

Author Commit Date CI Message
Martin Mitas af96a3f4 2024-01-11T10:57:02 ci-fuzz.yml: Reenable "Upload Sarif" step. See https://github.com/google/oss-fuzz/issues/10915.
Martin Mitas 3e576b49 2024-01-11T10:49:05 Rename the fuzz test workflow.
Martin Mitas 407b107e 2024-01-11T10:42:27 ci-fuzz.yml: .yml cannot have multiple "if" in one step.
Martin Mitas 59330842 2024-01-11T10:39:52 ci-fuzz.yml: Disable step "Upload Sarif". (It got in from the oss-fuzz's example cifuzz.yml, but IDK even what it is so hopefully we can live without it.)
Martin Mitas 85b971a3 2024-01-11T10:01:00 Try to fix ci-fuzz.yml by fixing indentation.
Martin Mitas 722cacad 2024-01-11T09:56:07 Try to fix ci-fuzz.yml by removing permissions {}. cmark doesn't have that line either.
Martin Mitas 87d4f063 2024-01-11T09:50:58 Enable CI fuzzing via oss-fuzz project. Should perform some initial 10 min fuzz testing on pull requests.
Martin Mitas 8c5e1906 2023-12-12T19:56:56 Fix windows-32 build.
Martin Mitas a9b0b457 2023-12-12T19:44:04 Migrate CI from Travis and Appveyor to Github Workflows.