

Author Commit Date CI Message
l-m 6ef3be6e 2024-01-08T20:09:57 `MD_FLAG_HARD_SOFT_BREAKS` (#193)
Martin Mitas a997cb21 2020-10-18T09:34:10 Add MD_BLOCK_TABLE_DETAIL. This allows renderers to have the info about table dimension (table column and row count) in advance and e.g. simplify their memory allocation strategy.
Karsten 440ccd82 2020-08-19T10:03:31 Update md4c.h
Martin Mitas 9651f780 2020-08-16T11:28:21 Improve docs comments.
Nazar Vinnichuk 4ad801b7 2020-07-26T23:12:57 Replace deprecated MD_RENDERER mentions in md4c.h.
Martin Mitas 1f78c867 2019-08-09T10:29:55 Rename HTML renderer public identifier names. This is to reflect we make it a public API.
Martin Mitas 7f2d880f 2019-08-09T09:50:24 Refactor dir structure. We place all the sources in the single directory in order to not having many dirs with too few sources.