | MD_MARK_RESOLVED);
@@ -2918,7 +3001,7 @@ md_collect_marks(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_LINE* lines, int n_lines, int table_mode)
                 PUSH_MARK(ch, off, off+1, (ch == _T('<') ? MD_MARK_POTENTIAL_OPENER : MD_MARK_POTENTIAL_CLOSER));
@@ -3060,62 +3143,6 @@ abort:
     return ret;
-/* Analyze whether the back-tick is really start/end mark of a code span.
- * If yes, reset all marks inside of it and setup flags of both marks. */
-static void
-md_analyze_backtick(MD_CTX* ctx, int mark_index)
-    MD_MARK* mark = &ctx->marks[mark_index];
-    int opener_index = BACKTICK_OPENERS.tail;
-    /* Try to find unresolved opener of the same length. If we find it,
-     * we form a code span. */
-    while(opener_index >= 0) {
-        MD_MARK* opener = &ctx->marks[opener_index];
-        if(opener->end - opener->beg == mark->end - mark->beg) {
-            /* Rollback anything found inside it.
-             * (e.g. the code span contains some back-ticks or other special
-             * chars we misinterpreted.) */
-            md_rollback(ctx, opener_index, mark_index, MD_ROLLBACK_ALL);
-            /* Resolve the span. */
-            md_resolve_range(ctx, &BACKTICK_OPENERS, opener_index, mark_index);
-            /* Append any space or new line inside the span into the mark
-             * itself to swallow it. */
-            while(CH(opener->end) == _T(' ')  ||  ISNEWLINE(opener->end))
-                opener->end++;
-            if(mark->beg > opener->end) {
-                while(CH(mark->beg-1) == _T(' ')  ||  ISNEWLINE(mark->beg-1))
-                    mark->beg--;
-            }
-            /* Done. */
-            return;
-        }
-        opener_index = ctx->marks[opener_index].prev;
-    }
-    /* We didn't find any matching opener, so we ourselves may be the opener
-     * of some upcoming closer. We also have to handle specially if there is
-     * a backslash mark before it as that can cancel the first backtick. */
-    if(mark_index > 0  &&  (mark-1)->beg == mark->beg - 1  &&  (mark-1)->ch == '\\') {
-        if(mark->end - mark->beg == 1) {
-            /* Single escaped backtick. */
-            return;
-        }
-        /* Remove the escaped backtick from the opener. */
-        mark->beg++;
-    }
-    if(mark->flags & MD_MARK_POTENTIAL_OPENER)
-        md_mark_chain_append(ctx, &BACKTICK_OPENERS, mark_index);
 static int
 md_is_autolink_uri(MD_CTX* ctx, OFF beg, OFF end)
@@ -3741,7 +3768,6 @@ md_analyze_marks(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_LINE* lines, int n_lines,
         /* Analyze the mark. */
         switch(mark->ch) {
-            case '`':   md_analyze_backtick(ctx, i); break;
             case '<':   /* Pass through. */
             case '>':   md_analyze_lt_gt(ctx, i, lines, n_lines); break;
             case '[':   /* Pass through. */
@@ -3775,9 +3801,7 @@ md_analyze_inlines(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_LINE* lines, int n_lines, int table_mod
     /* We analyze marks in few groups to handle their precedence. */
     /* (1) Entities; code spans; autolinks; raw HTML. */
-    md_analyze_marks(ctx, lines, n_lines, 0, ctx->n_marks, _T("&`<>"));
-    BACKTICK_OPENERS.head = -1;
-    BACKTICK_OPENERS.tail = -1;
+    md_analyze_marks(ctx, lines, n_lines, 0, ctx->n_marks, _T("&<>"));
     LOWERTHEN_OPENERS.head = -1;
     LOWERTHEN_OPENERS.tail = -1;
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index 0f9b55c..eedcc71 100755
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -70,7 +70,10 @@ pathological = {
     "many autolink/html openers and closers":
                  (("<>" * 50000),
-                  re.compile("(&lt;&gt;){50000}"))
+                  re.compile("(&lt;&gt;){50000}")),
+    "many codespan openers with no matching closers":
+                 (("\\``" * 50000),
+                  re.compile("(``){50000}")),
 whitespace_re = re.compile('/s+/')