

Author Commit Date CI Message
Stephen Moloney be9913b0 2016-02-14T18:39:35 remove various modules from docs
Stephen Moloney bcac38c2 2016-02-14T18:10:27 add docs for the ExOvh.Client Behaviour
Stephen Moloney 8b1e9e75 2016-02-14T17:38:15 improve query docs
Stephen Moloney 0a08bd8f 2016-02-14T14:12:06 improve docs for the Request.request/3 and Auth.prepare_request/3 functions
Stephen Moloney ad68b739 2016-02-14T12:43:34 refactoring docs
Stephen Moloney a419fd9e 2016-02-07T21:38:13 standardizing the api
Stephen Moloney 0633245f 2016-02-07T18:41:33 Change httpotion options to a map type. Also general cleanup.
Stephen Moloney 8eb3cb38 2016-02-05T21:38:10 initial commit.