Commit 25b4bda1783f0b7bed603d49b05e7860911bad88

Stephen Moloney 2016-05-14T12:46:53

configuration and readme changes

diff --git a/ b/
index 9aa205a..a4b7112 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ and their [public cloud storage service](
   - Most basic usage:
   **Shell Input:**
   mix ovh \
   --login=<username-ovh> \
@@ -48,14 +49,14 @@ and their [public cloud storage service](
   - `login`: username/nic_handle for logging into OVH services. *Note*: must include `-ovh` at the end of the string.
   - `password`: password for logging into OVH services.
-  - `appname`: this should correspond to the `otp_app` name in the elixir application. The same name will be used as
-  the name for the application in OVH.
+  - `appname`: this should correspond to the `otp_app` name in the elixir application. It also doubles as the application name 
+  for the application in the OVH servers.
   - `redirecturi`: defaults to `""` when absent.
   - `endpoint`: defaults to `"ovh-eu"` wen absent.
   - `accessrules`: defaults to `get-[/*]::put-[/*]::post-[/*]::delete-[/*]` when absent giving the application all
     full priveleges. One may consider fine-tuning the accessrules, see advanced example below.
   - `appdescription`: defaults to `appname` if absent
-  - `clientname`:" defaults to `ExOvh` when the appname is exactly equal to `ex_ovh`, otherwise defaults to `OvhClient`.
+  - `clientname`:" This is the elixir client name. defaults to `ExOvh` when the appname is exactly equal to `ex_ovh`, otherwise defaults to `OvhClient`.
   **Shell Output:**
@@ -105,9 +106,9 @@ and their [public cloud storage service](
   - `login`: username/nic_handle for logging into OVH services. *Note*: must include `-ovh` at the end of the string.
   - `password`: password for logging into OVH services.
-  - `appname`: appname corresponds to the `otp_app` name in the elixir application. The same name will be used as
-  the name for the application in OVH.
-  - `clientname`:" defaults to `ExOvh` when the appname is exactly equal to `ex_ovh`, otherwise defaults to `OvhClient`. `clientname` corresponds to the name of the client. So for example, if appname is `'my_app'` and clientname is
+  - `appname`: this should correspond to the `otp_app` name in the elixir application. It also doubles as the application name 
+  for the application in the OVH servers.
+  - `clientname`:" This is the elixir client name. defaults to `ExOvh` when the appname is exactly equal to `ex_ovh`, otherwise defaults to `OvhClient`. `clientname` corresponds to the name of the client. So for example, if appname is `'my_app'` and clientname is
     `'Client'` then the config file will be `config :my_app, MyApp.Client`. Also, the client in application code can be referred
     to as `MyApp.Client.function_name`.
   - `appdescription`: A description for the application saved to OVH.
@@ -196,59 +197,59 @@ and their [public cloud storage service](
 - The final phase of configuration is to set up the supervision tree. There are effectively two ways to do
-    1. The 'correct way' where a client is setup for the otp_app, therefore allowing for the creation of
-       multiple clients.
-       Example configuration:
-       ```elixir
-       config :my_app, MyApp.OvhClient,
-           ovh: [
-             application_key: System.get_env("MY_APP_OVH_CLIENT_APPLICATION_KEY"),
-             application_secret: System.get_env("MY_APP_OVH_CLIENT_APPLICATION_SECRET"),
-             consumer_key: System.get_env("MY_APP_OVH_CLIENT_CONSUMER_KEY"),
-             endpoint: System.get_env("MY_APP_OVH_CLIENT_ENDPOINT"),
-             api_version: System.get_env("MY_APP_OVH_CLIENT_API_VERSION") || "1.0"
-           ]
-       ```
-       Add supervisors to the supervision tree of the application, for example:
-       ```elixir
-       def start(_type, _args) do
-        import Supervisor.Spec, warn: false
-        spec1 = [supervisor(MyApp.Endpoint, [])]
-        spec2 = [supervisor(MyApp.OvhClient, [])]
-        opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: MyApp.Supervisor]
-        Supervisor.start_link(spec1 ++ spec2, opts)
-       end
-       ```
-    2. The 'quick way' which is quite useful when only one client is needed.
-       Example Configuration:
-       ```elixir
-       config :ex_ovh,
+  1. The 'quick way' which is quite useful when only one client is needed.
+     Example Configuration:
+     ```elixir
+     config :ex_ovh,
+       ovh: [
+         application_key: System.get_env("EX_OVH_APPLICATION_KEY"),
+         application_secret: System.get_env("EX_OVH_APPLICATION_SECRET"),
+         consumer_key: System.get_env("EX_OVH_CONSUMER_KEY"),
+         endpoint: System.get_env("EX_OVH_ENDPOINT"),
+         api_version: System.get_env("EX_OVH_API_VERSION") || "1.0"
+       ]
