ExOvh is an elixir library to make it easier to interact with both the Ovh Api and the Hubic Api.
This repository is a work in progress.
Create a hubic account.
Create a hubic application.
With the credentials, get the refresh_token. Use the Mix hubic task to help generate the refresh token on your behalf if you wish:
mix hubic
Shell Output
client_id: "<client_id>",
client_secret: "<client_secret>",
refresh_token: "<refresh_token>",
redirect_uri: "<uri>"
Add the hubic credentials printed in the shell by the mix hubic task to the config/prod.secret.exs
config :ex_ovh,
ovh: :nil
hubic: %{
client_id: "<client_id>",
client_secret: "<client_secret>",
refresh_token: "<refresh_token>",
redirect_uri: "<uri>"
Create an OVH account
Create an application at https://eu.api.ovh.com/createApp/
alternatively use the mix ovh task to generate the application:
mix ovh
--appname='My app'
--appdesc='my app for api'
As seen above, access rules can be specified so that only certain endpoints are allowed.
Shell Output
A map is printed to the shell as follows:
application_key: "<app_key>",
application_secret: "<app_secret>",
consumer_key: "<consumer_secret>",
endpoint: "ovh-eu",
api_version: "1.0"
file config :ex_ovh,
ovh: %{
application_key: "<app_key>",
application_secret: "<app_secret>",
consumer_key: "<consumer_secret>",
endpoint: "ovh-eu",
api_version: "1.0"
hubic: %{
client_id: "<client_id>",
client_secret: "<client_secret>",
refresh_token: "<refresh_token>",
redirect_uri: "<uri>"
Add the supervisor to your supervision tree:
def start(_type, _args) do
import Supervisor.Spec, warn: false
phoenix = [supervisor(TestOs.Endpoint, [])]
ex_ovh = [supervisor(ExOvh, [])]
opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: TestOs.Supervisor]
Supervisor.start_link(phoenix ++ ex_ovh, opts)
Get account details and containers for given account
alias ExOvh.Query.Openstack.Swift, as: Query
alias ExOvh.Hubic.OpenstackApi.Cache, as: OpenCache
client = ExOvh
account = OpenCache.get_account(client)
query = Query.account_info(account)
{:ok, resp} = ExOvh.hubic_request(query, %{ openstack: :true })
container_count1 = resp.body |> Enum.count()
Creating a new container in hubic
random_container = SecureRandom.base64(8)
query = Query.create_container(account, random_container)
ExOvh.hubic_request(query, %{ openstack: :true })
Get the count of containers again
query = Query.account_info(account)
{:ok, resp} = ExOvh.hubic_request(query, %{ openstack: :true })
container_count2 = resp.body |> Enum.count()
container_count1 + 1 == container_count2
Adding an object to the “default” container in OVH Webstorage
import ExOvh.Query.Openstack.Swift
alias ExOvh.Ovh.OpenstackApi.Webstorage.Cache, as: OpenCache
client = ExOvh
service = "cdnwebstorage-<your_service_name>"
account = OpenCache.get_account(client, service)
object_name = "client_file.txt"
client_object = Kernel.to_string(:code.priv_dir(:ex_ovh)) <> "/" <> object_name
container = "default"
server_object = String.replace(object_name, "client", "server")
create_file_request = create_object(account, container, client_object, server_object)
ExOvh.ovh_request(create_file_request, %{ openstack: :true, webstorage: service })
is there.import ExOvh.Query.Openstack.Swift
alias ExOvh.Ovh.OpenstackApi.Webstorage.Cache, as: OpenCache
client = ExOvh
service = "cdnwebstorage-<your_service_name>"
account = OpenCache.get_account(client, service)
request = get_objects(account, "default")
{:ok, resp} = ExOvh.ovh_request(request, %{ openstack: :true, webstorage: service })
objects = Enum.map(resp.body, &(Map.get(&1, "name")))
Enum.member?(objects, server_object)
Warning No tests have been performed or added yet. This is on my radar.
[ ] Needed - generate hex docs
[ ] Needed - generate release and publish to hex packages
[ ] Needed - Tests - add basic tests for most api calls.
[ ] Needed - Tests - verify the supervisor chain, genservers and genserver naming is working ok.
[ ] Maybe - investigate ways to add sensitive keys, secrets, etc to system env and allow the config.exs to get variables from System
[ ] Maybe - improve error handling for unexpected responses if possible - hard to find good documentation for expected error responses.
[ ] Maybe - add a time to live configuration for the validity period of the ovh credential token
[ ] Maybe - Add some further validations during the mix tasks.
[ ] Maybe - Add request helper functions to create folders in the hubic api.
This is an unofficial client to the OVH api and is not maintained by OVH.