

ExOvh is an elixir library to make it easier to interact with both the Ovh Api and the Hubic Api.


This repository is a work in progress.

Project Features

Getting Started


Create a hubic account.

Create a hubic application.

With the credentials, get the refresh_token. Use the Mix hubic task to help generate the refresh token on your behalf if you wish:

  mix hubic

Shell Output

  client_id: "<client_id>",
  client_secret: "<client_secret>",
  refresh_token: "<refresh_token>",
  redirect_uri: "<uri>"

Add the hubic credentials printed in the shell by the mix hubic task to the config/prod.secret.exs file

  config :ex_ovh,
    ovh: :nil
    hubic:   %{
              client_id: "<client_id>",
              client_secret: "<client_secret>",
              refresh_token: "<refresh_token>",
              redirect_uri: "<uri>"


Create an OVH account

Create an application at or alternatively use the mix ovh task to generate the application:

  mix ovh
  --appname='My app'
  --appdesc='my app for api'

As seen above, access rules can be specified so that only certain endpoints are allowed.

Shell Output

A map is printed to the shell as follows:

  application_key: "<app_key>",
  application_secret: "<app_secret>",
  consumer_key: "<consumer_secret>",
  endpoint: "ovh-eu",
  api_version: "1.0"
  config :ex_ovh,
  ovh: %{
        application_key: "<app_key>",
        application_secret: "<app_secret>",
        consumer_key: "<consumer_secret>",
        endpoint: "ovh-eu",
        api_version: "1.0"
  hubic: %{
          client_id: "<client_id>",
          client_secret: "<client_secret>",
          refresh_token: "<refresh_token>",
          redirect_uri: "<uri>"

Add :httpotion to applications on startup (httpotion is used for http requests)

  def application do 
      applications: [:httpotion]

Starting the supervisor

Add the supervisor to your supervision tree:

   def start(_type, _args) do
    import Supervisor.Spec, warn: false

    phoenix = [supervisor(TestOs.Endpoint, [])]
    ex_ovh = [supervisor(ExOvh, [])]

    opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: TestOs.Supervisor]
    Supervisor.start_link(phoenix ++ ex_ovh, opts)

Show how to add another client here ……

Example Usage(s)

Example 1:

Get account details and containers for given account

  alias ExOvh.Query.Openstack.Swift, as: Query
  alias ExOvh.Hubic.OpenstackApi.Cache, as: OpenCache
  client = ExOvh
  account = OpenCache.get_account(client)
  query = Query.account_info(account)
  {:ok, resp} = ExOvh.hubic_request(query, %{ openstack: :true })
  container_count1 = resp.body |> Enum.count() 

Creating a new container in hubic

  random_container = SecureRandom.base64(8)
  query = Query.create_container(account, random_container)
  ExOvh.hubic_request(query, %{ openstack: :true })

Get the count of containers again

  query = Query.account_info(account)
  {:ok, resp} = ExOvh.hubic_request(query, %{ openstack: :true })
  container_count2 = resp.body |> Enum.count()
  container_count1 + 1 == container_count2

Example 2:

Adding an object to the “default” container in OVH CDN Webstorage

import ExOvh.Query.Openstack.Swift
alias ExOvh.Ovh.OpenstackApi.Webstorage.Cache, as: OpenCache
client = ExOvh
service = "cdnwebstorage-<your_service_name>"
account = OpenCache.get_account(client, service)

object_name = "client_file.txt"
client_object = Kernel.to_string(:code.priv_dir(:ex_ovh)) <> "/" <> object_name
container = "default"
server_object = String.replace(object_name, "client", "server")
create_file_request = create_object(account, container, client_object, server_object)

ExOvh.ovh_request(create_file_request, %{ openstack: :true, webstorage: service })

Listing all objects for “default” container to see if the new server_object is there in OVH CDN Webstorage

import ExOvh.Query.Openstack.Swift
alias ExOvh.Ovh.OpenstackApi.Webstorage.Cache, as: OpenCache
client = ExOvh
service = "cdnwebstorage-<your_service_name>"
account = OpenCache.get_account(client, service)
request = get_objects(account, "default")

{:ok, resp} = ExOvh.ovh_request(request, %{ openstack: :true, webstorage: service })
objects =, &(Map.get(&1, "name")))

Enum.member?(objects, server_object)

Add more examples ….

Issues, Bug Reports, Feature Requests, Suggestions, Guidance, etc



Warning No tests have been performed or added yet. This is on my radar.

Potential TODO list


This is an unofficial client to the OVH api and is not maintained by OVH.



