

Author Commit Date CI Message
Stephen Moloney 028b2437 2017-02-23T12:19:43 v0.3.0 (refactor for httpipe)
Stephen Moloney e2bef783 2017-02-19T17:04:28 major refactoring library
Stephen Moloney 46d666e2 2017-02-16T18:52:44 merge the docs out of separate folder and back into the modules
Stephen Moloney 6a1ab6cf 2016-06-08T12:23:23 simplify transformation step
Stephen Moloney 4a6e1ae5 2016-06-07T18:19:28 modify as now using ex_ovh in openstex with adapter.
Stephen Moloney 2c878d6c 2016-05-25T22:56:44 config fix
Stephen Moloney 847aa240 2016-05-25T16:14:11 adapting for adapters in openstex
Stephen Moloney a1851d56 2016-05-24T16:12:43 extract swift component out of the client.