

Author Commit Date CI Message
Martin Mitas 23312d6d 2016-12-05T11:13:43 md_is_html_tag: Fix parsing unquoted attribute value (issue #2).
Martin Mitas be7fcc16 2016-11-21T09:47:31 Implement tables. Note it is implemented as an extension. To enable it, the flag MD_FLAG_TABLES must be explicitly specified.
Martin Mitas e5225137 2016-10-24T10:58:23 scripts/ chmod 755
Martin Mitas ef5f230f 2016-10-14T19:56:05 Implement permissive autolinks extensions. With MD_FLAG_PERMISSIVEURLAUTOLINKS, we treat not overly complicated URLs as autolinks even without '<' and '>'. With MD_FLAG_PERMISSIVEEMAILAUTOLINKS, we treat not overly complicated e-mail addresses as autolinks even without '<', '>' and without the 'mailto:' scheme. Also expanded md2html utility and tests to cover these.
Martin Mitas c3e63408 2016-10-11T01:19:50 scripts/ Fix permissions.
Martin Mitas 8fd97d78 2016-10-11T01:11:21 scripts/ Fix typo.
Martin Mitas 1cfc6a5f 2016-10-11T01:10:11 Incorporate the specification testsuite from CommonMark.
Martin Mitas 7d7f0d06 2016-10-06T21:15:23 scripts/ Make the script more robust.
Martin Mitas 78674f0a 2016-10-05T01:51:04 Add script for building for Coverity scan.
Martin Mitas 2d21382f 2016-10-03T21:41:13 Run CommonMark testsuite when building on