+     ```
+     Then simply add the application to the project applications list. The supervision
+     tree is then started from the application level.
+     ```elixir
+     def application do
+       [
+       applications: [:ex_ovh]
+       ]
+     end
+     ```
+  2. The 'correct way' where a client is setup for the otp_app, therefore allowing for the creation of
+     multiple clients.
+     Example configuration:
+     ```elixir
+     config :my_app, MyApp.OvhClient,
          ovh: [
-           application_key: System.get_env("EX_OVH_APPLICATION_KEY"),
-           application_secret: System.get_env("EX_OVH_APPLICATION_SECRET"),
-           consumer_key: System.get_env("EX_OVH_CONSUMER_KEY"),
-           endpoint: System.get_env("EX_OVH_ENDPOINT"),
-           api_version: System.get_env("EX_OVH_API_VERSION") || "1.0"
+           application_key: System.get_env("MY_APP_OVH_CLIENT_APPLICATION_KEY"),
+           application_secret: System.get_env("MY_APP_OVH_CLIENT_APPLICATION_SECRET"),
+           consumer_key: System.get_env("MY_APP_OVH_CLIENT_CONSUMER_KEY"),
+           endpoint: System.get_env("MY_APP_OVH_CLIENT_ENDPOINT"),
+           api_version: System.get_env("MY_APP_OVH_CLIENT_API_VERSION") || "1.0"
-       ```
+     ```
-       Then simply add the application to the project applications list. The supervision
-       tree is then started from the application level.
+     Add supervisors to the supervision tree of the application, for example:
-       ```elixir
-       def application do
-         [
-         applications: [:ex_ovh]
-         ]
-       end
-       ```
+     ```elixir
+     def start(_type, _args) do
+      import Supervisor.Spec, warn: false
+      spec1 = [supervisor(MyApp.Endpoint, [])]
+      spec2 = [supervisor(MyApp.OvhClient, [])]
+      opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: MyApp.Supervisor]
+      Supervisor.start_link(spec1 ++ spec2, opts)
+     end
+     ```
 ## Examples
@@ -275,12 +276,10 @@ Listing all objects for "default" container in [OVH CDN Webstorage](https://www.
 - Create [issues here]( to communicate your ideas to me. Thanks. 
 ## Contributing
 - Pull requests welcome.
 ## Tests
 *Warning* No tests have been performed or added yet. This is on my radar.
diff --git a/config/config.exs b/config/config.exs
index d802880..9ad05a5 100644
--- a/config/config.exs
+++ b/config/config.exs
@@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
 use Mix.Config
 config :logger,
   backends: [:console],
   level: :debug,
   format: "\n$date $time [$level] $metadata$message"
 if Mix.env == :prod do
   config :logger,
     backends: [:console],
     compile_time_purge_level: :warn
-config :ex_doc, :markdown_processor, ExDoc.Markdown.Hoedown
 import_config "#{Mix.env}.exs"
diff --git a/config/dev.exs b/config/dev.exs
index d828ad5..4651724 100644
--- a/config/dev.exs
+++ b/config/dev.exs
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
 use Mix.Config
+config :ex_doc, :markdown_processor, ExDoc.Markdown.Hoedown
 config :logger,
   backends: [:console],
   compile_time_purge_level: :debug
@@ -35,8 +39,6 @@ config :ex_ovh,
 #config :my_app, MyApp.OvhClient,
 #  ... then as above
diff --git a/config/test.exs b/config/test.exs
index ac0d294..c3970ca 100644
--- a/config/test.exs
+++ b/config/test.exs
@@ -1,19 +1,29 @@
 use Mix.Config
 config :logger,
   backends: [:console],
   compile_time_purge_level: :error
 config :ex_ovh,
-  ovh: %{
+  ovh: [
     application_key: System.get_env("EX_OVH_APPLICATION_KEY"),
     application_secret: System.get_env("EX_OVH_APPLICATION_SECRET"),
     consumer_key: System.get_env("EX_OVH_CONSUMER_KEY"),
     endpoint: System.get_env("EX_OVH_ENDPOINT"),
-    api_version: System.get_env("EX_OVH_API_VERSION") || "1.0",
-    connect_timeout: 30000, # 30 seconds
-    connect_timeout: (60000 * 30) # 30 minutes
-  },
-  swift: %{
-          webstorage: "EX_OVH_WEBSTORAGE_CDN_NAME"
-        }
\ No newline at end of file
+    api_version: System.get_env("EX_OVH_API_VERSION") || "1.0"
+  ],
+  swift: [
+          webstorage: [
+                        cdn_name: System.get_env("EX_OVH_WEBSTORAGE_CDN_NAME"),
+                        type: :webstorage
+                      ],
+          cloudstorage: [
+                          tenant_id: System.get_env("EX_OVH_CLOUDSTORAGE_TENANT_ID"), # mandatory, corresponds to a project id
+                          user_id: System.get_env("EX_OVH_CLOUDSTORAGE_USER_ID"), # optional, if absent a user will be created using the ovh api.
+                          keystone_endpoint: "", # default endpoint for keystone (identity) auth
+                          region: :nil, # defaults to "SBG1" if set to :nil
+                          type: :cloudstorage
+                        ]
+         ]
\ No newline at end of file